General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Stories Are Changing

Message started by T And T Garage on 10/03/19 at 06:26:32

Title: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/03/19 at 06:26:32

At first, pompeo played dumb - now, as it turns out - he was on the call.

Yeah, that's not too incriminating, huh?

Pompeo confirms he was on Trump's Ukraine call

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed during a press conference in Rome Wednesday that he was on the line during the July phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Why it matters: Pompeo had previously been coy about his role in the call, giving ABC News' Martha Raddatz an evasive answer when she asked him directly about the call last week: "You just gave me a report about an IC whistleblower complaint — none of which I've seen."

The big picture: Pompeo's confirmation ties the State Department more closely to House Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquiry and comes a day after he accused Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs Committee of "an attempt to intimidate, bully, and treat improperly" State Department officials who have been asked to take part in a series of depositions for the Trump-Ukraine investigation.

It also comes the same day that the State Department's inspector general requested an "urgent" meeting with a number of House and Senate committees "to discuss and provide staff with copies of documents related to the State Department and Ukraine."
During today's press conference, Pompeo declined to say whether he'd heard anything inappropriate on Trump's call.

He said only that he, former Ukraine envoy Kurt Volker (who resigned after being named in a whistleblower's memo about the call), and the State Department had been focused on reducing government corruption in Ukraine, as well as the threat from Russia.
He said the State Department has a "constitutional duty" to cooperate with congressional investigations, but must do so in a way that protects sensitive information and doesn't allow employees to be bullied or intimidated.

Funny how there's hardly any mention of Volker who resigned immediately after being named in the complaint....

This is getting better by the day!

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by WebsterMark on 10/03/19 at 07:17:36

Yea it is getting better. Liddle' Adam apparently knew all about this beforehand....  As I said when I first read the 'whistleblower's' report, this is not that. It is a manufactured story they thought had legs. Only problem now is its falling apart. Pelosi is slowing down on her impeachment push because she knows the stink is starting to pile up.

As far as Pompeo's comments, I would think any Secy of State would be coy about what calls he was and wasn't on. And the idea that Uncle Joe never spoke to his slimy son about the millions he was making is absolute nonsense.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by Serowbot on 10/03/19 at 07:39:31

Your high school girlfriend was coy...
Pompeo was lying...

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by raydawg on 10/03/19 at 07:42:51

625057464150477854475E350 wrote:
Yea it is getting better. Liddle' Adam apparently knew all about this beforehand....  As I said when I first read the 'whistleblower's' report, this is not that. It is a manufactured story they thought had legs. Only problem now is its falling apart. Pelosi is slowing down on her impeachment push because she knows the stink is starting to pile up.

As far as Pompeo's comments, I would think any Secy of State would be coy about what calls he was and wasn't on. And the idea that Uncle Joe never spoke to his slimy son about the millions he was making is absolute nonsense.

Seems a collusion charge shall be forthcoming, eh Mark?

You know when you have to fabricate, exaggerate, your opening remarks in a hearing to find the truth......

That is a major flag, that what you have on its own, isn't enough to stand by itself.

So, he tried to steer his own testimony that we now find out he had part in scripting.......

Folks (that count) are spitting this out of their mouths, faster than a bitter pill.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by verslagen1 on 10/03/19 at 07:48:40

584B534E4B5D4D2A0 wrote:
You know when you have to fabricate, exaggerate, your opening remarks in a hearing to find the truth......

So now you know what a leftist hears vs. what is said.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by WebsterMark on 10/03/19 at 07:51:35

3A2C3B263E2B263D490 wrote:
Your high school girlfriend was coy...
Pompeo was lying...

I don’t tell subordinates everything. Why would I?

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by Serowbot on 10/03/19 at 08:14:26

Because there is an impeachment inquiry underway?...
Questions are to be taken a little more serious...
...and you're not at all cute enough to be coy...

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/03/19 at 08:15:45

LOL - there's so much spin from the righties, why the hell do we need wind turbines??

;D ;D

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by Serowbot on 10/03/19 at 11:13:31

Now the Peach one is asking China...
What part of impeachable offense does he not get?...
Can we just lock him up while the inquiry goes on,... or do we have perpetual inquiries as he piles up the offenses?...

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/03/19 at 12:47:53

1305120F17020F14600 wrote:
Now the Peach one is asking China...
What part of impeachable offense does he not get?...
Can we just lock him up while the inquiry goes on,... or do we have perpetual inquiries as he piles up the offenses?...

I don't think trumpy should pull at that thread.

He seems to forget about the whole ivanka Chinese copyright thing...

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by WebsterMark on 10/03/19 at 13:27:46

Lock Hunter Up, new chat at Trump rallies. The really cool people will learn to say that in both Ukrainian and Chinese.....

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by WebsterMark on 10/03/19 at 13:29:19

2137203D25303D26520 wrote:
Because there is an impeachment inquiry underway?...
Questions are to be taken a little more serious...
...and you're not at all cute enough to be coy...

I wouldn't tell the enemy anything. In this case the media and the traitorous Democrats.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/03/19 at 13:32:44

0B393E2F28392E113D2E375C0 wrote:
Lock Hunter Up, new chat at Trump rallies. The really cool people will learn to say that in both Ukrainian and Chinese.....

Yep, all class.

I can't wait to see the whole "funny injun" dance that you trumpies will do when Warren wins the nomination (again, if trump even makes it that far).

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by Serowbot on 10/03/19 at 13:43:17

Trump can learn to say it from behind bars...

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by WebsterMark on 10/03/19 at 13:52:24

6C7A6D70687D706B1F0 wrote:
Trump can learn to say it from behind bars...

You’re as delusional as that dude that hides under your skirts from time time. Maybe you’re not as big a coward, let’s bet on that.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/03/19 at 14:03:48

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
[quote author=6C7A6D70687D706B1F0 link=1570109192/0#13 date=1570135397]Trump can learn to say it from behind bars...

You’re as delusional as that dude that hides under your skirts from time time. Maybe you’re not as big a coward, let’s bet on that.[/quote]

Aww, look at you mark - tryin' to throw shade.

But hey, that's ok - if my hero was as big an idiot as yours, I guess I'd be pretty mad too....

It's OK - it'll probably be over soon.


Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by WebsterMark on 10/04/19 at 04:54:13

I'm not a 15 year old girl, what does throwing shade mean?

This is falling apart for the Democrats. This "whistleblower " is going to be another Christine Ford or Michalel Cohen or like one of the many other unfortunate people leftist have destroyed in their attempt to undo an election they still can't believe they lost.

By this time next week, the media will be desperate to replace the impeachment headline with something else. And they'll succeed.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/04/19 at 05:33:48

526067767160774864776E050 wrote:
I'm not a 15 year old girl, what does throwing shade mean?

Use the Google machine mark.  Try to remain relevant.  Aren't you supposed to be a salesman?

This is falling apart for the Democrats. This "whistleblower " is going to be another Christine Ford or Michalel Cohen or like one of the many other unfortunate people leftist have destroyed in their attempt to undo an election they still can't believe they lost.

If by "falling apart" you mean strengthening, then yes.  Your boy just asked China to do the same thing he demanded from Ukraine.

What you fail to see is that the dems have to do very little in this whole thing.  Your boy is so stupid, he's digging his own hole.

By this time next week, the media will be desperate to replace the impeachment headline with something else. And they'll succeed.

Guess we'll see next Friday, huh?

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by WebsterMark on 10/04/19 at 07:22:55

I'm not a 15 year old girl, what does throwing shade mean?

Use the Google machine mark.  Try to remain relevant.  Aren't you supposed to be a salesman?

Aren't you suppose to be a man?

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by Serowbot on 10/04/19 at 07:26:44

102225343322350A26352C470 wrote:
I'm not a 15 year old girl, what does throwing shade mean?

This is falling apart for the Democrats. This "whistleblower " is going to be another Christine Ford or Michalel Cohen or like one of the many other unfortunate people leftist have destroyed in their attempt to undo an election they still can't believe they lost.

By this time next week, the media will be desperate to replace the impeachment headline with something else. And they'll succeed.

Trump's blowing his own whistle now...

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/04/19 at 07:30:00

7A484F5E59485F604C5F462D0 wrote:
I'm not a 15 year old girl, what does throwing shade mean?

Use the Google machine mark.  Try to remain relevant.  Aren't you supposed to be a salesman?

Aren't you suppose to be a man?

LOl - such a cute little comeback.

Don't lash out because you have no new thoughts in your head.

Now, go chase that carrot mark - someday you might catch it!

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/04/19 at 07:32:01

Yeah, getting too personal here.

Enough's enough.


Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by WebsterMark on 10/04/19 at 07:52:22

Yea, I'd run away if I were you too.....

But if I had a dollar for every time one of you two said "we'll see.....just wait....blah blah blah...."

Seriously, wake up. You keep parading wacho after wacho against Trump instead of making the case why you have a better option. Maybe it's because you don't???

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by MnSpring on 10/04/19 at 08:00:50

233D32333E233825570 wrote:
 Try to remain relevant.  Aren't you supposed to be a salesman?

Not sure, but I do not believe WM sells things to,
1990's  drag queens.

I know that selling a firearm,
does not require me to know all about Golf Clubs.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by Serowbot on 10/04/19 at 08:05:43

516364757263744B67746D060 wrote:
Yea, I'd run away if I were you too.....

But if I had a dollar for every time one of you two said "we'll see.....just wait....blah blah blah...."

Seriously, wake up. You keep parading wacho after wacho against Trump instead of making the case why you have a better option. Maybe it's because you don't???

The wheels turn slowly...
Sorry I can't speed them up for you,...
... but the wheels are turning... and Trump is under them.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/04/19 at 08:12:43

5F6D6A7B7C6D7A45697A63080 wrote:
Yea, I'd run away if I were you too.....

But if I had a dollar for every time one of you two said "we'll see.....just wait....blah blah blah...."

Seriously, wake up. You keep parading wacho after wacho against Trump instead of making the case why you have a better option. Maybe it's because you don't???

No, I'm not running away, I'm just gonna ease back on the personal insults.

I should know better.  The whole trump nightmare will soon be over and I can take comfort in that.

I know that I'm on the right side of things.  I'm good with that.

I shouldn't rub it in to guys like you.  You can all see what a joke he is, you're just in denial and protection mode.

I honestly believe that if he were to don a swastika on an armband, you'd all stand by him.  The average trump supporter is delusional.  He can say or do anything and his loyal supporters like you will never leave him.

Like I said, I should know better.

As to a better option - we have several this go around.  And any one of them will beat trump handily. (no, I won't bet you on it, so don't beg)

So, I'll continue to try and not get personal.  Yes, I've said this before, and I have to admit, it's much harder than I thought.  But I won't give up.  Yes, there will probably be situations where I may get personal - that's just me.  I'll try to acknowledge them and explain better why I do it.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/04/19 at 08:13:37

02211C3F3D2621284F0 wrote:
[quote author=233D32333E233825570 link=1570109192/15#20 date=1570199400]  Try to remain relevant.  Aren't you supposed to be a salesman?

Not sure, but I do not believe WM sells things to,
1990's  drag queens.

Huh?  What does that even mean?

I know that selling a firearm,
does not require me to know all about Golf Clubs.

Same question as above.....

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by WebsterMark on 10/04/19 at 08:19:15

The whole trump nightmare will soon be over and I can take comfort in that.


I honestly believe that if he were to don a swastika on an armband, you'd all stand by him.  The average trump supporter is delusional.  He can say or do anything and his loyal supporters like you will never leave him.  Nope and that is yet another demonstration how completely out of touch with reality you are.

So, I'll continue to try and not get personal.   I don't care. We've become accustomed to it. I could use a good laugh now and then so please, feel free to continue being you.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/04/19 at 08:28:20

487A7D6C6B7A6D527E6D741F0 wrote:
The whole trump nightmare will soon be over and I can take comfort in that.


I honestly believe that if he were to don a swastika on an armband, you'd all stand by him.  The average trump supporter is delusional.  He can say or do anything and his loyal supporters like you will never leave him.  Nope and that is yet another demonstration how completely out of touch with reality you are.

So, I'll continue to try and not get personal.   I don't care. We've become accustomed to it. I could use a good laugh now and then so please, feel free to continue being you.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by WebsterMark on 10/04/19 at 08:35:44

what does that mean? Seriously, are you a kid?

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/04/19 at 08:46:11

4E7C7B6A6D7C6B54786B72190 wrote:
what does that mean? Seriously, are you a kid?

You honestly don't know?

Again, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Well mark, when someone makes that gesture, it means that whatever the situation is, it's as easy to brush aside.  Like "no big deal" or "is that all you got?" or "This is nothing".  So, the way I used it above basically says that "you mean nothing to me".

I think perhaps you should go out with younger people and see exactly what's going on and how small things like this are relevant.

The fact that you don't know what some of these things mean, says a lot.  Further, the fact that you don't want to look them up on your own says even more.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by Eegore on 10/04/19 at 09:05:34

"I think perhaps you should go out with younger people and see exactly what's going on and how small things like this are relevant."

 To be fair things like this aren't relevant to many people, and it is much easier to ask a question from the source than to "Google" multiple versions of the same question attempting to match what any one person means.

 I would have no reason to spend time researching a topic or gesture or image that has not impacted me negatively or positively in any way if I can just ask what something means.

 I Googled "Man making brushing gesture on shoulder" and arrived at this:

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/04/19 at 09:11:51

6B4B49415C4B2E0 wrote:
"I think perhaps you should go out with younger people and see exactly what's going on and how small things like this are relevant."

 To be fair things like this aren't relevant to many people, and it is much easier to ask a question from the source than to "Google" multiple versions of the same question attempting to match what any one person means.

I disagree.  Yes, phrases like "throwing shade" and gestures like the one above may be foreign to some, but knowing what they represent is indeed beneficial.  Aren't you a teacher?  If so, don't you think knowing a different vernacular is important?

 I would have no reason to spend time researching a topic or gesture or image that has not impacted me negatively or positively in any way.

 I Googled "Man making brushing gesture on shoulder" and arrived at this:

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by Eegore on 10/04/19 at 09:17:44

 I'm talking about the time to commit research to an image of a man making a gesture on his shoulder in comparison to the commitment of time it takes to ask "what does that mean?" from the person who presented the material.

 It is typically much faster to ask a direct question of the direct source than it is to research on one's own about a material that has had zero impact prior.   In this case especially because it is not a word that can be easily looked up from a dedicated reference source like a dictionary.

 I'm not saying the knowledge is not beneficial, I am saying it is faster to ask than it is to research.

 Why would I, or Webstermark take the less efficient route?

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by T And T Garage on 10/04/19 at 09:26:18

5777757D6077120 wrote:
 I'm talking about the time to commit research to an image of a man making a gesture on his shoulder in comparison to the commitment of time it takes to ask "what does that mean?" from the person who presented the material.

Understood Eegore.  I'm sure it took you less time to look it up rather than waiting for someone on here to tell you, correct?  Just 3 lines down from your search was "brush your shoulders off - Urban Dictionary" which explained it perfectly.

The point I was making was that the only reason mark asked me was because he wants to continue the confrontation.

 It is typically much faster to ask a direct question of the direct source than it is to research on one's own about a material that has had zero impact prior.   In this case especially because it is not a word that can be easily looked up from a dedicated reference source like a dictionary.

That would be true in a face to face conversation.  But on a board such as this, you can't rely on people being on all the time and to answer in a timely fashion.  Further, as I pointed out, your search revealed the definition quickly.  That, and the context of how I presented the pic - well, suffice it to say that it'd be pretty hard not to know what i was inferring.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by MnSpring on 10/04/19 at 09:48:35

203E31303D203B26540 wrote:
it'd be pretty hard not to know what i was inferring.

Yea, you would be correct in that,
Just the same as a 'reporter', inferring, 'Guns Are Bad' !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by WebsterMark on 10/04/19 at 09:52:39

The point I was making was that the only reason mark asked me was because he wants to continue the confrontation.

Confrontation? I thought it was humorous banter.....

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by WebsterMark on 10/05/19 at 05:21:52

So the "whistleblower" did not tell the Inspector General they had already spoken (coordinated?) their story with the Democrats on the committee. And the Democrats are protesting the proposal to release the full transcript of Volker's testimony which internal sources have said military aid was never mentioned as a carrot for investigating Biden.

As I said, much like the Blasey-Ford debacle, another fabricated story was grabbed by the Democratics who then piled lie upon lie to try and turn it into something.

This is TDS in action. Politicians survive (particularly true of national Democrats who have a willing national media behind them) by knowing how to manipulate the public but in the case of Trump, TDS has blinded them to reality and they're continually jumping the shark.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/05/19 at 05:46:52

Like treasure hunters,
Today's the DAY!
It's gonna happen!
We got him NOW!
Over and Frikken OVER, outraged, spitting and fuming, over Bullshit lies.
How's that Kavanaugh impeachment going?
That corrupt prosecutor that Biden got fired? Haven't heard the last of him. He was going after corruption.
One part of me kinda wants the lefties to get everything they want, just so I can see what they do with the mess they made.

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by raydawg on 10/05/19 at 08:29:31

Well look, the title is correct.......

We are now on our many, this is it, stories...????

I wonder why they just don't try and win voters votes, the old fashion way, tell me what you are going to do to make our lives better....  :-? :-? :-?

Well, what will the next BIG BOMBSHELL be ....????

That Trump has small hands?

I know one member here, likes that story  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by Serowbot on 10/05/19 at 09:41:18

61726A77726474130 wrote:
I wonder why they just don't try and win voters votes, the old fashion way, tell me what you are going to do to make our lives better....  :-? :-? :-?

Yeah,.. instead of strong-arming Ukraine, China, and Italy to make up dirt about his opponents...

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by raydawg on 10/05/19 at 11:49:58

I am not sure I follow you mean in dirt, like the kind Schiff got played with, or the one he mentioned, in his lying, not parody, in his opening remarks as committee leader?

No, as many have said here, Trump is not a angel, nor above law, or above critique....

However, if YOU, had been true to your OWN testimony, and disclosure, you'd not be saddled with this angst, presently, as you would have moved, out of the country.....  
So, in effect, its on you, you might try owning that, instead of wasting energy on stuff where you have no control......

Just a suggestion mind you, I have absolutely no expectation, tied to this advice   ;D

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by Serowbot on 10/05/19 at 13:13:43

7D6E766B6E78680F0 wrote:
So, in effect, its on you, you might try owning that, instead of wasting energy on stuff where you have no control......

Just a suggestion mind you, I have absolutely no expectation, tied to this advice   ;D

You spend far more time here than I do...
...and are far more long winded.
Funny your finger points outward.
Is your energy not wasted?... you believe you have more control?
The TT is only one boat.... we're all in it.

...and I'm the babysitter,.. I have to at least check in.  

Title: Re: Stories Are Changing
Post by raydawg on 10/05/19 at 14:46:47

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