General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Articles of Impeachment to be Announced

Message started by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 05:43:55

Title: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 05:43:55

This hour.   Someday, children and some not yet born today will- if you are not yet dust -ask you to look back on this time and to account for yourself.   All these digital records of your own making will guide those questions.  

For those fossils among us who will be no more, you will be known for who you are now, opportunities for revelation and growth long dead.   Most, in disgust, will not spend the time to understand you or your choices- you will be relegated to the reflexive regard afforded the likes of the Klan or willing members of the Reich, traitors to our democratic ideals and Republic.   A bleak legacy.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 06:11:28


Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/19 at 06:17:39

The Donald J Trump Re-Election Act of 2019.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 07:04:32

Mark announced on this forum that he hoped his vote for Trump would foment war and the fall of the Republic.   The value of his judgment is established.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by raydawg on 12/10/19 at 07:39:41

Lets add...."He was a poo-poo head, he hurt our feelings, and abused tweeter......

Notice these 2 measly charges stem from.......a investigation that was done with lots of irregularities, and other misdeeds, that the original charge that spawned the investigation, proved to be NOTHING, as in INNOCENT........

And these 2 are about the way he behaved AFTER THE FACT, defending himself against bullsheet charges.....  

Where was all that OBVIOUS stuff, like FACTS, of the original charges....where they go?

What a libs are blinded by hate and rage of the man, just admit it, move on.....
Go campaign, beat this lousy man fair and square, why not?

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by raydawg on 12/10/19 at 07:40:04

303C2B343A323A28335D0 wrote:
Mark announced on this forum that he hoped his vote for Trump would foment war and the fall of the Republic.   The value of his judgment is established.

I think that was TT.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 07:41:12


"Over the last several months, the investigate committees of the House have been engaged in an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump's efforts to solicit foreign interference in the 2020 elections- efforts that compromised our national security and threatened the integrity of our elections."

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 07:51:19

"Throughout this inquiry, he has attempted to conceal the evidence from Congress and the American people.   Our President holds the ultimate public trust; when he betrays that trust, and puts himself before country, he endangers the Constitution, he endangers our Democracy, and he endangers our National security.  The framers of the Constitution proscribed a clear remedy for Presidents who so violate their oath of office: that is the power of impeachment."

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by pg on 12/10/19 at 08:00:42

I really don't know the Dems are pursuing this, the 'R's are not going to remove him from office.  The Dems are opening the door to discovery and the ability for witnesses to be called.  The Dems are going to take a schlacking, it is going to be demoralizing for them.....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 08:09:25

"Today, in service to our duty to the Constitution and to our country, the House Committee on the Judiciary is introducing two articles of impeachment, charging the President of the United States — Donald J. Trump — with committing high crimes and misdemeanors.  

The first article is for abuse of power.   It is an impeachable offense for the President to exercise the powers of this public office to obtain an improper personal benefit while ignoring or injuring the National Interest; that is exactly what Trump did when he solicited and pressured Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 Presidential election- thus damaging our National Security, undermining the integrity of the next election, and violating his oath to the American people.  

These actions, moreover, are consistent with President Trump's previous invitations of foreign interference in our 2016 presidential election- and when he was caught -when the House investigated, and opened an impeachment inquiry- President Trump engaged in unprecedented, categorical, and indiscriminate defiance oft he impeachment inquiry.  

This gives rise to the second article of impeachment for the obstruction of Congress.   Here, too, we see a familiar pattern in President Trump's misconduct.   A president who declares himself above accountability, above the American people, and above Congress's Power of Impeachment- which is meant to protect against threats to our democratic institutions -is a President who sees himself as above the law.   We must be clear: no one- not even the president -is above the law."

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by MnSpring on 12/10/19 at 08:11:37

Perhaps someone could tell us all why,
when Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire a Prosecutor for Aid Money,
it is different then the current, 'Trumped' up charges.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 08:31:58

62417C5F5D4641482F0 wrote:
Perhaps someone could tell us all why,
when Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire a Prosecutor for Aid Money,
it is different then the current, 'Trumped' up charges.

I don't believe that's possible- the distinction and differences in context are so abundantly clear, your question betrays a lack of good faith regard of our circumstance.   You will need to chew your own food, resolve to put your country over your tribal enmity, and answer the question for yourself in order to arrive at an honest understanding.   While I wish you luck, what you ask is a fools errand.  

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by raydawg on 12/10/19 at 12:29:59

3225232F2030420 wrote:
I really don't know the Dems are pursuing this, the 'R's are not going to remove him from office.  The Dems are opening the door to discovery and the ability for witnesses to be called.  The Dems are going to take a schlacking, it is going to be demoralizing for them.....

Best regards,

They know many, it's the economy stupid.... is working against them, so they, with their media, tried talking a recession....oops.
They know the minority voters are giving Trump MORE support, not less...oops.

And I think the biggest thing is, the AOC flank caused them from just talking it up, to acting.....

And they could not lose their left flank to a 3rd party progressive candidate and hope to beat Trump.....  

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/19 at 14:54:41

There doesn't seem to be a persuasive argument to explain why the key voters in those 5 or 6 key states, who voted for Trump despite all the issues surrounding him, would switch (or not vote) in sufficient numbers that would swing the 2020 election to Warren?

Biden has zero chance moving forward. He's a bubbling idiot as of late when he talks and if this moves into a trial in the Senate, Little Adam Shitt won't be able to gavel away unpleasant facts he doesn't want to come out. Uncle Joe will come out of this looking like a typical corrupt politician and a stroke victim waiting to happen. Either way, he's walking The Green Mile.

Back to the voters in those key states who voted for a completely unknown, crazy Donald Trump in 2016; the economy in those states is doing fine. No way those people who have already displayed a trait of bucking the trend, are going to vote for Warren who's pitch is to put their kids on Medicare,

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by thumperclone on 12/10/19 at 15:48:03

40635E7D7F64636A0D0 wrote:
Perhaps someone could tell us all why,
when Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire a Prosecutor for Aid Money,
it is different then the current, 'Trumped' up charges.

trump is charged with trying to use a foreign government for his PERSONAL gain
and obstruction
uncle joe  got no personal gain from his actions

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by raydawg on 12/10/19 at 16:24:49 can charge people all day long, what ya gotta do Willis is PROVE IT......

And whining the accused obstructed justice, but can't then PROVE IT is silly, if not out right asinine.....

Don't bring charges unless you have the goods....understand amigo?

I am just giddy, and the Barr report is coming, and then a senate trial/impeachment where all these expert witnesses and everyone else will be required to answer subpoenas including those who pushed the Steele Dossier, etc.....all the way back to square one, or, the day Hillary lost......

Because all of these investigations have backfired, and Trump is appears to be benefiting from all of it.....and like I said before, I will not have to vote for him, and that makes me happy......  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Not that I really want 4 more years of this insanity, heck no.....
But like cancer, sometimes you have to remove the healthy tissue, just to get rid of the bad stuff.....

I hope everyone learns....mostly TRUMP, that he can stop being such a jerk, responding to every taunt, critique, etc, and just take the higher road....honestly, I have my doubts, but if the folk can pull together, then as one united, maybe he will change his tone....we can hope, but we, all of us, need to stop letting ourselves get played, and do our own civility growing, stop blaming, and become part of the solutions, to so many issues that need attention, which I think we can all agree, need help......

I am done with all the hype, you guys can carry on the political posturing, if you want, I think I will just wait until the election, and let the voters decide.....these topical issues re: Trump, etc. I believe we are at a impasse   :-*      

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 16:36:40

093B3C2D2A3B2C133F2C355E0 wrote:
Back to the voters in those key states who voted for a completely unknown, crazy Donald Trump in 2016; the economy in those states is doing fine.

You're behind the curve, Mark.   The Federal Bank is projecting contracted growth in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin over the next 5 months, lagging behind most of the rest of the country.    6 Swing State saw rising unemployment in the last quarter.   You continue to ignore the impact of Trump's trade war on manufacturing and agriculture.   These are far more weighting considerations than your orange epithets.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by pg on 12/11/19 at 05:10:44

666A7D626C646C7E650B0 wrote:
" We must be clear: no one- not even the president -is above the law."

LOL, you have so much clinical hatred for Trump you are already mapping out the next attempt.

"There's no such thing, really, as double jeopardy in an impeachment trial because it's political,"

Best regards,

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/11/19 at 05:34:15

3B2C2A2629394B0 wrote:
LOL, you have so much clinical hatred for Trump you are already mapping out the next attempt.

You seem to have reduced the world down to a single "other" to hate, avoid consideration.  As observed to Mark, native hate colors all, and the source is mistaken to be outside.  

The President has compelled impeachment.  Soliciting foreign assistance with a domestic election is a crime and fundamental corruption of the democratic process; our Nation's founders, appreciating the threat to our Republic, put tools in place to remove the likes of Trump.   That you don't share those values is the existential challenge facing our Republic.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by pg on 12/11/19 at 15:42:28

333F28373931392B305E0 wrote:
That you don't share those values is the existential challenge facing our Republic.

I surmise the 60 million + voters who voted for Trump do not share that opinion.  You and the other Marxists are making every effort to railroad him out of office.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/11/19 at 16:24:21

7D5E634042595E57300 wrote:
Perhaps someone could tell us all why,
when Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire a Prosecutor for Aid Money,
it is different then the current, 'Trumped' up charges.

Biden was acting on official US govt policy to have the currupt Shokin removed because he would not investigate corruption. In fact he refused to investigate Burisma.

Whereas Trump was doing the exact opposite and along the way playing into Russia's global plan as well as damaging US national security.

Viktor Shokin: The inside story on Ukraine’s ‘very good’ prosecutor at centre of Trump scandal

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/11/19 at 16:27:48


and whining the accused obstructed justice, but can't then PROVE IT is silly, if not out right asinine.....

How fcuking thick are you (rhetorical question), just to take the obstruction of congress/justice article, the proof is the very fact that Trump issued a blanket order that no one testifies and everyone defies all subpoenas. Are you saying you don't have proof that Trump did that?

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/11/19 at 16:58:14

Don’t know the answer to this off hand but gonna go out on a limb and say the previous President ordered his staff to ignore Subpoenas at least once. I think it relates to separation of powers.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Eegore on 12/11/19 at 17:59:54

 Trump is not the first, just the first to do it at this level, or volume or magnitude, however you want to describe it.

 Obama did it once, for one person.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by pg on 12/11/19 at 18:36:56

352224282737450 wrote:
[quote author=666A7D626C646C7E650B0 link=1575985435/0#9 date=1575994165]" We must be clear: no one- not even the president -is above the law."

LOL, you have so much clinical hatred for Trump you are already mapping out the next attempt.

"There's no such thing, really, as double jeopardy in an impeachment trial because it's political,"

Best regards,

"We cannot rely on an election to solve our problems, when the president threatens the very integrity of that election."
— House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.

;D ;D ;D
;D ;D

Best regards,

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/11/19 at 21:01:25

3F282E222D3D4F0 wrote:
I surmise the 60 million + voters who voted for Trump do not share that opinion.

Projecting your broken moral compass onto 60 million other people is self aggrandizing in the extreme.   I reckon very few, outside of the likes of Mark- and, perhaps, yourself -voted for Trump believing he would invite foreign powers to act on his behalf in our elections, violate the Constitution, and disregard the balance of powers.   You seek the authority of a nameless crowed that is not yours.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by srinath on 12/11/19 at 21:18:06

This impeachment is beginning to grate on my last nerve, I have a 100 miles of pretty much no decent radio signal in my ancient ass car, and all they talk about is this nuts, and 11 months form the election, when the campaigning is supposed to be running full steam. I am sick of hearing nuts about a cast of clowns who I got no idea except they all got employment for life and their kids life and their kids and their kids, more kids = bigger gubbamint. Pack em all into a tiny little courtroom, and lock the darn place up and throw away the key. Regardless of who wins 2020 election, none of these people ever need to see the light of day ever again. And like every day or 2, dangle a donut on a fishing line down in there, so they don't try to break out, and wait for donut to fall from heaven, like their gubbamint job.

Seriously working in gubbamint and milking that for all the $$ - our $$ is what these people do.


Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/12/19 at 04:24:20

4A6A68607D6A0F0 wrote:
 Trump is not the first, just the first to do it at this level, or volume or magnitude, however you want to describe it.

 Obama did it once, for one person.

The first part of your statement is true, not so sure about the second. I think its a bit of an understatement, but I don't really care about this issue enough to go back through history. I recall the Holder subpoena and search for info was very broad. And didn't the Obama administration eventually lose their claim of executive privilege in that case?

Regardless, like everything associated with the Presidency of Trump, whatever "it" is, it's never been done before! I think we can all agree on that.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/12/19 at 04:32:30

Seriously working in gubbamint and milking that for all the $$ - our $$ is what these people do.

Assuming this is still true, 7 of the top 10 wealthiest counties in the US were at one time clustered around Washington DC. Guessing the others are around NY or maybe some obscure western county in Wyoming or something where millionaires have their getaways.

You're right  Sri, government work, and the business of lobbying those workers, pays well.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by pg on 12/12/19 at 04:49:22

0F03140B050D05170C620 wrote:
[quote author=3F282E222D3D4F0 link=1575985435/15#19 date=1576107748]I surmise the 60 million + voters who voted for Trump do not share that opinion.

Projecting your broken moral compass onto 60 million other people is self aggrandizing in the extreme.   I reckon very few, outside of the likes of Mark- and, perhaps, yourself -voted for Trump believing he would invite foreign powers to act on his behalf in our elections, violate the Constitution, and disregard the balance of powers.   You seek the authority of a nameless crowed that is not yours.[/quote]

That is a fine example of duplicity, the guile of trying to capture the moral high ground while hitting below the belt.  No mention of the 17 errors or omissions....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Eegore on 12/12/19 at 09:44:30

"The first part of your statement is true, not so sure about the second."

 It depends on if we are asking if Obama ordered someone to not reply to a subpoena, or if the person chose not to, or refused to answer questions.

 For instance when Lois Lerner made a statement but refused to answer questions.  To me, that is contempt but not a violation of subpoena since Lerner did indeed appear.  I consider it the same result with Ben Rhodes.

 In the case of David Simas it was Neil Eggleston who sent forth the order to not testify.  That could be considered Obama, but to me, it's not the same as Trump making the statement himself, however the end result is indeed the same.

 Holder was found in criminal contempt contempt.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/12/19 at 14:05:03

796E68646B7B090 wrote:
That is a fine example of duplicity, the guile of trying to capture the moral high ground while hitting below the belt.

You dwell where you choose to dwell- there is no other place to address you.  Morality, ethics, integrity are not captured, but a place to freely reside.  Blaming me for your lamentable choices won't garner unearned elevation; do the work to make yourself a better man, or not- the choice is yours alone.

You seemed to need some help with vocabulary, so I've asked Google to explain a word for you- and as luck would have it, the example is topical:


   deceitfulness; double-dealing.
   "the president was accused of duplicity in his dealings with Congress"
   synonyms: deceitfulness, deceit, deception, deviousness, two-facedness, double-dealing, underhandedness, dishonesty, falseness, falsity, fraud, fraudulence, sharp practice, swindling, cheating, chicanery, trickery, craft, guile, artifice, subterfuge, skulduggery, treachery, unfairness, unjustness, perfidy, improbity, crookedness, shadiness, foxiness, dirty tricks, shenanigans, monkey business, funny business, hanky-panky, jiggery-pokery, monkeyshines, codology, knavery, knavishness, management

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/12/19 at 14:12:08

The President solicited foreign powers to intercede on his behalf in our elections.  He will be held to account.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by raydawg on 12/12/19 at 14:28:17

527270786572170 wrote:
"The first part of your statement is true, not so sure about the second."

 It depends on if we are asking if Obama ordered someone to not reply to a subpoena, or if the person chose not to, or refused to answer questions.

 For instance when Lois Lerner made a statement but refused to answer questions.  To me, that is contempt but not a violation of subpoena since Lerner did indeed appear.  I consider it the same result with Ben Rhodes.

 In the case of David Simas it was Neil Eggleston who sent forth the order to not testify.  That could be considered Obama, but to me, it's not the same as Trump making the statement himself, however the end result is indeed the same.

 Holder was found in criminal contempt contempt.

Just heard Alan Dershowitz explain this......

It was something like, on matters of privilege, its is for the court to decide, when its application is used, but called into question....

To allow the house to issue a contempt, or obstruction charge, would then in fact be granting the house, more power than it has and ignoring the separation of powers......

In other words they would be guilty of what they charge the executive branch with.

You might have heard the excuse it would take to much time, to go that route, and he needs to be removed BEFORE the election.....Nadler said as much yesterday, where he couldn't trust the people to vote properly......WHOA

However, that is where this argument resides, NOT in the house, where it serves as judge, and jury........  ;D  

Get a order from them, after arguments, and then enforce it, if granted in the house favor, or give it up.....

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/12/19 at 14:56:18

Look, the idea that Congress is sssssooooo upset and up in arms about someone crapping all over the constitution (insert whatever over the top phrase you’ve heard) is laughable. No one in Congress really cares about that because they do it every day.

Just be honest, this is only about using the impeachment clause to hopefully weaken his re-election effort. That’s all. Nothing else.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by pg on 12/12/19 at 15:45:14

515D4A555B535B49523C0 wrote:
[quote author=796E68646B7B090 link=1575985435/15#29 date=1576154962]That is a fine example of duplicity, the guile of trying to capture the moral high ground while hitting below the belt.

You dwell where you choose to dwell- there is no other place to address you.  Morality, ethics, integrity are not captured, but a place to freely reside.  Blaming me for your lamentable choices won't garner unearned elevation; do the work to make yourself a better man, or not- the choice is yours alone.

You seemed to need some help with vocabulary, so I've asked Google to explain a word for you- and as luck would have it, the example is topical:


   deceitfulness; double-dealing.
   "the president was accused of duplicity in his dealings with Congress"
   synonyms: deceitfulness, deceit, deception, deviousness, two-facedness, double-dealing, underhandedness, dishonesty, falseness, falsity, fraud, fraudulence, sharp practice, swindling, cheating, chicanery, trickery, craft, guile, artifice, subterfuge, skulduggery, treachery, unfairness, unjustness, perfidy, improbity, crookedness, shadiness, foxiness, dirty tricks, shenanigans, monkey business, funny business, hanky-panky, jiggery-pokery, monkeyshines, codology, knavery, knavishness, management[/quote]

Yes I chose that word for a reason, and I feel it was very appropriate.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/13/19 at 06:19:43

053730212637201F332039520 wrote:
No one in Congress really cares about that because they do it every day.

Ever your recourse when posturing reflects poorly and the record defies your narrative-  declare everyone without integrity; be it "the media" or the entirety of Congress, you can't resist lying.    I can't fathom what you imagine is gained in exchange for credibility.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Serowbot on 12/13/19 at 06:36:48

1E2C2B3A3D2C3B04283B22490 wrote:
Just be honest, this is only about using the impeachment clause to hopefully weaken his re-election effort. That’s all. Nothing else.

Can't you be honest and admit, Trump only wanted Ukraine investigation to weaken Biden?...

You seem to have 20/20 tunnel vision.

The difference is, Trump broke the law,.. Dem's are enforcing it.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/13/19 at 06:41:36

what law?
Point me to the specific law in the federal criminal code that he violated.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/13/19 at 06:53:01

Can't you be honest and admit, Trump only wanted Ukraine investigation to weaken Biden?...

Just solely for the purpose? No, I wouldn’t  agree with that. I think he did it for two reasons.

Number one is his long-standing fight against Hillary‘s and the DNC‘s work that originated out of Ukraine about the fictitious Steele dossier and the overall Russian conspiracy nonsense. That was the primary purpose and that’s obvious in the transcript.

Number two was to bring to everyone’s attention what a slimeball Joe Biden and his son are. Like I said before, I’ve got no problem with that. I think in retrospect, he shouldn’t of done it but it’s not an impeachable offense. I’m not even sure it’s a violation of any reasonable interpretation of the law.
Hunter Biden was obviously hired to get influence from the vice president, his father. And in fact that’s exactly what happened. The bottom line to all of this is Joe Biden is crooked like every other politician. You can dismiss this with the wave of your hand as much as you want but you’re only doing that because it’s a way to attack Trump. The country is a better place knowing Hunter Biden is no longer in a position to influence US policy if Joe Biden had been elected president in 2020. Consider that for a moment. If Joe Biden had been elected in 2020 and his son had remained in that BS position, what shenanigans would’ve gone on?

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Serowbot on 12/13/19 at 07:49:11

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
Consider that for a moment. If Joe Biden had been elected in 2020 and his son had remained in that BS position, what shenanigans would’ve gone on?


Trump just got awarded 38 trademarks from China, including one for an escort service.
Chinese government granted a total of 18 trademarks to companies linked to U.S. President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka
And additional 5 were grated to Ivanka alone.
China Contributing $500 Million to Trump-Linked Project in Indonesia
Kushner company received $285M loan from Deutsche Bank.

Do you think Biden might do something like that?...
Gee,.. that would be terrible.
I'm so glad Trump is clearing that up.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by srinath on 12/13/19 at 08:03:56

2630273A22373A21550 wrote:
[quote author=467473626574635C70637A110 link=1575985435/30#39 date=1576248781]
Consider that for a moment. If Joe Biden had been elected in 2020 and his son had remained in that BS position, what shenanigans would’ve gone on?


Trump just got awarded 38 trademarks from China, including one for an escort service.
Chinese government granted a total of 18 trademarks to companies linked to U.S. President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka
And additional 5 were grated to Ivanka alone.
China Contributing $500 Million to Trump-Linked Project in Indonesia
Kushner company received $285M loan from Deutsche Bank.

Do you think Biden might do something like that?...
Gee,.. that would be terrible.
I'm so glad Trump is clearing that up.[/quote]

One more liberal talking point I seemed to have heard too much of in the limited time I have listened/read media. Trademarks are worthless at the time of the award. You can draw up something and put a word to it and if its unique enough - Lets say I make savage parts and my brand will be "savvvage of Sveeden greeeeeneee parts" and pic of a savage puffing out fluffy white clouds of pure oxygen - that can be trademarked. I think a few 100 will do it for fees. That brand is worth a lot less than the few 100 I paid the trademark office. But I build a few 1000 parts and sell em establishing a market and logo it everywhere and everyone will buy it etc etc. Then the "trademarked brand name" is worth a lot of $$$.


Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/13/19 at 08:20:51

Do you think Biden might do something like that?...
Gee,.. that would be terrible.
I'm so glad Trump is clearing that up

Well, if we’re gonna play that game, imagine if Don Jr or Ivanka took a job in Russia in an industry they had zero experience in and making $1 million a year. You would automatically associate that with corruption and demand something be done.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/13/19 at 08:23:17

If by some impossible miracle Michael Bloomberg got elected, don’t you think as an international multi millionaire doing business in multiple countries overseas would have similar conflicts? As we transition possibly to a world where presidents are not historical politicians, get used to this.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Eegore on 12/13/19 at 08:57:53

" I’m not even sure it’s a violation of any reasonable interpretation of the law."

 Violation of law is not required to impeach a President.

 People keep asking to show what laws he broke, or claiming he is being held accountable for violating law.  Thats not necessary.

 The question is did Trump withhold US Military aid in an effort to damage his political opponent?

 The next question is, If the answer to above is Yes, then is it impeachable?

 My opinion is that this would be a whole lot easier on a President who didn't deny things he is recorded doing, didn't deflect, or retaliate against even the slightest negative comment.  It would be easier still if Republican Public Service staff were able to disagree with the president without immediate retaliation from the White House.

 I'm sure a decent number of people would say Trump acted inappropriately, could have re-phrased his request, been "more clear" in his intent etc. but instead they feel they have to deny, not comment at all, or support the POTUS even though they know that's not the most prudent way to handle this situation.

 He's literally keeping politicians from being political.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/13/19 at 09:10:34

Violation of the law is not required to impeach a president.

Yes I know that, I’ve said that all along. That’s behind the phrase “high crimes and misdemeanors”. But this is an impeachment because number one they can’t beat him in 2020 and number two they just find him repulsive

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Eegore on 12/13/19 at 09:29:48

 My personal preference is to hold someone who won't admit a mistake more accountable for their actions than someone who does.

 Trump never makes mistakes.  He should be accountable for that perception of himself instead of trying to convince us.

 I agree that pressing impeachment is part of a strategy to harm his re-election potential, but I can't say that I think his actions are completely free of impeachment inquiry.


Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Mavigogun on 12/13/19 at 10:39:17

457770616677605F736079120 wrote:
As we transition possibly to a world where presidents are not historical politicians, get used to this.

This is the same tired note Mark keeps reaching for, over and over- 'nothing to see here, Trump is what we should expect from everybody now.  Laws, morality, ethics- nobody cares about those antiquated concepts anymore.  You can't be wealthy without being as corrupt as Trump...'

Etc, etc, ad nauseam.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Serowbot on 12/13/19 at 11:04:23

If you ask me, a grown man bullying a teenage girl on Twitter should be impeachable.

Melania should kick his arse...

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/13/19 at 11:25:42

The tweet was silly, hardly bullying.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by srinath on 12/13/19 at 11:39:29

536166777061764965766F040 wrote:
The tweet was silly, hardly bullying.

How dare he Tveet, in Sveeden vee are abovv tveet being so high up here.


Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by MnSpring on 12/16/19 at 16:07:37

5C7C7E766B7C190 wrote:
 My personal preference is to hold someone who won't admit a mistake more accountable for their actions than someone who does  

Where does, "...I did not have sex with..."
Come into play ?

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by srinath on 12/16/19 at 16:20:18

1D3E032022393E37500 wrote:
[quote author=5C7C7E766B7C190 link=1575985435/45#46 date=1576258188]
 My personal preference is to hold someone who won't admit a mistake more accountable for their actions than someone who does  

Where does, "...I did not have sex with..."
Come into play ?

Right next to  - That depends on the definition of "IS".

Man that dude was so good at pretending he was he was Drucking the holeless, dried up shrew of an unholy cross between a rhino and a porcupine and happy about it while he was barbecueing the fattest, youngest, piglet in the world and getting her to swallow it up and then jetting her off to Canadia (new foundland where she opened up a store selling cigars of all things) … man talk about getting the 3rd world to take your problems.
I think Monica Lewinsky is the worlds largest Banana republic as per the 2000 census isn't she ???
Don't even try blaming me for being racist or countryist - I was in Canadia land when it happened, prompting most Canadians to say "oh we'te not a real country, we're just the sewerage processing plant for the US that plays Hockey"


Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Eegore on 12/16/19 at 17:35:00

"Where does, "...I did not have sex with..."
Come into play ?"

 It doesn't.  He's not the President anymore.

 Tommy you broke a window.  "Well in 1994 Billy broke TWO windows!"

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by raydawg on 12/16/19 at 17:55:27

1636343C2136530 wrote:
"Where does, "...I did not have sex with..."
Come into play ?"

 It doesn't.  He's not the President anymore.

 Tommy you broke a window.  "Well in 1994 Billy broke TWO windows!"

Yes it shows exactly what you are willing to accept, from that office holder.....

Try again  :-*

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Eegore on 12/16/19 at 19:05:25

"Yes it shows exactly what you are willing to accept, from that office holder.....

Try again  Kiss"

 How do I apply it?  

 Go back in time and apply my middle-school kid ethics onto Clinton?  I clearly stated: "My personal preference is to hold someone who won't admit a mistake more accountable for their actions than someone who does."

 Someone by my definition is a human capable of being held accountable for their actions.

 How do I "bring into play" a previous President's accountability today?  

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by raydawg on 12/16/19 at 20:33:03

123230382532570 wrote:
"Yes it shows exactly what you are willing to accept, from that office holder.....

Try again  Kiss"

 How do I apply it?  

 Go back in time and apply my middle-school kid ethics onto Clinton?  I clearly stated: "My personal preference is to hold someone who won't admit a mistake more accountable for their actions than someone who does."

 Someone by my definition is a human capable of being held accountable for their actions.

 How do I "bring into play" a previous President's accountability today?  

Sorta like this......

Abortion was pushed, and passed, on its rareness, the danger of the mother, early on, etc......

Now, I just want to use it as birth control whenever I decide to get rid of the dam n thing......even partial birth, etc.

That see how slippery slopes, only get...slippery?  :)

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by NHLycan on 12/17/19 at 04:23:07

What are you conservatives so miffed over. Help me understand. What is it that you want?

You reactionaries have the Supreme Court, the Senate, the Presidency, the majority of state houses and Governors. The toddler in the Whitehouse is going win in the senate despite all the facts.

You won.
We're at your deficient mercy.
You can own as many machine guns as you want and parade with them around daycares confident that no one can object.
You can shout "the n word" at anyone whose tan is darker than a Kardashian without consequence.
Toss a bomb into Planned Parenthood and you'll get pardoned.
If you're a doctor, you can let gay people die on the table to protect your religion.
Paleontologists are now afraid to state that dinosaurs are more than 7,000 years old.
You can kill immigrants in cold blood and DAs will say cool, they didn't have civil rights anyway.
Climate scientists will claim or ignore any darn thing you ask to avoid being doxxed to neo-nazis.
We're about two years away from 11 year old rape victims being strapped to a table and force fed until they give birth to their uncle's baby.
The inbred you elected has all but handed us over to his foreign masters.
Many of us are afraid to admit that we aren't Protestant.
Fuel economy improvements are being sabotaged.
We're forced at gun point to continue subsidizing your mythology.
The medical bankruptcy lottery isn't going anywhere.
The extinction of the majority of species is unstoppable.
Climate change will kill billions and cost trillions.
Slavery is alive and well in our prison industry.
Minority voting has been crushed.
The well off pay less taxes than the poor.
Hell, leaded gasoline is probably on its way back.
You've really "owned the libs".
So again, help me.
What more do you want?
For the majority of us to smile as you put your boot on our necks? Absolution? Approval?
You don't need it.

Take a breath. You won.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/17/19 at 05:09:08

What do I want?

A mechanism where an honest debate is possible in which the ridiculousness of every point you made is on full display and you'd have no choice but to acknowledge as much.

Since I'm apparently in the "you" group you refer to, I feel I can answer the charges labeled against me. Obviously, I can promise nothing in your list is remotely close to reality. However, here's the big challenge directed towards you; if we spent the time and I demonstrated just how hyper-exaggerated each point is, would it make any difference to you?

Maybe that's what I want right now. An honest answer to that question, if you were shown conclusive evidence refuting every point in the strongest terms, would you acknowledge such and change your view even a little?

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by srinath on 12/17/19 at 10:40:19

Vee vant no carbon.
Vee vant drinking beer vith sevvage vater and vee traps all its carbon.

How dare you.


Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Matchless G11 on 12/17/19 at 16:06:34

Minority voting has been crushed.

The majority of women going to abortion clinics are black.
I have seen this with my own eyes, and have talked to many of them.
They would never vote for Trump in a million years, so if they had kids they would probably be liberals. But they won't, so there will not be great numbers of next generation black liberal voters. So if you really want to know who killed off the minority voters, look no further then Margaret Sanger,  a white supremist and founder of Planned Parenthood.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Matchless G11 on 12/18/19 at 02:54:23

We're about two years away from 11 year old rape victims being strapped to a table and force fed until they give birth to their uncle's baby.

We are at that point but the other direction

In China forced abortions are common, Mao was to have said. "it is ether boys or abortions"

Just wait till some bonehaed gets the idea to have a one child policy in this country in order to appese their god of climate change.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by MnSpring on 12/18/19 at 07:01:33

435A54540202415647565058000706330 wrote:
...In China forced abortions are common, Mao was to have said. "it is ether boys or abortions"...

Woman Was Forced at Gunpoint to Take Abortion Drugs That Killed Her Baby, NBC Calls It a “Miscarriage”

That story, bleads, yet it will NEVER lead.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/18/19 at 08:35:51

anyone can come up with a single example to prove their point but there are 320 million people in this country so any point of you can be "proven" by using limited examples.

My point was the extensive list posted by NHL can be proven 100% false from a macro point of view. I'm sure you could find an individual who would agree with any one of those points on the list. But that really doesn't mean anything.  

I could find someone who thinks if a little boy is seen playing with a girl doll and he's four years old, he should immediately be put into gender reassignment therapy. That's patently ridiculous on its surface but we all know there's somebody out there would agree with that statement. But there's no way you could take that single persons ridiculous point of view and extrapolated to the entire left side of the political spectrum.

That's not what NHL did however. If he were to go through the exercise of being proven that these are not widely held beliefs of those on the right side of the political spectrum, would he change his point of view?

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Eegore on 12/18/19 at 09:56:54

 When a woman presents at a medical center and loses a baby, she has miscarried.  The terminology to use is miscarry, yes I know anti-abortion will complain but complaining doesn't change medical terminology.

 A woman who was punched repeatedly then presents at a medical center miscarried.  The cause was inflicted blunt force trauma.

 A woman who went to an underground clinic and had a failed abortion did not miscarry.  The cause was non-clinical abortion procedure.

 A woman who took abortion pills, presented at a medical center for excessive bleeding miscarried.  The cause was mifepristone or misoprostol.  This can cause a medical diagnosis of abortion as well.

 The cause of the miscarriage was abortion, there is no reason to chart a fetal loss as "abortion" since the actual medical term is "miscarriage".

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by WebsterMark on 12/18/19 at 10:23:09

Some are intensional, some are not.
I think the difference between the two is of some interest statistically speaking don’t you?

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Eegore on 12/18/19 at 16:23:59

"Some are intensional, some are not.
I think the difference between the two is of some interest statistically speaking don’t you? "

 Sure but we don't change medical terminology based off of intent.  The reference was that NBC chose to use the term "miscarriage" and all I am saying is that medically, the term miscarriage would be used.  It's used as a term for every abortion since abortions cause a miscarriage.

 Blunt force trauma that is self inflicted and results in a miscarriage is not called an abortion.  It's called a miscarriage because the clinical process of losing a fetus is called a miscarriage.  

 If we altered the clinical terminology of every affliction based off of intent it would be catastrophic to modern healthcare as providers would have to evaluate intent to classify a wound instead of evaluating the physical body.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by raydawg on 12/18/19 at 16:32:34


Then why not call a person who has succumbed to death, simply dead.

But we have headlines for days, etc, if a person used a gun, and killed more than one person, calling it a mass shooting, that caused their deaths, etc.

Is this narrative/description, used for political purposes then.....????

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by Eegore on 12/18/19 at 16:41:48

"Then why not call a person who has succumbed to death, simply dead."

 They do.  Deceased is the most common term.

Title: Re: Articles of Impeachment to be Announced
Post by raydawg on 12/18/19 at 16:53:28

1535373F2235500 wrote:
"Then why not call a person who has succumbed to death, simply dead."

 They do.  Deceased is the most common term.

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