General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Super SUPER Tueseday......

Message started by raydawg on 03/01/20 at 07:46:37

Title: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by raydawg on 03/01/20 at 07:46:37

Now that Joe got a BIG win, gonna be a horse race on Tuesday.

This should bump off a few of the low ones, Warren will team up with Bernie, as a veep, the others toss their support to Joe.

Now we will watch the final field with a much better understanding of how it will end up.

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by pg on 03/01/20 at 12:10:16

Super SUPER Tueseday...… Vs:  Super SUPER Delegates.....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/01/20 at 18:49:13

So, which loser will Trump obliterate?

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by raydawg on 03/01/20 at 19:22:24

With Pete gone, its gonna be Biden, after lots of fireworks..... ;D

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/01/20 at 20:04:33

As crazy as the democrats are
They are smart enough to know Bernie is dangerous.

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by srinath on 03/02/20 at 02:54:36

Bernie will eke out a small win over Biden, DNC will rob him and give it to Biden, Bloomie will launch independent because he wanted to be the beneficiary of that robbery, and Bloomie will fail to get on the ballot in 1/2 the states, and a$$ rape Biden ofcourse we can all fast forward to 21 cos Trump is Potus till 24, and then likely Pence.

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by WebsterMark on 03/02/20 at 05:00:04

I’ve been following politics since I was in high school. Way back I said if the Fruitcake Bernie/AOC crowd came down against the Somewhat Sane Biden crowd, the results would be a guaranteed Trump victory. Now, I’m no genius ( no comments from the peanut gallery please!..) but anyone not infected with TDS could see that coming a mile away. My surprise is I still can’t believe the Democrats are that stupid. The party elites are desperately trying to stop Sanders to give themselves a fighting chance.

Trump dragged the vast majority Republican Party to his side, he forced them to change. Bernie doesn’t have the personality to do that.

But, there is someone who does. There’s someone in the Democratic Party with the skills to match and perhaps even exceed Trump’s ability to pull their team together.

Later,  I’ll post who that is and give evidence why I’m willing to bet money this person WILL BE President within 12 years.

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by srinath on 03/02/20 at 05:09:34

Trump didn't pull the party together, he simply got a guaranteed solid base, no matter what, 37% will vote for him, always, no matter what. Given he will lose CA, NY, NJ by 10%-20% that translates to 60% or so from the rest, further he's going to lose MN and a few others by good margins like in 16.
That means nearly all of his base is in deep red and battle ground states, he can ignore both the base, and the deep blue and speak to the center - which he already has been. Factories running, hiring people, increasing wages, etc etc are how that 37% is growing to 45-47%, and remember CA doesn't matter, he can lose CA by 5 million or even more, makes no difference, NY NJ as well. Its 4-5 states in play, he's only got to get 3 of those even. Democraps are a lost cause.


Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by WebsterMark on 03/02/20 at 07:15:57

Not a full explanation. Look at Linsey Graham. He was forced to align with Trump. Same with Rubio. They did more that just respond to the voters demands, they admitted Trump is the boss. Jeb Bush wouldn’t and he’s finished.

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by raydawg on 03/02/20 at 07:18:16

Trump has a personality.....where did you see that?  ;D

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by MnSpring on 03/02/20 at 07:25:29

71627A67627464030 wrote:
"...  Warren will team up with Bernie, ..."  

Thinking, 'Hand Out', Amy now knows her running for the DNC nod, is going the way of Mondale.
So she is shooting for a grab to be selected for second, working to emulate HHH.

Oh wait, can't say, 'shooting', as Amy is also for, red laws, and restricting law abiding Citizens right to own Firearms.

(Because that, 'of course', will STOP, crime !  LOLOLOLOLOLOL)

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by raydawg on 03/02/20 at 08:11:27

6F4C7152504B4C45220 wrote:
[quote author=71627A67627464030 link=1583077597/0#0 date=1583077597]"...  Warren will team up with Bernie, ..."  

Thinking, 'Hand Out', Amy now knows her running for the DNC nod, is going the way of Mondale.
So she is shooting for a grab to be selected for second, working to emulate HHH.

Oh wait, can't say, 'shooting', as Amy is also for, red laws, and restricting law abiding Citizens right to own Firearms.

(Because that, 'of course', will STOP, crime !  LOLOLOLOLOLOL)


I change that prediction now.....Her staying in until the convention will hurt the Bern, but maybe they have it figgered out that she can give him, hers, and it will be more delegates than if she bailed now, and her supports, both of them....split between Bern and Joe....????

Tomorrow will really spell it out more, but I gotta go with those folk who predicted rightly the fall out from impeachment, etc, and who are predicting the same, about the democrats and the brokered convention....being a friggin mess.
I think they only way they avoid this is for Uncle Joe to put it away before they get their....

If Bernie does, wins enough before the convention, I have no idea what will transpire?????

You got some pretty big democrat operatives/money who seemed scared as heck, right now if that was to happen  :o

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by WebsterMark on 03/02/20 at 10:19:10

5B48504D485E4E290 wrote:
Trump has a personality.....where did you see that?  ;D


Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by raydawg on 03/02/20 at 15:57:38

487A7D6C6B7A6D527E6D741F0 wrote:
[quote author=5B48504D485E4E290 link=1583077597/0#9 date=1583162296]Trump has a personality.....where did you see that?  ;D


Kinda sorta......

I like the Trump who is chilled, personable, not the one who chides others and twitterbates himself....... HEY, I just made up a new term  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by srinath on 03/03/20 at 00:35:52

Biden will likely steamroll Tuesday. But Bernie will keep enough of it to justifiably claim he was robbed. Likely Warren & Bernie will pair up very soon, Biden may pick Klobuchar.
DNC shenanigans ensue.
Biden gets awarded the nod.
Bernie or buster's will be out in double force - they're now not railing against a woman, they're railing against a older white man. 16 was just the dress rehearsal with no AOC or the squad.
And Bloomberg will launch independent bid, and fail to get on the ballot in 1/2 the states.
Trump 20, Pence 24 likely beating Amy or Pete.

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by pg on 03/03/20 at 03:57:30

A couple easy questions.   Why do dems like rakes?  Why do they repeatedly step on them?  Did you see Biden wants O'Rourke to lead the gun confiscation?  

BEst regards,

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by raydawg on 03/03/20 at 07:11:37

Pence 24 likely beating Amy or Pete.

I hope not, and I say that as a believer in the same God as Mike.

Faith and power do not bode well in the political arena, with God being blamed for what man has failed to abide in.....

Faith seems best, when it is shared intimately, from the heart, tenderly,
NOT shouting out the sins of others from a position of authority.....  

You are free to disagree, but I feel Jesus exampled this with His witness in the flesh.......
When He returns, that will be different, hopefully those who confess, will be rewarded for gathering His sheep, not scattering them.

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by MnSpring on 03/03/20 at 07:12:11

With the latest development.
(Watched 'hand out', Klobuchar LIE this morning)
Three, 'establishment', DNC's, are throwing support to the top moderate, to make B.S. back down.
If Joe comes out on top, and Blumbleburg gets few, Dumburg will also get behind Joe. NOT B.S. !

Then if B.S. does not go 3rd party, could be a race.
The D's saying, 'Choice to KILL Babies, and Restrict Freedom to own a item'.
The R's saying, 'Freedom to own a item, and Restrictions on Killing a Baby'.

If B.S. goes third. Well it would be more than a slam dunk.

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by raydawg on 03/03/20 at 07:37:27

I think the Bernie-Bots will never get behind Joe, there is just too much division within their ranks.

Look, I am a lightweight voter who despised Hillary...yet that didn't motivate me to vote for Trump....

These Bernie/AOC's folk are driven by a revolution mentality, and Biden represents IS ALL THAT THEY ARE AGAINST

Joe is being bolstered by the fear of that revolution......

They will not join forces wholesale, ever, its like water and oil, and is the cause of where the party now finds itself.....

They allowed it, they used the useful fools to win their collective elections, now rabid, these folks want more than promised, they want pounds of flesh.

In comparison, you can see the same exiting from the old party ploys they used on minorities, who are leaving the party in record numbers....  

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by srinath on 03/03/20 at 13:28:24

Hilary slams Bernie's campaign as bogus, Obviously, it is cos all of those democrap campaigns are … well better late than never.
And Chris Matthews gets canned from MSNBC ??? wow, he was more retarded than the regular libtards ?

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by raydawg on 03/03/20 at 19:26:34

I am surprised by how many votes Bloomberg is actually getting..... :o :o :o

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by srinath on 03/03/20 at 20:27:23

6E7D65787D6B7B1C0 wrote:
I am surprised by how many votes Bloomberg is actually getting..... :o :o :o

He's won America ….. n Samoa.

But yea, looks like in many states he's beating Pochahontas, and more interestingly So is Buttagig and Steyer in some states, I mean, like …. ummmm haven't they quit already ???? WTF is wrong with … Oops sorry dumb question … d-uh they're libtards.


Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by pg on 03/04/20 at 04:31:26

594A524F4A5C4C2B0 wrote:
I am surprised by how many votes Bloomberg is actually getting..... :o :o :o

Golly gee, a billion dollars doesn't go as far as it used to....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Super SUPER Tueseday......
Post by raydawg on 03/04/20 at 07:17:23

I guess not......  ;D

What a night tho.

I wonder what might have been if folk had not pushed Biden at the last moment?

I have this sneaking feeling Bernie is enjoying a lot of the same energy that propelled Trump to his victory in the republican primaries.....a anti and sick and tired of the same old crap from DC.

I tell you what, last time I was leaning toward Bernie, as he was hitting some good issues (schools/banking)......

But he needs to really explain the how will he do it, pay for it, etc

Attacking capitalism as the cause, I do not believe will get him elected.... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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