General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Why just a investigation.....????

Message started by raydawg on 09/24/19 at 16:40:49

Title: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by raydawg on 09/24/19 at 16:40:49

Why not a formal impeachment of all the charges?

We already had investigations by Nadler, and other committees, underway, is this just merely Nancy getting on board with them, from her speaker ship position?

I just don't understand why we don't go forward and let the facts speak for themselves.....we have been told they have grounds, etc, then lets DO IT......!!

If this is just another ploy, a waste of time, with no formal charges brought, but a well, he was a jerk, and we had to look and see.....and he coulda meant, or.....

Then I hope 2020 voters will take it out on those who deserve it.....

We have real everyday issues that need attention, which, again, if there is proof, not mere interpretations, but of Trump saying something like..."Hey dude, help me win my reelection by giving me the goods on Biden, or I will withhold whatever......" then I say, YES that is very important, and if you have that proof, unequivocally, then we need no investigation, but a formal charge of impeachment against him....PERIOD!

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by oldNslow on 09/24/19 at 17:56:13

Why just a investigation.....????

'cause Trump called their bluff.

They've all been screaming "Transcript! Transcript! Give us the Transcript!

OK, says Trump " Here's your f**king Transcript."

Think he'd do that if there was anything in it?
Think Pelosi doesn't know that too?

Some of the Media lapdogs are already saying  "Well, it isn't really the transcrript. We want the whistlblower and the Whistlblower report." And, And, .. A Formal Impeachment Inquiry.

Which is just exactly the Nadler, Shiff clownshow that is going on right now. Aint no such thing as a "Formal Impeachment Inquiry" Nancy just made that one up. Newspeak for the base and for the media so they can continue to pretend that something important just happened.

My prediction: Aint nobody impeaching nobody. And Biden is now officially Fooked as far as his possible nomination goes.

I honestly don't know how he does it. But there it is. This round goes to Trump.

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by raydawg on 09/24/19 at 18:28:13

Well you sure are painting with a different brush  ;D

I just can't find a reason to needing another inquire, of what we supposedly know, of what Trump did....

I saw (today) were even Bernie said what Trump did was a impeachable thing, and when he was asked further if he is on board with moving forward, he replied, "Not yet, he still needs to see more fact/evidence." HUH?  :-/

That just doesn't make sense to me?

If they are posturing, why, for their so called base?

Shouldn't they have that pretty solidly locked up, why chance losing the swing voters, who almost overwhelmingly are against impeachment....

Why would they risk that?

I just don't get this at all...... :-? :-? :-/ :-[

The Mueller investigation had a net lost, for the democrats, or they going down this road again? out there?

What is your take?

Here in my limited, but pretty liberal island ( rich folk, artist, and outdoors folk....and then grunts like me ) it presently doesn't appear to be the big deal some are making of it.....yet?

I guess the transcript will shed some of the mystery of it, but too, the new Ukraine leader, he is saying he wasn't pressured, etc, and isn't it true Trump had already requested funding to be held up prior to this meeting, so why didn't this guy turn it back on Trump saying yes, he felt pressured, etc....????   :-/

One last thing, why now, this news is a few months old already, if it was that grave why should have been made immediately, with the fervor pitch it is now getting,?????

Its almost like a twofer, waiting to get Trump, and Biden, now that he seems vulnerable...????  :-?  

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by T And T Garage on 09/24/19 at 19:02:17

LOL - that's pretty much what's happening ray.

But thanks captain obvious...

Hey, maybe the transcript of his phone call is attached to his taxes?


I gotta say ray, you righties are hilarious!

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by raydawg on 09/24/19 at 20:11:44

Brit is pretty smart, been in the biz for a long time.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's announcement of a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump hasn't changed much on paper but may go a long way to assuage her party, according to Brit Hume.

Pelosi did not announce a formal impeachment vote on the House floor but simply said she will be looking into the president's actions, Hume said Tuesday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

"It strikes me that the Speaker and the other leaders are under pressure from the left wing of the party and the leftists in their caucus -- who are numerous -- to move ahead here," he said.

"The loathing of Donald Trump and the desire to get him out of office is very intense. They've got constituents back home that want to see action taken against Trump in a serious way so it comes down to this."

How could the impeachment inquiry into Trump play out in 2020?Video
He called Pelosi's move a "clever" motion that protected the several dozen moderate members of her caucus in swing districts -- including those where Trump won in 2016.

"I think she thinking that she needs to be responsive to the needs of her caucus -- look at what she did today, it was really quite clever if you think about it," he said.

"Did she have a vote in the House to conduct an impeachment inquiry? No, she simply announced one. How is that substantively different from what her Judiciary chairman Jerrold Nadler did just a week or ten days ago?"

The Fox News political analyst considered whether Pelosi was skillfully trying to quell fears among her more liberal members that impeachment is being taken seriously, while balancing the needs of her moderate members whose constituents may not be as fired up about the prospect.

"So as a matter of law and constitutional activity the question tonight is has anything really changed? Is this really an action or is this merely a gesture?" he asked.

"My sense about it is that it is merely a gesture as she continues to protect vulnerable members of her caucus from having to vote to go forward on impeachment."

What I find telling, if this is true, is that they need to protect party members in certain districts, from having to do the right thing.... of impeaching this president, that who has caused grave damage to our nation, which means that the party is more important, than the welfare of our nation.....SMH, wow, just wow..... :o

Old n slo, you might just be the wisest on this board!  

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by thumperclone on 09/27/19 at 15:50:36

1st investigate
2nd impeach or not
(impeached means indicted)
then senate holds a trial or not

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by raydawg on 09/27/19 at 17:25:37

Yeah is a good read on the nature of the process.

So in effect, reality, people like Maxine Waters, has no idea what she is saying BECAUSE we have NOT seen the evidence.....

Is that right?

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by oldNslow on 09/27/19 at 17:55:37

60736B76736575120 wrote:
Yeah is a good read on the nature of the process.

So in effect, reality, people like Maxine Waters, has no idea what she is saying [b]BECAUSE we have NOT seen the evidence.....

Is that right?[/b]

Not exactly. Maxine Waters has no idea what she is saying because Maxine Waters is a Fooking moron.

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by raydawg on 09/27/19 at 18:00:53

Ya know, we keep hearing its NOT political, but duty, etc....

Then someone needs to tell these folks they do a great disservice by espousing stuff that is not true, at the moment, or at all....either way.

Why can't that be considered obstruction of justice?

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/28/19 at 06:20:54

Impeachment is 100% political because it was designed that way. The President is in fact above the law in numerous ways. When politicians say the law applies to everyone, most know that's not true.

In today's world when people lose jobs or opportunities based on something the said or did years ago, often times as kids, impeachment hearings could turn into a regular occurrence which would be awful. The current Democratic Party are awful pieces of human feces for a lot of reasons but appeasing the main stream media by setting the standard that impeachment as revenge for losing an election ends the US.

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by raydawg on 09/28/19 at 09:05:48

Web....the republicans impeached over not fessing up to a blow job....

C'mon, this insanity has two dance partners......  ;)

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/28/19 at 09:44:47

Not exactly true Ray...

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by raydawg on 09/28/19 at 12:57:13

5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 wrote:
Not exactly true Ray...

Then not exactly false, either?   ;)

Web, honestly, lying over a sexual piccadilly, or is that a pickled dilly  ;D

Rise to a high crime?

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by MnSpring on 09/28/19 at 15:01:31

72617964617767000 wrote:
."...the republicans impeached over not fessing up to a blow job..."

I  believe it was, the statement on Live TV, repeated over and over and  over.
To the Voters, and the Grand Jury.

"I did not have Sex with that woman"

Who cares if he got a BJ.
Just more proof of what a slime ball he is.

Someone with BALLS, would have said when the first question was asked:
"No we are not talking about her, we are talking about ...,

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by thumperclone on 09/28/19 at 16:27:48

Bills' impeachment: lying under oath and obstruction of justice

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by raydawg on 09/28/19 at 16:37:48

6744795A5843444D2A0 wrote:
[quote author=72617964617767000 link=1569368449/0#10 date=1569686748]."...the republicans impeached over not fessing up to a blow job..."

I  believe it was, the statement on Live TV, repeated over and over and  over.
To the Voters, and the Grand Jury.

"I did not have Sex with that woman"

Who cares if he got a BJ.
Just more proof of what a slime ball he is.

Someone with BALLS, would have said when the first question was asked:
"No we are not talking about her, we are talking about ...,


Yeah, he blew it too, and he is a accomplished liar  ;D

HOWEVER, he lied about a BJ..... not some threat to our sovereignty  :)

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by raydawg on 09/28/19 at 16:46:10

2E322F372A3F28393635343F5A0 wrote:
Bills' impeachment: lying under oath and obstruction of justice

Man, what is it with you guys, lying and obstructing of a charge that should never have been brought forth......
It had no real threat to his ability to carry out his responsibilities until folks went after the stained dress....

Now on the other hand Hillary did all sorts of devious things, for what looks like self promotion by circumventing accountability, then destroying evidence, which really is obstruction, but then Jimmie Comey say he doan tink she mean so....WTF, what is wrong with that picture.....

Could it be she gives that GREAT o' HEAD?  :o

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by thumperclone on 09/28/19 at 16:56:00

the republican house at that time was  not getting any head ;D

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by raydawg on 09/28/19 at 17:15:15

293528302D382F3E313233385D0 wrote:
the republican house at that time was  not getting any head ;D

Makes me grumpy  :-[

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by Serowbot on 09/29/19 at 09:49:24

We just had an investigation into Russia's interference in our election, and Trump's possible collusion with them.
Now we have Trump on the phone with Ukraine asking for investigation into Biden and his son.
Withholding 400M in aid makes it even worse, but it's not necessary to the charge.
Asking a foreign power to investigate your political opponent 8 times and sending your personal lawyer to negotiate, along with Bill Barr's involvement in covering it up, is Russiagate times two.
...and Trump just turned over a 5 page confession...
Speaking of which,.. a 5 page summary of a 28 minute call is leaving a lot out.
It's the stuff that's left out that is most important.
It always is.  

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by raydawg on 09/29/19 at 11:47:01

The word possible is key, doubly so when you factor in how folks use suppositions to sow doubt.....

Which makes the accused defend, themselves, proactively, in the public arena, free from the constraints of a legal system requirements, of both parties, with the arguing of admissibility....

In other words, we have a kangaroo court  

Are we willing to allow this behavior to become the norm, accepting accusations as guilt?

Look here, tell me, what is different from what Trump did, not your belief, mine, or.....but a factual material, beyond the shadow of doubt, PROOF of illegal behavior, as compared to poor judgement?

Make NO MISTAKE I find this whole episode troubling, and I really have issues and concerns about why Rudy was even involved.

I find if the whistle blower requirements were changed to allow this to proceed past the normal policies of firsthand knowledge
I want those responsible to be held accountable and punished severely....

Even if this activity of Trumps came to light based outside of the normal channels, leaking....etc, I don't see how we can just sweep in under the rug now, it needs to be investigated, and addressed.

Maybe, perhaps, what we are witnessing, inadvertently, but nevertheless, is all of these swamp rats will remedy society from having to put on a trial, to convict them, as with suicide bombers, they alleviate our responsibility by their own actions.....

I just hope the blast destroys the log jam, and lets the swamp drain in total......

I believe I have many, who share that same hope  ;D    

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by Serowbot on 09/29/19 at 11:55:30

The word possible was in reference to Russia,.. on the Ukraine issue, we have Trump's admission, and the 5 page summary.
More details to come, but this alone is proof from the horses mouth.
He did ask, and he did withhold military aid.  Period.

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by raydawg on 09/29/19 at 12:25:24

We have the word favor,  a favor is just that, asking, not threatening, the person can freely deny the request without consequences, that is the definition of asking a favor....

Just like Obama asked, yet you refuse to tell me how its different......

I was hoping for dialogue, not talking points....

I will bow out now, thanks.

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/29/19 at 12:46:54

We just had an investigation into Russia's interference in our election, and Trump's possible collusion with them.

And there was none.

Now we have Trump on the phone with Ukraine asking for investigation into Biden and his son.Withholding 400M in aid makes it even worse, but it's not necessary to the charge.
You link those together as if you have evidence they were linked. Yet the President of Ukrain said there was no such thing. In fact, it was a month later.
Asking a foreign power to investigate your political opponent 8 times and sending your personal lawyer to negotiate, along with Bill Barr's involvement in covering it up, is Russiagate times two.
Barr was never told Trump used his name. And is it illegal, unethical, impeachable to suggest an investigation be reopened after the prosecutor resigned under pressue crom a former VP. By the way, the prosecutor in question has testified under oath that was the situation. So if you're genuinely concerned about an American official threatening a foreign nation by using his power, you might want to ask Uncle Joe what's up with that.

...and Trump just turned over a 5 page confession...
Or he turned over a 5 page document conclusively demonstrating his innocence.

Speaking of which,.. a 5 page summary of a 28 minute call is leaving a lot out.
It's the stuff that's left out that is most important.
It always is.  

So there is a massive conspiracy involving dozens of agents purposely leaving out huge sections of a phone call...

This is like the Kavanaugh thing. There is zero evidence indicating his guilt and in fact, there vast amouts of evidence pointing to the most logical answer which is that she lied. Such is the case here. The only way anyone sees anything devious in this phone call is by filtering it through your TDS infected brain.

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/29/19 at 13:44:19

Thank you for investing, err, wasting, the time to explain the obvious to the unteachable.

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by Serowbot on 09/29/19 at 15:10:21

You miss the point,..
Trump asking for investigation of an opponent is illegal...
Withholding the aid,... is ancillary...

Federal election law provides that a person may not “solicit, accept or receive” a contribution, donation or a “thing of value” from a foreign national in connection with a federal, state or local election.

If Trump had hired a company, it would be different...
He didn't, he was asking for a freebie...
You can't hire a country.
Holding the aid for ransom,.. is another abuse of office,
I don't know if it's a crime,.. it's still an abuse of office, and impeachable in itself.

Soliciting is the worst... you might accidentally accept or receive a thing of value, and you can report it or return it... but to solicit requires knowledge with aforethought...
You are asking for an illegal contribution.
And after the last election and Russia,.. and after involving your personal lawyer and the AG,.. you can't claim ignorance.
... you might plead insanity... ::)

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/29/19 at 15:40:00

So you’re telling me that if Trump had personal knowledge of a criminal event just because that person is related to someone running for president against him he can’t do anything about it? That’s ridiculous.

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by Serowbot on 09/29/19 at 16:09:58

If the FBI thought it was a crime, they would investigate.
It's already been investigated 3 times by the Ukraine, and once by England... no crime...
Trump can't ask for free service to get dirt on an opponent from a foreign national.
Since it's already been investigated 3 times by the Ukraine, and nothing was found,... he's basically asking them to manufacture evidence.  Else he's asking for nothing.

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/30/19 at 05:11:01

If the FBI thought it was a crime, they would investigate.
Did you feel the same after the FBI investigated Kavanaugh the first time or were you among the other TDS deranbged fools calling for another? and another....and another...

It's already been investigated 3 times by the Ukraine, and once by England... no crime...
Same question, how many investigations are you going
to demand on Trump and Russia?

Trump can't ask for free service to get dirt on an opponent from a foreign national.
Since it's already been investigated 3 times by the Ukraine, and nothing was found,... he's basically asking them to manufacture evidence.  Else he's asking for nothing.

Its also funny you snowflakes who seem to loose your minds if anyone with the name Trump makes money, seem perfectly ok with Hunter Biden. As far as investigated, was one of those by the prosecutor who resigned because the VP threatened him?

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by WebsterMark on 09/30/19 at 05:32:15

From WSJ. Won't it be funny to watch how quickly this issue disappears from the radar if this talk leads back the the DNC, Obama, or Hilary especially if during her time as Secretary of State.

True, much media and political effort has gone into sometimes close and often willful parsing of President Trump’s July 25 conversation with President Volodymyr Zelensky —ironic when you consider Mr. Trump’s well-known linguistic promiscuity—not to mention the celebrated whistleblower complaint, which contains no firsthand information. Little notice has been given, however, to another document lying in plain sight: a Justice Department press release issued the day the conversation transcript became public.

That Justice Department statement makes explicit that the president never spoke with Attorney General William Barr “about having Ukraine investigate anything relating to former Vice President Biden or his son” or asked him to contact Ukraine “on this or any other matter,” and that the attorney general has not communicated at all with Ukraine. It also contains the following morsel: “A Department of Justice team led by U.S. Attorney John Durham is separately exploring the extent to which a number of countries, including Ukraine, played a role in the counterintelligence investigation directed at the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. While the Attorney General has yet to contact Ukraine in connection with this investigation, certain Ukrainians who are not members of the government have volunteered information to Mr. Durham, which he is evaluating.”

The definitive answer to the obvious question—what’s that about?—is known only to Mr. Durham and his colleagues. But publicly available reports, including by Andrew McCarthy in his new book, “Ball of Collusion,” suggest that during the 2016 campaign the Federal Bureau of Investigation tried to get evidence from Ukrainian government officials against Mr. Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort, to pressure him into cooperating against Mr. Trump. When you grope through the miasma of Slavic names and follow the daisy chain of related people and entities, it appears that Ukrainian officials who backed the Clinton campaign provided information that generated the investigation of Mr. Manafort—acts that one Ukrainian court has said violated Ukrainian law and “led to interference in the electoral processes of the United States in 2016 and harmed the interests of Ukraine as a state.”

Title: Re: Why just a investigation.....????
Post by T And T Garage on 09/30/19 at 05:45:50

1D2F28393E2F38072B38214A0 wrote:
If the FBI thought it was a crime, they would investigate.
Did you feel the same after the FBI investigated Kavanaugh the first time or were you among the other TDS deranbged fools calling for another? and another....and another...

The FBI ran the investigation.  It's over.  Get over it.  No one on here is calling for a new investigation.  But we understand, you love brett.

It's already been investigated 3 times by the Ukraine, and once by England... no crime...
Same question, how many investigations are you going
to demand on Trump and Russia?

Again, the investigation is over.  The report showed no real collusion, but it did show several examples of obstruction.  But the FBI is done, for now, on that.  Get over it.

Trump can't ask for free service to get dirt on an opponent from a foreign national.
Since it's already been investigated 3 times by the Ukraine, and nothing was found,... he's basically asking them to manufacture evidence.  Else he's asking for nothing.

Its also funny you snowflakes who seem to loose your minds if anyone with the name Trump makes money, seem perfectly ok with Hunter Biden. As far as investigated, was one of those by the prosecutor who resigned because the VP threatened him?

One huge difference there mark - we're talking about a sitting president.

Now, let me ask you - should we treat all these allegations like your boys did Benghazi?  Should we have six or seven separate trials/hearings?  Should we grill your orange saviour for nine hours straight?

LOL - yeah, the obvious hypocrisy of the right would be funny if it weren't so sad. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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