General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Somebody thinks a little too highly of themselves.

Message started by WebsterMark on 08/18/19 at 03:57:56

Title: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themselves.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/18/19 at 03:57:56

"Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., suggested Saturday that viewers boycott comedian Bill Maher’s HBO talk show after he devoted a segment of Friday's program to bashing the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, calling it a “bulls--- purity test."

This is what you call jumping the shark; a desperate attempt to appear or remain relevant.

So you want to visit another country, drop your panties and crap all over it. Surprise, surprise when that nation tells you to pound sand, you pull the olde "but its the only chance I have to see my granny before she dies" routine. So they say fine, you can come see granny, but you gotta keep your panties on to which you flip them the bird.....

This is your Democratic Party of 2020.

Welcome to your Second Term President Trump.

Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/18/19 at 07:00:16

She'd better REALLY enjoy her time in office. I suspect it will be her last.
Ohhh, what AM I thinking?
If idiotic Bullshit was a problem, Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee would have been gone years ago.
AOC's chief brain and strategist left her and now she's adrift.
Voice of the future,,

Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by raydawg on 08/18/19 at 09:38:49

They will be extremely hard on Biden when he gets the ticket.....

Right now they only hold power in their own minds, but they will use it to really cause Uncle Joe problems.

Its not the right he needs to fear and worry, no...its his fringe in his own party.
Unless they check these zealots now....., it might prove the biggest deciding factor in a Trump second term victory.

Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by Serowbot on 08/18/19 at 10:02:21

You might be right,...
Extreme Left positions might cost Dem's that middle road vote that Biden would draw,...
... on the other hand, Trump was hardly the milktoast candidate of the Right, and he got elected.

Many Dem's want that strong pendulum shift in opposition to Trump,...
..others just want a normalization.
There's just not much middle ground in the middle any more.

The uniting factor is the "anyone but Trump" vote.
That's pretty solid at 56%... and Trump's not making any effort to widen his appeal.

Either way the coin flips,.. this election result will be more shocking than the last one.

Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/18/19 at 10:26:18

Just for some perspective on her.
I think she's toast.

Thanks to a report from an online journal called FreePressers, we get a look at some facts and figures about The Squad that are a little interesting.  The Squad, if you've been ignoring the news, is the four freshmen congresscritters who have taken over media coverage wall to wall, Representatives AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley. It starts with an interesting tidbit about Occasionally Coherent.
According to FEC data, for the period of Jan. 1 to July 30 of this year, Ocasio-Cortez raised a total of $1,607,957.22 in unitemized individual contributions and $334,401.45 in itemized contributions.
I believe that those two are added, making her total contributions  $1,942,358 (and 67 cents if you want to be anal).  Nearly two million dollars is good for any representative, let alone a first year kid making far more "sound and fury" than legislative impact.  She received more money than all 87 other House newcomers.

There's another interesting aspect to this.  Contributions from donors in her New York City district 14 was $1,525.50, which is 0.08% of her total.  There was a grand total of 10 itemized contributions from her constituents.  She has the second lowest donations from her district in the entire congress.  Democratic Rep. Sylvia Garcia of Texas was the lowest. Garcia’s re-election campaign reported itemized contributions of $14,400 in total, 0.74% of AOCs total donations, and none of it came from people in her district.

With contributions from non-constituents 1272 times contributions from people she's representing, you have to wonder who exactly is giving her the money.  It adds credence to the idea that she's not popular in her own district but the big money globalist leftists love her.  It's worth reminding everyone that AOC's Chief of Staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, left her team recently and is under investigation for massive campaign finance violations.
[Rahsida] Tlaib reported receiving $470,430.11 in itemized contributions in the first half of 2019, but less than 2 percent came from individuals living within her district.

[Ilhan] Omar reported $717,831.22 in itemized contributions to her re-election campaign so far in 2019. Just over 4 percent came from her constituents.

Rep. Ayanna Pressley far outperformed the others. The Massachusetts Democrat received more than 30 percent of her $248,280.78 itemized contributions from her constituents.
Of the four "squad" members, it seems Rep Pressley has the most legitimate claim that her constituents support her.  She brought in the least amount of total contributions, but a much higher percentage from constituents and not global donors.

Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by raydawg on 08/18/19 at 11:07:08

2731263B23363B20540 wrote:
You might be right,...
Extreme Left positions might cost Dem's that middle road vote that Biden would draw,...
... on the other hand, Trump was hardly the milktoast candidate of the Right, and he got elected.

Many Dem's want that strong pendulum shift in opposition to Trump,...
..others just want a normalization.
There's just not much middle ground in the middle any more.

The uniting factor is the "anyone but Trump" vote.
That's pretty solid at 56%... and Trump's not making any effort to widen his appeal.

Either way the coin flips,.. this election result will be more shocking than the last one.


Just me, I find/found Trump's character lacking, and withheld my vote.
However, presently, I find the alternative even more frightening when all his opposition pledge healthcare to non citizens, while fining any citizen who doesn't pay for it, etc....

Polls are sketchy at best, given the fact that to support Trump carries possible negative connotations, etc....we have seen this played out internationally, as well.

Here is a good article I read today:


We live in interesting times. Our nation is deeply divided. People cannot talk politics at family dinners or friendly get-togethers. Opinions are fixed; relationships are too important to risk a conversation. However, over the next 15 months, we must engage each other, as 2020 is the most important election in modern times.

If the election were decided today, on the economy, trade or immigration, large numbers of Americans would likely vote to re-elect Donald Trump. After all, Trump has an incumbency advantage; the political landscape assures him of winning particular states without a campaign. However, recent events have created doubt in places like Texas, and the Democratic Party has a real opportunity to unseat the controversial president.

Today, the candidate with the best chance to beat Donald Trump is… well… Donald Trump. The president has a solid base of supporters — as candidate Trump once famously said, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” So far, this comment has proved prophetic. Over the past three years, Trump’s mouth has been the major news item of the day but has had no effect on his base.

Long before his presidential run, Trump’s mouth caused controversy. He perpetuated the so-called ‘birther movement,’ suggesting President Obama wasn’t a United States citizen. In 2015, Trump announced his candidacy, calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists. In 2017, after a deadly ‘unite the right’ rally in Charlottesville, Va., Trump claimed there were ‘very fine people on both sides.’ In 2018, he called Haiti a ‘shithole country’ and expressed his desire for more immigrants from countries like Norway.

July and August 2019 have been unusually active months for the president’s offensive rhetoric. In mid-July, he infamously invited four freshman democratic congresswomen (three of whom were born in America) to go back to the ‘crime infested places’ they came from. Later, the president celebrated ‘victory’ as Robert Mueller testified that Russians were prepared to interfere with the 2020 election. Then Trump lashed out at Congressman Elijah Cummings, calling Cummings’ Baltimore district a ‘disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.’

At the end of July and in the first week of August, the nation was stunned by three mass shootings. The president could have assured citizens that he would work to keep us safe. Instead of condemning high capacity magazines for assault rifles, he blamed video games, mental illness, and the internet. While visiting shooting victims, he spoke against his political opponents, praised crowd sizes, and commended citizens’ adulation of their president.

Donald Trump has serious issues. His offensive comments combined with changing demographics and the increasing popularity of core Democratic issues, make a Democratic victory in 2020 a possibility, but far from a certainty.

The president seems incapable of change, yet Democrats appear unable to unite behind a political philosophy, let alone a particular candidate. Are Democrats progressive or moderate? The answer, of course, is ‘yes’ — and there lies the problem. Progressive solutions include ‘Medicare for all,’ free tuition, college debt cancellation, tax cuts for the middle class, severe restrictions on gun ownership, even an annual $12,000 stipend for all Americans. More moderate positions include health care choice, equal access to education, a fair path to citizenship, and deference to climate science rather than science fiction.

Many argue if the Democrats wish to win in 2020, they must nominate a candidate who can debate, toe to toe, with Donald Trump. Few remember that Hillary Clinton won every debate. Yet, she still lost the election. Why?

Clinton was a flawed candidate, viewed as dishonest, politically corrupt, snobbish, someone willing to cheat to win. Early on, party leaders foolishly anointed her their candidate. When Bernie Sanders mounted a serious challenge, Clinton began to unravel. In contrast, Trump’s message was blunt and appealed to a voting segment (blue collar white men) that felt neglected by the Democrats.

The 2020 election is already different. Twenty-plus candidates seek the nomination; no one has been pre-anointed. However, there is a disturbing disparity of political philosophy. To win in 2020, Democrats must avoid petty squabbles and choose a sensible path, one that inspires the base and is embraced by independents and moderates.

Here are some suggestions:

Democrats must strike a balance between free trade and fair trade. Trump has struck a nerve on trade, claiming imbalance and unfair rules cost workers’ jobs. Unless Democrats espouse a clear policy on trade that protects American workers, they will lose the election.

Democrats must dispel the notion they are for open borders and lawlessness. Trump has brilliantly exploited white worker insecurities about immigrants and minorities being provided some type of advantage in securing blue-collar jobs. Democrats need to proffer an immigration policy that provides secure borders, a fair path to citizenship, and reassurance to American workers that electing a Democrat will not cost them their jobs.

Democrats must be the party of health care as contrasted from the one seeking to take it away. They must support tax and wage fairness over greed and the one percent, equal access to higher education without suggesting it should be free. They must support diversity over white supremacy, a global 21st century economy over isolation and protectionism, and safety over weapons of mass destruction.

Instead of keeping his promise to ‘drain the swamp,’ many think Donald Trump has expanded it. Democrats must highlight and hammer at each of Trump’s failed promises. As the grandfather of eight, I have an easy litmus test for any president, regardless of his or her party: Can I tell my grandchildren to look to our president with pride and respect? Today, sadly, I cannot. What will you tell your children or grandchildren?  

The democrats, other than Uncle Joe, seem to be pushing a more radical departure from what they see as America, the one they grew up in, etc.

Liz Warren, I believe can possible bridge that gap, IF..... Bernie drops out and she can move back right, which I am sensing Bernie is about done with any hope of attaining the nomination for the democrat party. What will he do, go independent....???
I think that would clear up a lot of confusion for her and Joe, allowing them to focus on winning the middle cross over voters like me, if he does.
If he drags this pull to the left for the party and coupled with the 4 zealot chicks, and the house continues to beat a dead horse with Mueller/Russia/impeachment.....
I think they loose the house and the oval office, and the senate stays repub.

BTW, I think a glaring and obvious bias by the press against Trump hurts the democrats folks I talk with, and myself, we are really tired of their sanctimonious attitudes, like being preached to by a drunk and whoring pastor!

Edit: Bernie think....just plain crazy  :o 

Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by WebsterMark on 08/18/19 at 17:01:51

Trump was hardly the milktoast candidate of the Right, and he got elected.

That's because people hated Hillary more than any Presidential candidate in history. Oh, they hated the main stream media, Katy Perry, Bruce Springsteen, and militant lesbos who sued a baker more than they had questions about Trump. The hatred Trump supporters feel about you and your socialist leftist friends is greater and more motivating than the left's fake outrage at Trump.

Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by WebsterMark on 08/18/19 at 17:03:49

and yes, it will be shocking when Trump wins again.

Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by raydawg on 08/18/19 at 17:30:58

340601101706112E021108630 wrote:
Trump was hardly the milktoast candidate of the Right, and he got elected.

That's because people hated Hillary more than any Presidential candidate in history. Oh, they hated the main stream media, Katy Perry, Bruce Springsteen, and militant lesbos who sued a baker more than they had questions about Trump. The hatred Trump supporters feel about you and your socialist leftist friends is greater and more motivating than the left's fake outrage at Trump.

The guy has been the main, and should I say.....ONLY TARGET the democrats seem to be concerned with, and yet, he is still has so much support, it has the left very concerned.....

Not sure you can have it both ways libbies.  ;D

This new narrative about a recession, that is just stupid.....
Not that its not possible, the markets really are a nature of force all of their own, however.....think about this, the ones who gain the most from a downturn, recession, are those very RICH FOLK the socialist are demonizing......
Their wealth grows during these times as they have all the monetary power to take advantage of depressed markets....

Of course getting the stupid sheep to understand that, won't be easy until the free stuff ain't there, as promised, and then its too late....  ;D ;D ;D    

Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by T And T Garage on 08/19/19 at 05:36:35

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:
and yes, it will be shocking when Trump wins again.


Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by Serowbot on 08/19/19 at 13:51:53

370502131405122D01120B600 wrote:
That's because people hated Hillary more than any Presidential candidate in history.

Who's the most hated person in the world today?...
The guy who never got to 50% approval?
The guy that won by -3 million votes?...
The guy 74% of economists says will cause a recession withing 2 years?
The guy that promised to wipe out the debt but added 4 trillion to it instead?
The guy our allies call racist?
The guy that said "Mexico will pay for it"?
The guy that said "Mexico and China pay the tariffs?...
The guy that spent $100 million tax money on golf in 2 years at his own resorts?
The guy shooting victims ask not to visit?
The guy that grabs'em by the pu**y...
Yeah,.. that orange guy...

Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/19 at 22:37:13

I Love that guy!!

Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/19 at 09:19:55

302F292E33340535053D2F23685A0 wrote:
I Love that guy!!

Mount Rushmore awaits....

Speaking to that one term congresswoman, tliab, here's Trump's latest and perfect Tweet about her. Spot on.

Sorry, I don’t buy Rep. Tlaib’s tears. I have watched her violence, craziness and, most importantly, WORDS, for far too long. Now tears? She hates Israel and all Jewish people. She is an anti-Semite. She and her 3 friends are the new face of the Democrat Party. Live with it!

Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by Serowbot on 08/20/19 at 09:39:45

655750414657407F534059320 wrote:
[quote author=302F292E33340535053D2F23685A0 link=1566125876/0#11 date=1566279433]I Love that guy!!

Mount Rushmore awaits....[/quote]
Plenty of room on the a$$ end... ;D

Title: Re: Somebody thinks a little too highly of themsel
Post by raydawg on 08/21/19 at 07:35:12

3224332E36232E35410 wrote:
[quote author=655750414657407F534059320 link=1566125876/0#12 date=1566317995][quote author=302F292E33340535053D2F23685A0 link=1566125876/0#11 date=1566279433]I Love that guy!!

Mount Rushmore awaits....[/quote]
Plenty of room on the a$$ end... ;D[/quote]

Well just would have a great spot to spend your honeymoon then...... ;D ;D ;D ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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