General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Losing Friends

Message started by T And T Garage on 08/28/19 at 22:47:53

Title: Losing Friends
Post by T And T Garage on 08/28/19 at 22:47:53

Looks like the orange menace is losing friends by the truckload lately....

Fox News Stars Push Back as Trump Demands Loyalty: We Don’t ‘Work for You’

Several Fox News personalities pushed back Wednesday against President Donald Trump after he escalated his public attacks on the right-leaning outlet for its occasional anti-Trump voices.

In the middle of a typically chaotic tweetstorm spurred on by his morning TV viewing habits, the president took aim at Fox News anchor Sandra Smith for having the audacity to bring on the Democratic National Committee’s communications director Xochitl Hinojosa to discuss the upcoming Democratic primary debate.

“Just watched @FoxNews heavily promoting the Democrats through their DNC Communications Director, spewing out whatever she wanted with zero pushback by anchor, @SandraSmithFox,” Trump tweeted on Wednesday. “Terrible considering that Fox couldn’t even land a debate, the Dems give them NOTHING! @CNN & @MSNBC are all in for the Open Border Socialists (or beyond).”

Besides blasting the America’s Newsroom co-anchor, Trump went after a few other Fox News stars who he has recently singled out for not carrying his water on-air.

“Fox hires ‘give Hillary the questions’ @donnabrazile, Juan Williams and low ratings Shep Smith. HOPELESS & CLUELESS! They should go all the way LEFT and I will still find a way to Win - That’s what I do, Win,” he wrote. “Too Bad!”

The president concluded his online tantrum by complaining that Fox News was “letting millions of GREAT people down” and that he needs to “start looking for a new News Outlet” since the one-time “Fair & Balanced” channel “isn’t working for us anymore!”

Almost immediately after the president’s tweets, Fox News senior political analyst and former news anchor Brit Hume sounded off: “Fox News isn’t supposed to work for you,” he wrote.

Hume wasn’t the only conservative Fox star to fire back at the president. Fox News contributor and radio host Guy Benson essentially repeated Hume’s remarks: “We don’t work for you,” he stated.

Furthermore, Benson also said that Trump was “working the refs,” agreeing with Axios’ Sara Fischer that Trump was playing to a “fringe culture” of rabid supporters whom the president hopes would help push Fox News to intensify its already largely pro-Trump coverage.

MediaBuzz host Howard Kurtz, a former Daily Beast columnist, also took a mild swing at the president’s criticism, writing, “our job is to cover both sides.”

In recent months, Trump has made it a habit to regularly scorn Fox and make it appear that the network is not sufficiently loyal to him, his administration, or his followers.

Most of these attacks have centered on the so-called “straight news” division or Fox’s liberal commentators. Brazile, for example, has been a favorite target lately.

While Trump’s recent attacks haven’t been addressed publicly by network brass, many of the news-centric figures have publicly rebuked the president. For instance, earlier this month when Trump trashed Fox’s polling, telling reporters that “Fox has changed” and he’s “not happy with it,” Special Report anchor Bret Baier said on-air, “Fox has not changed. We have a news side and an opinion side. Opinion folks express their opinions. We do polls.”

This all appears to be part of the president’s ongoing insecurities about the network’s loyalty and subservience to him. This past spring, following Fox News’ highly rated town hall with Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, The Daily Beast reported that Trump began telling aides to “keep an eye” on Fox, expressing concerns that the network would provide even the remotest positive coverage of Democrats.

And then last month, The Daily Beast reported, Trump began grilling his closest loyalists and confidants at the network—including primetime star Sean Hannity—asking them all the same question: “What the hell is going on at Fox?"

In the end, while Trump sweats Fox’s “straight news” programming and publicly courts other alternatives, those inside Fox News actually feel the president’s repeated attacks are extremely helpful, as it allows them to rebut widespread criticism that the network often acts as “state media,” especially in light of a constantly revolving door between Fox and the White House.

“Everybody wins,” one Fox opinion-side staffer told The Daily Beast.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/19 at 00:59:22

Fox hires ‘give Hillary the questions’ @donnabrazile, Juan Williams and low ratings Shep Smith. HOPELESS & CLUELESS!
AAAAAND he's factually correct

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by WebsterMark on 08/29/19 at 05:03:17

Wonder if MSNBC and Lawrence O'Donnell lost a friends over his latest fake news.

MSNBC should open its broadcast using with the same guy who opened CBS newscast years ago. Remember the show would start with that guy's deep voice "Theis CBS news."

This one would be "This is TDS news."

To be fair, they'd open themselves up to lawsuits from CNN, CBS, NBC and ABC for copyright infringement.....!

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/19 at 05:58:59

Error, Phhht..
Busted pumping hateful Bullshit

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by T And T Garage on 08/29/19 at 07:39:12

Sorry boys... fact is, trump's losing his friends.

Gonna be a tough 15 months or so.....

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/19 at 08:23:10

Even WITH the media smearing and running him down 24/7, he's still popular. Just because idiots who Say they right wing are trashing him, doesn't mean squat, but, of course I'll be listening to you, because of your established track record..


Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by T And T Garage on 08/29/19 at 08:40:45

4B545255484F7E4E7E46545813210 wrote:
Even WITH the media smearing and running him down 24/7, he's still popular.

So, over 7000 farms lost in WI.... his popularity is hovering at 40%... now fox news is critiquing him....

What's your personal definition of "popular", jog??

Just because idiots who Say they right wing are trashing him, doesn't mean squat, but, of course I'll be listening to you, because of your established track record..


Go ahead and laugh now.....  2020 will make you cry.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by WebsterMark on 08/29/19 at 09:35:12

who said there were 7000 farms lost in WI? And I'm assuming you're blaming all that on Trump and tariffs?

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by Serowbot on 08/29/19 at 09:42:20

I have this thing called Google on my computer... :-?

'The bleeding hasn't stopped yet' for U.S. dairy farmers

American dairy farmers are hurting.

“It’s not been easy,” Patty Edelburg, vice president of the National Farmers Union, told Yahoo Finance. “We’ve lost a lot of farms in Wisconsin. Last year, we’ve lost close to 7,000 farms. We see the numbers haven’t stopped. The number of farm bankruptcies and the number of farm sell-outs in Wisconsin just hasn’t stopped. The bleeding hasn’t stopped yet.”

Total U.S. dairy exports have been down since trade tensions ramped up over the last year: As of June 2019, total exports were down 8.1% year-to-date compared to 2018, according to data provided to Yahoo Finance by U.S. Dairy Export Council, and exports to China dropped by over 7%.

Since the tariffs were first imposed, U.S. dairy product exports have plummeted 43%,” a recent note from Wells Fargo Securities Economics Group stated. “With exports down so sharply, many farms have run into trouble.”

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by WebsterMark on 08/29/19 at 09:51:50

7000 dairy farms closed in Wisconsin this year?

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by T And T Garage on 08/29/19 at 13:59:44

6F5D5A4B4C5D4A75594A53380 wrote:
7000 dairy farms closed in Wisconsin this year?


What's the matter mark?  Too hard to comprehend?

Here's the quote:

“It’s not been easy,” Patty Edelburg, vice president of the National Farmers Union, told Yahoo Finance. “We’ve lost a lot of farms in Wisconsin. Last year, we’ve lost close to 7,000 farms. We see the numbers haven’t stopped. The number of farm bankruptcies and the number of farm sell-outs in Wisconsin just hasn’t stopped. The bleeding hasn’t stopped yet.”

So tell me - you think those farmers are gonna vote for trump again?

If you say yes - you're lying.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by WebsterMark on 08/29/19 at 19:32:04

7000 dairy farms closed in Wisconsin this year?


I'm having a little problem with the math. You say 7,000 dairy farms have gone out of business. Let's say that is 10% of the total number of dairy farms in Wisconsin. That means before, there would have been 70,000 dairy farms total in Wisconsin. I'm having my doubts that thete are 70,000 dairy farms in the entire country.

So explain it to me cause I don't understand.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by Eegore on 08/29/19 at 20:44:50

 The numbers are incorrect.  Patty Edelburg is not a good source for accurate numbers although it could be possible a zero was added to 700 as that's considerably closer to the actual number of closures in 2018.  

 The USDA recorded 2,731 farms closed in the entire country 2018, almost a 7% drop by my calculations.

Look through NASS for WI:

Wisconsin Agricultural Statistics Service (WASS):
Number of Licensed Dairy Herds: 7,619 herds (August 1, 2019)
Number of Dairy Cows: 1,268,000 dairy cows (July 2019)
Average Number of Cows Per Dairy Farm: 166 dairy cows (July 2019)

 This can be verified with the 2019 quarterly export information, its printable and accessible at the bottom of this page:

WI Dairy press release:

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/19 at 05:04:33

Way to spoil it Eegore......   Of course 7,000 dairy farms didn't close in one state in one year. Like I said, if you just think for yourself a minute, at 10%, that's 70,000 total dairy farms. There's probably only a handfull of cites in Wisconsin with more than 70,000 people.

Which begs the questions, if you TDS infected souls were so easily fooled by a statement so obviously false, what other fake news have you been fooled by? And, what other fake news, not so obviously silly, have you and others believed?

Some of you believed it was possible a 17 year old straight A student from a prominent family organized and participated in gang rape parties pulling students from a relatively small group of Catholic high schools where the same girls were raped numerous times and no one ever found out or said anything.

Seriously, you guys must have a brain, use it.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by MnSpring on 08/30/19 at 07:13:10

667877767B667D60120 wrote:
over 7000 farms lost in WI....  

Not even remotely close, Just PURE  T.D.S. !

Also seeing as how, YOU LOVE  Carter so much.
Explain what he did to farmers.

What Trump has done. Is not even a drop in a thimble.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by Eegore on 08/30/19 at 07:20:32

 To be fair there are a lot of people that still say Trump gave the US military the highest raise ever, and the only one in the past decade only because Trump declared it.

 Also all those surgeons that left operating rooms to see him... where are they?  Oh that's right, they don't exist.

 China "pays" the US imposed tariffs.  Unless you are a US business owner of course.

"You get to keep your doctor" - Lies!  Obama lied!

"Pre-existing conditions will be covered" - Truth!  Trump is honest, except with the IM removed pre-existing coverage can now be denied.  

 People who like Trump will not bring this up 10 years later, but people who don't will.

 TDS goes both ways.  It was the same with Obama and it will be the same with the next President.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by Eegore on 08/30/19 at 07:30:06

"There's probably only a handfull of cites in Wisconsin with more than 70,000 people."

 In theory the population of WI doesn't need to correlate with the number of Dairy Farms unless the ratio of required employees exceeds state population or the Dairy Farm landmasses exceeds State availability.  Technically there could be 7000 Dairy Farms in WI, but that would most likely be a disaster.

Milwaukee city: 594,833
Madison city: 233,209
Green Bay city: 104,057
Kenosha city: 99,218
Racine city: 78,860
Appleton city: 72,623
Waukesha city: 70,718

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/19 at 07:57:21

0121232B3621440 wrote:
 To be fair there are a lot of people that still say Trump gave the US military the highest raise ever, and the only one in the past decade only because Trump declared it.

 Also all those surgeons that left operating rooms to see him... where are they?  Oh that's right, they don't exist.

 China "pays" the US imposed tariffs.  Unless you are a US business owner of course.

"You get to keep your doctor" - Lies!  Obama lied!

"Pre-existing conditions will be covered" - Truth!  Trump is honest, except with the IM removed pre-existing coverage can now be denied.  

 People who like Trump will not bring this up 10 years later, but people who don't will.

 TDS goes both ways.  It was the same with Obama and it will be the same with the next President.

You act as if there's an equal misinformation campaign going on. There's not. One side has the majority of the main stream media and the popular entertainment culture spreading hal-truths and flat out lies. Stop trying to protect your side with false equivalency.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/19 at 07:59:12

In theory the population of WI doesn't need to correlate with the number of Dairy Farms unless the ratio of required employees exceeds state population or the Dairy Farm landmasses exceeds State availability.  
Thanks Captain Obvious.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by Eegore on 08/30/19 at 09:36:16

"Stop trying to protect your side with false equivalency."

 I don't have a side.  

 I am saying that no matter who the President is, some people will ignore some of the incorrect information if they like that President.

 If they do not like that President they are less likely to ignore incorrect information.

 I very specifically quoted POTUS for that reason.  I have attempted multiple times here to indicate I do not use mainstream media at all for any accurate information.  I do not use it, I do not recommend it.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by Serowbot on 08/30/19 at 10:05:54

566463727564734C60736A010 wrote:
You act as if there's an equal misinformation campaign going on. There's not. One side has the majority of the main stream media and the popular entertainment culture spreading hal-truths and flat out lies. Stop trying to protect your side with false equivalency.

The other side has Trump... ;D

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by Serowbot on 08/30/19 at 10:40:01

Fair coverage when you are lying should not be "balanced"...
It should be 100% one sided.

Fox News ...

Cavuto explained, "You are the president; It comes with the job. Just like checking what you say, and do, comes with my job,"

Cavuto checked Trump by pointing out multiple examples of the president's own misinformation and false claims. "I'm not the one who said tariffs are a wonderful thing; you are. I'm not the one that said Mexico would pay for the wall; you did. Just like I'm not the one who claimed Russia didn't meddle in the 2016 election; you did," the host said.

Cavuto continued reading off false claims made by Trump, like when he denied paying off Stormy Daniels; he said the Access Hollywood tape was fake; he claimed that he inherited a depression from Obama; and his recent reversal on background checks for guns within hours. "These aren't fake items. They are real items, and you really said to them," said Cavuto adding "Fake is when it's wrong Mr. President, not when it's unpleasant."

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by WebsterMark on 08/31/19 at 04:00:25

Explain to me oh leftist who comment on virtually every negative Trump article, just exactly how you fell for the obviously fake story about 7000 dairy farms going under? You read a story that made Trump and the US look bad from a source that wasn't Fox News and assumed it to be true? Is it that simple?

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by Eegore on 08/31/19 at 10:43:06

 I don't think the story of WI Dairy Farms closing is fake.

 I think that Edelburg gave an incorrect number, which is inaccurate but wouldn't meet my definition of a fake story.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by WebsterMark on 08/31/19 at 10:55:36

oh geez  Eegore.....

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/31/19 at 13:51:38

4A6A68607D6A0F0 wrote:
 I don't think the story of WI Dairy Farms closving is fake.

 I think that Edelburg gave an incorrect number, which is inaccurate but wouldn't meet my definition of a fake story.

No Fukkin Schitt!
Lies aren't Fake News until You agree..

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by Eegore on 08/31/19 at 14:47:19

"fake story"

 My definition is the story, the content of the news piece is fabricated.

 Meaning there would not be record numbers of dairy farm closures.

 In this case there are record closures, many bankruptcies.  The number stated is wrong.

 I would consider the story true and the number of closed farms stated as false.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by WebsterMark on 08/31/19 at 16:20:54

You must have been a joy for you teachers...

"Little Eegore, you got that answer wrong. 5x5 is 25, not 30"

Mrs. Teachers; technically, it's not really wrong, it's only inaccurate. I had numbers down. Just because they were not the preferred numbers only means I was inaccurate, not wrong."

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by verslagen1 on 08/31/19 at 18:39:19

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
"Little Eegore, you got that answer wrong. 5x5 is 25, not 30"

GD new math.   :-?

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by Eegore on 08/31/19 at 19:55:42

"Little Eegore, you got that answer wrong. 5x5 is 25, not 30"

Mrs. Teachers; technically, it's not really wrong, it's only inaccurate. I had numbers down. Just because they were not the preferred numbers only means I was inaccurate, not wrong

 Close but 5x5 is indeed wrong.  Just like the 7000 is wrong.  

 To say Little Eegore took a math test and got 5x5 wrong when there was no math test at all would be a fake story.  

 So by my definition the numbers are indeed incorrect, but the story, if a math test was taken, is true.  If a math test was not taken, the story is fake.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by WebsterMark on 09/01/19 at 05:02:15


Multiple, supposedly educated people, would have seen the story beforehand and someone should have made the obvious connection between 7000 dairy farms going out of business so far this year and the logical implication that would mean 50 to 80 thousand dairy farms in Wisconsin to begin with. (depending upon what percentage of farms the 7000 represents) Our two hard core leftist on here repeated as absolute fact. (much the same way they repeat climate change doomsday scenarios as absolute fact. Can't wait for the "this hurricane is proof of climate change" stories later today)

You're assuming it was a simple mistake that slipped by, an extra zero was added. But that's not it. Its either widespread incompetence, widespread derangement or widespread purposely directed lying.

Personally, my vote is mostly derangement, but without a doubt flat out lying is going on also. Think about that MSNBC host going with a story that certain unsavory Russians co-signed a loan for Donald Trump. Think how stupid that is. Or a 17 year old Brett Kavanaugh organized gang raping parties. Think how inept and deranged you have to be to believe that? I could type examples for hours. My God, look at former FBI Director Comey?! I wonder if there are any former FBI agents convicted of doing what he did who are contacting their lawyers today. I would.

And no, it doesn't happen with equal occurrence on the other side. It simply doesn't and anyone arguing such is doing so out of their own derangement. The left side of our political spectrum dominates the media and entertainment cultures. They are full on bat$hit crazy over Trump.

This was not a case where an accidental 0 was added. It was derangement. Anything, regardless of how ridiculous it is, if it damages Trump, it must be true.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by MnSpring on 09/02/19 at 16:33:32

546661707766714E627168030 wrote:
You're assuming it was a simple mistake that slipped by, an extra zero was added. But that's not it. Its either widespread incompetence, widespread derangement or widespread purposely directed lying.

I believe it was, purposefully, and deliberately done.
The goal was to, influence the, 'Useful Idiots' !

(Which accomplished influencing tt)

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by T And T Garage on 09/03/19 at 09:03:46

5B7B79716C7B1E0 wrote:
 The numbers are incorrect.  Patty Edelburg is not a good source for accurate numbers although it could be possible a zero was added to 700 as that's considerably closer to the actual number of closures in 2018.  

 The USDA recorded 2,731 farms closed in the entire country 2018, almost a 7% drop by my calculations.

Look through NASS for WI:

Wisconsin Agricultural Statistics Service (WASS):
Number of Licensed Dairy Herds: 7,619 herds (August 1, 2019)
Number of Dairy Cows: 1,268,000 dairy cows (July 2019)
Average Number of Cows Per Dairy Farm: 166 dairy cows (July 2019)

 This can be verified with the 2019 quarterly export information, its printable and accessible at the bottom of this page:

WI Dairy press release:

Well, I (and Patty) stand corrected I guess.

I'll trust you on this Eegore.

I guess "only" 700 farms lost is great news... huh trump supporters?

Suffice it to say, my OP stands on its own in terms of where trump is with his support.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by MnSpring on 09/03/19 at 10:36:48

607E71707D607B66140 wrote:
I guess "only" 700 farms lost is great news...

That would be a tiny bit of moisture in a miniature thimble,
compared to what Carter did !

Oh, BTY, I heard the possible Fact,
from a former Official,
which was published on a Web Site,
which is reportedly TRUE.

That Carter, Had to give up his trophy,
to Obama.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by T And T Garage on 09/03/19 at 11:50:39

183B0625273C3B32550 wrote:
[quote author=607E71707D607B66140 link=1567057674/30#32 date=1567526626]
I guess "only" 700 farms lost is great news...

That would be a tiny bit of moisture in a miniature thimble,
compared to what Carter did !

What did Carter do?

Oh, BTY, I heard the possible Fact,
from a former Official,
which was published on a Web Site,
which is reportedly TRUE.

That Carter, Had to give up his trophy,
to Obama.

Huh?  Do you purposely make your posts inane?

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by Eegore on 09/03/19 at 13:56:10

 "That would be a tiny bit of moisture in a miniature thimble,
compared to what Carter did !"

 What does the fact that a previous President has made worse decisions do here?

 I mean if anything shouldn't future Presidents learn from the past and improve their assessment methods?  

 If I drive my car into my neighbors garage door because I accidentally moved it into reverse, does it matter if my roommate once drove his car through a Livingroom 40 years ago?  

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by MnSpring on 09/03/19 at 15:58:38

1B3B39312C3B5E0 wrote:
...  I mean if anything shouldn't future Presidents learn from the past and improve their assessment methods  ... 

Which is exactaly what the Present POTUS did, over Carter.

YET, a person severely affected with TDS  says otherwise.

Title: Re: Losing Friends
Post by Serowbot on 09/04/19 at 07:37:37

Ms. Edleburg appears to have given the wrong number or been misquoted,...
You guys are jumping on TnT for a post I made.

The point is,.. Trump's tariff wars are hurting American farmers.
He's bailing them out with out with our tax money.
... he's losing friends/votes in farm country where he needs them desperately.
Fox News poll has him down double digits against any of the top five Dem candidates.

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