General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> BAN Knives

Message started by MnSpring on 10/03/19 at 15:29:17

Title: BAN Knives
Post by MnSpring on 10/03/19 at 15:29:17

It is SO clear that access to ALL knives must severely limited.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by verslagen1 on 10/03/19 at 15:33:33

Only assault knives.   :-?

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by Serowbot on 10/03/19 at 16:11:34

4 = knife
58 = gun

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by Eegore on 10/03/19 at 18:25:48

 Again, which is repeatedly ignored, its murder rate per minute that is the extenuating circumstance.

 When 50 people are killed in minutes by one person with a knife, then people will call to ban them.

 But ignore that and come up with more red car arguments that get you nowhere when it comes to defending your rights.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/03/19 at 21:37:40

Let's try it our way a while.

Make it easy on people to legally carry.
And let's have teachers able to carry.

The overwhelming majority of mass shootings are in
Gun Free zones.

Quit making it easy for the bad guys.

Look at the age group of most of the shooters.

School force fed them ADD drugs, made stupid rules, point a finger, say bang, and go to jail, and God isn't welcome.

Gosh, what could go wrong?

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by thumperclone on 10/04/19 at 04:59:38

47585E5944437242724A58541F2D0 wrote:
Let's try it our way a while.

Make it easy on people to legally carry.
And let's have teachers able to carry.

The overwhelming majority of mass shootings are in
Gun Free zones.

Quit making it easy for the bad guys.

Look at the age group of most of the shooters.

School force fed them ADD drugs, made stupid rules, point a finger, say bang, and go to jail, and God isn't welcome.

Gosh, what could go wrong?


Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by Eegore on 10/04/19 at 05:42:54

 Schools do not "force feed" medications.  Actually public schools can not require ADD medications at all, no matter how many parents claim they do, its illegal.

 IDEA directly states schools can’t make students take medication in order to attend. They also can’t make it a requirement for getting an evaluation and special education services.

"The overwhelming majority of mass shootings are in
Gun Free zones."

 No matter what the President says, this is up for debate.  Until we can agree on a definition for "Mass Shooting" and "Gun Free Zone".  We tried on here and its a never-ending semantics war because nobody is willing to have an adult discussion about it.

 For instance is a "Gun Free" area one with no guns entirely, or one with armed staff only?  Is it "Gun Free" until anyone with legal standing to carry is allowed to do so?  

 Does that mean bars and nightclubs (locations of multiple mass shootings) should allow conceal carry thus allowing the consumption of alcohol and firearms in order to not be "Gun Free"?


Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by zevenenergie on 10/04/19 at 07:20:13

Last night I begged god, I said please, no more discusion, or opinions about guns. I cant take it any more. :P

And he answered!:

I have blessed America over and over again. There is nothing wrong with it.
When will you finally see that?
You people keep complaining that things must be different than they are.

Banish all fingers that touch a weapon.
And then ban al baby, thats seen weapons.
And then just keep on banning from this point on.

And to those who want to keep their weapon, schoot everbody who wants to ban.

And have fun doing it.!!!!
But, don't nag. And don,t do things in my name.

I have blessed America and wil keep doing it, no matter what.
I am unconditional love.  

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by MnSpring on 10/04/19 at 08:14:19

59797B736E791C0 wrote:
"... its murder rate per minute that is the extenuating circumstance...".

Its murder rate per minute that get’s the Gun Banners panties a tingling.
More proof, it’s all about, BANNING, Guns.
Not saving Lives.

If it was about Saving Lives, then Texting/Distracted/Drunk driving
(among many other things) would be in the forefront.

" car arguments..."
I believe you are very wrong.
Banning red cars, Because a Bank Robber used a red car, to stop Bank Robberies.
Is Exactly the same as Banning a AR-15, to stop, 'mass' shootings, because a 'mass' shooter used a AR-15.
They are Both worthless.

Yet again the goal is not save lives.
The goal is to Ban Guns.
Just that the press loves to talk about 'mass' shootings.
And the UL, FDS GBS's take advantage !

(GBS - THANKS Bot !)

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/04/19 at 08:42:51

And ban AR15 s, then crazies use something else, then That needs banned.
It's a never ending gun ban..

But they believe in the Constitution..

As toilet paper.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by Eegore on 10/04/19 at 08:59:48

"If it was about Saving Lives, then Texting/Distracted/Drunk driving
(among many other things) would be in the forefront.

 There are laws and activist groups and protests, and bills proposed to further restrict texting and driving.  There are mass campaigns to stop drunk-driving, commercials, laws, billboards, law enforcement increase during holidays and sporting events, new tech developed all the time to evaluate alcohol content in bloodstreams.

 It's not sensationalized because it is so common, and not profitable for entertainment-based news programs.

 We already had this conversation and nothing has changed about the ratio of cellphone to gun ownership.

 It is considerably harder to implement restrictions on an item 100% of people use than an item 50% of people use.  As long as you try to make an equal comparison you will not get anyone to even try to see your point of view.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by MnSpring on 10/04/19 at 09:56:16

436361697463060 wrote:
"... As long as you try to make an equal comparison you will not get anyone to even try to see your point of view..."

OK, so what percentage of people rob banks ?
And what percentage of people own AR-15's ?

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/04/19 at 10:11:15

A greater percentage of car owners drive drunk and kill people than AR15 owners go shooting people.
Look at
Rifles used in crime

Punish the lawful owners, the law abiding people, for the TINY minority.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by Eegore on 10/04/19 at 10:34:08

 I do not know percentages of that but there are less bank robbers than AR-15 owners.

 100% of people who rob banks already have law enacted against them, also there is no Amendment securing the right to rob banks.  So it's easier to enact law against bank robbers as there are so few of them.

 There are more AR-15 owners than bank robbers yet less AR-15 owners than cellphone owners.  

 So it is easier to enact law on AR-15 owners than cellphone owners.  

 Obviously there is no Constitutional protections for robbing banks or texting.

 Public opinion works in tandem with this.  Very few people will protest for bank-robber rights.

 More will protest for AR-5 owner rights, yet less than cellphone owners.

 Many people will protest for cellphone owner rights because many have and use them.

 Comparing cellphones to guns doesn't get many people to sympathize with gun owners based off of volume alone.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/04/19 at 12:45:39

I'll bet you were a real tough cookie at dodgeball.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by Eegore on 10/04/19 at 12:52:27

 I could just ignore what I don't like to hear, or say I don't give a $hit about data I don't want to hear, or just start calling people names when they say things I don't agree with.

 That would be like dodge ball too.

 How exactly is talking about the social structure of how laws and banning of items not on topic?

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/04/19 at 12:56:47

Look at
Rifles used in crime

Punish the lawful owners, the law abiding people, for the TINY minority.

Maybe making those obviously ridiculous
No Gun Zone things a thing of the past would be a good start.
How about changing schools BACK to how they were when America wasn't raising hoodlums?

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by Eegore on 10/04/19 at 13:14:37

"Look at
Rifles used in crime

 Done.  We had this conversation already.

"Punish the lawful owners, the law abiding people, for the TINY minority."

 Not a good idea, but comparing it to people cutting their d!cks off won't help, nor will comparing it to bank robberies or texting.  

 As for No Gun Zone would that apply to a nightclub?

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/04/19 at 15:52:27

No , you're wrong.
The analogy of

How many people need to die before YOU, a law abiding citizen,are willing to give up your guns is perfectly represented by
How many women have to get raped before you, a non rapist, will cut off your dikk.

Pretend it's not so, but it's a perfect analogy.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by Eegore on 10/04/19 at 20:13:45

 Its an analogy that is worthless is my point.

 It may be different where you live but where I am I couldn't bring that to local government to prepare a bill for the Senate.  You would get nowhere with that argument at a town hall, you couldn't present it to local groups to organize a petition and be taken seriously.

 Telling people they should ben red cars will get just as far.  Not enough people will take it seriously, and while people argue how the red car analogy is applicable somebody else is presenting a real law, a real gun control measure to local politicians.
 As for No Gun Zone would that apply to a nightclub?

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/04/19 at 22:46:34

So you want to play?

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by zevenenergie on 10/04/19 at 23:48:16

It is more like that when someone has a gun, he feels more powerful. And that kind of power is always corrupt.

Real authority comes from the heart. And I am convinced that staying in the heart is the best protection there is.

Someone who is in his heart attracts different situations, than someone who is scared and walks around with a gun.

And living from your heart has a contagious effect.

Living in accordance with your heart is universal.
And Someone who abide,s wiht the heart is welcome everywhere.

Sounds pretty close to peace, to me.  ;)

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/05/19 at 05:06:20

ts an analogy that is worthless is my point.

I disagree.
It shines a light on just how ridiculous it is to ban a weapon that isn't at fault.
My AR15 hasn't shot anyone. I feel for the victims, but how does taking my gun protect anyone? About as much as someone demanding my D!kk be cut off because there are rapists.

Since that is obviously ludicrous and since cutting off my D! kk would not solve a problem, maybe the Frikken idiots who want to ban a weapon could rethink their position.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/05/19 at 05:12:41

7D6271626962696275606E62070 wrote:
It is more like that when someone has a gun, he feels more powerful. And that kind of power is always corrupt.

Real authority comes from the heart. And I am convinced that staying in the heart is the best protection there is.

Someone who is in his heart attracts different situations, than someone who is scared and walks around with a gun.

And living from your heart has a contagious effect.

Living in accordance with your heart is universal.
And Someone who abide,s wiht the heart is welcome everywhere.

Sounds pretty close to peace, to me.  ;)

All that sounds real good.
A nice young couple set out to show how that works. They were gonna show the world that evil is really just a construct and they were riding their bicycles through the middle east,
Where they were beheaded.

Of COURSE a man with a gun feels more powerful.
Doesn't mean he's gonna turn into a bully.
I guarantee you you'll never catch me without a knife. I don't swagger around and act like a jerk because I could stab someone if I wanted.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/05/19 at 05:37:16

eone who is in his heart attracts different situations, than someone who is scared and walks around with a gun.

The victims of these mass shootings weren't scared, until they realized they were in the vicinity of a murderous idiot who wasn't SCARED and decided to take a gun and go kill people.
I don't Want to carry a gun. They are cumbersome, and come with tremendous responsibility. I'm not scared because I don't have one everywhere I go. But if someone started shooting, then I'd be scared, even if I had a gun. But I would not be defenseless. The victims of these shootings were, I guess, not
In their Hearts? Is that what you're saying? They must have invited that situation onto themselves somehow, if I'm reading you right.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by zevenenergie on 10/05/19 at 05:42:48

It is fear.

A weapon gives no security. It actually provokes aggression. And it doesn't make a man powerfull, it make,s him feel powerful.
The reality is, it shows his weakness and his fear makes him weaker.

Someone who is in his heart knows his limits.
His challenge is to stay in the heart. Such a person finds a heated conversation a success if he has been able to keep his heart open.

All the discussions about weapons, show how scared people are.

In ecention they can be traced back to:

*1  Please put your weapon away, I'm scared. :-/
*2  please let me keep my weapon, I am scared. :-/

We share the same need. We want to be save.

And to answer your question, they were in that situation, no story.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/19 at 07:15:45

It is fear.  A weapon gives no security. It actually provokes aggression. And it doesn't make a man powerfull, it make,s him feel powerful.
The reality is, it shows his weakness and his fear makes him weaker.

I see,
You have NO Smoke Detector, because you have No Fear of Smoke.
You have NO Fire Extinguisher because you have No Fear of Fire
You wear NO seat belts because you have No Fear of a Car Accident.
You have NO insurance because you have No Fear of a Thief.
Etc, etc, etc, etc,

Or could you say, you have the above things,
because you are, 'Prepared', for ... ... ...  etc.

This, “someone who is scared and walks around with a gun”,
is Ultra Liberal 101.
It is the result of ignorance, and/or total disregard and ignoring of a subject.
(Remember, ‘Ignorance’, is not knowing about something, ’Stupid’ is not having the ability to learn about something)

One of the pontificates, that every Liberal is required to repeat over and over, and over, is:
‘I don’t like a gun,
then you will not have one’

Thus removing ones Freedom, Actually being ‘Useful Idiots’.
So when freedom is gone, and the 2nd is removed/changed, the 1st will shortly follow, with the rest being altered, so that the ‘Useful Idiots’, will  become slaves, to line the pockets of those in power simply because no Freedom will be left.
It will not be in the form of a ’salt mine’, it will be in the form of Taxes.
And ‘Freedom’, sure, you can have a Red/Blue/White car, you can have Orange, Green, Purple socks. Etc.
As long as you PAY !

A person who values freedom will say:
‘I don’t like guns, so I don’t have one,
if you like guns, you can have them’

BTY, zevenenergie, are you from Chicago ?

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by Eegore on 10/05/19 at 08:12:37

"So you want to play?

 Ok.  Arm teachers and visitors, children over 18.

 And Nightlubs?  What is your take on "Gun Free" nightclubs and bars?

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by raydawg on 10/05/19 at 09:08:33

69494B435E492C0 wrote:
"So you want to play?

 Ok.  Arm teachers and visitors, children over 18.

 And Nightlubs?  What is your take on "Gun Free" nightclubs and bars?


Its all misdirection and packaged to get folks, to think folks, care, etc....

When in reality it does not address the root cause of why folks need to act out.....
Most folk feel they have been wronged, minimized, hurt, and dismissed.
These folk lack the basic understandings of how to investigate their feelings of inferiority.

In truth, as a society, we allow capitalism to prey on these folks, by advertising products that if you purchased this hoodie, tennis shoe, beer, car, etc, that folks would envy you, as through this purchase, you will now be accepted, into the higher respected person, that this product deserves/demands.

Our very uniqueness, tho given lip service in matters like sexual identity, etc, is another false storefront, and one that only celebrates it, if you adhere to a certain chosen and promoted belief....

Co-dependency is another root cause to this mentality.....
One you find readily utilized by political factions with classic manipulations.

The bible talks about a persons sin, being passed on to, two generations....
Well that does not seem fair, does it.
Why should I be held accountable for what I didn't do, why would a loving God promote this?  

He doesn't.

What it is, is a prophecy......
Telling YOU the real consequences of YOUR sin, when most of us think/believe its only hurting us, temporarily, and we can make amends, later......After we do what we SELFISHLY want to do....!!!

All this other stuff is folly, a chasing of the wind.
Folks need to be honest with themselves, first.
And then be the example of what that belief is.
If its hate and fear, you will example that....
If its peace and love, that shall be your testimony.

As I said, everything else, a diversion from truth.

If its all, entertainment, nothing more, then I guess you have lots in commonality, with the Roman Empire, and their fun at the Colosseum....

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by zevenenergie on 10/05/19 at 09:22:58


I was born in one of the most notorious slums in my country.  I have experienced things that most people could not have lived with.

I don't have a gun. nor athor weapons Also no smoke detector. No insurance against theft.
I have insurance for when I cause other damage.

Fortunately, a fire insurance,  I was luky,  because last year there was a fire in my building. Lit on! 3 people died.

The next day he was having fun barbecuing on his balcony.
Life has its challenges. ;)

I see no reason to have a gun.
There are things you cannot defend against.

If something arises that requires action, I trust to know what is needed.

I don,t see ignorance as a lack of knowledge,  I see it as a confusion about who we really are.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/05/19 at 10:47:38

I see no reason to have a gun.
There are things you cannot defend against.

And yet, when police arrive on scene
They can.

If you're in a store and someone started shooting
Would you
Holler my heart is pure so you can't shoot me?
Or wish you had a gun to defend yourself and those around you?

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/19 at 11:46:44

352A392A212A212A3D28262A4F0 wrote:
"...I was born in one of the most notorious slums in my country. ..."

It certainly sounds like you have achieved a measure of success, pulled yourself up, and not expected anybody else to do those things for you, while you sit back and do nothing.
Congratulations !

In this Nation, their are many Freedoms.
Freedoms which are guarantied by a ‘Constitution’, ‘ Bill of Rights’ and ‘Amendments’.
Many have been tested through the years, and much blood has been spilled, keeping the guaranteed basic rights for its citizens.

And in spite of ever-increasing threats, and attempts to remove Freedoms by whittling away, bit by bit.
The very vast Majority of American Citizens stand strong.

Two things, that you have talked about come into play.
One is called the 2nd Amendment.
Which has been altered in the last 240 years, bit by bit, and many have argued about what should or should not have/will be done.
(and  will continue to do)
The 2nd, stands for, (some levels symbolic), the absolute undeniable Fact, that the Government of this Nation, can NEVER take control of the People of this Nation.  (no mater how some interrupt the words written in 1776)

The next Amendment that affects your words, (in this Nation), is the 1st.
Which is the absolute Right to say what you think, with no repercussions.
(Outside of saying things which are meant to injure people, like saying, ‘Fire’ in a crowded theater)
That absolute right, guarantees, you or anyone else, the Right to say:
“I don’t believe you should have a gun”
What it does not, allow you to do, (you, or the Government), is Confiscate a gun.

So when you say: ‘I see no reason to have a gun.’,
You can say that. That is the 1st working.
It is when someone says:
‘you have no need for that gun, you will turn in that gun, I will take that gun from you, etc’
That is when the $hit hits the Fan.

Exactly the same way as you saying:
“I Don’t Like …”
Then you getting sent to Siberia.
(Or Committing suicide, with two shots to the head, with your hands tied behind your back)

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by raydawg on 10/05/19 at 12:03:27

WOW......has this topic spread its influences wide and far..... ;D ;D ;D ;D

I guess I should chime in and straighten it all out  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Weapons have no feelings, emotions, or the ability to think, like a stick or rock to a caveman, merely a useful tool.

To assign it as a symbol good, or bad, diverts away from the underlining societal dilemma pertaining the use of this tool, in our world.

Its not much difference than how folks use race, in a prejudicial way, like all black teenagers in hoodies, or all old white men, etc....


And one more thing before I go and SMILE thinking about all you idiots while I contemplate buying that bad azz boat to make you grunts jealous of me so I can post more pictures of it to make you wonder why I post it on the tall table..... ;D ;D ;D ;D  

I have seen nothing, zip, nada, any legislation or attempt to introduce any, that would remove ALL guns from law abiding citizens...NONE.

So, lets keep the dialogue tight, and to the point based upon facts, not what if's too much of that crap is already driving debate, as well as this epidemic insanity.....

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by zevenenergie on 10/05/19 at 13:09:52

They are strong arguments that you have. And I hope for you that you get what you want.
Where I live, only the government has the right to use violence.
That is also on paper.

And if I compare between your country and mine, I think it's safer here.

Funny video:

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/19 at 14:10:41

42514954514757300 wrote:
"... that would remove ALL guns from law abiding citizens..."

Ahhh silly Wabbit,
Ya can't put that frog in cold water and raise the heat fast.
 Ya gotta do it S L O W E Y, bit by bit.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/19 at 14:24:14

4B5447545F545F5443565854310 wrote:
And if I compare between your country and mine, I think it's safer here.

Might be, depending on what Country you are in.
And where you would go in the USA.

Here, parts of many states, are VERY un-safe.
In fact, safer walking the streets in Baghdad, Iraq,
than some in, Wash D.C., Chicago, St.Louis, N.Y. L.A.

Yet Most of the places are very safe.
A key to look for is,
if a place bans guns, has very 'controlling' and Draconian, gun control laws, stay away.
If a place freely allows honest legal Citizens to have firearms,
that is a place you would want to go,
because very little crime their.

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by raydawg on 10/05/19 at 14:52:02

7655684B4952555C3B0 wrote:
[quote author=42514954514757300 link=1570141757/30#32 date=1570302207] "... that would remove ALL guns from law abiding citizens..."

Ahhh silly Wabbit,
Ya can't put that frog in cold water and raise the heat fast.
 Ya gotta do it S L O W E Y, bit by bit. [/quote]

That is f'd up thinking my friend.....
Taken to its extreme, I'm gonna do whatever my wicked heart desires, because I am gonna die, regardless.....
Might as well get what I want, and screw everyone else who might object or suffer because of my actions.....

You just can't operate as such dude...NO ONE CAN.
We have to keep it real, in the moment, and act accordingly to what is transpiring around us.

I still love you tho  :-*

Title: Re: BAN Knives
Post by thumperclone on 10/06/19 at 07:59:03

while on leave in Paris we were having lunch on the steps at Montmartre
two trench coat cops didn't like my knife
it was a switch blade without the spring » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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