General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I'd take that bet

Message started by WebsterMark on 09/06/19 at 11:44:28

Title: I'd take that bet
Post by WebsterMark on 09/06/19 at 11:44:28

If someone offered 2-1 odds that Biden drips out within 60 days, I'd put $50 on that in a heartbeat. Oh wait, poor choice of words, I'd put $50 on that in a second.

Saw some clips from CNN's ClimatePalooza.... Uncle Joe needs to salvage whatever's left. By the time the next debate rolls around, it won't even be funny.

And Harris is gonna have a pretty busy darn first day in office apparently....

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by T And T Garage on 09/06/19 at 12:01:53

LOL - no one would give you odds on that.

It's pretty easy to see he's running out of gas.

What's funny is you think Harris is still in it...

Womp womp....  nope.

I'd put my money on Warren and/or Bernie.

Oh, and please, don't take it like I'm going to bet with you.  It'll never happen, so don't beg.

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by thumperclone on 09/06/19 at 16:03:30

even Bernie and Warren suck less than trump

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by raydawg on 09/07/19 at 08:21:28

I will stick with my first prediction that if uncle Joe ain't it, it will be Lizzie.

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by Serowbot on 09/07/19 at 08:57:13

7E6D75686D7B6B0C0 wrote:
I will stick with my first prediction that if uncle Joe ain't it, it will be Lizzie.


I'm not sure I can see Sanders on an international stage.
I think Biden's more laid back style is what we need after Trump's bull in a china shop.  He would more steady the pendulum than swing it wildly opposite.
Warren would be the next most likely.
I'm really kinda sorry Klobuchar isn't doing better.  I like her straight talk, and positive attitude, and think she could work across the aisle.
That clip of her stumping in a blizzard was classic..  ;D


Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by WebsterMark on 09/07/19 at 09:36:48

I had said at the first debate when the rest of the lunatics were talking about doing away with cars, airplanes, oil in general.... had Klobuchar said "wait a second..."  and pointed out the obvious ridiculousness of those ideas, she'd had taken some of Biden's normal Democratic voter's support. But no, she fell in line with the others........   Too bad cause she's a mean b!tch and that comes in handy sometimes.

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by MnSpring on 09/07/19 at 10:39:28

7B6D7A677F6A677C080 wrote:
I'm really kinda sorry Klobuchar isn't doing better.  I like her straight talk, and positive attitude, and think she could work across the aisle.

WOW, has she got you SNOWED !!!!!!!

That clip of her stumping in a blizzard was classic.

Let's see, sitting in a warm and cozy car,
running up to the podium just for the, 'speech'.
Then running back to sit in the warm and cozy car after.
Something people that live here do every day.
But someone who only sees snow,
once a year,
for about about 5 minuets,
before it melts.
And ONLY, after they drive for a hour.

A-Yep, got you SNOWED !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by raydawg on 09/07/19 at 10:59:16

As with Obama and Jimmie, and Slick......

It will be the zealots like AOC, in their own party, that cause them the biggest grief.....

Yes, Trump is so lacking in decorum in my perspective, however he is willing to fight fire with fire, standing up to the PC bullies, media, and fringe folk, and that is what really pisses them off.

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by MnSpring on 09/08/19 at 06:09:37

22312934312737500 wrote:
As with Obama and Jimmie, and Slick......
It will be the zealots like AOC, in their own party, that cause them the biggest grief.....
Yes, Trump is so lacking in decorum in my perspective, however he is willing to fight fire with fire, standing up to the PC bullies, media, and fringe folk, and that is what really pisses them off.

Trump is draining the swamp.
Some swamp creatures hide, and disguise themselves,
Yet Trump finds them out

“…and that is what really pisses them off…”
(The UL Socialist FDS’s, as well as the Swamp Creatures)

Trump, says what needs to be said, and is not afraid to DO what everyone believes should be done.
Trump does, what many others are afraid to do, he is,

“…standing up to the PC bullies, media, and fringe folk…”

Patient: ‘Doctor what can I do to live longer’

Obama as a Doctor: You can watch your diet. You can cut back on smoking.
Trump as a Doctor: Your way to Fat, Loose Weight.  You Smoke far to much, QUIT. Or you will DIE early !

So Trump is, “…lacking in decorum in my perspective, however he is willing to fight fire with fire…”

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by raydawg on 09/08/19 at 08:10:11

Yes.....but you have just come out of surgery and the doctor pays a post-op......
Family is all gathered around are old and frail, and hanging on.

You ask the doc how it went?

He says: "Well, you are very old, so frail and worn out, I thought you'd die on the operating table....fact is, I am not sure you'll live the next couple of days. If you do, then I'd say you have a fair chance of pulling this off....."

Gee, facts, yes, but did that make the tam feel like they could go out and win the BIG game?

Momma Gump always said, "You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar."   ;D ;D ;D

B'sides, they ALL lie to us, ALL OF THEM!    

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by Serowbot on 09/08/19 at 11:07:40

7F5C6142405B5C55320 wrote:
Trump is draining the swamp.
Some swamp creatures hide, and disguise themselves,
Yet Trump finds them out

Dozens of Republicans retiring,... half of Trump's staff fired or quit,.. many under criminal investigation or in prison,...
Texas, Arizona, Florida drifting blue.
Dem's gain 39 seats in Congress.

Yep,.. that swamp is draining.

Keep cheering for Trump,... he's your man, 'cause he says so.

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by raydawg on 09/08/19 at 11:51:43 funny, still reading those pundits and polls that had Hillary winning I see  ;D ;D ;D ;D

OK, here's the bet, Will you move THIS TIME, if Trump wins?

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by T And T Garage on 09/08/19 at 17:14:38

4E5D45585D4B5B3C0 wrote: funny, still reading those pundits and polls that had Hillary winning I see  ;D ;D ;D ;D

OK, here's the bet, Will you move THIS TIME, if Trump wins?

You should look into what Cenk from The Young Turks said during the last few months of the campaign in '16.

As you may or may not know, that's a progressive democratic show on YouTube.

At any rate, he was on msnbc and a couple other shows and was one of the only ones to say that trump had a better chance than not of winning.  In the last month, he actually called it for trump.

But to speak to your post directly ray - why is it you don't realize that the polling was for the popular vote and not the electoral?  Are you willfully ignoring that fact?  As much as you and your fellow conservatives hate to admit it, the polls were accurate.  That's because they only sample the popular vote.  Further, the electoral vote was won by trump by only about 70,000 votes (less than a football stadium).

I honestly doubt that trump has a chance in 2020 - if he makes it that far.

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by WebsterMark on 09/09/19 at 06:52:43

I honestly doubt that trump has a chance in 2020 - if he makes it that far.

Bet me.

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by T And T Garage on 09/09/19 at 07:28:24

0A383F2E29382F103C2F365D0 wrote:
I honestly doubt that trump has a chance in 2020 - if he makes it that far.

Bet me.

Stop begging - it's pathetic.

I will never, ever, ever, ever make a monetary wager with you.  Not even a friendly wager with you.

You may want to seek out help for what seems like a gambling problem.

So, until pigs sprout wings and fly, stop begging me to bet you on anything, m'kay?

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by MnSpring on 09/09/19 at 07:44:29

647A757479647F62100 wrote:
You should look into what Cenk from The Young Turks said during the last few months of the campaign in '16.
As you may or may not know, that's a progressive democratic show on YouTube.  

Yep the Number ONE site,
the UL, FDS Socialist Snowflakes,
take their MARCHING ORDERS from !

(As you may or may not know, CU, USED to be Conservative/Republican, until he found out how incredibly easy it was to extract great gobs of money from the pockets of the UL FDS'ing Socialistic Snowflakes)

 That's because they only sample the popular vote.  
People that cannot vote

Further, the electoral vote was won by
people who ARE, Citizens.

Where in Minn, one can Vote, and NOT HAVE TO PROVE you are a Citizen.
YET, you HAVE to PROVE you are Not a Citizen, to not serve on a Jury.

Gee tt, any other States like that  ????
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by Serowbot on 09/09/19 at 07:49:23
Who can vote in Minnesota

You must be:

   A U.S. citizen
   At least 18 years old on Election Day
   A resident of Minnesota for 20 days
   Finished with all parts of any felony sentence

You can vote while under guardianship unless a judge specifically has revoked your right to vote.

You cannot vote if a court has ruled that you are legally incompetent.

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by T And T Garage on 09/09/19 at 07:54:33

51724F6C6E75727B1C0 wrote:
[quote author=647A757479647F62100 link=1567795468/0#12 date=1567988078]You should look into what Cenk from The Young Turks said during the last few months of the campaign in '16.
As you may or may not know, that's a progressive democratic show on YouTube.  

Yep the Number ONE site,
the UL, FDS Socialist Snowflakes,
take their MARCHING ORDERS from !

(As you may or may not know, CU, USED to be Conservative/Republican, until he found out how incredibly easy it was to extract great gobs of money from the pockets of the UL FDS'ing Socialistic Snowflakes)

LOL - yeah, that's why he switched.  It's got nothing to do with Iraq, dubya, human rights, etc...

But hey, think what you'd like.

 That's because they only sample the popular vote.  
People that cannot vote

Huh?  What does that mean? Are you saying that they only poll people who can't vote?

If so, you're lying.

Further, the electoral vote was won by
people who ARE, Citizens.

Got any proof?

Where in Minn, one can Vote, and NOT HAVE TO PROVE you are a Citizen.
YET, you HAVE to PROVE you are Not a Citizen, to not serve on a Jury.

LOL - yeah, I already proved you wrong on that, mn.  I went through and listed the requirements of voter registration in your state.

Gee tt, any other States like that  ????
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

No, there are more strict and less strict states, but in every one, you must be a citizen to vote.

Now - where are those 3 million fraudulent votes, mn?  Hmmm?

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by MnSpring on 09/09/19 at 07:55:45

3E283F223A2F22394D0 wrote: can vote in Minnesota You must be:
   A U.S. citizen
   At least 18 years old on Election Day
   A resident of Minnesota for 20 days
   Finished with all parts of any felony sentence

And exactaly what part of, "NOT HAVE TO PROVE" ,
do you not understand.

It's called tick a box on the Computer,
or if by mail, (*in one of 23 different languages),
put a check mark in a box, then send it in.

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by MnSpring on 09/09/19 at 08:00:20

647A757479647F62100 wrote:
LOL - yeah, I already proved you wrong on that, mn.  I went through and listed the requirements of voter registration in your state.

What was that ?

Did you use the word, "I", when it was BOT, not tt that posted ?


(In Arty's voice from SNL, ' Verrry Interesting)

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by T And T Garage on 09/09/19 at 08:01:33

597A4764667D7A73140 wrote:
[quote author=3E283F223A2F22394D0 link=1567795468/15#16 date=1568040563] can vote in Minnesota You must be:
   A U.S. citizen
   At least 18 years old on Election Day
   A resident of Minnesota for 20 days
   Finished with all parts of any felony sentence

And exactaly what part of, "NOT HAVE TO PROVE" ,
do you not understand.

It's called tick a box on the Computer,
or if by mail, (*in one of 23 different languages),
put a check mark in a box, then send it in.

mn - I already proved you wrong once.  If I do it again, you won't be too happy.

No go show us where it says they don't need to prove citizenship when you apply for your voter registration, m'kay

Title: Re: I'd take that bet
Post by T And T Garage on 09/09/19 at 08:03:04

41625F7C7E65626B0C0 wrote:
[quote author=647A757479647F62100 link=1567795468/15#17 date=1568040873]
LOL - yeah, I already proved you wrong on that, mn.  I went through and listed the requirements of voter registration in your state.

What was that ?

Did you use the word, "I", when it was BOT, not tt that posted ?


(In Arty's voice from SNL, ' Verrry Interesting)


I did it many moons ago, mn.  You should pay attention.

BTW, Arty was never on SNL - that was Laugh In.  If you're going to try and be clever, at least be accurate.  LOL » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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