General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> If Trump would just.....

Message started by WebsterMark on 12/11/19 at 04:44:16

Title: If Trump would just.....
Post by WebsterMark on 12/11/19 at 04:44:16

....stop being a monomaniacal, over-the-top egotistical jerk, he would win 2020 in a landslide. That's how intense the hatred vast stretches of America have for leftist, fake news media and the entertainment culture.

As it is, despite all his flaws,  I think he will likely achieve the unbelievable feat of being impeached and then reelected. (assuming the massive voter fraud and/or Electoral College monkey business the Democrats have to be secretly working on doesn't succeed)

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by Mavigogun on 12/11/19 at 05:04:04

See the world through your own hate, it colors all- and you mistake the source as outside yourself.

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by pg on 12/11/19 at 05:12:06

1D2F28393E2F38072B38214A0 wrote:
....stop being a monomaniacal, over-the-top egotistical jerk, he would win 2020 in a landslide.

The win margin isn't going to be a landslide; however, it will be BIG!!

Best regards,

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by srinath on 12/11/19 at 05:55:32

253234383727550 wrote:
[quote author=1D2F28393E2F38072B38214A0 link=1576068256/0#0 date=1576068256]....stop being a monomaniacal, over-the-top egotistical jerk, he would win 2020 in a landslide.

The win margin isn't going to be a landslide; however, it will be BIG!!

Best regards,

But it needs to be YUGE.
Man I missed this forum.

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by WebsterMark on 12/11/19 at 06:06:22

I think it could be slightly more EC than last time, but not a yuge amount more. And he could still lose, but I don't think so.

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by Mavigogun on 12/11/19 at 06:35:21

0F3D3A2B2C3D2A15392A33580 wrote:
And he could still lose, but I don't think so.

You thought voting for Trump would promote a civil war- so, not a great record of prediction... or hopes and dreams.

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by raydawg on 12/11/19 at 07:59:46

I stated yesterday....I hope I do not ave to vote for the man, because he will have enough votes to win without mine.

Again, I wish Howard Schultz was running, however......

The big question(s), that I believe will cause the results, will be of course, the economy, minority votes, and if it is Biden, what will the progressives do, as he duns more in the middle.....????

Will they push a independent Bernie and Warren ticket?

I was driving last night to go get a hair cut, the station was playing live, Trump's rally in PA (I believe it was). I had to turn it was ugly, and the folks screaming and eating it up, worried me, greatly....
I didn't like it when Al Gore did it with his yelling, and I don't like it when Trump does either, stroking a crowd to fervor....

His talk was even more appalling than normal, such gloating....sickening when you consider the position he represents as president of ALL the United States.

He really needs to dial it back, hugely, no more narratives like this, let others be his advocates and deal with the deceit, and false claims leveled at him....  

I thought Obama was smug, this guy makes Obama, well.....look like a JV team.....

Maybe Trump doesn't want another term, and he is building a case by this crap for a good reason to not run again, after he proves all these charges were bogus, and he can go back to being a private arse....
Without having to defend himself any longer against this crap. said  Trump was needed, to reveal much about our politics, the swamp and I sorta agree, as nothing else was getting done, and the quagmire was just settling, and thickening, on the swamps bottom....

But maybe too.....Trump with his rhetoric of shaming and gloat, he is no longer a good foreman to oversee the project, of clearing the swamp, as he is now a obstacle that is just taking away too much energy from the job at hand....????

I GET IT the man had every right to defend himself against this false crap that started before he was even elected.....

But, again, like you say, he was a much needed element to expose all this deceit in politics, media, etc....
Now, maybe he just needs to get out of the way....???

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by WebsterMark on 12/11/19 at 08:30:26 said  Trump was needed, to reveal much about our politics, the swamp and I sorta agree, as nothing else was getting done, and the quagmire was just settling, and thickening, on the swamps bottom....

But maybe too.....Trump with his rhetoric of shaming and gloat, he is no longer a good foreman to oversee the project, of clearing the swamp, as he is now a obstacle that is just taking away too much energy from the job at hand....????

I think I've said in the past he was not the ideal choice to lead the charge that needed to be led to save the nation (at least for the next 4 or 8 years) but he was the only one who could have won. I liked the idea he was going to expose divisions within the country and bring it to the surface to fight it out. The historical, conservative America will eventually lose and the nation will be lost, but my though was Trump was the best hope.

Problem is, there is no one else but him. No other Republican could win in 2020. I just wish he wasn't an a$$ all the time. He could coast to victory but he's his own worst enemy. On the other hand, he is who he is and changing that is usually trouble.

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by raydawg on 12/11/19 at 08:35:07

I agree......

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by Serowbot on 12/11/19 at 08:55:13

786B736E6B7D6D0A0 wrote:
I stated yesterday....I hope I do not ave to vote for the man, because he will have enough votes to win without mine.

Hate to break it to ya'... your state is blue by more than 10 points.
Your vote would do nothing.
Thank the electoral college.

On the bright side,.. Trump can lose again by as much as 5 million votes and still get elected.
Again, thank the electoral college.

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by WebsterMark on 12/11/19 at 09:03:34

Again, thank the electoral college.

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by Serowbot on 12/11/19 at 09:19:13

I hate it when we agree...  ;D

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by srinath on 12/11/19 at 09:37:23

2533243921343922560 wrote:
I hate it when we agree...  ;D

I hate it when I agree with anyone else too, and mine is red by 30, screw it, now there's the 2 of yo uI agree with, so this election for me is all about the jokes.
I want 5 more yrs of Trump, 10 more yrs, infinite more years, cos ... just think of the jokes, the jokes man ...
I agree though Buttpluug has a nice ring to it. May have to settle for that bit of slapstick, that dude is more serious than a brain tumor, we wont be having en-masse memes and twitter chatter beyond that.


Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by pg on 12/11/19 at 15:35:38

1312090E011408600 wrote:
I want 5 more yrs of Trump, 10 more yrs, infinite more years, cos ... just think of the jokes, the jokes man ...

I hope Don Jr. runs!!

Best regards,

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by raydawg on 12/11/19 at 16:12:25

5D4B5C41594C415A2E0 wrote:
[quote author=786B736E6B7D6D0A0 link=1576068256/0#6 date=1576079986]I stated yesterday....I hope I do not ave to vote for the man, because he will have enough votes to win without mine.

Hate to break it to ya'... your state is blue by more than 10 points.
Your vote would do nothing.
Thank the electoral college.

On the bright side,.. Trump can lose again by as much as 5 million votes and still get elected.
Again, thank the electoral college.[/quote]

Thanks....I was  worried.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

If you look at the way the state is breaking, its moving right, even in Seattle. Not enough to make any difference yet, but its moving...
Locally, folks are getting pretty fed up with Olympia, and even Seattle.
they, the ones upset, are the voices that are starting to get attention.

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by srinath on 12/12/19 at 07:09:39

And what surprises no one - absolutely, no one, Trump attacks Greta Thunberg.

Dude's picking a fight with a kid as old as his son (who's actually young enough to be his grandson).

STFU Trump, as much as I hate Greta Thunberg for being a berating, preaching, clueless child, going after her is stupid, Time magazine is a dying medium, in fact Greta herself said "time magazine ???? vat's that ? Vee don't havv eet in Sveeden ?"

Man, I've never hated both sides of the fight as much as in this case. Trump is an Idiot, Greta is clueless, corrupt and guided along by her overlords. I hope they both disappear and take time magazine with them. Really anything else would be a disaster for humanity.


Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by raydawg on 12/12/19 at 07:32:37

You know whats really funny.... in a very sad, yet revealing way.....

Look who is being played?

Hint: expectations are premeditated resentments.  ;)

Look how folks on this board get all upset, and crazy, over what other people do, based on what.....something they heard, read.....and, how is it actually impacting them personally?

Useful and all, while the real villains split the loot.  ;D ;D ;D ;D  

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by srinath on 12/12/19 at 09:26:36

796A726F6A7C6C0B0 wrote:
and, how is it actually impacting them personally?

Useful and all, while the real villains split the loot.  ;D ;D ;D ;D  

Impacting me personally, very much so, cos I need to be the one splitting the loot, with myself, and my family and mostly, me. I need beer man, and beer has Co2 so I am a co2 absorber, now Greta you cant say that about yourself can you ??? Trump doesn't drink, so he's out anyway, so all the loot needs to arrive here so I can buy more beer and trap more Co2.


Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by Serowbot on 12/12/19 at 09:50:46

I have the feeling you're not actually trapping it,..
...just recycling it.  ;D

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by srinath on 12/12/19 at 09:56:08

2F392E332B3E33285C0 wrote:
I have the feeling you're not actually trapping it,..
...just recycling it.  ;D

How dare you ... HOW DARE YOU ???
My handlers have said I trapped it. That's all you need to know.
In Sveeden ven vee eet eet, ve trap eet. HOW DARE YOU QVESTION SVEEDEN VAY OF LIFE.


Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by raydawg on 12/12/19 at 12:09:27

696873747B6E721A0 wrote:
[quote author=796A726F6A7C6C0B0 link=1576068256/15#16 date=1576164757]

and, how is it actually impacting them personally?

Useful and all, while the real villains split the loot.  ;D ;D ;D ;D  

Impacting me personally, very much so, cos I need to be the one splitting the loot, with myself, and my family and mostly, me. I need beer man, and beer has Co2 so I am a co2 absorber, now Greta you cant say that about yourself can you ??? Trump doesn't drink, so he's out anyway, so all the loot needs to arrive here so I can buy more beer and trap more Co2.


OK....fine, just don't drink green me on this one.  :-?

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by srinath on 12/13/19 at 05:44:10

25362E33362030570 wrote:
[quote author=696873747B6E721A0 link=1576068256/15#17 date=1576171596][quote author=796A726F6A7C6C0B0 link=1576068256/15#16 date=1576164757]

and, how is it actually impacting them personally?

Useful and all, while the real villains split the loot.  ;D ;D ;D ;D  

Impacting me personally, very much so, cos I need to be the one splitting the loot, with myself, and my family and mostly, me. I need beer man, and beer has Co2 so I am a co2 absorber, now Greta you cant say that about yourself can you ??? Trump doesn't drink, so he's out anyway, so all the loot needs to arrive here so I can buy more beer and trap more Co2.


OK....fine, just don't drink green me on this one.  :-?

How dare you ? (almost forgot)

In Sveeden all beer vee drink is green, vee brew eet from sevvver vater.
See - this is vat vee dreenk.


Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by Serowbot on 12/13/19 at 06:48:39

Swedish beer is shite...
I didn't know that was literal... ;D

You're a brave man, Srinath... 8-)

Title: Re: If Trump would just.....
Post by srinath on 12/13/19 at 07:28:40

Vee are bravv in Sveeden, vee havv beers from sevvage and vee dreenk eet and we absorb all co2, Vee ees vvveery Green.
Only Vee heeet houses and drive Vovo car for high economy vith no co2, vich we put in our beer and absorb eet.

Oops I almost forgot - How dare you.

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