General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid

Message started by Mavigogun on 12/09/19 at 12:10:42

Title: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by Mavigogun on 12/09/19 at 12:10:42

The Inspector General Report on the FBI investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 US election concluded:

  • the FBI investigation was justified

  • no evidence of bias or political motive

  • FISA warrant presentation sub-standard

FBI Director copped to sub-standard performance at the Bureau, while recognizing the legitimacy of findings and warning of ongoing Russian efforts.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by srinath on 12/09/19 at 12:37:16

Trump says, see I told you, and this nuts is so confusing, the deplorables believe he's not guilty. So do most of the clueless. That covers 90% of the country.
You know the saying right.
5% of people think.
10% of people think they think.
The other 90% would rather die than think.


Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by raydawg on 12/09/19 at 16:02:30

Key word......START.

Of course they will take any "rumors" seriously, when it involves the presidential election........

Now, the rest, all the irregularities, exculpatory evidence, omissions, etc......went AGAINST Trump......when, if they would had done the RIGHT THING, the investigation would have STOPPED, and he would not had to DEFEND himself.... against these lies, and now you call that obstruction.......of what......NOTHING.

You even know what exculpatory evidence is?

Exculpatory evidence is evidence favorable to the defendant in a criminal trial that exonerates or tends to exonerate the defendant of guilt.[1] It is the opposite of inculpatory evidence, which tends to present guilt.

In many countries, including the United States, police and prosecutors are required to disclose to the defendant exculpatory evidence they possess before the defendant enters a plea (guilty or not guilty).[2]

Per the Brady v. Maryland decision, prosecutors have a duty to disclose exculpatory evidence even if not requested to do so. While the prosecution is not required to search for exculpatory evidence and must disclose only the evidence in its possession, custody, or control, the prosecution's duty is to disclose all information known to any member of its team, e.g., police, investigators, crime labs, et cetera. In Brady v. Maryland, the U.S. Supreme Court held that such a requirement follows from constitutional due process and is consistent with the prosecutor's duty to seek justice.[3]

Fool, useful fools.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/09/19 at 16:09:39

The US Attorney conducting his investigation took the step of releasing a statement that he does not agree with the findings of the IG report.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by Serowbot on 12/09/19 at 17:03:27

7E4C4B5A5D4C5B64485B42290 wrote:
The US Attorney conducting his investigation took the step of releasing a statement that he does not agree with the findings of the IG report.

Yeah, Barr doesn't agree either...
I'm sure Trump and Gulliani won't either.
Did we expect anything else?... ;D

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/09/19 at 17:25:02

30312A2D22372B430 wrote:
...and this is so confusing...

That is the point, rather than exonerate Trump or attack witnesses the main strategy is to sow as much confusion into everything as possible.


427077666170675874677E150 wrote:
The US Attorney... does not agree with the findings of the IG report.

Comedy gold!

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/09/19 at 18:01:32

So you have no idea what the US Attorney’s report will say and you already dismiss it?

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by raydawg on 12/09/19 at 19:03:15

5D6F68797E6F78476B78610A0 wrote:
So you have no idea what the US Attorney’s report will say and you already dismiss it?

Mark....its a foregone conclusion, always has been....they are yelling obstruction, when in fact all Trump was doing is defending himself, that he should not have had to do, if they would have followed the procedures of exculpatory evidence.....but they wanted to find a way to make it stick, at any cost.....

None of that would even be in discussion, if they didn't skirt the laws and rules, which again, favored the outcome they wanted, and went against Trump.....ALL OF THEM....these mistakes  ::)

Nothing is going to change, the election will come, and if it stays to course, the libs will further sink, get more desperate, and turn off more undecided, swing, and minority voters.......
The left wanted Trump out before he got in....he was the one YELLING about interference in the election, and they all called him out on it, Obama said it could NOT happen, accept the results.....

Obama at a press conference with then-Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi just weeks before the election, in which Obama advised then-candidate Trump to “stop whining” about potential election rigging.

"There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they’re so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved,” Obama said.

Go look it up.

No investigation will change their minds, they are NOT interested in any truth.

Then after the election results, if they democrats lose the house, hopefully we can move on.

If not....they will become more vocal, and civil unrest will most likely  happen, with folks who won't show their faces.....

Even in liberal greater Seattle area, folks are getting tired of it, and this is one of liberals strongholds, but it quickly evaporates the further you get out of the city.....but believe me, folks even IN THE CITY, are getting tired of it.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by srinath on 12/10/19 at 02:26:43

66746063747270150 wrote:
That is the point, rather than exonerate Trump or attack witnesses the main strategy is to sow as much confusion into everything as possible.

The Democrats, diplomats and bureaucrats are confusing us instead of exonerating or convicting ? I don't understand, the maze of this diplomat said that, that bureaucrat said that etc etc is getting on my nerves.
BTW I have a healthy disdain for "gubbamint" officials, whose biggest skill seems to be to navigate the process of getting govt employment. I know a few people who list their skill as "works in government" Maybe its so top secret, they'd have to kill me if they told me. Except before that, they were a school administrator. So as a skill, its shuffling paperwork.
I don't got no patience for this crap.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by srinath on 12/10/19 at 02:31:19

675552434455427D51425B300 wrote:
So you have no idea what the US Attorney’s report will say and you already dismiss it?

I know what it will say. It will say we shuffled this paper through 30,000 copiers, 5000 computers made from 1985 to 1991, under 12,000 gubbamint fat a$$es in 57 countries and its been endorsed by 9 out of 10 bureaucrats and only 7.5 out of 8 peons.

They're called Fools, Bureaucrats and Idiots for a reason.


Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/10/19 at 04:00:38

7E4C4B5A5D4C5B64485B42290 wrote:
So you have no idea what the US Attorney’s report will say and you already dismiss it?

Que? I'll take Lawfare's analysis, perhaps, you've been watching Fox.

Today, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz declared in more than 450 pages that the "Witch Hunt" narrative was nonsense. Yes, the investigation had problems—some of them serious. But the problems were not political in character. There was no effort to “get” candidate Trump. There was no “insurance policy.” There was no coup. There was no treason.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/19 at 05:01:47

From Kim Stassell, WSJ reporter.

1) Key findings of Horowitz report:
--Yup, IG said FBI hit threshold for opening an investigation. But also goes out of its way to note what a "low threshold" this is. Durham's statement made clear he will provide more info for Americans to make a judgment on reasonableness.
2) The report is triumph for former House Intel Chair Devin Nunes, who first blew the whistle on FISA abuse. The report confirms all the elements of the February 2018 Nunes memo, which said dossier was as an "essential" part of applications, and FBI withheld info from FISA court
3)Conversely, report is an excoriation of  Adam Schiff and his "memo" of Feb 2018. That doc stated that "FBI and DOJ officials did NOT abuse the [FISA] process" or "omit material information." Also claimed FBI didn't much rely on dossier.
4)In fact, IG report says dossier played "central and essential role" in getting FISA warrants. Schiff had access to same documents as Nunes, yet chose to misinform the public.  This is the guy who just ran impeachment proceedings.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/19 at 05:04:20

5) Report is a devastating indictment of Steele, Fusion GPS and the "dossier." Report finds that about the only thing FBI ever corroborated in that doc were publicly available times, places, title names. Ouch.
6)IG finds 17 separate problems with FISA court submissions, including FBI's overstatement of Steele's credentials. Also the failure to provide court with exculpatory evidence and issues with Steele's sources and additional info it got about Steele's credibility.
7) Every one of these "issues" is a story all on its own. Example: The FBI had tapes of Page and Papadopoulos making statements that were inconsistent with FBI's own collusion theories. They did not provide these to the FISA court.
8) Another example: FBI later got info from professional contacts with Steele who said he suffered from "lack of self awareness, poor judgement" and "pursued people" with "no intelligence value." FBI also did not tell the court about these credibility concerns.
9)And this: FBI failed to tell Court that Page was approved as an "operational contact" for another U.S. agency, and "candidly" reported his interactions with a Russian intel officer. FBI instead used that Russian interaction against Page, with no exculpatory detail.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/19 at 05:08:08

10)Overall, IG was so concerned by these "extensive compliance failures" that is has now initiated additional "oversight" to assess how FBI in general complies with "policies that seek to protect the civil liberties of U.S. persons."
11) Report also expressed concerns about FBI's failure to present any of these issues to DOJ higher ups; its ongoing contacts with Steele after he was fired for talking to media; and its use of spies against the campaign without any DOJ input.
12) Remember Comey telling us it was  no big deal who  paid for dossier? Turns out it was a big deal in FBI/DOJ, where one lawyer (Stuart Evans) expressed "concerns" it had been funded by Clinton/DNC. Because of his "consistent inquiries" we go that convoluted footnote.
13) IG also slaps FBI for using what was supposed to be a baseline briefing for the Trump campaign of foreign intelligence threats as a surreptitious opportunity to investigate Flynn.
14) Finally, intriguing just how many people at the FBI don't remember anything about anything. Highly convenient.
15)Last point. When IG says he found no "documentary" evidence of bias, he means just that: He didn't find smoking gun email that says "let's take out Trump." And it isn't his job to guess at the motivations of FBI employees. Instead...
16) He straightforwardly lays out facts. Those facts produce a pattern of FBI playing the FISA Court--overstating some info, omitting other info, cherrypicking details. Americans can look at totality and make their own judgment as to "why" FBI behaved in such a manner.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 05:26:21

Trump looked into the camera on live TV and asked for Russian interference in the election.

Trump's campaign shared polling and demographics in key districts with  Russian intelligence.

Trump-contracted social engineering company Cambridge Analytica coordinated with Russian State propaganda machine The Internet Research Agency to influence the vote; Trump himself repeated Internet Research Agency propaganda.

The Independent Counsel demonstrated multiple Trump campaign members lied about contact with Russian operatives; several have been sentenced for related crimes and are serving time in prison right now.

The Independent Counsel determined Trump obstructed Counsel's investigation of Russia's concerted effort to impact the US election outcome.


These are just a few matters of record- not conjecture, not supposition, not obvious conclusions on the order of hearing a gunshot then seeing a person with a smoking gun standing over a corpse with a fresh bullet hole.   These are just a handful of facts out of the pile.

Trump solicited Russian help with his 2016 bid for the Presidency; he coordinated with that effort.   Since then, he has solicited Ukraine and China to take part in the 2020 election.   The FBI investigation into candidate Trump's campaign has been completely validated.

Trump is a criminal, violated our trust and the Constitution.  We don't know yet if Republican efforts will prevent holding Trump to account for what he has done, while he remains in office.   We just don't know.  What we know, without any shade of doubt, is that those of you who are complicit in covering for Trump will carry that stain forever.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/19 at 05:30:14

My take away on what I've read and seen so far; to say there was no bias in the dozens and dozens of examples of either illegal, or at best, poor execution of the FBI and other agencies job functions is not believable.

Also of note as Strassel points out, the IG found no "documentary evidence" of bias meaning he found no email or memo detailing the bias. I would point out during the limited hearings I watched, the Democrats response to the Republican's point no one had direct evidence, no one could say they hear a single direct command of instruction by Trump, that in cases like this, there is rarely an a clearly defined smoking gun. If true in one complicated case, why not true in the other.

It's simply not believable that at every fork in the road, the government agencies made the mistake that always favored one political party. The only logical conclusion is government agencies at the direction of their supervisors at a high level, used various methods to harm the Presidential campaign of one specific individual.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 05:53:31

7B494E5F58495E614D5E472C0 wrote:
It's simply not believable that at every fork in the road, the government agencies made the mistake that always favored one political party. The only logical conclusion is-

The only logical conclusion, given all we know, is that the FBI was not mistaken, acting to investigate crimes by Trump et al.   This is what we should hope for from our law enforcement and guardians of democracy- to investigate crimes down every branch... until the rat is cornered.   Mark champions the rat and demagogues pursuit of justice.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/19 at 06:15:02

John Solomon

To understand just how shoddy the FBI’s work was in securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant targeting the Trump campaign, you only need to read an obscure attachment to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report.

Appendix 1 identifies the total violations by the FBI of the so-called Woods Procedures, the process by which the bureau verifies information and assures the FISA court its evidence is true.

The Appendix identifies a total of 51 Woods procedure violations from the FISA application the FBI submitted to the court authorizing surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page starting in October 2016.

A whopping nine of those violations fell into the category called: “Supporting document shows that the factual assertion is

For those who don’t speak IG parlance, it means the FBI made nine false assertions to the FISA court. In short, what the bureau said was contradicted by the evidence in its official file.

To put that in perspective, former Trump aides Mike Flynn and George Papadopoulos were convicted of making single false statements to the bureau. One went to jail already, and the other awaits sentencing.

The FBI made nine false statements to the court.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by srinath on 12/10/19 at 06:50:58

063433222534231C30233A510 wrote:
It's simply not believable that at every fork in the road, the government agencies made the mistake that always favored one political party. The only logical conclusion is government agencies at the direction of their supervisors at a high level, used various methods to harm the Presidential campaign of one specific individual.

I would suggest another line of thinking here - Govt employees tend to be against the anti establishment 1/2s of either party. I would expect them to be very much for the "big govt" part of each party.
No higher power direction needed, the newer and hence junior are likely more for the "big govt" aspect of thinks seeing as they're just beginning to relax after landing in their cushy gubbamint job, and here comes along someone who wants to cut them …


Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by raydawg on 12/10/19 at 07:42:46

3D312639373F37253E500 wrote:
Trump looked into the camera on live TV and asked for Russian interference in the election.

Trump's campaign shared polling and demographics in key districts with  Russian intelligence.

Trump-contracted social engineering company Cambridge Analytica coordinated with Russian State propaganda machine The Internet Research Agency to influence the vote; Trump himself repeated Internet Research Agency propaganda.

The Independent Counsel demonstrated multiple Trump campaign members lied about contact with Russian operatives; several have been sentenced for related crimes and are serving time in prison right now.

The Independent Counsel determined Trump obstructed Counsel's investigation of Russia's concerted effort to impact the US election outcome.


These are just a few matters of record- not conjecture, not supposition, not obvious conclusions on the order of hearing a gunshot then seeing a person with a smoking gun standing over a corpse with a fresh bullet hole.   These are just a handful of facts out of the pile.

Trump solicited Russian help with his 2016 bid for the Presidency; he coordinated with that effort.   Since then, he has solicited Ukraine and China to take part in the 2020 election.   The FBI investigation into candidate Trump's campaign has been completely validated.

Trump is a criminal, violated our trust and the Constitution.  We don't know yet if Republican efforts will prevent holding Trump to account for what he has done, while he remains in office.   We just don't know.  What we know, without any shade of doubt, is that those of you who are complicit in covering for Trump will carry that stain forever.

And tried to sell them a bridge too...... OMG, folks really believe that, and 5 hours later Hillary's computer was hacked.....sure, they were just waiting to get a OK, that is so nice of them...... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/19 at 07:47:21

7273686F607569010 wrote:
[quote author=063433222534231C30233A510 link=1575922242/15#15 date=1575984614]

It's simply not believable that at every fork in the road, the government agencies made the mistake that always favored one political party. The only logical conclusion is government agencies at the direction of their supervisors at a high level, used various methods to harm the Presidential campaign of one specific individual.

I would suggest another line of thinking here - Govt employees tend to be against the anti establishment 1/2s of either party. I would expect them to be very much for the "big govt" part of each party.
No higher power direction needed, the newer and hence junior are likely more for the "big govt" aspect of thinks seeing as they're just beginning to relax after landing in their cushy gubbamint job, and here comes along someone who wants to cut them …


If that were true Sri, where was the 'whistleblower' in the Obama administration over Fast and Furious, over the Iran money, over the hundreds of actions any Presidential administration takes on a near daily basis.
No, this was primarily a partisan political act followed closely by motivations of a class of people who's livelihood depends upon the President of either party bowing to their demands and ignoring the citizens who elected them.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 08:21:52

556760717667704F637069020 wrote:
No, this was primarily a partisan political act-

Mark is like a broken clock- occasionally, momentarily right by accident of circumstance.  The FBI investigation was most definitely a partisan act- on behalf of our democracy and Republic.   The other partisans are Russia and its co-conspirators.   Like Mark here, they are declared enemies of both democracy and our Republic.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by srinath on 12/10/19 at 08:23:55

063433222534231C30233A510 wrote:
If that were true Sri, where was the 'whistleblower' in the Obama administration over Fast and Furious, over the Iran money, over the hundreds of actions any Presidential administration takes on a near daily basis.

Those weren't anti big govt moves - or not from a president who wants to shrink govt. I cant explain it, but Obama was the darling of the career diplomat/bureaucrat. The republicans were the govt shutdown people, which I hated too BTW. However, for a bureaucrat, its not an extential threat going to the president.


Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/19 at 10:28:43

I can explain it. Obama was the darling of the career diplomat and bureaucrat because they are primarily liberal on the political spectrum. They tolerated Bush because he was, despite being on the other side of the political spectrum, nonetheless part of the "club". Donald Trump on the other hand, was a third-party candidate that dragged the Republican Party kicking and screaming to his side.

People, in general, will do almost anything to maintain their comfortable status quo and the members of the DC swamp are no different than anyone else. That's what we're seeing here.

Regardless, this increases Trump's reelection odds. He is likely to be President until 2024.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by srinath on 12/10/19 at 10:56:25

152720313627300F233029420 wrote:
Regardless, this increases Trump's reelection odds. He is likely to be President until 2024.

Yea, I'm getting this feeling too, and bureaucrats run the world, if you don't believe me, try going to the DMV and taking a look down there. Pumping the bureaucracy and then milking it for all its worth is the game of gubbamint. If Trump loses, the DMV has won, it will extract its lb of flesh. If Trump wins, the DMV just will come back madder in 2024. In both cases we lose.


Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by Serowbot on 12/10/19 at 11:03:50

If Trump has ever talked about the DMV, I never heard it.

I'm certain Trump has never been to the DMV or had any personal experience with them.
I don't think I've ever seen him drive a car.  ;D

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by srinath on 12/10/19 at 11:23:27

4E584F524A5F52493D0 wrote:
If Trump has ever talked about the DMV, I never heard it.

I'm certain Trump has never been to the DMV or had any personal experience with them.
I don't think I've ever seen him drive a car.  ;D

Yea we need to send him to one to have a "re-education through DMV" like the rest of us. He needs to get stuck in one till he comes out with a  title and registration to his limo with 1 little error, where the seller signed the wrong line. Yea, he needs to go do that and then report back.


Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 12:18:49

192B2C3D3A2B3C032F3C254E0 wrote:
Regardless, this increases Trump's reelection odds.

Disregarding the record is a poor strategy for prediction.   A clear majority of voters support impeachment- far higher portion than at the same stage of the Nixon impeachment.   Contrary to Mark's claim, more people are not now motivated to support Trump.   Those people who don't care about Trump's crimes were not going to be moved.   Folks who didn't vote for Trump are certainly not moving their support toward him.   As Republicans electing to bow out of Congress demonstrates, the room for movement is away, not toward.   These proceedings can only harm Trump's chances to escape jail through a second term.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by raydawg on 12/10/19 at 12:25:00

These proceedings can only harm Trump's chances to escape jail through a second term.

OMG....F'N CRAZY.......

The libs are already interfering in the 2020 elections.....

We need to charge them, and abuse of power too....... ;D ;D ;D ;D  

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by srinath on 12/10/19 at 12:30:00

392A322F2A3C2C4B0 wrote:
We need to charge them, and abuse of power too....... ;D ;D ;D ;D  

Yes, so they can be like the hybrid cars they love, just hook em up to 220. When they glow in the dark, that's when they're fully charged.


Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/10/19 at 16:24:58

The bottom line regarding the IG report is that whatever issues that existed, the report was properly opened, and *crucially* it debunks *all* the conspiracy theories.

And 'conspiracy theories', is not just the meat and potatoes of the GOP defence of Trump's impeachable conduct, but it's also the bread and butter, plates, dishwashing liquid and tea towel, of their defence.

as George Orwell wrote in 1944, “For quite long periods, at any rate, people can remain undisturbed by obvious lies, either because they simply forget what is said from day to day or because they are under such a constant propaganda bombardment that they become anaesthetized to the whole business.”

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/10/19 at 16:37:56

The bottom line regarding the IG report is that whatever issues that existed, the report was properly opened, and *crucially* it debunks *all* the conspiracy theories.

Simply not true. It's the IG's opinion, its not fact. I suspect the US Attorney's report will have a different view. The FBI's investigation debunked all the Kavanaugh accusations yet how many on here would argue with that statement?

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by Mavigogun on 12/10/19 at 16:42:59

5F6D6A7B7C6D7A45697A63080 wrote:
The FBI's investigation debunked all the Kavanaugh accusations yet how many on here would argue with that statement?

Issuing a demonstrably false statement- then proclaiming honest people will contest it -is no great prophetic feat.   You suffer from the belief that the quality of all judgment is subjectively equal; this is the favorite recourse of those dwarfed in contrast.   On one side we have the US intelligence apparatus concluding decisively that Russia worked to elect Trump; on the other, Trump saying "I don't know why it would be Russia".   There's no contest.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/11/19 at 13:21:21

I'm working from home today so I had an opportunity for a while to watch the IG Senate testimony and I can tell you the way he characterized his report during that hearing is not exactly what was reported about that report in the press when it first came out. That's one issue. Another, funny but I flipped to CNN back-and-forth repeatedly from Fox and surprise surprise, every time I went to CNN they didn't have the hearing on even though they televised every second of the congressional hearing, like everybody else did. Bias? I don't know....I report you decide!
Finally, don't be so sure every Democratic Senator votes guilty if this gets to the Senate.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/11/19 at 13:32:17

@wmI suspect the US Attorney's report will have a different view.

You mean Barr who was handpicked specifically to shield Trump and who undercut the release of the Muller report with lies before it was released? You're certainly correct in this case.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/11/19 at 13:34:02

... and here's some interesting ramifications from all the questions today. It's true the DNC is responsible for the origins of the steele dossier that was ultimately used as a basis for the FISA warrents. So in summary, one presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, used the FBI to spy on another presidential candidate of the opposition party, Donald Trump.  as was pointed out in the Senate hearings, that of course you will never hear if you watch CNN, Diane Feinstein had the FBI alert her to potential questionable character on her campaign staff. But they did not do that to Donald Trump. They actually went so far to plant an agent (aka: spy) to attend an intelligence briefing for Trump. It was asked in the open hearing and no one had ever heard that done before.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/11/19 at 13:38:01

4C5E4A495E585A3F0 wrote:
@wmI suspect the US Attorney's report will have a different view.

You mean Barr who was handpicked specifically to shield Trump and who undercut the release of the Muller report with lies before it was released? You're certainly correct in this case.

well eau,  every attorney general is "hand-picked" by the president. Whether to specifically shield them is debatable. Did Holdner shield Obama? Did his replacement shield him? I forget her name right now, the one who met with Bill Clinton in the airport.

Let's be honest,  I think your judgment on Attorney General depends upon the little letter behind the presidents name, D or R.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/11/19 at 13:50:24

@WM every attorney general is "hand-picked" by the president. Whether to specifically shield them is debatable.

You deliberately separate 'hand picked' from the sentence and say 'duh, they're all handpicked'. It's this sort of sly disingenuous bullsh!t that makes me think that your obfuscations are deliberate.

Barr has debased the office of the AG and debased himself in the process. Before he was given the job of AG he basically wrote a job application in the form of an opinion piece proclaiming the undisputed power of the President.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/11/19 at 13:50:45

...and this quote paints a significantly different picture than plastered all over the news...

Horowitz: As to the opening [of the investigation], which is in a different place than the FISA issues that you have identified and I talked about earlier, I think it is two different situations. On the FISA side, we found, as you noted, a lack of documentary and testimonial evidence about intentionality, but we noted the lack of satisfactory explanations, and in fact, leave open the possibility, for the reasons you indicated, it is unclear what the motivations were. On the one hand, gross incompetence, negligence; on the other hand intentionality, and we’re in between — we weren’t in a position with the evidence we had, to make that conclusion, but we are not ruling it out.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/11/19 at 13:54:38

33213536212725400 wrote:
@WM every attorney general is "hand-picked" by the president. Whether to specifically shield them is debatable.

You deliberately separate 'hand picked' from the sentence and say 'duh, they're all handpicked'. It's this sort of sly disingenuous bullsh!t that makes me think that your obfuscations are deliberate.

Barr has debased the office of the AG and debased himself in the process. Before he was given the job of AG he basically wrote a job application in the form of an opinion piece proclaiming the undisputed power of the President.

I've not seen nor heard Barr do anything that "debased the office ". One of the more recent AG's was the first to be held in contempt. I think we should be able to agree that was "debasing the office" right?

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/11/19 at 14:06:19

Barr is the AG of the US not Trump's personal AG and when he undercuts the agency that he is head of with his partisan dissemblings then that is debasing the office of the AG.

Here's Barr's job application in the form of a memo to Rosenstein....

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/11/19 at 14:07:23

Finally I tell you one person you would want to be right now is Carter Page’s real estate agent because Page is going to make a fortune when he sues the FBI, The DNC, maybe Hilary and even Obama......he’ll be moving into a nice big expensive house! Big commission!

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/11/19 at 15:25:16


there you go back on track to talking about Hilary, while Trump is soliciting foreign interference in real time.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by pg on 12/11/19 at 15:32:36

31233734232527420 wrote:
Barr is the AG of the US not Trump's personal AG

First, he was confirmed by the US Senate; and this is his second time in that position.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by Mavigogun on 12/11/19 at 15:40:58

This is the fundamental dishonesty at Mark's core.   Page drew the eye of Federal scrutiny due in part to his contact with Russian intelligence; his surveillance was about ferreting out Russian espionage and projection of power into US domestic politics.   Subsequent discovery has demonstrated just how appropriate those concerns were and are.  

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/11/19 at 16:06:51

Anyway to keep the thread on track do not forget...

When you see folks crowing about errors in Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications and the misconduct described in the inspector general’s report released on Dec. 9, take a deep breath and try to remember the allegations that sparked this review of the Russia investigation. It wasn’t that long ago. You can do it if you try. The allegations weren’t about sloppy handling of a FISA application, serious though that issue undoubtedly is. They weren’t even about an FBI lawyer altering an email.

First, he was confirmed by the US Senate; and this is his second time in that position.  

Obviously he was confirmed by the Senate. Do you have a point?

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by WebsterMark on 12/11/19 at 17:00:32

33213536212725400 wrote:

there you go back on track to talking about Hilary, while Trump is soliciting foreign interference in real time.

If I were in your position, I’d want to steer this as far away from Hilary and The DNC as possible.

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by pg on 12/11/19 at 17:14:34

12001417000604610 wrote:
Obviously he was confirmed by the Senate. Do you have a point?

You must be having an off day, or not…  You demean this individual by referring to him as Trumps’s personal attorney when he had a full and revered career.  Henceforth, he was endorsed by the Senate to serve a second term because he is highly respected.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: IG Report: Russia Investigation Valid
Post by eau de sauvage on 12/11/19 at 17:24:49


Yes I am aware that Barr was seen as a safe choice and there was hope that while he had some worrying views regarding the limit to presidential authority that were not in keeping with Supreme court precedents, he nevertheless would discharge his duty with some professionalism.

I'm still unsure of the point you're making by saying he was confirmed by the Senate and he was/is respected. I'm sure he's pretty respected by Trump and his allies, he's certainly not respected by the legal establishment who still have some respect for the office of the AG.

Is your defence of Barr simply that there was a time when he was not a complete toadying scumbag. I'm sure you could make the same argument for Epstein. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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