General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Was I wrong?.....

Message started by WebsterMark on 11/06/19 at 05:12:56

Title: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/19 at 05:12:56

Generally speaking, the more complicated a conspiracy is, the more likey it is to not be true. Having Epstein killed seems very high risk. At a minimum, it seems like you'd need 3 or 4 high level people involved not to mention the actual killer.

The autopsy report of a broken neck bone commonly associated with strangulation as opposed to self-hanging is a clue but far, far from proof. From what I understand, he tied himself to a bed post and threw himself forward. Seems extreme and difficult to imagine you would rationally think that's a realistic way to kill yourself, but by definition, people who kill themselves may not be thinking rationally anyway.

I'm not convinced it wasn't suicide but I'm not 99% sure he wasn't murdered either. May take years to figure out.

ABC news censoring the story to protect their choosen Presidential candidate Hilary is something we don't have to wait years to uncover.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/06/19 at 06:05:50

CameraS, failed
News afternoon prior
In 24 hours, we will have names..

Can't KNOW for sure
But I'm leaning toward murder.
How do ya break bones
Leaning into a sheet?

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/19 at 06:24:37

I don't know. If you fell forward, I'm sure you could. It's not like Myth Buster's is going to get a few cadavers and test it.... would be an interesting episode for sure!

But think of the complexities behind arranging that murder. Who did it? Who knew about it? Who funded it?  Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew? That seems highly unlikely, bordering on impossible.

Guards fall asleep all the time, cameras break all the time. It is NYC government after all.

I honestly still think it was a convenient, lucky suicide that is likely to let a lot of big names off the hook.  

ABC News actions however are not lucky and they should not be let off the hook. Think about all the news stations that printed and aired ridiculous stories about Brett Kavanaugh which had no evidence. Somehow those were found to 'be within the network's guidelines'. ABC News was covering for their teammate Hilary.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/06/19 at 06:41:14

Naaa,.. you don't fall for conspiracy theories...

How is Trump not a suspect on your list?.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/19 at 06:59:32

4F594E534B5E53483C0 wrote:
Naaa,.. you don't fall for conspiracy theories...

How is Trump not a suspect on your list?.


Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Eegore on 11/06/19 at 07:31:03

 You don't break bones "leaning" into a sheet.

 You can however break them by lunging into one.  The comments get skewed to match the outcome someone wants to believe, as usual.

 Hyoid bones do break in suicide, and more common the older one gets.  This means the majority of 20 year olds hanging themselves will not break the hyoid.  Given fewer 60 year olds hang themselves, you will have fewer hyoid bones broken across the full age spectrum.

"would generally raise questions about strangulation, but it is not definitive and does not exclude suicidal hanging."

"Consistent with external pressure...."

 Hanging is exactly external pressure.

 Using stereomicroscopic method  to examine the hyoid in hangings show 25% of the time they will break with a higher likelihood as one ages.

 But what do anthropological pathologists know anyway, those jerks barely went to school and never use real measurable data on real things that actually exist in real life.  

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by raydawg on 11/06/19 at 07:37:34 won't change a thing, sorry.

Look, the Clinton's BIG adviser who laughingly claimed you could drag a 20 dollar bill, through a trailer park, and catch all sorts of cheap women who attacked Slick.....was acceptable to these Clinton supporters in the media....
Still was, last presidential campaign, when they hammered Trump for a hot mike comment about grabbing snatch....yet Bill's behavior was never a issue, or even approached, with the same verve and scrutiny....  

Ronnan Farrow, I understand, is working on it.....his book right now is the biggest seller in America, so....who really knows what he can provide/publish....if he is able to survive  ;)

I'd like to see all that proof this anchor said she had......did it just disappear?

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/19 at 07:59:26

But what do anthropological pathologists know anyway, those jerks barely went to school and never use real measurable data on real things that actually exist in real life.  

"Bitter, party of one, your table's ready. Bitter, party of one, your table."

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by raydawg on 11/06/19 at 08:10:39

But what do anthropological pathologists know anyway, those jerks barely went to school and never use real measurable data on real things that actually exist in real life.

Really Eggore......???

Whats up, I thought you frown, upon such wholesale statement.....
Only words on a screen, etc.....
But I noticed you still seem to be harboring some resents, over negative comments, from others, about your past experience with the Savage, etc.....

You ok?

Back to your observation, if you don't mind.

Given your testimony, I must ask, why are pathologist allowed to give expert testimony, in our courts then?

You know what a expert witness is, right?

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/06/19 at 08:26:12

Project Veritas?...  Really?...

At least the Onion is funny... :-?

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Mavigogun on 11/06/19 at 08:32:15

It's hard not to be bitter when education is regarded with suspicion, knowledge is discounted in exchange for ignorant speculation.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/19 at 08:33:31

495F48554D58554E3A0 wrote:
Project Veritas?...  Really?...

At least the Onion is funny... :-?

The ultimate attack the messenger....

Name one thing Project Veritas lied about?

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/19 at 08:34:15

737F68777971796B701E0 wrote:
It's hard not to be bitter when education is regarded with suspicion, knowledge is discounted in exchange for ignorant speculation.

Hey! A drive by!
I'm waiting for you to tell me one of my obvious lies.....

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/06/19 at 08:42:27

063433222534231C30233A510 wrote:
Name one thing Project Veritas lied about?

Everything they have ever produced...
Literally,... everything...
(e.g.,... the abortion video, they showed what they knew was a miscarried fetus, and claimed it was an abortion.)
Inaccuracy is one thing,.. intentional deception is another.  

Amy Robach Walks Back Leaked Video Claiming ABC 'Quashed' Jeffrey Epstein Story: 'I Was Upset'

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Mavigogun on 11/06/19 at 08:45:19

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
I'm waiting for you to tell me one of my obvious lies.....

That statement itself is an obvious lie.   It's been done.   You're a troll- your play book is to deny reality.   You lie, are called on it, then double-down on the lie as if doing so were a refutation.    You're a pretender committed to his act.   Your purpose is to draw people into your game rather than focus on substantive issues and discussion; witness your response to Eegore, above.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/06/19 at 08:50:34


Project Veritas is an American right-wing activist group.[1][2][3][4] The group uses "disguises and hidden cameras to uncover supposed liberal bias and corruption."[1] The group is known for producing deceptively edited videos about media organizations and left-leaning groups.[5][2][6][7][8][9][10] In a 2018 book on propaganda and disinformation in U.S. politics, three Harvard University scholars refer to Project Veritas as a "right-wing disinformation outfit."

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/19 at 09:18:15

That statement itself is an obvious lie.   It's been done.

It has not. You said I make obvious lies. I defined what a lie is. I think all of us would agree with that explanation. I then asked you to cite an example where I lied.

You have yet to do so.

Denying your version of reality is hardly a lie.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/19 at 09:26:00

6177607D65707D66120 wrote:

Project Veritas is an American right-wing activist group.[1][2][3][4] The group uses "disguises and hidden cameras to uncover supposed liberal bias and corruption."[1] The group is known for producing deceptively edited videos about media organizations and left-leaning groups.[5][2][6][7][8][9][10] In a 2018 book on propaganda and disinformation in U.S. politics, three Harvard University scholars refer to Project Veritas as a "right-wing disinformation outfit."

A man from outer space reviewing our modern day media might list Project Veritas as a right wing group but they'd also list the NY Times as a left wing group.

The video of the news anchor is pretty clear. There's no ambiguity. She felt her network sat on the story to protect their opportunity to interview the Royal Couple and because of the involvement of Bill Clinton. There's no deceptive editing.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Mavigogun on 11/06/19 at 10:09:26

112324353223340B27342D460 wrote:
Denying your version of reality is hardly a lie.

...and there you have Mark in a nut shell.    There aren't 'versions of reality',  Mark.   The record is clear- you saying it isn't is a lie.   There is no nice way to characterize your mendacity.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Eegore on 11/06/19 at 13:03:57

"Bitter, party of one, your table's ready. Bitter, party of one, your table."

 Good one.

"Really Eggore......???"

 It was an attempt at sarcasm.  I do not think anthropological pathologists are jerks, they do go to school, and they almost exclusively use physical data to come to conclusions.

"But I noticed you still seem to be harboring some resents, over negative comments, from others, about your past experience with the Savage, etc..... "

 I don't harbor any resentment, I just indicate when people gripe that I have been through it too, and it makes little logical sense to be emotionally invested in what a forum member does with their personal property.  But they do, and its weird.

"Given your testimony, I must ask, why are pathologist allowed to give expert testimony, in our courts then?

You know what a expert witness is, right?

 I do.  I've been one a number of times.  See above, I was attempting to indicate the exact opposite of what I think, I was unsuccessful.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Mavigogun on 11/06/19 at 13:11:41

5B7B79716C7B1E0 wrote:
See above, I was attempting to indicate the exact opposite of what I think, I was unsuccessful.

You were abundantly clear to anyone approaching average intelligence and literacy operating in good faith.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/19 at 14:02:39

There aren't 'versions of reality',

Nonsense. I have one version of reality, you have one, Eegore has one, TT has another, Sew has one.....  

Everyone has their version of reality, but every reasonable person acknowledges the obvious which is there really is only one reality, but we perceive it through the filters we put over our own senses.  

You see things in a manner I think is simply not true, you think I see things not true, a third person sees things differently than either of us....  

This is not a new concept. Like I said, everyone understands that.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Mavigogun on 11/06/19 at 14:27:20

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:
You see things in a manner I think is simply not true, you think I see things not true, a third person sees things differently than either of us....  

This is not a new concept. Like I said, everyone understands that.

That's a hollow equivocation- saying, essentially, that there is no objective truth, that all perspectives are equally valid.   A transparent, self-flattering, absurd conceit.  

You could hold that the S40 is a V-Twin, while another that it is a single cylinder- your believing the other is wrong doesn't elevate your broken consideration.   When confronted by pictures in the manual, you look for fault in the character of the author, discounting photos and diagrams.    When multiple manuals are then proffered, you attack the bearer.   That's a fundamentally dishonest ploy- and typical of you, Mark.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/19 at 14:52:06

That's a hollow equivocation- saying, essentially, that there is no objective truth, that all perspectives are equally valid.   A transparent, self-flattering, absurd conceit.  

I beginning to believe you don't read with a great deal of comprehension. Either that, or you're just arguing to argue. Or some combination of the two.

I said quite specifically, and I quote myself:
"but every reasonable person acknowledges the obvious which is there really is only one reality" which is essentially saying there is an objective truth.
I also said everyone of us have different perspectives that we believe are valid but may or may not be.

Like I said, I don't think you read well or perhaps you had what you thought was a clever slam "transparent, self-flattering, absurd conceit" and you worked it in, but it really doesn't make any sense.

You could hold that the S40 is a V-Twin, while another that it is a single cylinder- your believing the other is wrong doesn't elevate your broken consideration.   When confronted by pictures in the manual, you look for fault in the character of the author, discounting photos and diagrams.    When multiple manuals are then proffered, you attack the bearer.   That's a fundamentally dishonest ploy- and typical of you, Mark.
Completely and obviously not true. I can look and see the S40 is a single cylinder. Now, let's imagine I had never seen the S40 and someone told me it was a twin and I believed that person. Once I actually saw the single cylinder, I would know the truth.  

You think you are providing evidence that proves your hate driven opinions are factual, but you've not. You are providing more hate driven opinions.

And you're trying so hard to make yourself look smart, which you obviously are as you very write well, you're making yourself look foolish. I would suggest you stop and save a little face.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by thumperclone on 11/06/19 at 15:26:35

its akin to believing anything that comes out of trumps mouth
1st you must be gullible
2nd you must speak the same 5th grade language of trump
3rd you must be an idiot

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/19 at 15:49:07

There was no burn TT you foolish man. I refuted everything Mavi wrote.

So TT: are you saying the statement " everyone of us have different perspectives that we believe are valid but may or may not be"  
is fundamentally different from Mavi attempt to argue that statement with: that saying, essentially that there is no objective truth, that all perspectives are equally valid

Don't both points of view state the same basic concept? If not, please explain how?

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/19 at 15:50:56

4F534E564B5E49585754555E3B0 wrote:
its akin to believing anything that comes out of trumps mouth
1st you must be gullible
2nd you must speak the same 5th grade language of trump
3rd you must be an idiot

I don't think you could find anyone who would believe everything that comes out of anyone's mouth.
I also don't think you could find a person who you could never believe anything they say.

So really Thumper, what are you trying to say or are you just babbling?

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Mavigogun on 11/06/19 at 16:35:59

083A3D2C2B3A2D123E2D345F0 wrote:
So really Thumper, what are you trying to say or are you just babbling?

Thumperclone expressed his estimation clearly enough- accurately too, considering the request for explanation.   The impression you cultivate ain't something you can rectify with rationalizations, Mark.

There was no burn TT

Turn the chard embers of what remains of the sign on another obvious lie.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by T And T Garage on 11/07/19 at 07:18:16

0F3D3A2B2C3D2A15392A33580 wrote:
There was no burn TT you foolish man. I refuted everything Mavi wrote.

So TT: are you saying the statement " everyone of us have different perspectives that we believe are valid but may or may not be"  
is fundamentally different from Mavi attempt to argue that statement with: that saying, essentially that there is no objective truth, that all perspectives are equally valid

Don't both points of view state the same basic concept? If not, please explain how?

There is fact, and there is opinion.

Opinion does not change fact.

1.  Fact - trump broke the law with his quid pro quo.
2.  Opinion - his cucks don't care.
3.  #2 doesn't change #1.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/07/19 at 07:27:01

1.  Fact - trump broke the law with his quid pro quo.
That is an opinion, that is not a fact. It has not been adjudicated by a legally binding authority. It is an allegation based on someone's interpretation (opinion) of how a law should be applied.

This is not debatable.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by T And T Garage on 11/07/19 at 07:30:16

7D4F48595E4F58674B58412A0 wrote:
1.  Fact - trump broke the law with his quid pro quo.
That is an opinion, that is not a fact. It has not been adjudicated by a legally binding authority. It is an allegation based on someone's interpretation (opinion) of how a law should be applied.

This is not debatable.

You're right, it's not debatable - trump used the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election

That is illegal.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/07/19 at 07:57:00

No. You don't know that. You only think that. I think otherwise.

Who's right is yet to be determined.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/07/19 at 08:51:30

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
No. You don't know that. You only think that. I think otherwise.

Who's right is yet to be determined.

I get it...
... and it will be determined by the Republican majority Senate...
Regardless of testimony or evidence...

What happened still happened, no matter the Senate decision.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/07/19 at 09:09:04

A lot of innocent people get convicted and a lot of guilty ones go free everyday.

Impeachment is based 100% on politics. By definition, it's political, not legal.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/07/19 at 09:51:38


Web, you seem outnumbered here recently... is it some kind of right-wing holiday?...  :-?


Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/07/19 at 10:19:15

I guess I didn't get the memo.  that's OK, I don't mind being Trump Junior on the view. I'm at lunch and watched a few clips of that, that's hilarious!  that one old wentch, Joy had to remind her audience this is not a MAGA rally because they were cheering!

Title: Re: Was I wrong?.....
Post by T And T Garage on 11/07/19 at 12:59:23

122027363120370824372E450 wrote:
A lot of innocent people get convicted and a lot of guilty ones go free everyday.

True, but this is akin to a moron that robs banks on camera every single day.

To withhold military aid to get dirt on your political adversary from a foreign nation is illegal.  Full stop.

If you think that it's not, fine.  That doesn't change things.

The Senate will never convict trump - duh.  That makes them complicit, not Constitutional.

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