General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> If I were the Devil

Message started by MnSpring on 10/05/19 at 17:36:20

Title: If I were the Devil
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/19 at 17:36:20

Watch the whole thing !
It's only 3 min.
If I were the Devil

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by Chance on 10/05/19 at 18:29:07

I ran across this about 15 years ago, and there is a lot of truth in this short piece.  I grew up listening to Paul Harvey back when radio was truly great.

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by zevenenergie on 10/05/19 at 23:59:38

I think the devil is mostly between our ears.

Identification with thoughts, (Ego), is our greatest religion.
In that sense we are all devil worshipers.

Every morning we make that religion great again. ;)

If thinking is our greatest religion, and no one can escape thinking, we are under the spell of the devil. literally under the spell.
And nobody is aware of it.

Take a look at how fanatically you defend your ideas.
We are all believers. :P (

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by thumperclone on 10/06/19 at 07:47:00

yes I believe
the potus is one ell of a devil

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by MnSpring on 10/06/19 at 08:00:07

544B584B404B404B5C49474B2E0 wrote:
Take a look at how fanatically you defend your ideas.  

I am not defending, “my”, idea.
I am supporting Freedom,
words written over 240 years ago,
and the Constitution of the United States of America.

A example of: “fanatically you defend your ideas”
is the idea that tt has.
Which is that the current POTUS is a very bad person.
tt ‘defends’ that idea,
despite all sorts of facts saying otherwise.
That is defending a, ‘idea’.

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by zevenenergie on 10/06/19 at 08:48:10


There is freedom of thought, and there is freedom of thinking.
What kind of freedom do you think I'm talking about?

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by MnSpring on 10/06/19 at 13:24:08

4D5241525952595245505E52370 wrote:
There is freedom of thought, and there is freedom of thinking.
What kind of freedom do you think I'm talking about?

You said:
'thoughts, (Ego), is our greatest religion'
'thinking is our greatest religion'

You have said both.
So I don't know which you were/are talking about.

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/06/19 at 13:30:46

I didn't understand the question either..

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by zevenenergie on 10/07/19 at 00:50:52

I made a mistake.
I meant to say:

There is freedom of thought, and there is freedom from thought

'thoughts, (Ego), is our greatest religion'
'thinking is our greatest religion'
Sorry for my poor English.

Let me explane.

It is sometimes difficult to know what is meant by ego.
I see thinking and ego as the same phenomenon.

We can think about something, then thoughts are a kind of tool to create something, or to solve a problem.

But there is also a constant stream of thoughts that we cannot stop.
And there is the I, thought that is linked to the I, feeling.

The  I, thought is the ego.  
The I thought or ego, consists of a whole complex of thoughts and feelings.
It is not who we are.
It's a fake I.
(Fake news) ;)

The one that looks at it al (consciousness) is who we really are.

In one way or another, consciousness is completely confiscated, by the thoughts that arise in us.
It is indentified with it.

And that is where all problems come from.
We are so identified with and attached to our thoughts, that we think it's the reality.

We no longer see the reality of things, we see our thoughts about it.

Thinking is a delusion, we let madness rule.
look at trump, you don't find it recognizable how he rules?
Is it not exacly or verry simmelar the way tingking rules our live,s?

It is becource he is identified with tinking too...

There is no awareness or truth whatsoever in thinking. But we value it as much and even more so than the well-known religions.

I don't expect you to get this. you may understand, but understanding is something of the mind.

And again, sorry for my poor English.

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by WebsterMark on 10/07/19 at 04:33:09

I don't expect you to get this.

Here, let me help explain your thinking: "I hate Donald Trump because everyone who's cool hates Trump so I do too. In order to prove I hate him, I'll assemble an incoherent stream of words together in a few sentences with a negative Trump reference."

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by WebsterMark on 10/07/19 at 04:38:23

One of the best definitions of evi,  from a TV show.

True evil is, above all things, seductive. When the Devil knocks at your door, he doesn’t have cloven hooves. He is beautiful, and offers you your heart’s desire in whispered airs. Like a siren, beckoning you to ruinous shore.

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by MnSpring on 10/07/19 at 06:26:57

Wow man, that’s kool.
Brought me back to early 70’s, kool man,
ya know That Id, Ego, Superego stuff is so far out.
I mean, yea, ya know, it’s far out man.
Really gets the brain a spinning.

‘Ego’ is is the glue, it is the center, Ego is reason, reality.
Ego is what keeps, ‘Id’, the primitive instinct and aggressive in check.
Ego also keeps the Superego, which primarily is taught items,
like Morals, Religion, Hate of the current POTUS, in check.

So, ‘Thinking’ is actually, Ego, arguing with Id and Superego.
And in the case of the TDS affected,
Superego is winning.

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by zevenenergie on 10/07/19 at 09:44:07

You see it wrong, I like Trump. I would never choose him as a precident. But there is something in him that endeared me.

I don't understand what people see in him as a precident. To me it shows what kind of backward state America is in.

I think the American people are a bunch of assholes because they imposed Trump up on te world. The damage that you have done with this is indescribable.

But you only have an eye for your toys and your rights to be able to shoot people. And argue about it as little children.

What happens in the world through your choice of precidents over the past 30 years, is completely ahead of you.

For me your potash is not the devil, but the american people are responsible for the nuts you impose on to the world and on your self.

And because you are old dicks, you are largely responsible.

Get it now?

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by MnSpring on 10/07/19 at 10:12:08

4E5142515A515A5146535D51340 wrote:
I think the American people are a bunch of assholes because they imposed Trump up on te world. The damage that you have done with this is indescribable.

I don't understand why you believe that.

What Willem-Alexander, and Mark Rutte does/say,
Does not affect any Citizen of the US.
So why are you, affected ?

the american people are responsible for the nuts you impose on to the world
How does, what any Citizen of the US does, affect you ?

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by zevenenergie on 10/07/19 at 11:03:56

Have you than no clou, of how te word looks op on Amerika?
And you have been ridiculed all the way since trump was elected?

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by WebsterMark on 10/08/19 at 03:07:01

405F4C5F545F545F485D535F3A0 wrote:
You see it wrong, I like Trump. I would never choose him as a precident. But there is something in him that endeared me.

I don't understand what people see in him as a precident. To me it shows what kind of backward state America is in.

I think the American people are a bunch of assholes because they imposed Trump up on te world. The damage that you have done with this is indescribable.

But you only have an eye for your toys and your rights to be able to shoot people. And argue about it as little children.

What happens in the world through your choice of precidents over the past 30 years, is completely ahead of you.

For me your potash is not the devil, but the american people are responsible for the nuts you impose on to the world and on your self.

And because you are old dicks, you are largely responsible.

Get it now?

Oh I get you.....

Title: Re: If I were the Devil
Post by WebsterMark on 10/08/19 at 04:56:30

Couple of additional thoughts come to mind. Yea, I know, I'm thinking....

Your complaints against America remind me of something. A very long time ago, I was in Atlanta. One of my first business trips. We were in a trendy area of town for dinner. Think it was Buckhead or something like that. We were waiting for dinner when Peter Coyote and Dee Wallace from the move E.T. were waltzed past all of us waiting and into a prime table. I remember at the time being kinda pissed.

As time has gone on however, I realized something. They deserved the treatment they got, I didn't. In that particular circumstance, they were simply better than the rest of us in line. They were more talented in the profession of acting plus they were simply better looking which is pretty important in that field. Dee Wallace back then was stunning.  

The point is, you are strongly criticizing my nation and my President while struggling to make your points in my language. Now, I have no idea where you are from, who your president is or what language you speak, but here's the thing: I don't need to know. You however, know something about my country, something about my President and are trying desperately to properly speak my language. You want to know about us. You spending time learning about us. Unless you are from a country I happen to do business with, I don't need to know anything about you.

There's a reason why. At this point in history, the US is a couple of Hollywood actors and you are out in the cold waiting for a chance to sit down. You can be critical of the USA all you want, you can be critical of Trump all you want, you can be critical of me all you want. I would suggest however you think a little deeper. Where would the world be today without the US. And I'm not just talking about World Wars, I'm talking about the big picture. People are quite literally dying to get into this country. Despite the recent foolish infatuation towards socialism, this nation still manages to drive the world's events, the vast majority of which are for good. Maybe someday that will change and I'll be desperate to learn about someone else's land. If that's the case, I won't be doing that with a cloud of anger and resentment hanging over me.

But until then, go ahead and focus strongly on our few bad aspects while learning my language and eyeing the daily going ons in my nation and(I suspect) wishing you had the world I take for granted. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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