General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Right prediction, wrong President...

Message started by Serowbot on 01/03/20 at 10:55:41

Title: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/20 at 10:55:41


Fox News Legal Analyst Predicts Trump Will Start War With Iran -- And Get Reelected
Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano on Thursday predicted President Donald Trump would start a war with Iran in 2020, the day before the U.S. airstrike that killed the country’s top general Qassem Soleimani. -

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/03/20 at 11:24:22

Did I miss something? Are we at war with Iran or did we just blow some d|ckweed to pieces?

It’s hard to predict what Islamic Muslim fanatics are going to do but Saddam’s pledge that we’re going to need millions of body bags right before they surrendered after some shock and awe couldn’t have been forgotten by Iran’s leaders already.  You think the new guy they just appointed is going to sleep well every time he closes his eyes?

Trump won’t send troops over, but he might turn parts of Iran into a pile of slightly smaller rocks.

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by raydawg on 01/03/20 at 11:32:42


We can just give them more money, and more money, and more money....that was working.  ::)

I am not a robot, I am not a robot.....I am not a uddering CNN/
I think for myself, like, which channels to watch.....m'kay.  :-*

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by Serowbot on 01/03/20 at 11:56:06

Napolitano's a robot?...

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by zevenenergie on 01/03/20 at 14:59:55

The way we see it in Europe....

America started a conflict with Iran, that it can not control.
Without consulting NATO :-?.

Trump has shown with the Kurds that he does not honor agreements.

Europe is fetup with Trump's confrontation and blackmail policy.

I don't have to explain what Russia, Turkey and China think.
And the position of Asia is also clear.

Amerika has become the pain in the but of the world.

This can no longer be anesthetized, it is time for an operation.

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by thumperclone on 01/03/20 at 15:39:20

36293A29222922293E2B25294C0 wrote:
The way we see it in Europe....

America started a conflict with Iran, that it can not control.
Without consulting NATO :-?.

Trump has shown with the Kurds that he does not honor agreements.

Europe is fetup with Trump's confrontation and blackmail policy.

I don't have to explain what Russia, Turkey and China think.
And the position of Asia is also clear.

Amerika has become the pain in the but of the world.

This can no longer be anesthetized, it is time for an operation.

do not judge US by the orange ones' actions
tend to your tulips

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by thumperclone on 01/03/20 at 15:40:58

I consider myself as moderate
no party here
I can not stand the orange one, imo he did the right thing

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by raydawg on 01/03/20 at 15:51:28

372B362E332631202F2C2D26430 wrote:
I consider myself as moderate
no party here
I can not stand the orange one, imo he did the right thing

How so?

What makes him different than lets say, Rocketman?

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/03/20 at 18:20:24

Really Bot?

Starting a WAR?
I'm embarrassed for you.

And had he done nothing and OUR people been killed, would he have been right THEN?
No, you're unreasonable.
Nothing he can do that you will agree with..
And no, Napolitano is no robot.
He's a dipschitt with a grudge.
Up until Trump didn't nominate him for SCOTUS, he was pro Trump.
Now, nope..
Screw that prikk..

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/20 at 05:24:42

The key to this whole thing is how Trump responds to how ever the Iranians respond. To a certain degree, we’ve got two unpredictable leaders calling the shots. I heard a commentary that Iraq will vote to ask the US to leave and that we should take advantage of that and leave, everywhere in The Middle East. Then let our friend here from the Netherlands and the rest of NATO deal with it.

Imagine this. Let’s say we go back in time, maybe back to when Reagan sent the troops who were eventually blown up but pick whatever date you want. Let’s say we just stayed out. What would have happened?

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/04/20 at 05:32:16

So I was thinking after I wrote that. Remember, the whole thing revolves around oil and our economy. Remember OPEC and the embargo? I’m old enough to remember but not what precipitated that. Sure it had something to do with Israel given the nearness to the 72 Olympic deaths.

But if we could go back in time, what (with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight) could we have done differently?

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by raydawg on 01/04/20 at 08:11:00

714344555243546B47544D260 wrote:
The key to this whole thing is how Trump responds to how ever the Iranians respond. To a certain degree, we’ve got two unpredictable leaders calling the shots. I heard a commentary that Iraq will vote to ask the US to leave and that we should take advantage of that and leave, everywhere in The Middle East. Then let our friend here from the Netherlands and the rest of NATO deal with it.

Imagine this. Let’s say we go back in time, maybe back to when Reagan sent the troops who were eventually blown up but pick whatever date you want. Let’s say we just stayed out. What would have happened?


Just a guess here, nothing more....I am pretty clueless about this mess, it seems its all over the place, and no administration gets it right, and the critique flips 180 degrees, depending on who is in office....????

I would guess Russia or China would make a play for the region....
They are not constrained by the same dictates the West is.
They could pretty much just overrun the country, steal the oil, and become a even bigger threat to the worlds stability.

I honestly believe the only solution is a new energy source.....rendering them pretty useless.  

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by Serowbot on 01/04/20 at 09:25:34

3E2127203D3A0B3B0B33212D66540 wrote:
Really Bot?

Starting a WAR?
I'm embarrassed for you.

You should be embarrassed for yourself.
Watch the clip...
Trump is wagging an expensive dog here.
In this scenario,... you and your Trumpettes are the dog.

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by pg on 01/04/20 at 14:06:38

Watch the clip...

Trump doesn't need to start a war to get re-elected.  The left has no one who is going to pose a challenge.  

Regarding the use of the drone, anybody remember a guy name Anwar?  Yeah, Barry droned an America citizen....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by srinath on 01/04/20 at 17:09:41

1205030F0010620 wrote:
Watch the clip...

Trump doesn't need to start a war to get re-elected.  The left has no one who is going to pose a challenge.  

Regarding the use of the drone, anybody remember a guy name Anwar?  Yeah, Barry droned an America citizen....

Best regards,

Trump needs to shut up to get elected. In fact I think if he called in dead, he'd be a cinch. He needs to - absolutely needs to stop picking fights with well handled 13yr olds and other such "iconic" shiEItrheADS who have the backing of the world press.

Seriously, he should declare tomorrow, he was Boning Melania so good, he's dead for the year. And then just stay completely silent on all media. He'll win by a bigger electoral college margin … yea he'd lose popular vote by 4million instead of 3 and he'd lose CA by 5 mill instead of 4 but its CA, who cares, its going to be annexed by C-hin-A and be called ChineeeeeeyyyforniAA  soon I hear. No, you prefer Facebook town ? Google city ? Apple state ? Kardashialand ? Hollywoodville ? IllegMexico ? Zorroland where Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek rule ?

Take your pic … that crap isn't America.


Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/04/20 at 18:03:56

5F495E435B4E43582C0 wrote:
[quote author=3E2127203D3A0B3B0B33212D66540 link=1578077741/0#8 date=1578104424]Really Bot?

Starting a WAR?
I'm embarrassed for you.

You should be embarrassed for yourself.
Watch the clip...
Trump is wagging an expensiveuu dog here.
In this scenario,... you and your Trumpettes arebuuio the dog.

Address MY points..

Trump had a bad guy killed.
Thankful IRANIANS are pleased, because he won't be getting their children killed.

If Obama had done the same thing you would have had a muppet orgasm.

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by pg on 01/05/20 at 06:06:45

If Obama had done the same thing you would have had a muppet orgasm.

He droned America citizens....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/20 at 07:07:58

If Obama had done it, Trump would have said it was a ploy to get re-elected...
We know this because he did say it.  More than once,..
...and Tweeted it,... more than once.

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/05/20 at 07:24:57

Obama blew up an Iranian General?
In Iraq?
Who was ACTIVELY ENGAGED in directing an attack on our embassy?

Was that before or after the pallets of money?

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/20 at 07:49:47

There's your news,.. and then there's the real news...

312E282F32350434043C2E22695B0 wrote:
Trump had a bad guy killed.
Thankful IRANIANS are pleased, because he won't be getting their children killed.

Thousands mourn Soleimani in Iran as Trump threatens strikes
"TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Tens of thousands of mourners accompanied a casket carrying the remains of the slain Gen. Qassem Soleimani through two major Iranian cities Sunday as part of a grand funeral procession across the Islamic Republic for the commander killed by an American drone strike amid soaring tensions between Iran and the U.S."
"Authorities then took Soleimani's body to Mashhad later Sunday. His remains will go to Tehran and Qom on Monday for public mourning processions, followed by his hometown of Kerman for burial Tuesday.

This marks the first time Iran honored a single man with a multi-city ceremony. Not even Khomeini received such a processional with his death in 1989. Soleimani on Monday will lie in state at Tehran's famed Musalla mosque as the revolutionary leader did before him.

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by Serowbot on 01/05/20 at 08:06:33

I honestly don't know if this killing was ultimately for the good or the bad.
What I do know,.. is Trump takes action without thinking.
He ignores what few advisors he has, thinks he knows more than his Generals, he knows little of history, doesn't read, and barely listens to dumbed down daily briefings.
He can have one opinion on one day and the opposite on the next... he's even done that within a single sentence.
So we'll see how things unfold and hope for the best,.. but we're watching a unbalanced child playing with matches...

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by Mavigogun on 01/05/20 at 08:21:37

102225343322350A26352C470 wrote:
Did I miss something?

Many things, consistently.

It’s hard to predict what Islamic Muslim fanatics are going to do-

Only for a complete idiot.  Time and again, your predicate for belief is your own ignorance and limited intellect.   Whether you were fed a steady diet of lead chips as a child, inherited a mental defect, or developed into this twisted thing, the malice at your core defies sympathy.

In one day Trump achieved what Qassem Soleimani had been working towards for decades.

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/20 at 11:01:23

I stopped reading your post for weeks before you disappeared for a while but I read this one and literally laughed out loud! “ Steady diet of paint chips!”   That’s funny stuff!

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/20 at 11:07:55

7563746971646972060 wrote:
I honestly don't know if this killing was ultimately for the good or the bad.
What I do know,.. is Trump takes action without thinking.
He ignores what few advisors he has, thinks he knows more than his Generals, he knows little of history, doesn't read, and barely listens to dumbed down daily briefings.
He can have one opinion on one day and the opposite on the next... he's even done that within a single sentence.
So we'll see how things unfold and hope for the best,.. but we're watching a unbalanced child playing with matches...

I doubt this was spur of the moment and I doubt all his generals were against this. Don’t believe what CNN tells you from their unnamed sources....

Look, it’s not like we killed the Prime Minister of England or something. Iran isn’t a real country in the sense that we should think about nations and this guy wasn’t the equivalent of a vice president. We killed a piece of $hit murdering terrorist who was planning further attacks on us.

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by raydawg on 01/05/20 at 11:39:41

What I find interesting is that you have folks on both sides, crossing over on this issue/event.
To me that shows how complex the issue is.
Seems to me every president, for half a century, has wrestled with this issue/concern, and we appear no closer to any real resolution.  
I have witness rampant hypocrisy, from both parties, in dealing with it.....
Makes you wonder why, must be elections of party, and power, are more important than any real fix to this problem.....????

Maybe its time for the USA to pull ALL foreign monetary, and military, support from other nations around the world....
Opting to use that money here at home, for all the domestic problems we have. Think how far that money would go, in fixing these issues/problems.
I think we already hve enough warfare abilities to pretty much ruin the world, even if its used after a first strike against us.....

I mean, really....we have tried force, to appeasement, and we still have nothing to show for it.....

Might as well try something really different, and say, "OK.... we are butting out, you all fix your OWN problems.....


BTW....Web, what color were the paint chips....Thinking about painting my boat  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by Mavigogun on 01/05/20 at 13:28:55

536166777061764965766F040 wrote:
I stopped reading your post-

Your words are worthless- you've repeatedly responded to posts while claiming not to have read them.  You are a liar of Trumpian scale and sophistication- and for the exact same reason.

Iraq has voted to expell US forces.   This has been a colossal win for Iran only made possible by Trump.

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by pg on 01/05/20 at 14:20:11

565A4D525C545C4E553B0 wrote:
Your words are worthless- you've repeatedly responded to posts while claiming not to have read them.  You are a liar of Trumpian scale and sophistication- and for the exact same reason.

If all you are going to do to is attack people that you don't agree with; crawl back under that rock you just came out from.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/20 at 15:35:43

No biggie PG. I seriously stopped reading and responding to his post and he went away for a while. I read this one cause he’d been gone. No kidding, the ridiculousness of it made me laugh.

I made a commitment a few weeks ago I was not going to act like that and I’m sticking to it. Up to you of course but I’d suggest you do the same.

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by WebsterMark on 01/05/20 at 15:40:19

But.... different topic PG. I’ve never taken a golf lesson until a few months ago. Went from 80/85 with an occasional 79 to 76-80 as a regular score. I will shoot an even par round this year. One lesson did that. If anyone tells you the cost of a lesson (which is basically the same as one round) isn’t worth it, they’re a fool,

Title: Re: Right prediction, wrong President...
Post by MnSpring on 01/05/20 at 16:00:05

"crawl back under that rock you just came out from"

Don't Trolls live under Bridges ?

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