General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Who listened to the Maguire testimony

Message started by eau de sauvage on 09/26/19 at 14:47:36

Title: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/26/19 at 14:47:36

I ask because I had a quick squizz at Donalds twit feed this morning to see his reaction and while it was exactly what you'd expect, this time is contrasted with the IG's testimony quite sharply.

For example Schiff spent a bit of time focussing on the 'credibility' issue and while the IG did not want to say the words as it was obvious that he's struggling to be an honest public servant yet still go along with the President. Maguire said the whistleblower was credible.

There's already a taped meeting been released that has Trump calling for the whistleblower to be punished which is exactly why the whistleblowers act is there.

The most interesting part of the testimony was when Schiff got Maguire to admit that what he considered a credible report was referred to the White House as to whether it would be released to congress even though the report was about the president and even though Maguire broke the law by not sending it to congress and even though he had the power and the obligation to send it to congress.

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/27/19 at 07:34:05

Look at Trump carry on...

Sounding more and more like the so-called Whistleblower isn’t a Whistleblower at all. In addition, all second hand information that proved to be so inaccurate that there may not have even been somebody else, a leaker or spy, feeding it to him or her? A partisan operative?

Squirming like a cockroach caught underfoot.

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by T And T Garage on 09/27/19 at 08:34:57

36243033242220450 wrote:
Look at Trump carry on...

Sounding more and more like the so-called Whistleblower isn’t a Whistleblower at all. In addition, all second hand information that proved to be so inaccurate that there may not have even been somebody else, a leaker or spy, feeding it to him or her? A partisan operative?

Squirming like a cockroach caught underfoot.

Yep, those are the actions of an innocent man....LOL

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by WebsterMark on 09/27/19 at 09:15:26

Any innocent man being attacked by sources who'll do anything to destroy, yes, that's what I see.

That was no whistle blower report, that was a story from someone with a preset outcome in mind who looked for and wrote only information he received from other sources that matched his view.

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by T And T Garage on 09/27/19 at 09:18:35

516364757263744B67746D060 wrote:
Any innocent man being attacked by sources who'll do anything to destroy, yes, that's what I see.

That was no whistle blower report, that was a story from someone with a preset outcome in mind who looked for and wrote only information he received from other sources that matched his view.


Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by Serowbot on 09/27/19 at 09:38:02

That innocent man confessed... :-?

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by WebsterMark on 09/27/19 at 10:12:30

Confessed to what?

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/28/19 at 17:51:19

I don't think 'confess' is the right word, but the memo Trump released shows him soliciting a foreign power to interfere in the US elections, which is kinda not allowed. But I think, like Watergate, it will be the cover up that will get interesting .i.e. squirrelling away the details in a secure code word server.

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by raydawg on 09/28/19 at 20:07:31

Cover up....huh, he released the transcript when he didn't legally have to.

Cover up exactly what?

Do you not think a person is entitled to defend themselves against charges?

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/28/19 at 23:18:43


Cover up....huh, he released the transcript when he didn't legally have to.

Obviously you've not listened to the Maguire testimony because they went through that in detail. In fact there was a fair bit of argy about why it was not immediately provided to congress seeing as that is how the law is unambiguously written in this case.

Maguire was in a bit of a bind there because of his reasonable belief that the complaint could contain privileged information. However the point was that it was the law.

The cover up is hiding the transcript in a code level secure server reserved for classified intelligence not transcripts of gov to gov calls.

Do you not think a person is entitled to defend themselves against charges?

Do you not realise that Donald Trump has the biggest platform in the entire known universe where he can 'defend' his actions? He is not doing that though.

But Ray, forget about all this, what I'd be interested to know is in spite of your blind loyalty to Trump or whatever it is that makes you excuse anything, are you not even bothered a little bit that Trump is using military aid already approved by congress to pressure a foreign leader to interfere in US elections.

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by WebsterMark on 09/29/19 at 05:25:51

But Ray, forget about all this, what I'd be interested to know is in spite of your blind loyalty to Trump or whatever it is that makes you excuse anything, are you not even bothered a little bit that Trump is using military aid already approved by congress to pressure a foreign leader to interfere in US elections.

Forget all your TDS symptoms that blinds you to reality, but hasn't it been reported Ukraine had no idea aid was an issue until a month later? There was no mention of aid being dependent upon action during the call right? Didn't the Ukrainian President himself say he felt no pressure whatsoever?
The "whistle blower" said he neither witnessed or was a participate in most, if not all, the events in his "story". (all quotes intentional...)

Did it bother you at all the role Obama, Hilary and the DNC played with regards to the whole faked Russian debacle? I'll answer that for you, no it didn't. Why? Because this is political, this is partisanship. You and the others on here are just pretending you're outraged at Trump damaging the USA.

The left leaning media has been training you to go after Trump by any means necessary much like East Germany used to do with their Olympic athletes. Little by little they been filling you up with a this pretend outrage and releasing you every time they thing they have a chance to undo the last election. You're like 9/11 conspiracy theorist who never listen to logic or proof and you're always ready to pounce on whatever the most recent shred of nonsense you get fed.

The scariest thing you clowns could get called for jury duty and someone's fate lies in your ignorance hands....

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by raydawg on 09/29/19 at 08:47:05

77657172656361040 wrote:

Cover up....huh, he released the transcript when he didn't legally have to.

Obviously you've not listened to the Maguire testimony because they went through that in detail. In fact there was a fair bit of argy about why it was not immediately provided to congress seeing as that is how the law is unambiguously written in this case.

Maguire was in a bit of a bind there because of his reasonable belief that the complaint could contain privileged information. However the point was that it was the law.

The cover up is hiding the transcript in a code level secure server reserved for classified intelligence not transcripts of gov to gov calls.

Do you not think a person is entitled to defend themselves against charges?

Do you not realise that Donald Trump has the biggest platform in the entire known universe where he can 'defend' his actions? He is not doing that though.

But Ray, forget about all this, what I'd be interested to know is in spite of your blind loyalty to Trump or whatever it is that makes you excuse anything, are you not even bothered a little bit that Trump is using military aid already approved by congress to pressure a foreign leader to interfere in US elections.

You are not interested in dialogue.....

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by raydawg on 09/29/19 at 08:50:29

WEB....the second hand witness was the stumbling block to releasing the document, as prior to doctoring, or changing this requirement to allow any heresy, it did not meet the threshold to releasing.....

Now, are the charges concerning, yes.......

But if procedures were altered, change, without the proper authority, we have another extremely serious issue to deal with now, as well....

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by WebsterMark on 09/29/19 at 13:56:54

Now, are the charges concerning, yes.......

No, they are not concerning. If you’re the victim of repeated kangaroo court charges, they’re all fabricated. There was nothing in Trump’s call that concerning. Nothing.

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/29/19 at 16:03:00

To whom it may concern,

I've just spent about 20 minutes trying to work out how to answer these weirdly fcuked up posts by WM and Ray.

I can only sit here with a fixed knowing smile on my boat, and admire the pristine fcukwittery.

You two simply quote Trump's twitter feed as an answer to anything.

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by WebsterMark on 09/30/19 at 05:17:37

If you spent 20 minutes on a boat pondering an answer to post on a motorcycle forum that you participate in with drive-bys, I'd suggest a reexamination is in order.

And if you think I quoted Trump's twitter feed, I'd suggest lessons on comprehension or perhaps basic reading skills.

But have fun on your boat. Sailing? Fishing? Sking? Please slow your car down long enough to share with the group.

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/30/19 at 15:28:03

@Ray, said...
You are not interested in dialogue.....

Good one Ray.

There was nothing in Trump’s call that concerning.

Hilary and the DNC played with regards to the whole faked Russian debacle?

Straight out of Trump's twit feed.

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by WebsterMark on 09/30/19 at 15:58:26

By that logic, every word outta your little mouth is straight outta CNN’s playbook!

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by oldNslow on 09/30/19 at 16:14:35

You two simply quote Trump's twitter feed as an answer to anything.

I can only sit here with a fixed knowing smile on my boat,...

Well, this isn't anybody's Twitter feed, And it pretty much blows the whole boat right out of the water.

Here's hoping yours is more seaworthy, eau. ;)

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by Serowbot on 09/30/19 at 16:45:58

The overarching theme of this conspiracy theory is that the DNC fabricated evidence to implicate Russia in the cyber attacks.[166] CrowdStrike's co-founder Dmitri Alperovitch is a naturalized American citizen born in the Soviet Union.[167][168] According to the hoax, Alperovitch is a Ukrainian who was ordered by the DNC to discredit Russia for the election interference and he was personally motivated to get even with Vladimir Putin. Also, according to the theory, CrowdStrike is owned by a rich Ukrainian[80] and the actual server involved in the cyber attack is in Ukraine. CrowdStrike is actually a publicly traded company headquartered in California. "The" server is actually 140 servers, decommissioned and located in the United States.[169] The theory additionally says FBI agents were not allowed to examine the server because such action would expose the DNC plot,[166] although in fact – and as documented in the Mueller Report – images and traffic logs of the DNC servers were provided to the FBI.[169] This conspiracy theory originated from a "GRU persona, 'Guccifer 2.0,' created to cast doubt on Russia's culpability in the DNC [intrusion]

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by oldNslow on 09/30/19 at 17:38:46

Bot, the relevant part of the link is the treaty between US and Ukraine. That exonerates Trump of any wrongdoing vis. the conversation with Ukraine's President.  Whether the stuff about the servers and Crowdstrike is or is not factual doesn't matter. Trump just asked that it be investigated, which he is absolutely legally entitled to do. Likewise the questions about the Bidens and the Ukrainian energy company. Even if there is nothing to that, although I'm pretty sure that Joe and Hunter are dirty as hell, doesn't make any difference either.  Trump still didn't break the law by asking about it.

All the other screeching from everyf*cking body is just the usual "muddy the waters" and rile up the " NOW WE GOT HIM" folks  tactic.

I'm waiting for the whistleblower's cover to get blown. I wont be long before that happens. Once that happens and his/her identity and connections to the other people orchestrating this particular attempt at a coup are out there, then the jig will be up.

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by T And T Garage on 09/30/19 at 21:22:06

5C62636F7D61600E0 wrote:
Bot, the relevant part of the link is the treaty between US and Ukraine. That exonerates Trump of any wrongdoing vis. the conversation with Ukraine's President.  Whether the stuff about the servers and Crowdstrike is or is not factual doesn't matter. Trump just asked that it be investigated, which he is absolutely legally entitled to do. Likewise the questions about the Bidens and the Ukrainian energy company. Even if there is nothing to that, although I'm pretty sure that Joe and Hunter are dirty as hell, doesn't make any difference either.  Trump still didn't break the law by asking about it.

Yes, he did.  Just saying that he didn't, doesn't make it so.

He asked a foreign government to meddle in an election via extortion.

That's against the law.  WTF does a treaty have to do with it?  This wasn't a "legal matter", this was digging dirt - full stop.

All the other screeching from everyf*cking body is just the usual "muddy the waters" and rile up the " NOW WE GOT HIM" folks  tactic.

Yeah, that's why 35 or 36 republican senators are backing the impeachment investigation, right?

I'm waiting for the whistleblower's cover to get blown. I wont be long before that happens. Once that happens and his/her identity and connections to the other people orchestrating this particular attempt at a coup are out there, then the jig will be up.

And that attitude is why he or she will not be revealed.  Your boy trump is a clodding mafia wannabe.  He sends threats out his a$$ on twitter nearly every day.

Title: Re: Who listened to the Maguire testimony
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/01/19 at 08:02:00

Note to Trump whinging about 'second hand' nothing blah blah... this from the actual report...

In addition, the law required the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community within 14 calendar days to determine whether information with respect to the urgent concern “appeared credible.” Id. § 3033(k)(5)(B). The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community determined, after conducting a preliminary review, that there were reasonable grounds to believe the urgent concern appeared credible.

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