General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> America post Trump, it can never be the same.

Message started by eau de sauvage on 11/02/19 at 16:03:46

Title: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/02/19 at 16:03:46

It has taken almost three years for some to realise what was obvious after one month of Trump. This article in The Atlantic pretty well sums up what I've been wondering.

Some Democratic leaders are proclaiming that we can go back to the world before Trump—and before Brett Kavanaugh and Mitch McConnell, before Bill Barr and Rudy Giuliani, before an invasion of a secure facility at the Capitol, before babies were torn from their mothers and caged, before racist rhetoric from the White House and massacres at a synagogue and an El Paso Walmart—to a world of political cooperation, respect for norms, and nonpolitical courts.


Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by Serowbot on 11/02/19 at 16:06:35

I don't think we can erase him,... but maybe we can make him fade... :-?

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by NHLycan on 11/03/19 at 06:10:26

What do you consider the root cause of Trumpism to be? And how would you define it?
I consider it to combine an antipathy to one's fellow man with a defiant disregard for the idea of truth.
How it came to be, I have no idea.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by thumperclone on 11/03/19 at 06:13:41

hopefully we will learn something about ourselves from the infantile ones' term

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/19 at 06:51:14

Pretty sure
The Infantile One
Laughs at lefties and safe spaces.
You have no idea what you need to learn about yourself.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by thumperclone on 11/03/19 at 07:44:36

only a fool grows older not wiser you are the perfect example of the infantile ones' aging base  

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by raydawg on 11/03/19 at 08:27:48

Be the change you wish to see in others, in this world......

You either understand the dynamics of such, or you don't.

If you don't, maybe you should look, to see why.

If you do, and you desire a changed world, then example it.

Learn about co-dependency, its more than just having a drunk in your life.

Maybe this might help:

What does it mean to be happy?

Simply put, happiness is a habitual state of being content, grateful, hopeful, joyful, and upbeat.
Being happy does not mean you never have a negative experience, or even feelings of depression at times.
It means that overall, your outlook on life is a positive one and any setback is viewed as temporary.

2018 was not an easy year for me. It started in January with heartbreak followed by some significant life changes that dragged me down to rock bottom. I spent the following twelve months soul-searching and doing some intense inner work. I found that happiness does not happen by accident. It takes some work on your part, and if you put in that work the rewards are more than worth it.
(not me, the author of the article, Keith E. Smith,)

There are five keys that helped catapult me into a life characterized by happiness, hope, and the pursuit of dreams. Here they are:


Self-awareness is your ability to see yourself as separate from your environment. It is having a clear perception of your own personality, strengths, weaknesses, desires and emotions.
When you are self-aware, you are conscious (in the moment) of your thoughts and how you feel about what is going on around you.
You ability to monitor your inner world will directly impact your level of happiness.
When you are aware of your thoughts and emotions as they arise, you will respond consciously and intentionally, rather than react passively.

A great way to practice becoming more self-aware is journaling.
Writing will help you to process your thoughts, create some headspace, and decrease feelings of overwhelm.
Once you have been journaling for a while, you can look back on your thoughts and begin connecting dots, and recognize your thought patterns which will serve to make you more self-aware.

Another bonus of self-awareness is that it will help you understand others and have empathy.

Personal Accountability
To be personally accountable means that you believe you are fully responsible for your own actions and decisions, and the consequences of both. It is a mindset which understands that circumstances do not dictate behavior. Whatever it is that you want to do in life, being accountable for your own thoughts and actions is crucial for your success.
Blaming others, or less-than-desirable circumstances, will only hold you back. Recognizing this is both empowering and exhilarating.
Knowing that there is no one, other than you, who can hold you down means nothing is standing between you and your success.


Cultivating an attitude of gratitude will have an impact on your life that cannot be overstated. It will literally change your life, and for the better. When you are grateful, you are recognizing that there are good things in the world and that you are a recipient of many of them. You can express gratitude for anything from the gift of life itself, to the tasty sandwich you had for lunch.    
There are no limits. Being thankful will help you be more compassionate toward others, and even “pay-it-forward” when you have the opportunity to do so, which may inspire others to do the same.
You can literally change the world in this way, as well as your own outlook on life.

Keep It Simple

Many times the accumulation of money or material things is touted as pathways to happiness. The truth is that neither of these things will make you happy.
If you are not happy before you get those things, you will not be happy after getting them either.
Happiness does not come from the outside, it comes from the inside.

The accumulation of stuff often brings more clutter into your life, and more stress. Also, it isn’t only material possessions that can clutter your life. It may be that you have committed to too many outside activities and therefore have no free time.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being active, but if you have taken on so much that you are living in a continual state of stress then it may be time to reevaluate. Oftentimes, less really is more.

Physical Exercise

It may surprise you that this one is on the list.
It is easy to focus on the psychological (and even spiritual) aspects of a happy life, but there is no denying the mind-body connection.
You are probably familiar with the many physical benefits of exercise, but are you aware that there are other benefits too?
Physical exercise stimulates the release of various brain chemicals which leave you feeling happier, less anxious, and relaxed.
Some studies have shown that exercise can even treat mild to moderate cases of depression, and promote a sharper memory. Your mind and your body are connected and what affects one will affect the other.
A healthier body promotes better mental health. It is a true win/win situation.  

Try it....what do you have to lose?

Have you ever noticed the other boards, don't exhibit the same behavior as this one does.....why is that?
I have seen differing opinions on guns, cars, bikes, sport teams, food.....even GIRLS, without arguing ugly, in the Cafe.

I have seen differing opinions, advice, in the RSD, or Technical Documents/Reference, yet folks keep it civil.....why?

If none of this jives, or matters, and you still think your calling is much greater than anyone else, then at the minimum, remember this is John's domain, his house, and he is trying to run a business and support his family off this revenue, can you give any of that just a little respect?

Life will go on, always has, after calamities, disasters, being wronged, can't stop time, nor can you turn it back......
Only a fool tries.

Every experience in life, good or bad, is opportunity to learn and grow...
Use it, or lose it.


Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by Eegore on 11/03/19 at 14:48:05

"Have you ever noticed the other boards, don't exhibit the same behavior as this one does.....why is that?"

 Its easy to be tough from a keyboard and there is little to no consequence for being a jerk here.  Nothing wrong with that as long as its within the rules.  Also Politics and Religion are controversial, where the Café is more along the lines of shared interest, and not as opinionated.

I have seen differing opinions, advice, in the RSD, or Technical Documents/Reference, yet folks keep it civil.....why?

 Same as above, an opinion about how to clean a carb is less personal than one's opinion about abortion.  Besides I got all kinds of PM's complaining that I paid an employee to ride one of my bikes to test something.  Who knows why, but some people care.

If none of this jives, or matters, and you still think your calling is much greater than anyone else, then at the minimum, remember this is John's domain, his house, and he is trying to run a business and support his family off this revenue, can you give any of that just a little respect?

 Like not insulting or making fun of members at all?  And maybe not continuing to do so and then owning up to it, saying it's something to improve upon and then just do it again?  Maybe like insulting a member casually then saying it's just my type of humor?  Like that?

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by raydawg on 11/03/19 at 16:12:51

Like not insulting or making fun of members at all?  And maybe not continuing to do so and then owning up to it, saying it's something to improve upon and then just do it again?  Maybe like insulting a member casually then saying it's just my type of humor?  Like that?

Everyone needs to answer that, themselves........

I mentioned awhile back, about how we grew up playing organized sports, you either won, or lost, and you were taught to be good sports, either way.

Matter of fact, I can recall more times where a braggadocios kids, got reprimanded, as opposed to the losing team, calling them cheaters, etc....

I remember the "parents" on the block, parenting all the kids when they misbehaved, and the parents of the one that was corrected, those parents, thanked them....

Times seem to have changed.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by oldNslow on 11/03/19 at 16:35:54

Trump tore the mask off. He pissed off the political left, the corporate media, and the entrenched, self important bureaucrats so badly that they inadvertently revealed, to any one who cares to look, who they really are, what they really think about normal folks ( the "deplorables') and what they want to do to us. For our own good of course.

Whatever happens to Trump is immaterial now.

There is no going back.  

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by Mavigogun on 11/03/19 at 16:41:56

51425A47425444230 wrote:
I remember the "parents" on the block, parenting all the kids when they misbehaved, and the parents of the one that was corrected, those parents, thanked them....

Times seem to have changed.

I know, right?   I remember a time when a President and his Administration obviously lying to the public, fomenting division and mistrust of our institutions, committing crimes, and violating the Constitution would have received a majority of bipartisan condemnation.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by raydawg on 11/03/19 at 18:19:45

053B3A36243839570 wrote:
Trump tore the mask off. He pissed off the political left, the corporate media, and the entrenched, self important bureaucrats so badly that they inadvertently revealed, to any one who cares to look, who they really are, what they really think about normal folks ( the "deplorables') and what they want to do to us. For our own good of course.

Whatever happens to Trump is immaterial now.

There is no going back.  

Sir....I still think this is growing pains of (a) democracy......

Yes, when you spend millions, campaigning, to win a 150K job.....
You darn well know something is up.

You got into that club, and you could funnel wealth, buying more power, more wealth....

Who received all that money spent on campaigning......????

Yeah, those very ones who are now active partisan players, trying to hold onto that gravy-train......

EXCEPT they can't control the social media (INTERNET)

Lots of dynamics at work here, been simmering for a spell, at least back to Ross Perot

EDIT: Make that my tagline.

Just the accessibility to the INTERNET, and other communicating technologies, has become available to pretty much everyone.....

So, I believe we will grow into this new freedom and as always, the TRUTH will set us free......

Some will take longer to accept that, their anger lingers, but life will move past them, as it always does.

Bickering over the past, can never change it, only robbing them from the opportunities, that the present brings......  

America is strong, it has gone through much harder times and obstacles than this.....
Its true we have more ingredients, and chefs, dashing in their own flavorings, into that melting pot of porridge......

However, I believe that GREAT RECIPE, called democracy, will feed everyone, who wants to set, at the table...... :)  

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by oldNslow on 11/03/19 at 18:48:56

Sir....I still think this is growing pains of (a) democracy......

And I think it's grown about as much as we can stand already...

Buy the boat I showed you. Keep the fuel tank filled and the battery charged. Just in case ...

This isn't going to end well. For any of us.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by raydawg on 11/03/19 at 19:12:04

003E3F33213D3C520 wrote:

Sir....I still think this is growing pains of (a) democracy......

And I think it's grown about as much as we can stand already...

Buy the boat I showed you. Keep the fuel tank filled and the battery charged. Just in case ...

This isn't going to end well. For any of us.

Not even close to the Civil War.....that was harsh.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by oldNslow on 11/03/19 at 19:27:12

Not even close to the Civil War.....

It doesn't have to be a shooting war. Often isn't. 250 or so years. Done. Over and over. We're not special at all it historical terms.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by Mavigogun on 11/03/19 at 19:40:59

4F71707C6E72731D0 wrote:
250 or so years. Done. Over and over.

Please- there are schools older than our Nation.   When some folks get old they get a little too resolved to the world ending with them.   It's a trial- with a little effort, we'll get past it stronger, ready to face the next challenge.    Your moment in time is passing - that's natural.   Someone else is already stepping up to fill the vacancy.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by raydawg on 11/03/19 at 20:31:16

526C6D61736F6E000 wrote:

Not even close to the Civil War.....

It doesn't have to be a shooting war. Often isn't. 250 or so years. Done. Over and over. We're not special at all it historical terms.

Democracy is historical and not beholden to other failed systems...
I think that is the beauty of it, its not stagnant and rigid, yes, we have a founding foundation that supports the pillars, that hold us up.....
But it allows change, growth, etc, or they would never have allowed free speech, assimilation, religion, or right to arm.....etc.
They wanted the people to choose its path, not those that can easily be corrupted by that power.....
Just as we are seeing, and watching, as all this anger, division, is being fueled by those who are on the brink, of losing that power.....  

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by oldNslow on 11/04/19 at 04:09:01

When some folks get old they get a little too resolved to the world ending with them.  

That's just pop  psychology nonsense. Did you even bother to read the essay?

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by oldNslow on 11/04/19 at 04:14:23

Ray: same question.

If you do take the time, pay attention to the part where the author talks about the different stages that empires go through. Which one do you think the US is in right now. Most of the characteristics of that particular stage are things that you yourself  have decried about the state of our nation.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by Mavigogun on 11/04/19 at 05:30:31

5D63626E7C60610F0 wrote:
That's just pop  psychology nonsense.

Wishful.   It's a direct observation.   'All the signs are there- the end is coming.'   Etc, etc, ad nauseam.  

The Persians, the Spartans, the Herules, the Romans- that ancient beacon of democracy, Athens, suffered one abuse after another... yet endured.    While history provides lessons, it is not prophetic. We suffer the symptoms of all sorts of challenges; whether we fare better or worse than the Greeks depends entirely on our determination and the culture that we build.

To follow purveyors of doom, such as the aptly named oldNslow, is to relegate ourselves to oblivion.   Spent, he sees only the dwindling embers of a dying fire.   I'll bank on those with energy to build and a future to look forward to any day over his ilk, sapping moral with their predictions of end times.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by oldNslow on 11/04/19 at 20:37:09

The Persians, the Spartans, the Herules, the Romans- that ancient beacon of democracy, Athens, suffered one abuse after another... yet endured.    While history provides lessons, it is not prophetic. We suffer the symptoms of all sorts of challenges; whether we fare better or worse than the Greeks depends entirely on our determination and the culture that we build.

No, it doesn't.

Empires run their course and are replaced. The US that we are familiar with as a world superpower is just about done. What it wili become is anybody's guess.

[quote[ To follow purveyors of doom, such as the aptly named oldNslow, is to relegate ourselves to oblivion.   Spent, he sees only the dwindling embers of a dying fire.[quote/]

That's a bit melodramatic, and a bit insulting, but I expect that from you now, so nevermind.

Anyway I'll be fine. I'm not as old, or as slow, as you apparently believe I am. My forum name is a reference to my motorcycle skills as they are now compared what they were in my racing days. And I'm as prepared as I can be for what I think is coming. And if I'm wrong, I'll still be fine.

You live near Huston, I believe. If you've been there long you should be no stranger to natural disasters of the weather related kind. How long does it take for the gas stations to run out of gas, and the supermarkets to empty out. when the weather man says "Hurricane coming. " Are you one of those folks that runs around with all the other panic stricken idiots trying to grab the last pack of bottled water, some flashlight batteries, a generator? What if for some reason that stuff didn't magically reappear in a couple of days, a couple of weeks. What if your ATM card stopped working, and you didn't know why or for how long, Do you have a plan for that?

Or would you rather just pretend it could never happen to you, and ridicule someone who is at least prescient enough to entertain the possibility.  

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by Mavigogun on 11/05/19 at 05:15:07

112F2E22302C2D430 wrote:
Empires run their course and are replaced. The US that we are familiar with as a world superpower is just about done. What it wili become is anybody's guess.

You've moved the football, Lucy.   You've gone from impending civil war or disintegration of civil order and end of our Republic, now to merely the end of empire.

Ya, empires end.   Surely you have the Romans in mind- a silly notion.   The British, French, and Dutch empires all collapsed- leaving their parent states intact.   Robust and thriving democracies, actually.   We are not the Soviet Empire loosing control of vassal states.

That's a bit melodramatic, and a bit insulting, but I expect that from you now, so nevermind.

It's what you inspire; of course you expect it- it's the reaction you cultivate, then use as an excuse for dismissal.

If you've been there long you should be no stranger to natural disasters of the weather related kind.

Yes, we are confronted by many challenges, some unprecedented.  Our world is changing, and we must change with it.   That does not translate to the end of our Republic you prognosticate.   You do not merely advocate for preparing for difficulty, but abandonment of our Union.  

250 or so years. Done ... And I think it's grown about as much as we can stand already ... Buy the boat I showed you. Keep the fuel tank filled and the battery charged. Just in case ... This isn't going to end well. For any of us.

Any group effort depends on moral.   Markets have tanked and people suffer for no other reason than fear and doubt.   You are a peddler of fear, not pragmatic preparation.   You are an oldNslow social termite.   You are the sort that starts a panic rather than organize your community to action.  You work against our Union.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by WebsterMark on 11/05/19 at 05:27:20 yea.....Mavi will be one of those people running around looking for water and prepackaged food to eat cause he won't start a fire because it will just add co2 to the air which he thinks is what caused the hurricane in the first place.....

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by oldNslow on 11/05/19 at 06:18:48

You are an oldNslow social termite.   You are the sort that starts a panic rather than organize your community to action.  You work against our Union.

You know nothing whatsoever about My community. And I have worked on behalf of, and advocated for,our Union for my entire life.

But I can also see the writing on the wall. Scrawled there by foolish folks like you.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by Mavigogun on 11/05/19 at 06:41:43

576562737465724D61726B000 wrote: yea.....Mavi will be one of those people running around looking for water and prepackaged food to eat cause he won't start a fire because it will just add co2 to the air which he thinks is what caused the hurricane in the first place.....

The topic here is the character of our Union after this political moment.   I can understand why you'd rather not talk about that; you are, of course, free to not talk about it.  Because of the lack of moderation in this space, you are also left to control yourself, Mark.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by Mavigogun on 11/05/19 at 06:51:17

6A5455594B5756380 wrote:
But I can also see the writing on the wall. Scrawled there by foolish folks like you.

You know it's all just right up there for folks to read, right?  Let's compare:

"I'll bank on those with energy to build and a future to look forward to any day over his ilk, sapping moral with their predictions of end times."


"250 or so years. Done ... And I think it's grown about as much as we can stand already ... Buy the boat I showed you. Keep the fuel tank filled and the battery charged. Just in case ... This isn't going to end well. For any of us."

The foolish writing is indeed "on the wall" for anybody to see.   If, as claimed, you've worked your entire life for our Union, you do us all a disservice now.   A strange and unlikely turn, that; I tend to believe more in the person you say you are now than the person you claim to have been then.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by raydawg on 11/05/19 at 07:07:40

67595854465A5B350 wrote:

You are an oldNslow social termite.   You are the sort that starts a panic rather than organize your community to action.  You work against our Union.

You know nothing whatsoever about My community. And I have worked on behalf of, and advocated for,our Union for my entire life.

But I can also see the writing on the wall. Scrawled there by foolish folks like you.

Who said, "He played on our fears.......?"

It worked for him, he figgered out GW was a great fear monger, empowered him to much wealth.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by raydawg on 11/05/19 at 07:39:13

330D0C00120E0F610 wrote:
Ray: same question.

If you do take the time, pay attention to the part where the author talks about the different stages that empires go through. Which one do you think the US is in right now. Most of the characteristics of that particular stage are things that you yourself  have decried about the state of our nation. are right about falling nations, and empires, its why I do not put much stock into man.....
How can I really expect a person(s) to provide my needs willingly?
Who can?

Will America fall.....who knows, however I do know many very wealthy folk, and entities, are heavily invested in her, and won't just shut up shop willingly, if capitalism comes under a great threat to its survival.....

I mean look, isn't that why the media is so active now, in this political/social arena.....???

They see their ability to gather that power, and wealth, is under attack and being minimized and challenge by other sources.....

Can you imagine the outrage, and defending, of/by the big wealthy giants in this global economy?

Anyway bro....
Here is some examples of biblical teachings I try to focus on, and gain the promises from understanding them....
Not preaching at ya, just sharing, its why I can be happy with a small boat  ;D ;)

From his prison cell, Paul wrote this message: "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand" (Philippians 4:6-7).

The psalmist wrote, "Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation" (Psalm 100:4-5).

God's gates are always open to us. He's waiting for us, whenever we're upset and in need of a friend. We'll still feel the painful emotions. We don't just hand them over to God and expect them to disappear. But we can experience God's peace through prayer. Prayer is a useful tool to help us work through our problems. He will give us his peace, reminding us that he's there with us. For this, we can be thankful.

A life bathed in prayer is the best antidote for worry.

I don't need to worry over things I've no real knowledge of, or control....
For in reality, it might consume my attention away from the moment, as I stroll down the peaceful path out in the woods behind my house....
And so occupied, I didn't even see the mamma bear and her 2 cubs....
Which I shoulda be worried about and rightfully fearing  ;D  

Wish you well, hope you can find some relaxation need to hurry death, she'll get to each of us regardless.  ;)  

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by WebsterMark on 11/05/19 at 08:27:39

7D716679777F77657E100 wrote:
[quote author=576562737465724D61726B000 link=1572735826/15#22 date=1572960440] yea.....Mavi will be one of those people running around looking for water and prepackaged food to eat cause he won't start a fire because it will just add co2 to the air which he thinks is what caused the hurricane in the first place.....

The topic here is the character of our Union after this political moment.   I can understand why you'd rather not talk about that; you are, of course, free to not talk about it.  Because of the lack of moderation in this space, you are also left to control yourself, Mark.[/quote]'re killing me Smalls....

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by oldNslow on 11/05/19 at 10:05:34

Wish you well, hope you can find some relaxation need to hurry death, she'll get to each of us regardless.  

I'll relax when I am dead. I'm too busy to concern myself about that right now. It hasn't snowed here yet, and it hasn't turned all that cold either; the motorcycles sitting in my garage aint gonna ride themselves. :)

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by raydawg on 11/05/19 at 16:50:59

0A3435392B3736580 wrote:

Wish you well, hope you can find some relaxation need to hurry death, she'll get to each of us regardless.  

I'll relax when I am dead. I'm too busy to concern myself about that right now. It hasn't snowed here yet, and it hasn't turned all that cold either; the motorcycles sitting in my garage aint gonna ride themselves. :)

Been in the 20's a few morning here already, had some sleet that stuck for a say....
I got my wood all ready, still need to winterize the boat and trailer, but I am sitting pretty good.
Have to go Down to sunny California in a few weeks, my youngest daughter just bought her first house, and pa has to fix up a few things....

Versy, if you read this, maybe we could meet, ever been to Ancho's, tex-mex in Riverside?

Really good food, fresh tortilla made on the spot.....

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by verslagen1 on 11/06/19 at 11:47:42

47544C51544252350 wrote:
Versy, if you read this, maybe we could meet, ever been to Ancho's, tex-mex in Riverside?

Really good food, fresh tortilla made on the spot.....

Love to, I go by La Sierra on the 91 every couple of weeks, my parents are in Woodcrest.

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by raydawg on 11/06/19 at 15:36:16

617265647B7670727926170 wrote:
[quote author=47544C51544252350 link=1572735826/30#30 date=1573001459]
Versy, if you read this, maybe we could meet, ever been to Ancho's, tex-mex in Riverside?

Really good food, fresh tortilla made on the spot.....

Love to, I go by La Sierra on the 91 every couple of weeks, my parents are in Woodcrest.[/quote] must know the place then, yes?

I will PM you when I get all the details gathered, they just got loan approval yesterday, its a 30 day escrow, but I won't go down to they move in and have a bed for me  ;D

Will get contact numbers, etc  :)

Title: Re: America post Trump, it can never be the same.
Post by verslagen1 on 11/07/19 at 07:29:20

392A322F2A3C2C4B0 wrote: must know the place then, yes?

I will PM you when I get all the details gathered, they just got loan approval yesterday, its a 30 day escrow, but I won't go down to they move in and have a bed for me  ;D

Will get contact numbers, etc  :)

Never been, but I'm willing to change that.
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