General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Book of Mormon.

Message started by MnSpring on 01/27/20 at 07:21:32

Title: Book of Mormon.
Post by MnSpring on 01/27/20 at 07:21:32

Wonder if someone wrote a play,
in the the lines of the above play,
with the titles, (and like story);
Book of Jews
Book of Catholics
Book of Lutherans
Book of Muslims

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by Matchless G11 on 01/27/20 at 15:32:41

As for that last one,  just ask Salman Rushdie how that would be received.

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/27/20 at 16:35:26

Ask people in the former tourism centers like Paris what the Muslim influx has done for them.

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by MnSpring on 01/27/20 at 18:06:16

I wanted to ask tt and clones,
Why the, 'Book of Mormon', is so widely popular.
Yet, (tt and clones), would call a play called, 'Book of Muslim', done in the same tone.

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by MMRanch on 01/27/20 at 19:24:03

I think I'd like to see all 4 plays ,,, 5 if there was a  5th.

I'm sure any of us could be "enlightened"  :)

Only if they all were based on fact and left the "Dramatized" part out.

I did watch Mohammad's story , the one sanctioned by Islam .   Education is a POWERFUL thing !  8-)  

I can clearly understand how God could want everybody to understand the whole truth.   Also understand : Man is Sin riddled and can pervert anything !

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by Eegore on 01/27/20 at 20:22:45

 Mormons aren't a race, also Muslims are not a race, why would it be racist?

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/27/20 at 20:58:11

Ask those who called everyone who is against importing Muslims ,,

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by MMRanch on 01/28/20 at 07:55:56

 Ask those who called everyone who is against importing Muslims  

It's not Racists :  It's the fact that they want to change our way of life to their's , instead of joining  our way of life.
In other words , their country is really screwed-up , so they move to ours and want to make our's like the one they just left !   :(

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/28/20 at 07:59:30

Like lefties running from California, to Texas, and they come here and VOTE for the stupidSHIT that ruined California...

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by srinath on 01/28/20 at 09:08:11

7F6066617C7B4A7A4A72606C27150 wrote:
Like lefties running from California, to Texas, and they come here and VOTE for the stupidSHIT that ruined California...

BTW the Idiots who said Trump's inauguration was not as crowded as Hopey - of course it was less crowded, that's the whole freaking point, we voted an outsider, not an insider. D-uh Washinton DC types hate Trump, that's why we voted for him. CA Idiots hate him, so again thats' why we voted him in, NY, NJ all other lefty shiietethoals have people who hate him. Ergo we vote for him.

BTW NY/NJ Idiots did it to NC/SC and FL BTW.


Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by Eegore on 01/28/20 at 16:05:56

"BTW the Idiots who said Trump's inauguration was not as crowded as Hopey - of course it was less crowded"

 My understanding is that Trump said it was larger, and people were, as usual, contesting a statement made by the POTUS to be fact.

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by pg on 01/28/20 at 16:38:50

My understanding is that Trump said it was larger, and people were, as usual, contesting a statement made by the POTUS to be fact.

'As usual,'  he was just inaugurated; he was railroaded from the get go...

Best regards,

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by NRR Boot on 01/28/20 at 16:55:16

A true Muslim will NOT try and convert a Christian or a Jew... It is in the Quran... Also the Quran says if a man kill another they have kill mankind... If a man saves a life he has saved mankind... In Islam it is a sin to kill... I have studied Christianity and Buddhism as well... I am Jewish... Mormonism is a sect of Christianity... Buddhism is NOT a religion but honestly a way of life...

Just my 2 cents...

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by pg on 01/28/20 at 17:09:46

162A2A1A37372C580 wrote:
A true Muslim will NOT try and convert a Christian or a Jew... It is in the Quran... Also the Quran says if a man kill another they have kill mankind... If a man saves a life he has saved mankind... In Islam it is a sin to kill... .

I call BS.....

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that speak of war with nonbelievers, usually on the basis of their status as non-Muslims. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter

Best regards,

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by MnSpring on 01/28/20 at 18:14:21

162A2A1A37372C580 wrote:
A true Muslim will NOT try and convert a Christian or a Jew...

Sounds just like something the tt (and clones) would say.

Perhaps that is true of a 'reformed' Muslim.
But not Muslims that want to, 'reform'.

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/28/20 at 18:42:52

Beheaded Christians and murdered queers are probably curious which Muslim killed them.
We should import more.
Maybe we can have what Paris has.

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by Eegore on 01/28/20 at 19:19:20

"'As usual,'  he was just inaugurated; he was railroaded from the get go..."

 Well he was statistically wrong as there were fewer people at his inauguration.  That's just math.  

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by srinath on 01/28/20 at 19:46:55

1D3D3F372A3D580 wrote:
"'As usual,'  he was just inaugurated; he was railroaded from the get go..."

 Well he was statistically wrong as there were fewer people at his inauguration.  That's just math.  

I heard too many biker gangs were not allowed to get in. Obviously they wouldn't let the KKK in so that's atleast 30-40K and obviously some got tired of waiting in the metal detector lines and having to remove all their guns and bullets and when got to the other side there was such confusion whose guns and whose bullets were which. Obviously many logistical problems like these.
Not to mention strict gun control laws in the DC area kept many many from even trying to attend. Obviously as they crossed the invisible barrier to DC they knew their gund would disappear, but then they didn't quite believe that when they crossed back out the guns will reappear - obviously that how gun free zones work - d-uh.
Then ofcourse these people when "fully loaded" weighed like 500lb, cos they believed that if they didn't use their rights, they would lose them. So they arrived late, several days late.


Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by NRR Boot on 01/28/20 at 19:51:46

Hey I'm Jewish... Psychopath Muslims hate Jews just like me just like they hate Christians and there own people... Psychopath Muslims also kill there own... Isnt religion amazing??? God creates man and man is the one who created religion... But if you look in the Old Testament there is so much war and violence sanctioned by God, so what religion is right???

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by NRR Boot on 01/28/20 at 19:53:40

Now how the hell did the topic of religion come up on the SAVAGE SITE???

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by Matchless G11 on 01/29/20 at 03:18:11

1529291934342F5B0 wrote:
A true Muslim will NOT try and convert a Christian or a Jew... It is in the Quran... Also the Quran says if a man kill another they have kill mankind... If a man saves a life he has saved mankind... In Islam it is a sin to kill... I have studied Christianity and Buddhism as well... I am Jewish... Mormonism is a sect of Christianity... Buddhism is NOT a religion but honestly a way of life...

Just my 2 cents...

Hi Nrr boot
Mormonism is not a sect of Christianity. They believe that the trinity is three gods and believers will become gods  and get a planet themselves.

Sects of Christianity will follow the Nicaea creed, that leaves out Mormons and Jehovah witnesses.

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by WebsterMark on 01/29/20 at 04:56:01

417D7D4D60607B0F0 wrote:
Now how the hell did the topic of religion come up on the SAVAGE SITE???

You sat down at the tall table. Speak your mind, we need more to pull up a chair.

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by WebsterMark on 01/29/20 at 04:58:47

Religion is amazing. It has done more to advance the cause of peace and goodwill than anything else.

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by verslagen1 on 01/29/20 at 07:28:30

6646444C5146230 wrote:
"BTW the Idiots who said Trump's inauguration was not as crowded as Hopey - of course it was less crowded"

 My understanding is that Trump said it was larger, and people were, as usual, contesting a statement made by the POTUS to be fact.

Maybe he included all the people that were out protesting that day... after all, it was his day whether they were for or against.

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by Eegore on 01/29/20 at 16:10:37

"Religion is amazing. It has done more to advance the cause of peace and goodwill than anything else."

 Just like anything it has good and bad qualities, but I'm not sure what parameters need to be put in place to correctly identify religion as a primary provider of goodwill and peace.

 For example are we saying that if a person is religious and also develops a way to grow viable crops in third world countries, is that religion, or science?

 Or lets take the Catholic development of creating medical care centers like hospitals.  Is it religion that cures clinically diagnosed diseases, or science?  

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by Matchless G11 on 01/30/20 at 03:22:41

Hi Eegore
Why can't be both?
Science and faith to me go hand and hand.
When as Christians discovered that nature was not Devine we could experiment on it.
I am not a young earth theory, I believe the Garden and parts of evolution.
I look at DNA as a design not by chance.
God created the world in seven days (how long are God's days?).
We care for the poor , the sick and the lame.
Christians are Crist like, so He healed, we work on healing.
We pray and also work on ways and medicines to fix ailments.

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by Eegore on 01/30/20 at 03:41:01

"Why can't be both?"

 I don't see why it couldn't be.

 I just wonder where the cutoff is.  For instance my examples the religious aspect is directly present, as in a religious botanist develops an efficient growing system.  This equals religion being the potential catalyst for scientific growth.

 But does the same apply if the botanist is not religious?  Is it still a religious act because farming is in the Bible or other Texts and as such all forms of future plant growing are now influenced by religion?

 Would an Atheist Botanist that develops viable crop growth in harsh environments be categorized under the category of goodwill based from religion?

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by Matchless G11 on 01/31/20 at 09:07:18

I know a number of atheist that are good people, and Christians that are not.
But however it must come down to a world view that is open for development.
The western view (even with all its warts) leads us to a place that allows for experimentation.  

Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson had only deist view of God but both contributed in good ways to the understanding of the world.

Take that in contrast to Stalin and Maos world, There was not much good that grew out of it .

I believe that one  has to have a good environment to flourish.  

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by Eegore on 01/31/20 at 15:49:01

"I believe that one  has to have a good environment to flourish."

 I agree.  I am just wondering where the cutoff is when indicating that religion has valuable input.

 Would an Atheist Botanist that develops viable crop growth in harsh environments be categorized under the category of goodwill based from religion?

 Or would this be something else entirely?

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by Matchless G11 on 01/31/20 at 17:22:38

0C2C2E263B2C490 wrote:
"I believe that one  has to have a good environment to flourish."

 I agree.  I am just wondering where the cutoff is when indicating that religion has valuable input.

 Would an Atheist Botanist that develops viable crop growth in harsh environments be categorized under the category of goodwill based from religion?

 Or would this be something else entirely?

Eegore probably not, but do we give credit to  religion  for the works of
, Pascal,
Galileo, and others?, a list here

And that's just the Catholics there are plenty of Prostant and Jewish scientists too

Title: Re: Book of Mormon.
Post by Eegore on 01/31/20 at 20:30:06

"Eegore probably not, but do we give credit to  religion  for the works of
, Pascal,
Galileo, and others?,"

 I think we should, but I also think it should be limited to the activities of the person(s) involved to the specific contribution and if they were religious.  For instance Galileo even though prosecuted by the church,  was still religious, and made great contributions.  So yeah religion played a part, but I don't think every advancement involving the planet is a direct result of Catholicism because Galileo was Catholic and provided accurate study of the Earth.

 I'm not saying anyone here has, but I know a few people who look at it this way.  Another example is that since the Church developed the concept of a hospital, all advancements in medical care ever would be attributed to the Church. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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