General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Escape goats.....

Message started by pg on 11/16/19 at 15:08:15

Title: Escape goats.....
Post by pg on 11/16/19 at 15:08:15

Well, someone had to go down.....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/17/19 at 06:32:18

 Falsification of Federal Documents is illegal.  What exactly would they be "escaping" by holding staff accountable?

 Or are you in the "he had to be murdered suicide isn't possible" boat like some others?

Note: This post is an opinion in response to what I consider pertinent and valuable discussion material.  While they are words on a screen I contribute in an attempt to engage in discussion instead of contributing by slinging insults at other members.

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by pg on 11/17/19 at 09:47:39

5474767E6374110 wrote:
 Falsification of Federal Documents is illegal.  What exactly would they be "escaping" by holding staff accountable?

 Or are you in the "he had to be murdered suicide isn't possible" boat like some others?

The narrative of his demise is an extraordinary sequence of events of which I do not believe.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/17/19 at 10:42:36

 That makes sense.

 I do believe prison inmates commit suicide, and I believe prison staff work overtime, and do not commit 100% to their work duties.  I think the potential exists that staff would write down they did something they did not actually do.  I also think that the data presented in multiple studies about the hyoid bone breaking in adults over 60 is accurate.

 I prefer the physical evidence over circumstance, but I can also see where the situation has other circumstances that could indicate foul play.  Proof however may be hard to come by unless prison staff say they let Federal Agents come in, kill the inmate and leave.  Sneaking in while they slept would amateur hour, nobody is going to believe that unless they watch spy movies all day.

 So the logic here is that the two prison staff are scape-goats as in taking responsibility for an inmate suicide by falsification of reports instead of admitting a strike-team killed the inmate?

Note: This post is an opinion in response to what I consider pertinent and valuable discussion material.  While they are words on a screen I contribute in an attempt to engage in discussion instead of contributing by slinging insults at other members.  

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by pg on 11/17/19 at 11:04:35

5777757D6077120 wrote:
 So the logic here is that the two prison staff are scape-goats as in taking responsibility for an inmate suicide by falsification of reports instead of admitting a strike-team killed the inmate?


Best regards,

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/17/19 at 11:57:01

 That doesn't make much sense to me.  

 Instead of killing the inmate in a way consistent with non-homicide speculative means, in a location where they wouldn't have to explain missing camera footage, in a location where they would have to kill or prosecute their own staff, they instead are going to try to say a strike team snuck into a secure housing unit undetected murdered an inmate, snuck back out undetected, then waited for someone to find him?

 Whatever happened to allergic reactions to medication, or falling down?

 Why go through all the steps needed to create a large cover-up when they could do it much, much easier?  And also without making their own staff criminals in the process?

 Why choose the more complicated and harder to get away with method?

Note: This post is an opinion in response to what I consider pertinent and valuable discussion material.  While they are words on a screen I contribute in an attempt to engage in discussion instead of contributing by slinging insults at other members.  

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by oldNslow on 11/17/19 at 13:26:17

 Instead of killing the inmate in a way consistent with non-homicide speculative means, in a location where they wouldn't have to explain missing camera footage, in a location where they would have to kill or prosecute their own staff, they instead are going to try to say a strike team snuck into a secure housing unit undetected murdered an inmate, snuck back out undetected, then waited for someone to find him?

No need for any of that in this case. The jail authorities had every reason to believe Epstein was a suicide risk. They had him on suicide watch for a time. Were aware that he suddenly changed his will. Then, for reasons that haven't been addressed, he was taken off suicide watch, his cellmate was moved to another location leaving him alone in his cell. The cameras were conveniently inoperable, and the guards were derelict in their  duty to keep an eye on him.

A suspicious person such as myself might conclude that perhaps the situation was arranged so that he could successfully accomplish what the folks in the jail thought that he was very likely to attempt.

And then blame it on sh*ty equipment, lazy, tired, overworked staff, and incompetent prison administrators.

Which of course no one would find hard to believe.

Mission accomplished.

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/17/19 at 15:35:37

"A suspicious person such as myself might conclude that perhaps the situation was arranged so that he could successfully accomplish what the folks in the jail thought that he was very likely to attempt."

 This seems considerably more reasonable than sending in people to sneak past staff and kill him.

Note: This post is an opinion in response to what I consider pertinent and valuable discussion material.  While they are words on a screen I contribute in an attempt to engage in discussion instead of contributing by slinging insults at other members.  

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by pg on 11/17/19 at 16:36:02

I don't see what the issue is.  Two guys cut off the camera and tell the guards to go on break.  They make sure the job is done and the two guards are collateral damage.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/17/19 at 20:04:25

"I don't see what the issue is.  Two guys cut off the camera and tell the guards to go on break.  They make sure the job is done and the two guards are collateral damage."

 Way too many TV shows and movies here.

 "Two guys" ?

 What two guys?  You think prisons let just anyone in them?  Even Wardens get ID controlled upon entry, so every camera in the building including outside ones need to be shut off just to get these "two guys" in the building without being on camera.

 Why not just give the pay off to the guys scheduled for that shift?

 Why tell them to "go on break"?  If you worked in a prison and two guys you've never seen before come in the middle of the night and tell you leave, you wouldn't report that?  You wouldn't ask a superior, take a note nothing?  

 Then once you find a dead inmate, you don't say "Hey two guys came in last night and had both of us leave the area at the same time."?

 Maintenance guys came in last night
 The Warden came in last night
 The FBI came in last night
 My Sergeant came in last night

 Nah nobody would say anything about that, they would just lose their jobs and go to prison themselves instead of saying anything like that.

 Convenient that two guys can enter a prison, go kill an inmate and stroll out and not have any one staff member think that's odd.  Nobody would mention anything about being forced to leave the area, too convenient.

 Why would they choose the more complex route?  

Note: This post is an opinion in response to what I consider pertinent and valuable discussion material.  While they are words on a screen I contribute in an attempt to engage in discussion instead of contributing by slinging insults at other members.

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by pg on 11/18/19 at 03:38:18

735351594453360 wrote:
 Convenient that two guys can enter a prison, go kill an inmate and stroll out and not have any one staff member think that's odd.  Nobody would mention anything about being forced to leave the area, too convenient.

Why would they choose the more complex route?  

First, you don't know how high it goes.  Second, when federal officers come on property someone who does not know the proper protocol will likely conform to their demands.  Did you know one of the guards, was not a detention guard and reassigned to that post?

How do explain the broken bones in his neck, the bruises on his hands, and bruises on his shoulder?

Why wasn't an explantion provided for the camera failure?

Best regards,  

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/18/19 at 06:53:14

"First, you don't know how high it goes.  Second, when federal officers come on property someone who does not know the proper protocol will likely conform to their demands."

 And lose their job immediately, and in many cases be prosecuted.  I've been in several military and Federal institutions over the years and nobody is allowed to "conform with demands."  In most cases people that are covering a post they do not normally do, they are more diligent not less.  If I volunteer to work an access gate at a military post what incentive do I have to be less diligent?  It's illegal to prosecute, punish, fire, discipline me for exceeding the standard security protocol.  So wait in line General while I get you clearance.

 As far as that goes, why wouldn't the many people that the two guys brought in to kill an inmate in the middle of the night had to get clearance from not say a word?

 This access control is being over-simplified, like saying "Shut off cameras", modern camera systems use login controls and enclosed wiring, it's not like the movies where you pull out the fiber line, or flip a physical switch like in the 1980's.  You need access to the room, access to the system, a password, then a way to remove your login and a way to remove your badge-in history to the room itself.  Lets not forget a way to delete the footage in a totally separate storage area, and the cloud storage, controls are typically no longer kept with storage.  Just in the Medical center I worked at camera controls needed two staff members simultaneously and the recordings were in triplicated and at separate locations at once.

 "Did you know one of the guards, was not a detention guard and reassigned to that post?"

 I did.  How does volunteering for overtime mean that the staff wouldn't say: "Last night two guys came in, told me to "go on break", then we found Epstein dead?"

 Why wouldn't they say that?  What part of job reassignment makes one incapable of reporting the middle of the night unscheduled mandatory break?

 If this is a really high up planned execution, again:  Why would they choose the more complex easier to prove as murder route, instead of an easier, harder to prove method?

 Why would they choose the harder more incriminating process?

"How do explain the broken bones in his neck, the bruises on his hands, and bruises on his shoulder?"

 I already addressed this in another post with 4 medical studies indicating clearly that men over 60 are more likely to break a hyoid bone during suicidal hanging.

 How do you explain everyone except the family hired assessment saying it's suicide?  This one guy is correct, all other forensic pathologists wrong.

 Again I am not saying this wasn't a murder, I just don't know why the process for doing it has to be so complex.  Why not use an easier, harder to prove method?

Note: This post is an opinion in response to what I consider pertinent and valuable discussion material.  While they are words on a screen I contribute in an attempt to engage in discussion instead of contributing by slinging insults at other members.

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by pg on 11/18/19 at 08:02:43

Why would they choose the harder more incriminating process?

What could be easier?  Really

You have a guard who was not trained for the duties they were given.
Rules at the Federal Bureau of Prisons allow people who work in other prison jobs, such as teachers and cooks, to be trained to fill in for posts usually manned by regular guards.  Opps, camera doesn't work as well.

When I said you don't know how far up this goes, I meant it.  The guards could have asked to perform a task by their superiors when Epstein was killed.  If they killing people do you really believe those individuals are concerned about protocol?

You have not provided an explanation for the bruises on his shoulders and hands.


Best regards,

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/18/19 at 08:04:32

I go back to the complexities of pulling this off. This is not the movies, this is not "Ocean's Eleven". You can't rob several Las Vegas casinos like they did in that movie.

It would be extremely hard for the powerful people to enlist someone to plan and carry out a murder of a high profile target in jail. Not impossible, but extremely hard.

How many people would it require to pull this off and how many would know about it?

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/18/19 at 08:10:28

1106000C0313610 wrote:
Why would they choose the harder more incriminating process?

What could be easier?  Really

You have a guard who was not trained for the duties they were given.
Rules at the Federal Bureau of Prisons allow people who work in other prison jobs, such as teachers and cooks, to be trained to fill in for posts usually manned by regular guards.  Opps, camera doesn't work as well.

When I said you don't know how far up this goes, I meant it.  The guards could have asked to perform a task by their superiors when Epstein was killed.  If they killing people do you really believe those individuals are concerned about protocol?

You have not provided an explanation for the bruises on his shoulders and hands.


Best regards,

My job takes me into FDA regulated facilities from time to time. On paper, there are very strict rules that must be followed to the letter for product safety. I have on occasion waved at the security guard and been escorted around the back by a regular visitor who didn't want to bother with the paperwork, gone into a secure area and performed work on systems that package FDA regulated products. I've been left alone for an hour at a time. I've walked through these plants looking for a bathroom. I could have done anything I wanted.  

Epstein might have been a high profile person on the outside, but after a couple weeks in jail, maybe to the guards and everyone else, he was just another troubled prisoner who tried to kill himself.

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/18/19 at 10:04:24

"You have a guard who was not trained for the duties they were given. "

 Define "trained for duties" and describe why not being trained for that post means they would not say "Two guys came in last night, ordered me to take a break, and in the morning we found Epstein dead".

 Do they need training for that?

 What part of not being trained for that post makes them incapable of stating that two guys came in unscheduled in the middle of the night?  Why would they rather be silent on the "two guys" and end up prosecuted?

"The guards could have asked to perform a task by their superiors when Epstein was killed."

 What part of having a higher-up force a staff member to take an unscheduled break in the middle of the night makes it impossible for that staff member to say "I was forced to take a break and we found Epstein dead." ?  Instead they would rather be prosecuted then report a direct order?  Why?

 "If they killing people do you really believe those individuals are concerned about protocol?"

 You aren't saying the people on duty killed him, you are saying the people on duty were forced to take an unscheduled break in the middle of the night so "two guys" from the outside could go kill an inmate.  Or are you saying every Federal employee involved in getting "two guys" into a secure housing unit were in on it except the two on duty in the actual area?

"You have not provided an explanation for the bruises on his shoulders and hands."

 You have not provided an explanation about why staff prefer criminal prosecution over reporting the unscheduled break in the middle of the night.

 Why would the staff choose criminal prosecution over reporting that they were forced to leave the area?

 More complexity maybe?  Now there's a separate strike-team assembled to kill the staff families undetected if they report that break maybe?  Or would they use the same "two guys"?

"Opps, camera doesn't work as well."

 Could be, but your claim wasn't a malfunction, its that "two guys" came in and shut them off.  

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/18/19 at 10:11:37

"My job takes me into FDA regulated facilities from time to time. On paper, there are very strict rules that must be followed to the letter for product safety. I have on occasion waved at the security guard and been escorted around the back by a regular visitor who didn't want to bother with the paperwork, gone into a secure area and performed work on systems that package FDA regulated products. I've been left alone for an hour at a time. I've walked through these plants looking for a bathroom. I could have done anything I wanted."

 I've never been in an FDA regulated facility but I would assess that a Federal prison most likely has no way to have a visitor escort through a back door.  The national severity of allowing any unescorted person wander a prison is outstanding, not that it can't happen, but why choose that over a simpler means?

 I agree that maybe prison staff could care less about Epstein being killed, but I think its much easier to have another inmate do it than it is sneaking people into prisons, convincing multiple staff to be silent, and also watch their fellow employees be prosecuted.    

 If this is that well thought out, there's that many people involved, and a tremendous amount of payoff, why do such a shi tty job at the point of contact?  

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/18/19 at 10:19:12

Think about Watergate. Some guys got busted breaking into a hotel room and they ultimately turned and brought down The President of the United States.

How far up the line would the fallout be for guys busted murdering to protect Clinton, Royal Family, and the other rich and famous? The risks involved in this crime would be among the highest ever in the history of this nation. If they got busted, can you imagine the deal they would have made for their testimony? Would have been far simpler to weather whatever storm came out of Epstein's trial. (Bill Clinton almost certainly raped a woman and his wife almost won the Presidency for crying loud.) But arranging Epstein's murder? I can't see that.

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/18/19 at 10:39:55

"How far up the line would the fallout be for guys busted murdering to protect Clinton, Royal Family, and the other rich and famous? The risks involved in this crime would be among the highest ever in the history of this nation. If they got busted, can you imagine the deal they would have made for their testimony? Would have been far simpler to weather whatever storm came out of Epstein's trial. (Bill Clinton almost certainly raped a woman and his wife almost won the Presidency for crying loud.) But arranging Epstein's murder? I can't see that."

 That's also what I am wondering.  

 People oversimplify the complexity of pulling off a high-profile murder in a secure location and leave out the consequence end of getting caught.  Movies make it look easy.

 If the end result of getting caught has such high consequences why pick some convoluted process, then suck at it?  The answer is usually an example of how "easy" it would be.  I'm having this conversation with others and the answer to why the staff won't report the mandatory unscheduled midnight break is that they are threatened with their lives.

 Since when is stacking on more suspicious murders a better way of succeeding with one murder?  Easy to say, not easy to do.

Note: This post is an opinion in response to what I consider pertinent and valuable discussion material.  While they are words on a screen I contribute in an attempt to engage in discussion instead of contributing by slinging insults at other members.

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by pg on 11/18/19 at 13:25:42

7E5E5C54495E3B0 wrote:
 More complexity maybe?  Now there's a separate strike-team assembled to kill the staff families undetected if they report that break maybe?  Or would they use the same "two guys"?

Now your being unreasonable, all most posts in this thread illustrate it is not difficult to reach out to someone in prison.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/18/19 at 13:44:34

I've never been in an FDA regulated facility but I would assess that a Federal prison most likely has no way to have a visitor escort through a back door.

I've not been to a Federal prison, but I don't know why the familiarity of regular visitors wouldn't lead to the same wave of the hand and the justification "He's with Johnny....".   I go in with integrated suppliers and maintenance crews that are on site daily. They have access badges. We certainly run into our share of what we refer to as Security Guard Nazi's who actually do their jobs and check ID's etc... but the number who don't is shocking.

I had a job once where I had to get on the rooftop of a popular retailer you've all bought things from. I was in central Illinois and had to visit 30 or 35 stores over 2 days. I would ask for the manager, tell him I was suppose to look at his roof for a job we were quoting them nationally and only one store manager refused until he got his corporate on the phone to confirm I was legit. One. The others took me to the roof access which was almost always in the warehouse area, gave me the key to unlock the roof hatch and told me to lock up and leave the key at the bottom of the ladder when done. I could have walked out the back with anything.

You'd be surprised what you can do if you just act like you're suppose to be there.

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/18/19 at 15:38:11

 Here's what I was sent today regarding entering a prison as a contractor:

We are not issued ID's or bages, we have to provide state issued ID and swabs are taken of our hands/pockets/tools and run in a machine checking for whatever they look for. Drugs I think. We get stamped in a diferent location each time and must show that stamp, which is invisible unless a special light is put over it at two separate control stations. Our photos are taken upon entry, and exit we can not have our photo taken by the same staff member for in/out. Staff are with us at all times my understanding is I lose my job and so do they and they are imprisoned if I am left unsupervised. I can be prosecuted for willing leaving the supervision or not reporting right away if someone leaves me alone.

I have never felt that anyone was complacent or would leave me alone.

Every tool/nail/screw is counted twice by my staff and prison staff. Each are accounted for during our work, marked and tacked. if we are missing even one screw my understanding is the whole place is locked down and a search is conducted. We are not allowed to be part of the search other than confirming our work locations. I've never been escorted by the same staff twice and we are not allowed to do our exit count with the same staff that counted us in. I waited over an hour for this once.

Cameras are in steel cages from what I have seen, I would need a ladder and torch to cut into them to disable the wiring. We were informe that if an inmate takes control of us, our tools or staff there would be no negotiations for door opening. This means they will let an inmate kill me before they will open a door for them, keeping inmates inside is an absolute. I explained this to my wife before I tookk on the jobs.

 So this may not be every prison, but it is very similar to what I have been through entering military locations.  "He's with Johnny" where I come from is very illegal.  Also they seem to be doing the staff diversity and redundancy that I have been exposed to.  As in I can not be given access inside and outside an area by the same person.

 But again, we don't know, but I think sneaking two guys into a prison, after hours, is a very ineffective way to kill someone locked inside.  Try to make it sound "easy" but I have not been exposed to situations where getting in and out of secure Federal facilities is complacent, easy, and casual.

 Its also a stupid idea when less suspicious means can achieve the same goal.

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by oldNslow on 11/18/19 at 15:41:51

You'd be surprised what you can do if you just act like you're suppose to be there.

Yup. Work boots, yellow safety vest, hard hat and something in your hand that looks like one of those gadgets a meter reader carries, and you can go darn near anywhere. Wander around to your heart's content. Close as you'll ever come to being completely invisible.

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/18/19 at 15:42:04

"Now your being unreasonable, all most posts in this thread illustrate it is not difficult to reach out to someone in prison.  "

 I am not making the connection.  I am asking if the staff are refusing to report they were forced to take a break in the middle of the night and "two guys" came in, then they found a dead inmate, because they have been informed that they or their family will be killed.

 As in covering up a murder by murdering more people.

 Dahmer was killed by another inmate, many inmates are killed by other inmates, inmates do not like child predators, why was this not considered as a feasible option?

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Mavigogun on 11/18/19 at 15:49:37

7B494E5F58495E614D5E472C0 wrote:
You'd be surprised what you can do if you just act like you're suppose to be there.

It would be a mistake to suppose the circumstance of a Federal prison is akin to roof access at Wal-Mart, or to use that as a basis for forming any sort of judgement of likelihood. 

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/18/19 at 16:17:08

"It would be a mistake to suppose the circumstance of a Federal prison is akin to roof access at Wal-Mart, or to use that as a basis for forming any sort of judgement of likelihood."

 Well if its established that Federal Prisons are "easy" to get into then its more believable that two guys got in and killed someone, left, then they prosecute two innocent staff members so nothing looks suspicious.

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/18/19 at 16:55:50

I'm not saying it's easy. I'm saying everyday across America, people gain entry to restricted areas, even prisons, because those with in and out privileges have earned a level of trust with security staff. My experience with FDA regulated facilities is common. Now, the likelihood someone gained entry like this to kill Epstein is very, very low and would have been uncovered by now. To do that, you'd have to enlist the regular Grainger inventory manager or someone like that who comes in and out of the facility often. So much so, the guards just wave him in and don't even log him in, especially at night. But how likely are you to have a regular visitor whose prepared to do murder or use his influence to bring someone in with him.

Look, bottom line, when you start imagining the complexity behind a plan to kill him because some of the rich and famous hired you to, the complications are enormous. Not impossible, just enormous and off the charts as for as risk go.

But, brings up a question. What's the most successful plan like this that has remained unsolved? Jimmy Hoffa?

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/18/19 at 17:21:22

"To do that, you'd have to enlist the regular Grainger inventory manager or someone like that who comes in and out of the facility often. So much so, the guards just wave him in and don't even log him in, especially at night."

 And you would have to get multiple, 20 or more staff to ignore him, in the middle of the night, when no contractors are ever allowed in.

 And get him access to the camera system.

 And convince different staff to let him into solitary, Grainger guys stroll through Solitary at night no big deal.

 And get staff to give him keys, or access to the control room to open an inmate cell.

 And get staff to never say a word after finding an inmate dead, even though they will go to prison for it.  I know I wouldn't bring it up, I'd just take my chances in court.

"Look, bottom line, when you start imagining the complexity behind a plan to kill him because some of the rich and famous hired you to, the complications are enormous. Not impossible, just enormous and off the charts as for as risk go."

 I agree.  I think people don't think this stuff through before jumping on the bandwagon, then when challenged they try to downplay how hard it really is.  Plenty of contractors stroll around Federal prisons at night unsupervised.  Its not like prisons are built to be secure.

"But, brings up a question. What's the most successful plan like this that has remained unsolved? Jimmy Hoffa? "

 Could be.  Sandy Hook has been pretty successful if that's all being faked, and of course 9/11 would be the big one, but those aren't exactly assassinations.

 Kennedy maybe?

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by pg on 11/18/19 at 17:55:32

4161636B7661040 wrote:
"Now your being unreasonable, all most posts in this thread illustrate it is not difficult to reach out to someone in prison.  "

 I am not making the connection.  I am asking if the staff are refusing to report they were forced to take a break in the middle of the night and "two guys" came in, then they found a dead inmate, because they have been informed that they or their family will be killed.

Who said anything about them being informed?  I didn't, they took a break and Epstein was dead.  And even if something was said it wouldn't have been on record.

As in covering up a murder by murdering more people.
The weren't covering anything up because the were a sleep or not there.

 Dahmer was killed by another inmate, many inmates are killed by other inmates, inmates do not like child predators, why was this not considered as a feasible option?

Who said it wasn't a consideration?  Maybe Epstein was going to start singing, perhaps they wanted to make sure it was done right.

Do you believe it was a coincidence to have staff who are not formally trained to perform supervisory duties of the highest profile inmate in the country?

Still no answer regarding the bruising…

Best regards,

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/18/19 at 18:06:40

I'd say this PG, of you were to investigate any suicide in a prison setting where the prisoner was a high risk but still managed to kill himself, I'd guess you'd find similar "coincidences ".

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/18/19 at 19:02:10

"Who said anything about them being informed?  I didn't, they took a break and Epstein was dead.  And even if something was said it wouldn't have been on record."

 You said they were told to take a break.  So they are both instructed to leave their post, an inmate is found dead and they say nothing, to anyone.  They were offered a plea deal and they both don't think this forced unscheduled break is worth mentioning?  Or are we now adjusting it to say they "chose" to take a break together committing a different crime, abandoning their post.

"The weren't covering anything up because the were a sleep or not there."

 I am asking why the two staff, that were forced to take a break at night, did not mention this to anyone, they instead will just let that information lay dormant and possibly go to prison themselves.  Why?  Are they or their families threatened?  This would mean more murders to cover up the first murder.

"Do you believe it was a coincidence to have staff who are not formally trained to perform supervisory duties of the highest profile inmate in the country?"

 They are formally trained, this can be verified from many sources.  I don't think he was "the highest profile" inmate in the country, but yeah, this has been an issue for years apparently:

"All staff assigned to correctional facilities are law enforcement officers … regardless of their occupation,” a BOP spokesperson told Federal Times. They receive the same amount of training as correctional workers, both initial and continuing, and all staff are informed at the time of hire that they are expected to perform law enforcement functions during routine and non-routine situations."

 From what I can gather prisons aren't even built like they show on TV anymore, the hallways of bars went away in the 70's.  So these "two guys" didn't sneak past some guys sleeping at a desk like on Andy Griffith, the staff had to let them in.  Which takes us back to why wouldn't they mention this?

"Still no answer regarding the bruising…"

 Still no answer regarding why nobody will mention they were forced to take a break, simultaneously, on the night an inmate died.

 As for the bruising, I mentioned already but not in this thread, the forensic pathologist and coroner didn't indicate there was excessive bruising conducive to homicide, but Epstein's guy did.  

 It is suspicious, I just don't think "two guys" snuck past sleeping staff (meaning only two work there, or everyone else was asleep too) in the middle of the night in a max security prison, shut off cameras, and killed an inmate, I also don't think they were forced to take a break together and wont say anything about that.

 There are too many easier, less incriminating ways to go about this.   

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by pg on 11/19/19 at 06:01:30

LOL, your requesting I provide a definitive statement on a hypothetical assessment...

Best regards,

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Eegore on 11/20/19 at 07:43:50

"LOL, your requesting I provide a definitive statement on a hypothetical assessment..."

 Well hypothetically why would the staff choose jail over saying they were forced to go on break, if hypothetically that happened?

 According to the indictment the cameras were working.  

"video surveillance from the jail reveals that Noel at about 10:30 p.m. “briefly walked up to, and then walked back from, the door to the tier in which Epstein was housed.”

"For a period of approximately two hours, Noel and Thomas sat at their desk without moving, and appeared to have been asleep."

 So hypothetically is the indictment rigged too?  Was the camera footage faked or fabricated through CGI?  By generating the images digitally they could cover up the two guys that slipped in.  Staff would still be choosing jail time over saying "Yes I did rounds" instead of "We messed up"

Title: Re: Escape goats.....
Post by Mavigogun on 11/20/19 at 07:51:14

1D3D3F372A3D580 wrote:
By generating the images digitally they could cover up the two guys that slipped in.

Topical, the film "Men Who Stare At Goats" provides an Occam's Razor for conspiracy theorists: the Jedi assassins walked right through the walls, evading all detection. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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