General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Two ways to win

Message started by WebsterMark on 01/07/20 at 05:12:45

Title: Two ways to win
Post by WebsterMark on 01/07/20 at 05:12:45

I remember saying the Democrats chances in 2020 rest on two things.
1) Trump self-imploding
2) cheating at the polls

Hmm......Nobody cares about California, NY, Illinois but PA, WI, MN, OH ? Couple hundred thousand votes swung the election last time. You don’t think it’s crossed their minds?.....

“In 378 U.S. counties, voter registration rates exceed 100% of the adult population, meaning there are more voter registrations on file than the total voting-age population, according to a new analysis by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.  

Based on data the federal Electoral Assistance Commission released last year, the new analysis indicates that a minimum of 2.5 million voter registrations are wrongly listed as valid. It suggests widespread lack of compliance with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), which requires states to remove people who have died, moved, or are otherwise ineligible to vote from the rolls. While having excess registrations isn’t proof of voter fraud, voter integrity advocates note that it does create opportunities for deception, such as allowing people to vote twice in different precincts or submit invalid absentee ballots.”

Title: Re: Two ways to win
Post by Serowbot on 01/07/20 at 07:18:53

How many people that have died or moved away will actually vote?...
Virtually none.

How many legal voters will be purged from voter registrations?...

Title: Re: Two ways to win
Post by verslagen1 on 01/07/20 at 08:19:26

Odd coincidence... 2.5 million surplus registrations.

Title: Re: Two ways to win
Post by raydawg on 01/07/20 at 08:26:08

Mark......who do you think Trump will be running against?

Seems they will have a major hurdle in the convention, getting out a candidate, if its Bernie vs. Biden.

I don't expect the libs here to understand, they appear as robots, but this is a major obstruction in the party.....

Somebody will be disenfranchised bigly if it comes down to this choice.

We see the chasm here, between libels and conservatives, none to willing to entertain the others POV.  

You think that stubbornness is just unique to here, liberals vs. conservatives......
I don't, I think the party is in the same sort of defending its past, or creating a new one, and lots of emotions are involved, that won't just evaporate....
Its not the nature of those who heavily invest in the nature of politics....  :-/

Title: Re: Two ways to win
Post by srinath on 01/07/20 at 10:46:59

5640574A52474A51250 wrote:
How many people that have died or moved away will actually vote?...
Virtually none.

How many legal voters will be purged from voter registrations?...

I am exibit A on voter dis enfranchaisement. I got "enfranchaised" less than 10 yrs ago. If you cant keep this shiete straight, maybe you need to not do no decision on who the leader of the free world is gonna be. If you cant find your 2 bits of paper with both hands, sorry keep looking while the rest of us have more important htings to do, next year.2 yrs, 4 yrs you will have your chance if you work smart.
Sadly, cant help those who will not grab onto it with both hands.

Title: Re: Two ways to win
Post by WebsterMark on 01/07/20 at 15:40:12

I don’t buy into that disenfranchised bullish!t. You can’t do anything without a photo ID. Stacy Abrams is full of it with that crap about Georgia. Does anyone on here actually know anyone without a photo ID? I tend to agree with Srinath, if you can’t get a photo ID, why are we letting you vote again?

The point of course about registration roles is that it’s ripe for abuse.

Title: Re: Two ways to win
Post by srinath on 01/07/20 at 15:42:39

BTW I am a registered democrap and becoming less and less "enfranchaised" by them, keep pushing this shieteie or the impeachment sheittee or the Iran shietee or all other lines of sheitete they have going going and I'll soon be voting for Donald Duck or worse Donald Trump.

Yea took me 4 extra hours to think of that creappe to add to this post.


Title: Re: Two ways to win
Post by raydawg on 01/07/20 at 16:08:26

282932353A2F335B0 wrote:
BTW I am a registered democrap and becoming less and less "enfranchaised" by them, keep pushing this shieteie or the impeachment sheittee or the Iran shietee or all other lines of sheitete they have going going and I'll soon be voting for Donald Duck or worse Donald Trump.

Yea took me 4 extra hours to think of that creappe to add to this post.


I am in your boat.....I have been told by members here I CAN NOT be a registered democrat, because I did not agree with them.

But look here, not a day goes by, I don't get multiple request from the Democrat party....1 of 4, today....

Hi, ed --
We’ve been talking about the importance of preparing for 2020 for months now, and it’s finally here. We’re in the thick of it. The Iowa caucuses are less than a month away, and before we know it we’ll have our Democratic nominee.
It’s more clear now than ever: This is not the year to sit on the sidelines. As a member of our party, we know you are committed to defeating Trump and his allies -- and now is the time to prove it.
Become a card-carrying member of the Democratic Party by making a $7 donation to renew your membership today.


If we’re going to win up and down the ballot this year, we need you in this fight. I hope you’ll carry your 2020 DNC membership card with pride -- it’s a reflection of all you’ve done for our party as we prepare for the fight ahead.
Renew your membership today to receive your Official 2020 DNC Membership Card.
Thanks as always,
Lauren Williams
Direct Marketing Director
Democratic National Committee

I don't know who, or what, my party has become......

I want nothing to do with a Bernie Sanders socialist democrat party, but even a lovable old coot like Uncle Joe, why yes, like all of us, is human, and makes mistakes, etc....
Is morphing into a person I don't know, or can back, as he is caving to this rabid left wing bitterness, that to me seems more like a zealous religion, than a party of one, that welcomes and respects being a party of two....equally.  

I am still holding out for a leader who represents ME.....a middle class, working, law abiding, proud patriot, tolerant, respectful, cheerful, honest, and giving......and grateful, person......

Party affiliations, race, gender, religion, etc...... is not a concern, just promoting policies that will bolster, grow, thrive, advance, a strong middle class citizenry.

Is that too much too ask? Uncle Joe. A few nights ago, while sitting in the hot tub with my wife, we talked a little about politics, wondering what is going to happen, as we try and chart oour future investments, travel, etc.....based on who might be in office, and how that might effect things.

She said, "That Biden is a creep, the way he touches women/girls, etc...."

I looked at her with a puzzled look....I really don't see him as a perv. My wife is about as apolitical as you can get, listens to no news at all, etc....and yet, this remark came from her lips.....  :o

We didn't go any further with it, as I knew it would provide no discernible explanation....I just left it as it was spoken.

What am I missing...... is this that big of a issue, with women, about Joe?
In the context of Weinstein, Espstein, Clinton, and other liberal TV personalities and their sexual revelations...... being overlooked, accepted, etc, for so long, I just can't put Joe in that way.  :-[  

Title: Re: Two ways to win
Post by MnSpring on 01/07/20 at 16:12:38

"...who do you think Trump will be running against?..."

I think the DFL will be one of the three current top clowns.

But the wild card, the ba ba bilinair from NY,
Will run as a 3rd, unless a 'party' picks him up.

Then that will split the, UL FDS votes.
Because he wants to BAN firearms, and give everyone  FREE H.C.

(to fix knife wounds)

Title: Re: Two ways to win
Post by raydawg on 01/07/20 at 16:24:50

1635082B2932353C5B0 wrote:
"...who do you think Trump will be running against?..."

I think the DFL will be one of the three current top clowns.

But the wild card, the ba ba bilinair from NY,
Will run as a 3rd, unless a 'party' picks him up.

Then that will split the, UL FDS votes.
Because he wants to BAN firearms, and give everyone  FREE H.C.

(to fix knife wounds)

Yes...Joe is a clown.
He has given us many laughs, over his career.
The other way, more like the Joker, than a clown.....
Nothing funny about them.

Title: Re: Two ways to win
Post by WebsterMark on 01/08/20 at 05:15:23

Now we have a very new interesting dilemma for the Democrats. They totally ripped Trump for his reaction killing that terrorist. Now Iran fires off a few, half-hearted missiles.

Could it be that they’re kind of glad the dude is dead? That maybe he was getting, for lack of better words, a bit too big for his britches? Maybe they’re genuinely scared of meeting Allah a bit too early? It’s pretty clear Trump doesn’t mess around when he puts his mind to something. Is it possible they realized their First-world economy for those at the top in a Third World country could be reduced to a Third World economy in a Third World country in a matter of hours?

And the Democrats have basically sided with Iran during this whole affair? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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