General Category >> The Cafe >> If you dont vape, dont start

Message started by Eegore on 09/01/19 at 01:29:15

Title: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by Eegore on 09/01/19 at 01:29:15

 Admittedly I sat through this presentation at 1am on 3 hours of sleep out of the past 40 but I can reliably say it's getting clearer in certain medical fields that vaping is not good for your lungs.  

 Most vapes use benzoic acid, which is an expectorant.  It's well known an expectorant or surfactant should never be used in an environment that has any potential of exposing the alveoli to chemical and heat damage as the damage will be severe.  The images of the state of teenagers lungs are very concerning.

 It won't be the nicotine doing the damage, any vape can potentially start destroying your lung's protective layers.  It is however a genius move by the tobacco industry to just modernize smoking.

Title: Re: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by MMRanch on 09/01/19 at 09:17:24

so , I smoked as a young person , Don't know WHY I smoked.  

Now I think it STINKS when I'm down wind.

Don't know why young folks "Vape" , they don't either ?  ;D

Now it looks really stupid to see a lung full of "Vape" come out of a person !


Title: Re: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by Ed L. on 09/01/19 at 10:34:49

Never vaped, my favorite was a good BONG. When vaping first appeared I couldn't understand how it was marketed as safe.
 I was a heavy tobacco smoker for about four years and quit pretty much cold turkey. Even back then the damage caused by smoking was know.

Title: Re: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by hotrod on 09/01/19 at 11:12:52

Anyone vaping the liquid chemical stuff is crazy and looking for trouble. The main reason for vaping is to smoke weed. Stick to that and you'll be fine.

Title: Re: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by Ruttly on 09/01/19 at 13:08:22

I have not had a cigarette in almost a year , since my heart attack. Our lungs are only meant to breath clean air period ! Vaping fluids absolutely can't be good for your lungs. Guess we have some old a$s potheads here , as much as I hate to say it , it ain't healthy either ! But it has benefits of pain relief , lower pressure in eyes , spurring your appetite when meds destroy it , several other benefits and more that haven't been discovered yet.
Don't smoke , Don't vape !

Title: Re: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by raydawg on 09/01/19 at 21:49:04

As one who used things to feel better, etc......for too many years, I can say now with almost two decades of nothing more than maybe two cups a coffee in the morning, I feel so much better not putting things into my body to feel better/relax/chill, or whatever.....

You can use your mind as a tool, to induce your emotions, moods, attitudes, in such ways that you do not need stimulates, etc, to feel better, etc.

Some of the stuff like yoga, etc, are wonderful natural releases....

It won't come overnight, but it will come, if you persevere!  :)  

Title: Re: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by Ruttly on 09/02/19 at 19:41:10

Yup , electroshock therapy !

Title: Re: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by ohiomoto on 09/03/19 at 07:47:31

Title: Re: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by Ed L. on 09/03/19 at 08:26:04

"Some of the stuff like yoga, etc, are wonderful natural releases.." Ray, you forgot riding a Savage for relaxation.  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by raydawg on 09/03/19 at 10:13:53

50714A593B150 wrote:
"Some of the stuff like yoga, etc, are wonderful natural releases.." Ray, you forgot riding a Savage for relaxation.  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


Title: Re: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by hotrod on 09/04/19 at 05:00:16

MOTORCYCLES.....Riding em, racing em, fixing em, kept me out of trouble for most of my life.  :)

Title: Re: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by jcstokes on 09/06/19 at 01:13:45

If you want to quit smoking/vaping, buy a sackfull of apples and eat them when the craving starts. You will fart like a brewers dray horse. I did this in September 1989, and haven't smoked since, there wasn't vaping back then.

Title: Re: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by raydawg on 09/07/19 at 08:18:49

4D445453484C4254270 wrote:
If you want to quit smoking/vaping, buy a sackfull of apples and eat them when the craving starts. You will fart like a brewers dray horse. I did this in September 1989, and haven't smoked since, there wasn't vaping back then.

I wonder why you didn't take one of those many apples, and just plug up your exhaust too?

No need to hurt others, because of your own actions...I mean.  :-?

Title: Re: If you dont vape, dont start
Post by Eegore on 09/12/19 at 11:10:02

 So the FDA made an announcement that they want to remove the availability to sell flavored oils, and toy-themed vapes.

 For instance mango or bubble gum flavored oils, that are from regulated sources, would have to go.  Unfortunately this will just create more non-FDA approved product sources.

 The goal would be to have "tobacco" flavored vape product only.  I'm not sure if it will help much, but at least its an attempt to pull vapes out of middle schools.

 I have a bunch of old lighters, repaired lighters and reproduction ones, things like WW I trench lighters, 1950's gumball brass lighters, handmade Zippos etc.  I do not smoke but I have them so I can pull out some weird looking lighter and watch someone look it over trying to figure out how it works to light up a cigarette or cigar.

 About a month ago I was at a bar and some 20-25 year olds saw an associate of mine lighting a cigarette and were amazed to see someone "using flame" and "going retro" with an "actual paper cig".  They were interested equally in my old trench lighter, and the fact that someone under 40 had a paper cigarette.

 Vape is a huge money maker and the tech alone is a draw for a younger generation.  Smoking is for grandpa, vaping is cool. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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