General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> T.D.S.

Message started by MnSpring on 08/16/19 at 10:14:57

Title: T.D.S.
Post by MnSpring on 08/16/19 at 10:14:57

Uncle Joe said:
“poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,”

And absolutely NO outrage from the UL, FDS's.

Gee if Trump,  stood on the Right side of the desk to change a light bulb,
the UL, FDS's would go nutz, because he should have stood on the Left side.
See the news at 5/6 and 10, every day for the next 3 weeks.

On the radio this morning, early talk show they said:
'If someone said the joke:'
'Ever hear a one arm man clapping'
'All the UL, FDS's would call the joke teller they are racist, a idiot, and insensitive, etc,etc,etc.'

All the while the one armed man,
is laughing at the joke.

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by Serowbot on 08/16/19 at 10:17:28

Uncle Joe makes embarrassing verbal gaffs...
Trump means them...

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by MnSpring on 08/16/19 at 10:22:53

5442554850454853270 wrote:
Uncle Joe makes embarrassing verbal gaffs...  Trump means them...

I see, said the blind man,
as he picked up his hammer and saw.

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/16/19 at 10:33:20

05261B383A21262F480 wrote:
Uncle Joe said:
“poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,”

And absolutely NO outrage from the UL, FDS's.

Actually, there was plenty of coverage on this.

Tell me, where's all the outrage from you when trump says stuff like "send them back" or when he takes more golf vacations in 3 years than Obama took in 8?

Yeah, see how that works? (of course you don't)

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by MnSpring on 08/16/19 at 10:59:42

746A656469746F72000 wrote:
Yeah, see how that works?  

I know exactaly how it works.

Biden can say:
“poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,”
Then the the UL, FDS's say:
awkward, gaffe, misspeak, and SPIN away !
Then forget it, and never mention it again.

If Trump said it,
It would be 24/7 news coverage by 80% of the, 'media',
every day for the next 3 weeks.

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by Eegore on 08/16/19 at 11:24:00

"If Trump said it,
It would be 24/7 news coverage by 80% of the, 'media',
every day for the next 3 weeks

 I agree with this.  I think one of the issues is the volume of bonehead things a person in public service says and Trump's is higher than average.  I am not going to provide a statistical breakdown of statements made by public figures, these are already available online.

 Also a factor is the sensitivity of the evaluator of the statement and many are more sensitive to what Trump says than average.  I am not going to provide a statistical breakdown of sensitivity factors of people that listen to Trump.

 In either case both sides are feeding more into the interaction than what is necessary to move forward and do something productive with it.  One is because he is just like that, the other is because there is so much money in over-evaluating Trump.

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/19 at 20:16:40

Tell me, where's all the outrage from you when trump says stuff like "send them back"

GO back
SOLVE the problems
and Show us How you did it.
But because you choose to believe what he didn't say, you're able to convince yourself he is something he isn't.
You're the worst kind of liar.
You could pass a polygraph.
You lie to yourself and gen up the appropriate emotional response for what you need to believe in order to justify your hate. Twisted and Tortured Garage.

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/17/19 at 07:37:09

736C6A6D70774676467E6C602B190 wrote:
Tell me, where's all the outrage from you when trump says stuff like "send them back"

GO back
SOLVE the problems
and Show us How you did it.
But because you choose to believe what he didn't say, you're able to convince yourself he is something he isn't.
You're the worst kind of liar.
You could pass a polygraph.
You lie to yourself and gen up the appropriate emotional response for what you need to believe in order to justify your hate. Twisted and Tortured Garage.

It's so pathetically transparent how hypocritical you are.

So, let me be the bigger person and admit that I used the wrong phrase.... suffice it to say, it still represents his sentiment.

But you go on and keep defending that idiot.  I'm sure it'll serve you well...

Hey, at least he's not a "porch monkey", right?

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/19 at 08:08:05

me be the bigger person and admit that I used the wrong phrase.... suffice it to say, it still represents his sentiment.

You misquote
And pretend that is really what he meant.
Uh huh..
Keep ignoring




And SHOW us how you did it.

You believe your own Bullshit
So you can justify your emotions.
Intellectual dishonesty
On Parade.

You don't just put words in his mouth, after you get called on it, you
Be the bigger man, which you should not have needed to do
Because I've corrected You
On This very point
And you want to take some kind of Credit for what? You're the bigger man why? For admitting to what can't be denied, and THEN going right on to ignoring the words, which you refuse to quote honestly, and then STATE with not only No Evidence, but WITH evidence to the contrary, That YOUR interpretation of his words is more accurate


Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by Serowbot on 08/17/19 at 08:41:19

67787E7964635262526A78743F0D0 wrote:
You misquote
And pretend that is really what he meant.
Uh huh..
Keep ignoring




So did his rally crowd...
They must have misunderstood...

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by thumperclone on 08/17/19 at 09:28:15

a trump supporter has no business using the word dishonest unless they are talking about the illeist highchair king from 5th ave

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/19 at 09:58:43

7167706D75606D76020 wrote:
[quote author=67787E7964635262526A78743F0D0 link=1565975697/0#8 date=1566054485]
You misquote
And pretend that is really what he meant.
Uh huh..
Keep ignoring




So did his rally crowd...
They must have misunderstood...[/quote]

Trump is not responsible for that.
They, like you, chose to hear what they wanted.
Care to have a go at whose words inspired shooting up an ICE building?

Send them back
It's about how unappreciative of the country where THEY are elected officials they are and how deserving of being thrown out they are, and let them go to a place where they can experience the oppression they are so upset about.
Yeah, they have it bad..

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by MnSpring on 08/17/19 at 10:18:28

312E282F32350434043C2E22695B0 wrote:
"...It's about how unappreciative of the country where THEY are elected officials they are and how deserving of being thrown out they are, ..."

What ? you mean the UL, FDS's, can say the SAME THINGS, about Trump.
But ANYBODY, who is center, or Right of center,
can not ???????????

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

(oh tt LIE some more and say you never said the likes of, Trump should be thrown out)

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by Serowbot on 08/17/19 at 10:20:06

Trump is responsible for letting it go on for 13 seconds and waiting until it faded before continuing,... also for the smirk on his face and sarcastic "Only in the panhandle" comment.
Compare this to John McCain silencing and correcting a women that supported birtherism at his  rally.
No smirking, laughing along, no letting it go... setting things straight immediately.

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by Serowbot on 08/17/19 at 10:32:33

524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 wrote:
Send them back

They are all US citizens... 3 of the 4 are born here.
Omar knows better than Trump what it means to be an American, due to her early refugee experience.

I'd love to see Trump and Omar quizzed on US history and Constitutional law.
Guess who'd win...

Trump - "Not many people know, Lincoln was a Republican"...
Trump didn't know... everybody else knew...

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/17/19 at 10:49:33

Uncle Joe's new nickname after his campaign tries to keep him in the news but out of sight; Hiddin' Biden.

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/19 at 11:23:02

2335223F27323F24500 wrote:
[quote author=524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 link=1565975697/0#11 date=1566061123]
Send them back

They are all US citizens... 3 of the 4 are born here.
Omar knows better than Trump what it means to be an American, due to her early refugee experience.

I'd love to see Trump and Omar quizzed on US history and Constitutional law.
Guess who'd win...

Trump - "Not many people know, Lincoln was a Republican"...
Trump didn't know... everybody else knew...[/quote]

More dodgeball?
They chanted
Send them back..
Not to say they Aren't American citizens, but to places they could trace their roots.
I know they are citizens.
IDK the law, but I doubt a non citizen CAN be elected to office.
The crowd probably knew, too.

Lefties point to
when race is not the issue.
When the discussion is about the merits of the society and culture of another country, it's axiomatic that the people involved ARE NOT Americans and quite likely, racially different.
Lefties FOCUS on race as if THAT is the reason for the conversation, when it's not.

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by Serowbot on 08/17/19 at 13:17:06

You say the man supported by the KKK and Proud Boys, and every other white supremacist group, is not a racist.

I say Biden,... who no white supremacist group supports, is not a racist.

I think you should start writing letters to all these white supremacist groups letting them know they are all wrong.
While you're at it,... you should write letters to all the world leaders that have condemned Trump's racist comments.... because they're all wrong too.

Do you get that both sides say Trump is a racist?...
Liberals worldwide,.. and Neo-Nazi White supremacist groups that love Trump and praise his racist language?...

“I urge all readers of this site to do whatever they can to make Donald Trump President,” wrote Andrew Anglin, publisher of the neo-Nazi site Daily Stormer, 12 days later. Anglin, a 32-year-old skinhead who wears an Aryan “Black Sun” tattoo on his chest and riffs about the inferior “biological nature” of black people, hailed Trump as “the only candidate who is even talking about anything at all that matters.”

Trump “may be the last hope for a president who would be good for white people,” remarked Jared Taylor, who runs a white nationalist website called American Renaissance and once founded a think tank dedicated to “scientifically” proving white superiority.

Other extremists new to presidential politics openly endorsed Trump, including Don Black, a former grand dragon of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and founder of the neo-Nazi site Stormfront; Rocky Suhayda, chair of the American Nazi Party; and Rachel Pendergraft, a national organizer for the Knights Party, the successor to David Duke’s Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Richard Spencer, an emerging leader among a new generation of white nationalists known as the “alt right,” declared that Trump “loves white people.”

This story is over.  
Denial, denial, denial...

Trump's racism is acknowledged by world leaders,  minorities, and white supremacists...
If world leaders, minorities, and white supremacists all think you are a racist,.. and you're not,... you really need to work on your communication skills.
And you shouldn't be President.

I'm done.

Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/19 at 16:27:37

I made MY points.
You can't argue against them.
So, you align yourself with others who hate Trump
Just like that
You're right.


Title: Re: T.D.S.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/18/19 at 04:03:08

Trump's racism is acknowledged by world leaders,  minorities, and white supremacists...
If world leaders, minorities, and white supremacists all think you are a racist,.. and you're not,... you really need to work on your communication skills.
And you shouldn't be President.

I'm done.

You're done with what?, throwing the term racist around like Johnny Appleseed?

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