General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> It works.....

Message started by raydawg on 09/04/19 at 20:27:51

Title: It works.....
Post by raydawg on 09/04/19 at 20:27:51

If you don't feed the squirrels, they leave.

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/05/19 at 11:00:18

Na Na Na, that is RACIST !!!!!!!!

You must GIVE food,
NOT Teach how to get food !!!!!!

Have to TEAR DOWN all those signs in all the Parks saying.
"Don't Feed The Animals,
they will learn you give them food,
they will not learn how to get their own food"

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/19 at 11:54:02

Nobody knows exactly what happened to keep Florida from getting just crushed by the hurricane, but soon the news will be the
No Hurricanes
signs that did it.



Title: Re: It works.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/19 at 12:09:22

Well, now that hurricanes are banned, why would anyone need to prepare for them?
Hafta be some kinda paranoid goofball to prepare for a hurricane.

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/05/19 at 13:19:57

What a Idea.

Gotta get me a 'Go-Fund-ME' page for a couple of Million,
to make some signs saying:
"No Fire Allow Here"

Everybody will buy one !
Think of the money they will save on Fire Extinguishers, Smoke alarms, and Batteries.
Think of the HUGE  Tax saving , no full/part time Fire Departments, and ultra expensive equipment to pay for.
(Just a couple of guys/gals and some old trucks to drive in Parades)

And why stop at Fires ?
The, 'No Guns Here', signs work SO WELL.
They can be used for just about anything !!!!!!!

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by zevenenergie on 09/05/19 at 13:26:56

No thinking  8-)

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/05/19 at 13:33:46

DaWg,.. you're clearly feeding the squirrels...

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/19 at 14:08:21

Imagine! For just the cost of the SIGNS, shootings, car wrecks, on job injuries, fires, robberies, all of it can be stopped.
Just look at the track record of the
No Gun Zone
With such a proven track record, how could it fail?

And they call Trump a moron.

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/05/19 at 14:25:37

Would a "No Morons" sign get Trump out of the White House?...

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by T And T Garage on 09/05/19 at 14:42:24

6A757374696E5F6F5F67757932000 wrote:
Imagine! For just the cost of the SIGNS, shootings, car wrecks, on job injuries, fires, robberies, all of it can be stopped.
Just look at the track record of the
No Gun Zone
With such a proven track record, how could it fail?

And they call Trump a moron.
- And they be right!

Yeah, you're probably right jog - I mean, why have any laws?

A criminal is gonna commit crimes, right?

Why not allow drunk driving?
Why not allow assault?
Why not allow theft, murder, rape, etc., etc., etc......

I mean, we have all these laws and yet tens of thousands of people every month break them!  C'mon... let's get rid of them - they aren't helping!!

Your "Why put up signs?" is a cop out.

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by T And T Garage on 09/05/19 at 14:42:51

4452455840555843370 wrote:
Would a "No Morons" sign get Trump out of the White House?...

LOL - well, it hasn't so far.....

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/19 at 15:10:47

Yeah, you're probably right jog - I mean, why have any laws?

A criminal is gonna commit crimes, right?

Why not allow drunk driving?
Why not allow assault?
Why not allow theft, murder, rape, etc., etc., etc......

That's your take away? I have led you to believe I believe in lawlessness?
You're ridiculous

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by T And T Garage on 09/05/19 at 15:34:29

223D3B3C21261727172F3D317A480 wrote:
Yeah, you're probably right jog - I mean, why have any laws?

A criminal is gonna commit crimes, right?

Why not allow drunk driving?
Why not allow assault?
Why not allow theft, murder, rape, etc., etc., etc......

That's your take away? I have led you to believe I believe in lawlessness?
You're ridiculous

Well... you're the one who thinks signs are meaningless....

Looks like I'm going 90 mph on my bike today!!!  No sign's gonna tell me what to do!!

See how that works?

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/19 at 16:34:45

The SIGN stopped you?
No Gun Zone
Signs have not been effective, now have they?
They only work with the LAW ABIDING CITIZENS.
You really are ridiculous.

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/19 at 16:43:04

Signs, like gun laws, only work on the LAW ABIDING citizens

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/05/19 at 16:58:42

7A646B6A677A617C0E0 wrote:
 Looks like I'm going 90 mph on my bike today!!!  No sign's gonna tell me what to do!!  

NO, Don't do that !!!
I don't want you to give me a wrecked Bike !!!!!

I want that Shiny Bobber you fixed up,
Just Because I said, 'Gimme' !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by T And T Garage on 09/05/19 at 17:01:54

302F292E33340535053D2F23685A0 wrote:
The SIGN stopped you?
No Gun Zone
Signs have not been effective, now have they?
They only work with the LAW ABIDING CITIZENS.
You really are ridiculous.

So then, you're cool with the signs and have no beef.

What's your point?

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by T And T Garage on 09/05/19 at 17:03:04

76696F6875724373437B69652E1C0 wrote:
Signs, like gun laws, only work on the LAW ABIDING citizens

Thank you captain obvious.....

So you agree that signs work for law-abiding citizens, right?

So why do you have a problem with them?

You make no sense.

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by T And T Garage on 09/05/19 at 17:03:43

10330E2D2F34333A5D0 wrote:
[quote author=7A646B6A677A617C0E0 link=1567654071/0#12 date=1567722869]  Looks like I'm going 90 mph on my bike today!!!  No sign's gonna tell me what to do!!  

NO, Don't do that !!!
I don't want you to give me a wrecked Bike !!!!!

I want that Shiny Bobber you fixed up,
Just Because I said, 'Gimme' !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

What does your inane rant have to do with signs?


Title: Re: It works.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/19 at 18:11:04

2D333C3D302D362B590 wrote:
[quote author=76696F6875724373437B69652E1C0 link=1567654071/0#14 date=1567726984]Signs, like gun laws, only work on the LAW ABIDING citizens

Thank you captain obvious.....

So you agree that signs work for law-abiding citizens, right?

So why do you have a problem with them?

You make no sense.[/quote]

You idiot..

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by T And T Garage on 09/05/19 at 20:58:36

405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 wrote:
[quote author=2D333C3D302D362B590 link=1567654071/15#17 date=1567728184][quote author=76696F6875724373437B69652E1C0 link=1567654071/0#14 date=1567726984]Signs, like gun laws, only work on the LAW ABIDING citizens

Thank you captain obvious.....

So you agree that signs work for law-abiding citizens, right?

So why do you have a problem with them?

You make no sense.[/quote]

You idiot..

Temper, temper jog..... now now, that's enough name calling.  It's guys like you that ruin this forum....

Oh, btw, it's people who want to break the law who disobey signs like speed limits, no trespassing, etc.

Criminals are criminals.  It's not the signs fault.

See how that works?

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/19 at 23:04:54

It's not the SIGNS fault that it's functionless.
And since you know that
Why aren't you ready to remove the
No Gun Zone signs, since all they do is keep good citizens from carrying.
I know, laws need change..
Try to be reasonable

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by zevenenergie on 09/06/19 at 01:10:25

The whole problem of law enforcement is that Laws must be borne by people who have to abide by it. After all, it makes little sense to make a law that no one likes.

On the other hand, without laws, all civilization would disappear because people are self-centered.
Healthy laws and a healthy enforcement system are absolutely necessary, to ensure that there is a reasonable living environment.

The ego is a survival meganism. Unfortunately everyone has lost himself and has been identified with his thoughts.
So everyone is a walking survival meganism.
I don't think it's smart to allow a survival meganism to run around armed.
Because the only threat is the neighbor survial m.

A sign Can help people to remember to act civilized.

We always think that we are normal, but that is really not the case. The whole of humanity is insane.

It is you and I who pull the trigger, and whoever has the most pain in his system shoots first. :-/


If people have a forehead chakra that turns like a whirlwind, ................. :-X ;)

Things can get a bit stormy

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by Eegore on 09/06/19 at 06:03:36

 Once people realize the No Gun Zone signs are for legal protection and not firearm/criminal protection then they might get somewhere in regards to actually doing something to help people at risk.

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/06/19 at 07:14:33

1C3C3E362B3C590 wrote:
 Once people realize the No Gun Zone signs are for legal protection and not firearm/criminal protection ...

So, if someone is driving down the road, has to pee, stops at a gas station,
sees the sign on the door, ’No Guns Here’ - ‘Gun Free Zone’,
they go back to the car, remove their gun, then go back in.

While waiting in line to pay for their coffee/donut.  
Place is robbed at gunpoint, and that person is shot in the leg.

Liability, due diligence, to prevent risks that could cause injury,
slippery ice on a sidewalk,
aggressive dog with a known history of biting,
hole in sidewalk in front of the door,
preventing you from defending yourself.

In fact the ‘sign’ itself, says; ”Come in here, no one can shoot you”
The owner of that private business, has taken the responsibility away from you, and said, they will do it.
That owner, (because they put up the sign) did not protect you from a foreseeable danger.

The same as putting up a sign;
'You will not slip on the Ice'
When their is no ice outside,
then suddenly their is a ice storm.

I do believe the Lawyers will line up around the block for that one !

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/06/19 at 07:24:32

A university campus would like to be able to identify a shooter before the shooting starts...
The best way to do that is to spot the gun.
If guns are not allowed on campus, it can be assumed that a person carrying a gun is a law breaker and does not belong there.
Signs are there to let people know,... if you are spotted carrying a gun, we assume you have evil intent, and you will be stopped.
Nobody wants the first sign to be blood and bodies.

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by Eegore on 09/06/19 at 07:25:59

 Seriously have you ever even been to court?

"preventing you from defending yourself."

 They are not preventing you from defending yourself.  You can defend yourself, you can not use a personal firearm to do it.

"In fact the ‘sign’ itself, says; ”Come in here, no one can shoot you.

 Incorrect.  The sign says if you choose to enter this property you may not bring a gun. There is no claim of safety, no claim that nobody can shoot you.  Spin much?

 The owner of that private business, has taken the responsibility away from you, and said, they will do it.

 Incorrect.  The owner of the property has stated nothing about removing your ability to protect yourself, or has said they will do it themselves.  

 By that logic every owner of every business must train and arm a security detail to protect from every "foreseeable danger" as well as prepare for all known weather conditions, plague, your vehicle breaking down on the property, heart-attacks, etc.  All foreseeable dangers.

 You are referencing Compensation Insurance, a completely different thing.  You are also conveniently mixing criminal and civil case material.

"The same as putting up a sign;
'You will not slip on the Ice'

 Incorrect.  Those signs would not protect anyone, and also do not exist.  It is legally in most cases considered due diligence to not put down salt-rock or de-icer and instead place of signage that says "Slip Danger when Icy."  That's perfectly legal in many cases.

 Lets just change it to this:

So, if someone is driving down the road, has to pee, stops at a gas station,

 Someone is driving down the road, chooses to use a restroom at a gas station that doesn't allow firearms then chooses to leave their firearm in their vehicle.

 Now its their fault for making such poor choices.

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by MnSpring on 09/06/19 at 09:17:49

032321293423460 wrote:
 Seriously have you ever even been to court? ...

Not in Colorado

The, 'No guns here', 'Gun Free Zone', signs.
Are their numbers increasing,
or decreasing ?

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by Eegore on 09/06/19 at 09:28:07

"Seriously have you ever even been to court? ...

"Not in Colorado"

 It shouldn't matter given the arguments you pose in the previous thread.  There is obvious contradictions to civil and criminal case material and Compensatory Insurance vs. Legal Rights.

 I would be surprised if there was any legal precedence nationwide that agreed that posting a "No Gun" sign removed all rights to personal protection.  Also any precedence that any courtroom agreed that a No Gun" sign was proclaiming "has taken the responsibility away from you, and said, they will do it."

"The, 'No guns here', 'Gun Free Zone', signs.
Are their numbers increasing,
or decreasing ?"

 I don't know.  I have no way to access signage post information across the entire state.

 In my area there is no noticeable difference.

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by Serowbot on 09/06/19 at 09:31:15

11320F2C2E35323B5C0 wrote:
[quote author=1C3C3E362B3C590 link=1567654071/15#23 date=1567775016]
 Once people realize the No Gun Zone signs are for legal protection and not firearm/criminal protection ...

So, if someone is driving down the road, has to pee, stops at a gas station,
sees the sign on the door, ’No Guns Here’ - ‘Gun Free Zone’,
they go back to the car, remove their gun, then go back in.

While waiting in line to pay for their coffee/donut.  
Place is robbed at gunpoint, and that person is shot in the leg.

Liability, due diligence, to prevent risks that could cause injury,
slippery ice on a sidewalk,
aggressive dog with a known history of biting,
hole in sidewalk in front of the door,
preventing you from defending yourself.

In fact the ‘sign’ itself, says; ”Come in here, no one can shoot you”
The owner of that private business, has taken the responsibility away from you, and said, they will do it.
That owner, (because they put up the sign) did not protect you from a foreseeable danger.

The same as putting up a sign;
'You will not slip on the Ice'
When their is no ice outside,
then suddenly their is a ice storm.

I do believe the Lawyers will line up around the block for that one !

Were you forced to go in the store?
No,.. you voluntarily agreed to terms and entered of your own volition.
No one forced you, no one refused you.

What if you went into a store armed, and your gun accidentally discharged and shot the store owner in the leg?
Lawyers would be lining up...

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by Eegore on 09/06/19 at 09:40:27

"Were you forced to go in the store?
No,.. you voluntarily agreed to terms and entered of your own volition.
No one forced you, no one refused you

 We are ignoring those parts.  The legal parts, we are ignoring that and coming up with semantic nonsense that doesn't exist in law and nobody that does real things about real policy in the real world will ever pay attention to.

 My point is when people stop with this "The sign takes away my ability to defend myself" nonsense and instead tackle the actual laws that really exist then there could be progress.

 For instance lobby for laws that do not allow public serving establishments to restrict firearm carry.  It's not likely to work but at least its a tangible tactic and not this nonsense of "You can't be shot here" which everyone knows is just a verbal game with zero applicable substance in the real world.

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by raydawg on 09/06/19 at 10:24:52

You guys whataboutlism......, much?

What a pizzing match, to what, stroke your own self importance?

How great is your need for affirmation?  :-?

Is it the booze that killed a innocent driver, hit by a drunk driver?

Is it the candy, cigarettes, fast food..... that kills a person with heart disease, diabetes, lung cancer?

Should we put more GD warning labels on those products...will that solve it?

All I see here anymore is a rampant illness and affliction caused by media/news addictions.....  

Do you understand this:  

“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement and distribution of anxiety.”—Eric Sevareid (1964)


Remember when car chases were so newsworthy......????

They would interrupt programming to cut to the chase.
Often forfeiting advertising, to keep it live just in case something awesome happened....

Some lasting over 30 minutes, of watching with titillation, FOR WHAT?


They stopped it.

No more did they show these pursuits in such a manner.
These idiots stopped doing it because no fame, recognition, or whatever, was no longer part of their sick mind reasoning.....

All of this energy directed toward death by a shooter, is the same crap....
None of this posturing and blaming, and bullshit will stop one sick mind from doing what they want to do in a free society.....PERIOD.

You wanna police state, or do we want to really help those who NEED help......???

Why is the human spirit seemly so broken, in a open and free country, like no other on earth....why?

Healthy minds do not need to act out to adversity, they overcome it, internally.....
Nor do healthy societies need to embrace such addictions ( food, drugs, booze, sex, money, etc ) as diversity, and frown upon those who challenge its acceptance in OUR society......  

I think we have had it too good in this country, and guilt is playing a big factor in lots of our emotions.....
Instead of turning inward, and solving that riddle, by changing ourselves and becoming part of the solutions.....
We blame others and circumstances....and, you fill in the blank _____.

Question to all....."Why do you spend so much time on this site?"

And YES that challenge is too me, as well....WHY?

Title: Re: It works.....
Post by Eegore on 09/06/19 at 10:37:24

 What's a "GD warning label"?

"Question to all....."Why do you spend so much time on this site?"

 I have 4 primary reasons:

1: It is easily accessed through voice directive, I can just tell any of my programs to access and start reading the material with high accuracy.  The programs can cycle through topics with little physical intervention.

2: It contains information about the bikes I have.

3: The Tall Table section does not offer a grading algorithm or "liking" system that prioritizes information I want to see like Google, or pretty much all social media.  This allows for contradicting viewpoints to communicate as well as similar ones.

4: Both of the above resources are good for the kids using my facilities.  Motorcycle information on the bikes they can work on, and social information they can discuss. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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