General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I liked almost all of this

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 10/30/19 at 22:12:25

Title: I liked almost all of this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/30/19 at 22:12:25

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by thumperclone on 10/31/19 at 04:19:50

at least you seem happy in your alternate reality

the majority of Americans support impeachment inquiry
the "deep state" is falacy

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/31/19 at 04:40:28

Staying true to form
You're wrong on all counts.
Deep state has been with us for decades.
Trump isn't guilty of nuts.
And you believe a majority wants him gone because the powers that told you how badly Hillary would beat him with the OBVIOUS Bullshit polls, that you lefties believed, and I called them Bullshit, are telling you what you want to believe, and you believe a majority agrees, because the lefty voice is in the media everywhere now.
If you lefties win, America and You, lose.
Things are better today. You just hate the man responsible so much you want to destroy what he's done.
Childish, and stupid.

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by thumperclone on 10/31/19 at 04:57:32

you are the wrong one
because I don't agree with you doesn't make me a lefty

this has nothing to do with that Hillary
you keep beating dead horses because you do nothing but parrot

your meds may be better but trump has done NOTHING but divide the country

your  mirror will show you the stupid childish one

you are correct about my disdain for the orange one

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by T And T Garage on 10/31/19 at 05:54:08

56494F4855526353635B49450E3C0 wrote:
Staying true to form
You're wrong on all counts.
Deep state has been with us for decades.
Trump isn't guilty of nuts.
And you believe a majority wants him gone because the powers that told you how badly Hillary would beat him with the OBVIOUS Bullshit polls, that you lefties believed, and I called them Bullshit, are telling you what you want to believe, and you believe a majority agrees, because the lefty voice is in the media everywhere now.
If you lefties win, America and You, lose.
Things are better today. You just hate the man responsible so much you want to destroy what he's done.
Childish, and stupid.

How's pizzagate?

How's Sandy Hook false flag?

How's q-anon?

How's alex jones?

How's it feel to have your boy lose the popular vote by 3 million - proving the polling right?

How's it feel to be a joke?

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by Mavigogun on 10/31/19 at 06:37:58

You can’t unbreak an egg; the fool will not develop into a mature adult- that opportunity has passed.

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by Eegore on 10/31/19 at 07:57:34

"Donald J. Trump is not a RINO or DC insider.  He’s a tough-guy billionaire from Queens, New York and a street-fighter."

 I thought this was funny. He's a tough "talker" but is rather sensitive and can't take a verbal punch.  Tough guys don't need to fire back at every comment they don't like.  Making threats doesn't make you tough.

 I doubt he's ever been in a "street fight" where it's his life or someone else's, he at most can fight dirty with finances.

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/31/19 at 08:02:01

What lefties say?
I put it out for the others to read.

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by Mavigogun on 10/31/19 at 08:15:16

4565676F7265000 wrote:
Tough guys don't need to fire back at every comment they don't like.  Making threats doesn't make you tough.

I doubt he is capable of acknowledging this.   Trump is a crude idol that demands the sacrifice of discernment.    I wish it weren't so.

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by thumperclone on 10/31/19 at 08:23:23

56494F4855526353635B49450E3C0 wrote:
What lefties say?
I put it out for the others to read.

the other  conspiracy nut jobs....

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by thumperclone on 10/31/19 at 08:30:55

if trump is innocent why is he and his cronies being so obstructive to the process?

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by MnSpring on 10/31/19 at 15:54:07

515D4A555B535B49523C0 wrote:
Trump is a crude idol that demands the sacrifice of discernment.

I Like this Better !

“I’m on the record saying the more we focus on Donald Trump, even if it’s in the context of impeaching Donald Trump, it’s a lost opportunity for us to present a new positive vision that Americans can get excited about. Because when we’re talking about Donald Trump, we’re losing even when it’s talking about impeaching him.”

Said by: Andrew Yang.

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by Serowbot on 10/31/19 at 16:30:34

71526F4C4E55525B3C0 wrote:
Because when we’re talking about Donald Trump, we’re losing even when it’s talking about impeaching him.”
Said by: Andrew Yang.

Because Trump didn't win on an anti- Hillary vote...
Oh wait,... he did... :-?

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by raydawg on 10/31/19 at 16:36:26

Me thinks Trump won because of the scheme backfiring on them.....

The rest is nut'n but burnt french fries...... ya have to use a lot of Catch'n-Up....from having gotten burned by your own cooking  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/19 at 04:50:20

And they're gonna do it again Ray. They're gonna nominate and old hag from the Senate and as an added bonus, this time she's flat out goofy and a pretend Indian.

Instead of blaming Russia, they'll blame Captain Parmenter and F-Troop getting revenge on Warren because the DNA test revealed she's really a member of The Hekawi tribe.....

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by Mavigogun on 11/01/19 at 06:07:35

Powerful women scare Mark.

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/19 at 08:41:15

The fact you think Elizabeth Warren is powerful is comical.... She lied about her heritage to get a 6 figure gig and took that away from someone else. But that makes her powerful huh?....Condoleezza Rice was one of my favorites and I would have supported her in a heartbeat. Had she been more political and ambitious in that regard, she would have followed Bush. The Iron Maiden Margaret Thatcher another great one. There used to be some bada$$ Democratic women but since they deal with emasculated leftist men all the time now, they've lost something.
Two of my favorite bosses ever were hard, hard women. Nobody f'd with or they'd rip your lungs out. We fought like cats and dogs. Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost, but they were smart, smart women. I learned a lot from them. They were instrumental in moving me upwards.

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by raydawg on 11/01/19 at 08:55:57

Sure Web....I bet you have black, and gay, friends, too......

You're a expert now  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

The entertainment value of this site is outstanding, if you can just see past the irony, and idiocy......  8-)

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by Mavigogun on 11/01/19 at 09:11:24

427077666170675874677E150 wrote:
The fact you think Elizabeth Warren is powerful is comical....  

I suppose that's a relative assessment.   Warren has drafted legislation, enacted reform, motivated the creation of an entire fanatical services oversight agency, enjoys the ear of millions, and is the present front runner for the Presidency.  While you, Mark, have this space to make hollow proclamations, vomit up demagoguery for a few eager to lap it up.   So, ya- comparatively powerful.

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by MnSpring on 11/01/19 at 09:32:38

54584F505E565E4C57390 wrote:
Powerful women scare Mark.

That is is comical !
Elizabeth Warren, is, comical !
In fact their is not one woman, (or man), who is stumbling to get out of the, 'Clown Car', that is powerful, or even intelligent !

I also would have voted for Condoleezza Rice.
She, is a powerful woman.

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by raydawg on 11/01/19 at 10:03:09

I would vote for Susan Collins....

Many a times the libs herald her, when she broke rank with her party, but boy howdy....

When she nailed her comment re: Kavanaugh, exposing the deceit and shenanigans the democrats were displaying, she has become a agent of wrongness and must be removed.

note: using this descriptive but boy howdy is not derogatory....however, if all you have is straws to grasp, be my guest... it was not referencing Adam Schiff   ;D  

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/19 at 10:06:10

While you, Mark, have this space to make hollow proclamations, vomit up demagoguery for few a eager to lap it up

Ha ha!!! Oh ain't you a precious little one....!

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by raydawg on 11/01/19 at 13:09:34

1A282F3E39283F002C3F264D0 wrote:
While you, Mark, have this space to make hollow proclamations, vomit up demagoguery for few a eager to lap it up

Ha ha!!! Oh ain't you a precious little one....!


Web....I think its fair to say, once born, we are now on our journey to the next threshold upon which EVERYONE must pass.....DEATH.

None escape it, nor can they extend it, a second, it was written upon the first breath that child/baby, took........

The clock is ticking......

I wonder too, if we could assign this fact to words spoken?

Our words can be uttered, shared, spent freely, but wasted.....
When minds are closed, and shuttered.

Do we save the water for horses, that will drink, or keep trying to water those, that won't?

Its a honest question, what are our responsibilities, to keep trying, or to accept fate, saving the resources that might sprout and grow?

To keep practicing medicine on a corpse, is that not wasting resources, that might prove beneficial, to another living soul?      

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by MnSpring on 11/01/19 at 13:34:31

64776F72776171160 wrote:
"... Do we save the water for horses, that will drink, or keep trying to water those, that won't? ..."

I like that.
One could also say:
Do we save the food, for people, that will work,
or keep feeding the the lazy,
because they have learned they do not have to work, to get fed?

Wait Wait, tt and clone/s will call that 'racist' !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/19 at 14:15:51

Sure Web....I bet you have black, and gay, friends, too......

Keep this between us Ray but I spoke with my black buddy today....twice! Oh, and I'm going to an event tonight hosted by my gay friend..... shh......quiet now...

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by WebsterMark on 11/01/19 at 14:26:45

Our words can be uttered, shared, spent freely, but wasted.....
When minds are closed, and shuttered.

Do we save the water for horses, that will drink, or keep trying to water those, that won't?

In the context of this forum? It probably doesn't matter.

In all debates, one side is more right than the other side even if it takes years (if ever) to really know who was and wasn't right. Of course I think I'm on the side more likely to be right. However, one major difference is our good friend from Chicago, TT and his recent clone, the pompous a$$, Mag something or other, have zero tolerance for another view. At least we allow for some debate, with those kids, there is none. That's why any disagreement is met with their favorite fallback: "bigot, racist" etc....   Of course they'd never say that to anyone's face for real.

For example, I've said a million times I don't particularly like Trump but my support for Trump is based on a couple things. 1, far better than Hilary and certainly far better than Warren, Biden etc...  and 2. the other side are such d!ck$...... no other way to say it.

Title: Re: I liked almost all of this
Post by raydawg on 11/01/19 at 14:54:08

I think your 3rd reason is why Trump GOT ELECTED  ;D

I noticed the comedy world is starting to push back, against the PC butthurt censorship....

Ya gotta allow for dialogue, even that you disagree with, or find offensive.

To be fair, on the comment features, that some media outlets still allow, I have seen very ignorant remarks from both sides of the spectrum....
Just talking out of their butts, uttering nonsense, no context, or just diversion and name calling......
But too, I believe that IS the only place these folks will engage, for in real life, their behavior would invite some serious intervening into their antics.....

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