General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Moral Suicide Pact

Message started by T And T Garage on 10/11/19 at 11:05:01

Title: Moral Suicide Pact
Post by T And T Garage on 10/11/19 at 11:05:01

What a great analogy and headline!

Trump's Minneapolis Rally Was a Demonstration of the Moral Suicide Pact He's Made With His Supporters

It was surely a swift process for some people. Here's a talk-radio soundboard running for president, yelling about Mexicans and Muslims and how we need a Big, Beautiful Wall to keep Those People out. He knows whose country this is. He knows who should make the rules, and who ought to shut up and follow them. He knows who gets a seat at the table in America. They were in from the jump, from the moment they first stood at a rally and felt that twisted power coursing through their veins.

But others, you have to think, were more gradual converts. Maybe they felt the world was passing them by. Maybe they didn't know until he came along how much they needed an outlet for their rage at a million quotidian cuts—the new boss who doesn't look like a boss should look, having to press "1" for English. They were primed for it, sure, but it took a while to fully commit. Day after day, as they continued to support him—through the racist tirades and the attacks on veterans and their families and the exploding allegations that he is a serial sexual predator—they were forced to give up more and more of themselves to stay on-board. And as they gave up more of themselves, they became more and more devout in their allegiance to The Movement. At some point, the sunk cost became insurmountable. There is no going back now. They have given all of themselves to him.

That is how we arrived in the place we did on Thursday night at a rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Donald Trump, American president took the stage and, among a great many other things, did this. The crowd laughed and cheered.

He may once have told you, in his way, not to believe your eyes and ears. But you can. The President of the United States did indeed just act out some sort of sexual fantasy, in front of thousands and on C-SPAN, between two characters from his extended Deep State Conspiracy Universe. The stars of this show were Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, two FBI employees involved in the Russia probe who were having an affair and were opposed to the president's candidacy for president. (There is no evidence of misconduct.)

This is the president channeling everything he learned from Vince McMahon, pausing after he recites the names of the various heels so the crowd can howl their derision. The details aren't important. This is the show, where the enemies get bashed and We cheer together. This is the president deliberately debasing his office, of going lower than ever before and bringing his supporters with him, because he knows they have ventured into the deep and dark together now and they can't see any path back. They will follow him until he is stopped, and the farther they follow, the more they are his. There is nothing that cannot be excused away with half-baked crap about Fake News or What About Hillary. Nihilism is at the heart of things now. There are no standards or ethics to be observed, only enemies to lash out at from the darkness.

The rest of last night's national disgrace was predictable by now. The president cooked up egregious lies about Democratic leaders in Congress. He recited the names of his greatest allies on State TV and talked about how great their ratings are. He proudly said, "There was no blackmail," on his call with the leader of Ukraine. Mr. President: Thank you. He accused his enemies of that which he is guilty. He joked about serving more than his constitutionally mandated two terms. He exhibited clear signs of cognitive decline. He said Joe Biden, the former Vice President of the United States, only got the job "because he understood how to kiss Barack Obama's ass." And what exactly, was Proper Evangelical Good Boy Mike Pence doing while the president simulated orgasms on-stage last night? After all, he and Mother were standing there in the arena.

But the real ugliness came on a similarly predictable topic. Minneapolis is home to Ilhan Omar and the sizable Somali community there from which she hails, and it was always bound to feature in this Thursday Night Raw-meets-Riefenstahl with a script courtesy of Stephen Miller. First, he recited some evidence-free conspiracy theories he got off a right-wing blog.

The president makes a lot of things clear here. The only real "reporting" is whatever helps him and hurts his opponents. The same goes for what constitutes Fake News: it's any negative coverage of him. What is true—what's reflected in observable reality—is not relevant. But he is also very intent to cast the Minnesota congresswoman as The Other here. Not only is she a black Muslim woman, she must be smeared as someone who would violate basic codes of our society by marrying her brother. (Again, this is all horse nuts.) She cannot be One of Us. She cannot be an American. She is The Other, and has no right to a seat at the table or a say in how we run our society. The crowd howled in response, including the kid, who couldn't have been older than 15, standing behind Trump on-camera.

This is more than dirty politics, though. Omar already receives a huge volume of death threats—particularly when the president mentions her by name—and members of a right-wing militia hatched a plot to bomb a Minnesota mosque in 2017. The president himself has embraced political violence repeatedly. While the vast majority of his supporters would not engage in it, some have, including a Florida man who sent pipe bombs to the president's perceived enemies at CNN. The president knows what he's doing. He wants to make it not just unpleasant but physically dangerous to oppose him. He wants his enemies to be afraid to participate in our politics. It is the language of force. He also wanted to make clear that Omar's Otherness was a proxy for the community she represents.

This is a virulently racist tirade aimed at ginning up the worst instincts of the people in the crowd. It is not a coincidence Trump chose to come here, or to target a refugee community that is black and Muslim. This is how he thinks he can win reelection: by continuing to pull his base of support towards more vitriolic expressions of this vision of America as a country for and by white people; by scaring other constituencies away from speaking out; by using the Republican Party's machinations to stop inconvenient voters from voting; by smearing his opponents as Just As Bad As Him, They Just Pretend to Be Prim and Proper; by soliciting foreign meddling that will benefit him in exchange for favors when he is reelected.

All the while, he will drag his supporters deeper and deeper into the abyss. They cannot be reached now, only stopped.

Seriously, look at the twitter posts within the story...  He's a fukcing national embarassment.  If you seriously support this man as your president, you're an idiot.

Title: Re: Moral Suicide Pact
Post by thumperclone on 10/11/19 at 15:48:53

his idiot supporters here will Shirley disagree with you....
they like to deviate from any topic that may make them question their support for the head clown

Title: Re: Moral Suicide Pact
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/11/19 at 16:16:13


Title: Re: Moral Suicide Pact
Post by T And T Garage on 10/11/19 at 21:12:54

726E736B766374656A696863060 wrote:
his idiot supporters here will Shirley disagree with you....
they like to deviate from any topic that may make them question their support for the head clown

I know they will Thumper, but let's keep Shirley out of it, ok?

Title: Re: Moral Suicide Pact
Post by NHLycan on 10/12/19 at 05:15:58

It might be a good idea for us to start researching how the Germans reconciled after the wall came down. Assuming the civil war Trump keeps asking for doesn't kill us all, one day we're going to have to live near these people.

Title: Re: Moral Suicide Pact
Post by WebsterMark on 10/12/19 at 05:31:36

Ok class, pay attention. They'll be a test on this later.

My support of Trump comes 75% from the fact he was the only one capable of beating the truly awful person Hilary Clinton. I am fully aware of Trump's flaws. You on the other hand saw nothing wrong with her and the reason she lost was Russian interference and a less than perfect campaign strategy. You are incapable of acknowledging her tremendous flaws and the same for Bernie. I, and many others like me, saw both her and Trump for exactly the people they are and we chose Trump.

(Classic example. Most of you are deranged when it comes to Trump. Seriously, if you're so deranged as to believe Trump's joke about Hilary's email trigger the Russians to take actions, please make sure your children have power of attorney cause you're losing your minds...)

For this next election cycle, my support of Trimp is even breater, given the traitorous, anti-America path your socialistic candidates are going down. If any of you support Warren or Beto or Sanders and own an American flag, give it away cause you're not an American. Yes, I'm challenging your patriotism.

The worrisome thing for me is that I wonder if this constant assault on Trump led by a media still enraged that their candidate was not elected, is beginning to get to him. I get the tiny feeling that events are wearing him down. The only saving grace may be the traitors you are running against him might enrage enough true Americans to lift him up through this BS.

PS: If I ever step on stage and start off with "My pronouns are....." you have permission to kill me. (I'm sorry, abort me...)

Title: Re: Moral Suicide Pact
Post by thumperclone on 10/12/19 at 07:04:09

0B393E2F28392E113D2E375C0 wrote:
Ok class, pay attention. They'll be a test on this later.

My support of Trump comes 75% from the fact he was the only one capable of beating the truly awful person Hilary Clinton. I am fully aware of Trump's flaws. You on the other hand saw nothing wrong with her and the reason she lost was Russian interference and a less than perfect campaign strategy. You are incapable of acknowledging her tremendous flaws and the same for Bernie. I, and many others like me, saw both her and Trump for exactly the people they are and we chose Trump.

(Classic example. Most of you are deranged when it comes to Trump. Seriously, if you're so deranged as to believe Trump's joke about Hilary's email trigger the Russians to take actions, please make sure your children have power of attorney cause you're losing your minds...)

For this next election cycle, my support of Trimp is even breater, given the traitorous, anti-America path your socialistic candidates are going down. If any of you support Warren or Beto or Sanders and own an American flag, give it away cause you're not an American. Yes, I'm challenging your patriotism.

The worrisome thing for me is that I wonder if this constant assault on Trump led by a media still enraged that their candidate was not elected, is beginning to get to him. I get the tiny feeling that events are wearing him down. The only saving grace may be the traitors you are running against him might enrage enough true Americans to lift him up through this BS.

PS: If I ever step on stage and start off with "My pronouns are....." you have permission to kill me. (I'm sorry, abort me...)

 Shirley you jest!!!

(couldn't help myself)

Title: Re: Moral Suicide Pact
Post by WebsterMark on 10/12/19 at 07:36:45

I never jest. And don't call me Shirley.

Title: Re: Moral Suicide Pact
Post by MnSpring on 10/12/19 at 08:38:27

161014213B3936580 wrote:
It might be a good idea for us to start researching how the Germans reconciled after the wall came down. Assuming the civil war Trump keeps asking for doesn't kill us all, one day we're going to have to live near these people.

I believe the way it was, Was.
One group of people, was, 'free', another group was, 'NOT FREE'.
(A Hint, did the 'Free' people try to sneak into the, 'not Free' place. or was it the other way around)
After the, 'Not Free' people, became, 'Free', the 'Free' people, extended a helping hand.
Their was NO, 'civil war'. The, Not Free' people, always wanted to be, 'Free'.

Their was NO 'Adjusting', to have to live near these people

Unlike the adjusting that the, 'Normal/Realistic', people will have to do,
when living next to the UL FDS GBS's  

Title: Re: Moral Suicide Pact
Post by Serowbot on 10/12/19 at 09:07:30

I think the most you'll have to do is change your bumper stickers...

Title: Re: Moral Suicide Pact
Post by MnSpring on 10/12/19 at 09:46:07

3A2C3B263E2B263D490 wrote:
I think the most you'll have to do is change your bumper stickers...

So if, the UL FDS GBS's gain power,
is Removing the, FREEDOM OF SPEECH !
the FIRST thing they will do?

Or will they have to REMOVE the 2nd Amendment,
before they remove the First ?

Title: Re: Moral Suicide Pact
Post by T And T Garage on 10/14/19 at 06:28:50

5E6C6B7A7D6C7B44687B62090 wrote:
Ok class, pay attention. They'll be a test on this later.

My support of Trump comes 75% from the fact he was the only one capable of beating the truly awful person Hilary Clinton. I am fully aware of Trump's flaws. You on the other hand saw nothing wrong with her and the reason she lost was Russian interference and a less than perfect campaign strategy. You are incapable of acknowledging her tremendous flaws and the same for Bernie. I, and many others like me, saw both her and Trump for exactly the people they are and we chose Trump.

(Classic example. Most of you are deranged when it comes to Trump. Seriously, if you're so deranged as to believe Trump's joke about Hilary's email trigger the Russians to take actions, please make sure your children have power of attorney cause you're losing your minds...)

For this next election cycle, my support of Trimp is even breater, given the traitorous, anti-America path your socialistic candidates are going down. If any of you support Warren or Beto or Sanders and own an American flag, give it away cause you're not an American. Yes, I'm challenging your patriotism.

The worrisome thing for me is that I wonder if this constant assault on Trump led by a media still enraged that their candidate was not elected, is beginning to get to him. I get the tiny feeling that events are wearing him down. The only saving grace may be the traitors you are running against him might enrage enough true Americans to lift him up through this BS.

PS: If I ever step on stage and start off with "My pronouns are....." you have permission to kill me. (I'm sorry, abort me...)

LMAO - what a joke of a post.

I support Sanders and/or Warren, and somehow , I'm not an American?

You're delusional.

Your orange savior is sh!tting on the Constitution on a daily basis.  Your sad attempt at rationalizing your devotion is comical. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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