General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Wash, Rinse, Repeat

Message started by WebsterMark on 09/25/19 at 16:53:24

Title: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by WebsterMark on 09/25/19 at 16:53:24

Been locked away in a Chicago hotel since Monday morning in our company new products meeting. Literally went two full fays with no news from the outside world. Came up for air to the latest attempt by the media to impeach the President they didn't approve of.

I did everything backwards. I read the transcript of the call first and then wondered what the fuss was. Seems Pelosi succumbed to pressure from the media fueled wachos members of her party and came up with a clever sounding name for a pretend investigation knowing full well her media bosses would lie about the story to make it seem like something its not. There are a lot of problems however but after watching the fake Russian investigation and the attempted Kavanaugh lynching, nothing surprises me.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Below is a good summary.

Summary from WSJ Kim Strassel.
1) Having read DOJ’s Trump-Ukraine release, here’s the real story: This is another internal attempt to take out a president, on the basis of another non-smoking-gun.
2)As to call transcript itself: Trump’s actual “favor” is that Ukraine look backward, to what happened in the 2016 election. This is a legitimate ask, since election meddling looks to have come from both Russia and Ukraine.
3)(Indeed, this is a big enough issue that we find out this morning that U.S. Attorney John Durham is looking at what role the Ukraine played in the FBI investigation.)
4)It is actually Zelensky who brings up Rudy Giuliani—saying they can’t wait to “meet him.” And it is Zelensky who references “that investigation,” as he goes on to promise that “all investigations will be done openly and candidly.”
5)Trump says “good” and expresses worries that a “good” prosecutor was “shut down.” Mentions “Biden’s son” and that Biden bragged he “stopped the prosecution.” Ends that bit with “It sounds horrible to me.”
6)Trump's several references to Giuliani are mostly to say what a great guy he is. He says he will have Giuliani and AG Barr call. He asks Zelensky to speak/work with both.
7)And, never mind, because: DOJ in statement says the President has not spoken to AG about investigating Biden and has not asked the AG to contact the Ukraine. Also, Barr has not communicated with Ukraine—“on this or any subject.”
8)Meanwhile, the IG back in August referred this to DOJ as potential violation of campaign finance law, based on whistleblower complaint. Criminal Division evaluated and determined no violation: “All relevant components of the Department agreed with this legal conclusion.”
9) Whistleblower? Look at this nugget, referenced in the OLC opinion. The IG’s review found "some indicia of an arguable political bias on the part of the Complainant in favor of a rival political candidate.”
10)Media got all this so wrong. And Democrats look all the more partisan and radical to have moved toward impeachment.

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by raydawg on 09/25/19 at 17:09:58

You are such a racist Web......

Maxine Waters called out Trump for impeachment 7 weeks after he took the oath.
Folks are finally catching up to this savvy woman....

Watch out for those exploding cigars Web, they are EVERYWHERE  ;D ;D ;D

On a different note, the libs have way more than enuff rope, Trump should finally just SHUT UP, and let others talk for, or against him.
However, that will never happen with this man  :-[

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by WebsterMark on 09/26/19 at 07:55:21

So now that I'm out of Conference Prison and back in the fake world of Presidential news, I read the whistle blower complaint. Doesn't read like a typical complaint.

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by raydawg on 09/26/19 at 08:46:58

192B2C3D3A2B3C032F3C254E0 wrote:
So now that I'm out of Conference Prison and back in the fake world of Presidential news, I read the whistle blower complaint. Doesn't read like a typical complaint.

I agree, lots of subjective assuming, and based on secondhand/relayed narrative.

Watching the exchange with Joe Maguire, who is not a party hack, but served through many different administrations, as a independent, I am left feeling that we must know who this whistle-blower is.

I believe it is a pertinent piece of this puzzle, and will lend much light into its possible motivations, etc.....

In the end Web, it won't change any of the liberals views and beliefs, as witnessed by Nancy P. having to dance to their beck and call.

However, I believe fair and open-minded folks will see this as what it appears to be.

I had a interesting talk with a pretty famous minority yesterday, about the whole mindset and prejudice of the current political climate, with such fervor bias on both fringes of each party....some of the crap I hear for righties is spooky too!

He told me, "This is nothing new for my race, we have lived most of our life through preconceived notions based on nothing but hearsay, and ignorance.
Having to prove them wrong, before they would even consider us as a individual entity, worthy of their own independent witness of character and merit......"  

He predicts, "The 2020 outcome will come as a great surprise too many, and it will be like ripping a bottle away from a wino.

We often don't like what is right for us, but if we overcome those things that steal, and rob away from us, the very things we thought we were obtaining through wrong thoughts, and actions, the reward is a better and stronger society, for everyone...."

Smart man.....way smarter than me  ;D


Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by T And T Garage on 09/26/19 at 08:58:57

Yeah, I'm sure this will turn out to be nothing....<<<<sarcasm

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by Serowbot on 09/26/19 at 09:19:46

407275646372655A76657C170 wrote:
4)It is actually Zelensky who brings up Rudy Giuliani—saying they can’t wait to “meet him.” And it is Zelensky who references “that investigation,” as he goes on to promise that “all investigations will be done openly and candidly.”

Does it make any sense to you, that Zelensky would be interested in talking to Trump's private lawyer?...

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/26/19 at 09:33:32

756B646568756E73010 wrote:
Yeah, I'm sure this will turn out to be nothing....<<<<sarcasm

Aaaaand, point to Ooone thing that you have pinned your hopes on that didn't die once the light of truth hit it.

Ohhh, how's that Kavanaugh thing going?

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by WebsterMark on 09/26/19 at 09:38:40

Rudy was one of Trump's point person in the fake Russian story so I don't think its out of line. It was after Trump's comments on Crowdstrike.

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by WebsterMark on 09/26/19 at 09:50:35

Early on in the complaint, he states that  he was not a personal witnesses to many of the events which seems to indicate that whomever he is, he spoke to many other people in order to piece together the full story. That seems problematic.

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by raydawg on 09/26/19 at 09:59:47

Schiff ripped for reading ‘parody’ of Trump call at House hearing

It's ok, he got it from Joe Scarbrough..... ;D

intel boss cautions impeachment-driven Dems: Complaint based on 'second-hand information'   :-[ :-[ :-[

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by T And T Garage on 09/26/19 at 10:07:29

4C5355524F4879497941535F14260 wrote:
[quote author=756B646568756E73010 link=1569455604/0#4 date=1569513537]Yeah, I'm sure this will turn out to be nothing....<<<<sarcasm

Aaaaand, point to Ooone thing that you have pinned your hopes on that didn't die once the light of truth hit it.

Ohhh, how's that Kavanaugh thing going?

Like I said in my post before - do you ever stay within the lines from the OP?

Looks like that answer is no.

Regarding this little shindig, I think this will, at the very least, shine even more light on how corrupt/inept this president is.

I give you guys credit though, you honestly believe that trump can do no wrong and are devoted to the end.  It's hard to find that in anyone... you know, deaf, dumb and blind faith.

And to trump's defense, he probably thought that there was no problem in doing what he did/does.  You see, when you know no better, then you're clueless of what is right and wrong.

He's about to finally get his hand slapped.  Eventually, he'll learn.  It's just going to be too late to do any good.

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by WebsterMark on 09/26/19 at 10:59:43

It is interesting how two sides can see the same events so dramatically different.  Also interesting is that the Democrats have repeatedly seen the wrong side of things constantly since Trump was elected.  The whole Russia lie, the fake Kavanaugh stories, and on and on.   It’s never going to stop. Even after 2024, I suspect they’ll pursue Trump until the day he dies.

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by Serowbot on 09/26/19 at 11:14:35

Hope so...

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by WebsterMark on 09/26/19 at 11:33:02

Like the biker pursuing his headlight beam...

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by T And T Garage on 09/26/19 at 11:59:52

4A787F6E69786F507C6F761D0 wrote:
It is interesting how two sides can see the same events so dramatically different.  Also interesting is that the Democrats have repeatedly seen the wrong side of things constantly since Trump was elected.  The whole Russia lie, the fake Kavanaugh stories, and on and on.   It’s never going to stop. Even after 2024, I suspect they’ll pursue Trump until the day he dies.

What I can't understand is how the once "grand old party" has let the office of president be degraded into a twitter feed.

The reason trump's been "hounded" is not only political.

He has single handedly denigrated the office to the point where he and the office are not taken seriously anymore.

I honestly think he will lose in 2020.  If by some miracle he doesn't, then the pendulum will swing even farther left in '22 and '24.  As it is today, the swing in 2020 will be a simple reset.

Suffice it to say, the majority of the US population does not support this president because they see him for what he truly is.  A figurehead for the establishment right and demagogue.

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by oldNslow on 09/26/19 at 18:08:10

172522333425320D21322B400 wrote:
It is interesting how two sides can see the same events so dramatically different.  Also interesting is that the Democrats have repeatedly seen the wrong side of things constantly since Trump was elected.  The whole Russia lie, the fake Kavanaugh stories, and on and on.   It’s never going to stop. Even after 2024, I suspect they’ll pursue Trump until the day he dies.

I think it's a mistake to think that this is actually a partisan - democrat vs republican issue. It's way beyond that. The entire DC establishment, party affiliation notwithstanding, is out to destroy Trump. He has almost no friends  in that town, and it's been shown time and time again that even he can't be sure whom he can trust..

Trump has been a burr under the saddle of just about everyone in DC and they can't help but try to scratch it out.

Sooner or later though, someone is going to manage, accidentally in all probability, to light a fire that burns the whole thing down. When that happens it suddenly isn't going to mean sh*t which side any one of us voted for.

This guy explains it pretty well I think, even though it takes him a little while to get to the point.

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by raydawg on 09/26/19 at 19:36:29

Thanks it.

I can boil it down quicker than him, its sin, man's fallen nature, ALL OF US....

However, it seems we've adopted a freelancers mentality, declaring ain't no such thing as a absolute....we are judge, jury, and accused, presiding over our own lives, with us being the only concern......

Gee, what could ever go wrong with that?  :-/

I read some of the comments..... that was entertaining.

Consider this, from centuries ago, as we have gained so much through science, and technologies, yet.......   :-?

Ecclesiastes 1:18  (ESV)

18 For in much wisdom is much vexation,
   and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.

I wonder who here, understand this......????

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by thumperclone on 09/27/19 at 04:55:25

I wonder who here, understand this......????[/quote]  

ignorance is bliss

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by WebsterMark on 09/27/19 at 05:46:05

I think it's a mistake to think that this is actually a partisan - democrat vs republican issue. It's way beyond that. The entire DC establishment, party affiliation notwithstanding, is out to destroy Trump. He has almost no friends  in that town, and it's been shown time and time again that even he can't be sure whom he can trust..

Trump has been a burr under the saddle of just about everyone in DC and they can't help but try to scratch it out.

Sooner or later though, someone is going to manage, accidentally in all probability, to light a fire that burns the whole thing down. When that happens it suddenly isn't going to mean sh*t which side any one of us voted for.

Some fair points. My thought is Trump has done far less suspicious things than other Presidents but you're correct in that unlike other Presidents, he has all the opposition against him and a fair number who are on his team.

Remember,, Trump was essentially a third party candidate who forced the Republican establishment to accept him.He destroyed during the campaign Republican Senators Graham, Cruz, Paul and Rubio. He didn't just beat them, he mopped the floor with them. Politicians are not like us, they don't think like us. They are not 100% reliable teammates. If there were a way to get rid of Trump and keep the Republican name on top, they wouldn't hesitate.

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by oldNslow on 09/27/19 at 07:35:52

Ecclesiastes 1:18  (ESV)

18 For in much wisdom is much vexation,
  and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.

I wonder who here, understand this......????

[quote]ignorance is bliss

"Knowledge without wisdom is a load of books on the back of an  a*s.
                                                                                               - Japanese Proverb

Not all the swamp critters are truly evil people, although unarguably some of them are. The rest, sadly, just lack the self awareness to understand the corruption hey are party to.

"You've got to stand for something, you will fall for anything"
                                                                                                  - Aron Tippin

Even a country singer can figure this sh*t out. To bad the genuises in DC and the MSM cant.

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by raydawg on 09/27/19 at 08:05:22

3428352D302532232C2F2E25400 wrote:
I wonder who here, understand this......????

ignorance is bliss

Haha.....I bet the Gingerbread man wants to reconsider  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by raydawg on 09/27/19 at 08:24:21

Remember,, Trump was essentially a third party candidate who forced the Republican establishment to accept him.He destroyed during the campaign Republican Senators Graham, Cruz, Paul and Rubio. He didn't just beat them, he mopped the floor with them. Politicians are not like us, they don't think like us. They are not 100% reliable teammates. If there were a way to get rid of Trump and keep the Republican name on top, they wouldn't hesitate

I agree Trump was more a anti vote, I have said that all along.....

You do have the fringe, which is just as creepy as the lefts, but he has a solid base of supporters like the Cleveland Indians  ;D
Which supports his approval numbers solidly in the 40's, no matter what the opposition cook up.
Funny, this opposition, congress, ya see their approval numbers, yet, we don't talk about that?  :-/

But I really feel, the biggest problem Trump has is himself.....

What he has revealed is we have extremely large, and toxic, egos in politics, and the media......
They clash like two distinct opposing weather fronts, spawning destructive tornadoes

I believe folks are damaging themselves, never going to be able to return back to where they were.

But again, maybe its just nothing more than timing, as so many different elements are coming to a crucial point in their collective lives, with the INTERNET and social media playing a huge role in this, as folks who have lived off this corruption, are having to really fight for the spoils that are dwindling.....

Bottom line, a divided nation can not stand, many other forces of corruption, are awaiting, like a new mafia, wanting to take over the turf...

Everyone needs to ask themselves, Is it worth it?

Title: Re: Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Post by raydawg on 09/27/19 at 08:30:27

Not all the swamp critters are truly evil people, although unarguably some of them are. The rest, sadly, just lack the self awareness to understand the corruption hey are party to.

Aren't we all guilty of that.....????  :-?

If one was to think a little more about what you shared, isn't that the crux of growth?
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