General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Trump Impeached.

Message started by eau de sauvage on 12/19/19 at 00:38:21

Title: Trump Impeached.
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/19/19 at 00:38:21

History is steam rolling Trump's bluster.

Now the time that the Republican have dreaded the most, the Senators are forced to vote, in circumstances where the ball is in their court, and this is going to be tough because the GOP lost their balls when they decided that their dream of stacking the judiciary is worth debasing themselves even knowing that in the sober light of day they will not be proud.

But they will be very proud of what they got out of this bargain with the Devil. Trump has been filling the Federal appeals courts a furious pace. And this is where the wheels of the extreme right wing agenda, an agenda that is for the minority of US citizens, will be established. Blue slips are now an anachronism.

Voter disenfranchisement, lower taxes for the wealthy, gerrymandering, environmental vandalism. It's like a smorgasbord of the GOP's wildest fantasies.

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by zevenenergie on 12/19/19 at 02:19:19

Don't underestimate Trump.

A miracle is needed to ensure that he must resign.
and if that miracle does not come, he is more firmly in the saddle than ever.

Interlectuals always lose to the man in the street.
The man in the street is sensitive to emotions and instinct. The truth is not important to them.
They are fully subject to the tactics and psychology that is applied to them.

Arguments must therefore always be coarse, clear and forcible and appealing to emotions and instinct.

Trump knows that better than anyone.

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by pg on 12/19/19 at 05:04:04

Everyone knows he is bring railroaded and it will only make him stronger!!

Best regards,

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by WebsterMark on 12/19/19 at 05:10:40

I'm constantly amazed how two people can look at the same event and see two dramatically different actions playing out right in front of them.

Donald Trump has a very high probability of being the only president impeached and then later reelected. Those several hundred thousand voters in those five key states already selected Trump. Donald F'ing Trump! Think about that. In 2016, those voters ( many of them historical Democratic voters) thought Donald Trump was a better option than who the Democrats put up.  

Donald Trump went through a year of campaigning as an outsider and that he was constantly under attack by the establishment. All this impeachment does is reinforce that. If you couple that together with an outstanding economy, lowest level unemployment etc., why in the world would those several hundred thousand voters switch to an unknown and particularly someone like Elizabeth Warren and her proposals which would impact the US economy and society more than anything ever has, with the possible exception of the new deal. And I'm not even sure about that. Why would they make that switch?

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by srinath on 12/19/19 at 07:01:12

Yup, Trump's been impeached of high crimes when its not a "crime" per se, and of obstructing congress. Which again just means - "he's mean to us" so we impeach - and yes no crime is needed to impeach - but why then call it High "crime" - it should just be "high unethical and corrupt looking shiete"

As in they've admitted they're gonna get creamed and they'd rather waste everyone's $$$ and ear time with this boring as Drusk crap once again ruining my drive in to work where I emitted more Co2 in 2 hrs than I did in my entire life to the age of 22 in India.

I don't know, I am a democrat sympathizer and I still think they're doing this cos they cant beat him - and putting Nancy Pelosi as your "best foot forward" is pretty much waving the white flag. Mistake upon mistake upon mistake. Putting Nancy Pelosi front and center pretty much is going to alienate more people than Hillary's pakisthani flag bearer IMHO and it wont be limited to Indians.


Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by raydawg on 12/19/19 at 07:49:44

And Nannie just wants to sit on it...... to use as political hay, instead of doing her constitutional duty......
Glad this wasn't political.

The only thing presently keeping Trump from getting reelected, is himself
But don't count him out on that just yet  ;D

Look, the libbies don't have balls either, they have vacated, this board, with the Horowitz report, Comey, and Liza the moaner, are out talking trying to limit their exposure, and Durham is yet to show his cards...WHICH, is said to have criminal indictments within.

Yeah, keep tapping your heels together Dorothy  :-*  

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by raydawg on 12/19/19 at 07:52:02

7A7B6067687D61090 wrote:
Yup, Trump's been impeached of high crimes when its not a "crime" per se, and of obstructing congress. Which again just means - "he's mean to us" so we impeach - and yes no crime is needed to impeach - but why then call it High "crime" - it should just be "high unethical and corrupt looking shiete"

As in they've admitted they're gonna get creamed and they'd rather waste everyone's $$$ and ear time with this boring as Drusk crap once again ruining my drive in to work where I emitted more Co2 in 2 hrs than I did in my entire life to the age of 22 in India.

I don't know, I am a democrat sympathizer and I still think they're doing this cos they cant beat him - and putting Nancy Pelosi as your "best foot forward" is pretty much waving the white flag. Mistake upon mistake upon mistake. Putting Nancy Pelosi front and center pretty much is going to alienate more people than Hillary's pakisthani flag bearer IMHO and it wont be limited to Indians.


Yeah....a ladder won't help, just toss in some dirt, she is old enuff to bury soon, anyways  ;D ;D ;D

Let AOC take the gavel.....she already is holding lots o wood, it seems.

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by srinath on 12/19/19 at 08:05:41

35263E23263020470 wrote:
Yeah....a ladder won't help, just toss in some dirt, she is old enuff to bury soon, anyways  ;D ;D ;D

Let AOC take the gavel.....she already is holding lots o wood, it seems.

OMG you're mixing 2 of my own metaphors - Like WTF - but point taken.
And the AOC crack is a nice one too.

I somehow find Nancy Pelosi annoying and pathetic at the same time. Like if Hillary was cross bred with a mouse. And its been the same since I first saw her - sometime in 99 when I was in CA. She'd show up on the news a lot cos I lived in Sacramento then.


Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by zevenenergie on 12/19/19 at 08:18:15

Just think of it like this; Would you let Trump take care of your wife for a month?
Why then, would you let him take care of your wife, children, you, home, work,country ,army and so on?

You should have voted for hillary

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by raydawg on 12/19/19 at 08:24:13

Look....Nancy literally got caught in her own demagoguery snare.

You replied to this post:

Look how they think minorities can't do math, etc.....WHY?

They done tink dey beez tooz stipids?

Is that how they see them?


Do they just USE them?

I don't think its anything more than the wisdom of knowing that for every lie you tell, it takes another to cover it up, and so on, and so forth.....
Soon, that is all you have left, lies.....
And they have been absent from the truth, for so long, they start to believe their own lies....that is how humane nature just works.....

And yes....campaigning has turned into justified lying, because our motivation is pure, we want to take care of those stupid ones, who can't.....WITHOUT US.  :-?    

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by WebsterMark on 12/19/19 at 08:25:09

No, but I've worked for people who have made me very successful that I wouldn't let watch my kids either.

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by raydawg on 12/19/19 at 08:25:42

352A392A212A212A3D28262A4F0 wrote:
Just think of it like this; Would you let Trump take care of your wife for a month?
Why then, would you let him take care of your wife, children, you, home, work,country ,army and so on?

You should have voted for hillary

Oh yeah, just make sure your wife or daughter don't wear a blue dress, or go on a vacation to a island, with Bill, etc.....

Try again.

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by raydawg on 12/19/19 at 08:26:26

6C5E59484F5E49765A49503B0 wrote:
No, but I've worked for people who have made me very successful that I wouldn't let watch my kids either.

It is so is not a relevant question.

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by Serowbot on 12/19/19 at 08:27:37

Poor Trump,... impeached without even getting a BJ...

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by raydawg on 12/19/19 at 08:36:15

All those who voted for impeachment, they should be lined up against a wall.....huh Greta?  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by raydawg on 12/19/19 at 08:37:31

7365726F77626F74000 wrote:
Poor Trump,... impeached without even getting a BJ...

Yeah, no kidding, wonder how many Slick got from minor children, on Jerry's island?

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by Serowbot on 12/19/19 at 08:50:10

This Jerry?...

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by raydawg on 12/19/19 at 09:27:28

Oh yes.....look, he is threatening him with a gun too.....

Lets toss that onto the impeachment charges...


So Bot, are you really going to move, this time?

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by pg on 12/19/19 at 09:42:02

485E49544C59544F3B0 wrote:
This Jerry?...

Does the guy on the left have a mullet or is that a shadow?  

A more important question is how many times have Bill and Hillary been to that island?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by raydawg on 12/19/19 at 09:49:49

Look....this is really is, and hopefully the last, ever, to be impeached, for nut'n....honey.  ;D ;D ;D ;D


This shows the dems have nothing to run on, nor believe they can beat Trump next year.

Desperation on display.

If you offer a better choice, then promote that, run on that, get elected to lead.....if not, then I reckon you can keep doing the same thing you have been doing for 3 years, and keep getting the same results.  

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by WebsterMark on 12/19/19 at 10:27:26

I could post a picture of trump receiving an NAACP award from Sharpton. I could also post a picture of Obama or Hillary with any number of convicted criminals.

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by Serowbot on 12/19/19 at 10:37:42

586A6D7C7B6A7D426E7D640F0 wrote:
I could post a picture of trump receiving an NAACP award from Sharpton. I could also post a picture of Obama or Hillary with any number of convicted criminals.

Yes you could,...
I posted the pic because DaWg brought it up.

Clinton knew Epstein...
Well so did Trump.

Clinton was impeached for a BJ.
Trump was conspiring with foreign nations to interfere in our election.
Which is serious?....

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by raydawg on 12/19/19 at 11:01:01

You gots a wee bit o' problem amigo......

Tump was conspiring with foreign nations to interfere in our election.

Like the accusation re: collusion and Russia.....and Tweets, you gots only rumor, hearsay, and supposition. Ya gots any real proof or facts.....yet?

The libs coulda called more witnesses ya know, through the normal channels and protocol.... but hey, don't wanna mess up a good story, no sirree.

Yeah....with Willie, that sucked, huh.

So, are you moving or not?

Come on out to Seattle, lots of room on the streets with other Trump haters, as other Trump haters, walk on by you, not caring, but saying they do  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/19/19 at 12:00:21

Just leaving out for the moment that the impeachment of Trump was an urgent and necessary rebuke due to the ongoing nature of the offence, on a more personal note, this impeachment will be a crushing for Trump, his brand is fcuked.

George Bush sent tens of thousands of Americans to die in a pointless war with Iraq based on complete bullshit that cost the US taxpayers $1T. Clinton is still feeling the effects of his impeachment while Bush is a cuddly teddy bear untarnished by his shameful legacy.

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by Serowbot on 12/19/19 at 13:13:14

57445C41445242250 wrote:
imbecilic dolt........must be because all the blood drains to your head, down there........

Crossing the line, DaWg...


Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by WebsterMark on 12/19/19 at 13:14:07

5543544951444952260 wrote:
[quote author=586A6D7C7B6A7D426E7D640F0 link=1576744701/15#20 date=1576780046] I could post a picture of trump receiving an NAACP award from Sharpton. I could also post a picture of Obama or Hillary with any number of convicted criminals.

Yes you could,...
I posted the pic because DaWg brought it up.

Clinton knew Epstein...
Well so did Trump.

Clinton was impeached for a BJ.
Trump was conspiring with foreign nations to interfere in our election.
Which is serious?....[/quote]

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath to a federal grand jury.

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by Serowbot on 12/19/19 at 13:19:05


Lying about a BJ...
The whole thing was about a BJ...
Prudish Right-Wing ain't so prudish anymore, are they?...

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by WebsterMark on 12/19/19 at 13:21:47

.....this impeachment will be a crushing for Trump, his brand is fcuked.
Trump will likely be reelected.

Seriously, do you believe a significant number of people who supported Trump when he was a candidate (they already knew exactly who he was) are going to change their minds because Nancy Pelosi, Adsm Schiff and Jerry Nadler told them Trump is not a good person?

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by WebsterMark on 12/19/19 at 13:26:05

6375627F67727F64100 wrote:

Lying about a BJ...
The whole thing was about a BJ...
Prudish Right-Wing ain't so prudish anymore, are they?...

No it wasn't. He got caught screwing around with a White House intern and lied under oath about it.

Whether the Republicans should have used that to impeached him is debatable, but its a far more legitimate reason than the faux outrage over the Ukraine debacle.

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by Serowbot on 12/19/19 at 14:33:13

Web,.. it's against the law to seek foreign influence in an election.
A whistleblower called it out,... Vindman independent from the whistleblower went to his superiors,... and Pence's adviser testified that she was shocked and believed it was politically motivated.
Bolton called it a "drug deal"...
Mulveny admitted to it.
The summary Trump himself released confirms it.
... and Rudy is still running around Ukraine trying to gin up more trash on Biden.

It happened...
...and, you can't just leave it to the voters, because Trump's actions were an attempt to manipulate the election.
As he did before in 2016 with Putin.

Trump is deservedly impeached,... and it will follow him to the grave.
The first line of his obituary is written.

Meanwhile,... President "Bone Spurs is again insulting a dead veteran... late Rep. John Dingell
There are vets that won't tolerate that.  
Trump will lose votes.
Military traditionally leans Republican,...
That may change in 2020.  

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by WebsterMark on 12/19/19 at 14:42:59

It’s against the law for a president to release foreign aid to a corrupt country.

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by Serowbot on 12/19/19 at 14:49:09

5D6F68797E6F78476B78610A0 wrote:
It’s against the law for a president to release foreign aid to a corrupt country.

A drug deal - Bolton

Don't kid yourself

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/19/19 at 14:59:29

685A5D4C4B5A4D725E4D543F0 wrote:
It’s against the law for a president to release foreign aid to a corrupt country.

I just bought myself a pair of MH1000mx3 noise cancelling headphones, they are frikken awesome, tried them out in a cacophonous mall. Press the button and it's like hitting the mute on a TV. Silence.

Similarly, this is analogous to how I see posts like the above. Not a rambling post, just a simple sentence that I'd expect someone to utter if they had a pair of permanent headphones that cancelled out all facts.

Some facts about corruption in Ukraine. With regards to the GOP now adopting the ludicrous position that Trump was merely doing his job. He cut the anti corruption budget to Ukraine that was meant to counter corruption. Think about that.

Not only that but the US govt. confirmed that Ukraine had met all it's corruptions obligation that were laid out that it must meet in order to be qualified for aid. But wait there's more, the Pentagon also gave the green light as to Ukraine meeting their obligations.

So where is the illegality?

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/19/19 at 15:09:48

0C3E39282F3E29163A29305B0 wrote:
.....this impeachment will be a crushing for Trump, his brand is fcuked.
Trump will likely be reelected.

Seriously, do you believe a significant number of people who supported Trump when he was a candidate (they already knew exactly who he was) are going to change their minds because Nancy Pelosi, Adsm Schiff and Jerry Nadler told them Trump is not a good person?

Here's a better way to put it, do you think there are a significant number of people who did not vote for Trump who now would in 2020; a pretty obvious no. But to answer your question there certainly would be plenty of people who gave him a go because Hilary. The now understand the meaning of 'the Devil you know'. And I think Trump knows this, and he know that the best person to benefit from this is Biden, especially if he announces he's only running for one term.

Republican support for Nixon dropped off sharply after impeachment. Americans are fundamentally conservative and however Trump wants to spin this, it will not have no effect on his base, notwithstanding the die hards.


Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by WebsterMark on 12/19/19 at 15:46:16

4C5A4D50485D504B3F0 wrote:
[quote author=5D6F68797E6F78476B78610A0 link=1576744701/30#30 date=1576795379]It’s against the law for a president to release foreign aid to a corrupt country.

A drug deal - Bolton

Don't kid yourself[/quote]


Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by srinath on 12/19/19 at 16:14:15

41534744535557320 wrote:
George Bush sent tens of thousands of Americans to die in a pointless war with Iraq based on complete bullshit that cost the US taxpayers $1T. Clinton is still feeling the effects of his impeachment while Bush is a cuddly teddy bear untarnished by his shameful legacy

Actually, no, I believe Bill Clinton made more $$$ in appearances and speeches 3yrs after leaving the WH than Obama did in the last 3 yrs, who are #1 and #2 for making $$$ after leaving the WH. The problem with Bush wasn't that he wasn't impeached, it was that he was generally understood to have been dumb as a stick, which DT is even worse, likely Trump may be a big $$$ maker as a standup after he leaves office.
BTW its only a matter of time before impeachment will be another of his "accolades" he'd boast about.


Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by srinath on 12/19/19 at 16:19:46


As you can clearly see in the graphs here, the popularity of Clinton was rising nicely among fat chicks.


Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by raydawg on 12/19/19 at 16:47:46

fat chicks.....

taste great

less filling.

I vote, therefor I eat.

Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/20/19 at 18:17:52

45564E53564050370 wrote:
fat chicks.....

taste great

less filling.

I vote, therefor I eat.


Title: Re: Trump Impeached.
Post by raydawg on 12/20/19 at 18:30:16

10021615020406630 wrote:
[quote author=45564E53564050370 link=1576744701/30#37 date=1576802866]fat chicks.....

taste great

less filling.

I vote, therefor I eat.


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