General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Exodus

Message started by T And T Garage on 07/31/19 at 06:37:22

Title: Exodus
Post by T And T Garage on 07/31/19 at 06:37:22

'Serving under Trump is embarrassing': Fifth Republican congressman retires in just two weeks as GOP fears more exits

The fifth Republican congressman in two weeks is set to step down as the GOP reportedly fears a wave of retirements amid ongoing tension in the party over Donald Trump’s presidency.

Representative Mike Conaway will not seek re-election to his Texas seat in 2020, according to Politico, but has not confirmed his decision or his reason for retiring.

However, House Republicans are reportedly worried that the difficulties of serving under Mr Trump and working with a Democratic majority in Congress will lead to more exits.

“Serving in the era of Trump has few rewards. He has made an already hostile political environment worse,” Tom Davis, a former senior Republican congressman, told The Hill.

“Every day there is some indefensible tweet or comment to defend or explain. It is exhausting and often embarrassing.”

Mr Conaway, who has served in Congress for 15 years, will join Republican representatives Paul Mitchell, Pete Olson, Martha Roby and Rob Bishop in announcing his retirement.

So... it isn't just us dems on here that can see what a joke of an administration this has been.

It's taken a painfully long time - but it looks like some decent repubs are finally listening to their conscience.

Title: Re: Exodus
Post by MnSpring on 07/31/19 at 08:48:19

Wonder if draining the swamp could mean.
Getting rid of the, Alligators, Crocodiles, and Snakes ?

Or could it mean,
difficulties of working with a Democratic party.


Title: Re: Exodus
Post by T And T Garage on 07/31/19 at 08:54:29

02211C3F3D2621284F0 wrote:
Wonder if draining the swamp could mean.
Getting rid of the, Alligators, Crocodiles, and Snakes ?

Or could it mean,
difficulties of  working with a Democratic party.


Neither.  These repubs are leaving because - “Every day there is some indefensible tweet or comment to defend or explain. It is exhausting and often embarrassing.”

The dems don't even enter into the conversation.

This is 100% idiot trump.

Title: Re: Exodus
Post by pg on 07/31/19 at 10:40:06

Dems do enter the conversation, that is unreasonable to say otherwise.  Both sides are going in opposite directions and their is no room for amateurs in the big leagues.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Exodus
Post by WebsterMark on 07/31/19 at 10:47:24

Am I the only one who read that it says no reason for his retirement was stated???

Title: Re: Exodus
Post by T And T Garage on 07/31/19 at 11:04:15

2334323E3121530 wrote:
Dems do enter the conversation, that is unreasonable to say otherwise.  Both sides are going in opposite directions and their is no room for amateurs in the big leagues.

Best regards,

No they don't.  These republicans are leaving for one reason only - trump. (read the quote, pro golfer)

Why blame the dems?  Oh, right... you're a trump supporter....

Title: Re: Exodus
Post by T And T Garage on 07/31/19 at 11:08:15

7D4F48595E4F58674B58412A0 wrote:
Am I the only one who read that it says no reason for his retirement was stated???

LOL - of course that's what you'd read!!

Nicely done mark!

Hey, while you're at it - feel free to ignore the other four that are retiring - and all those that came before them.

I'm sure everything's just fine!  <<<<<sarcasm.

Title: Re: Exodus
Post by pg on 07/31/19 at 12:31:49

574946474A574C51230 wrote:
[quote author=2334323E3121530 link=1564580242/0#3 date=1564594806]Dems do enter the conversation, that is unreasonable to say otherwise.  Both sides are going in opposite directions and their is no room for amateurs in the big leagues.

Best regards,

No they don't.  These republicans are leaving for one reason only - trump. (read the quote, pro golfer)

Why blame the dems?  Oh, right... you're a trump supporter....[/quote]

So you are now in charge of GOP communications.....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Exodus
Post by T And T Garage on 07/31/19 at 13:00:54

3324222E2131430 wrote:
[quote author=574946474A574C51230 link=1564580242/0#5 date=1564596255][quote author=2334323E3121530 link=1564580242/0#3 date=1564594806]Dems do enter the conversation, that is unreasonable to say otherwise.  Both sides are going in opposite directions and their is no room for amateurs in the big leagues.

Best regards,

No they don't.  These republicans are leaving for one reason only - trump. (read the quote, pro golfer)

Why blame the dems?  Oh, right... you're a trump supporter....[/quote]

So you are now in charge of GOP communications.....

Best regards,[/quote]

Nope.  But anyone can see that when a repub says “Every day there is some indefensible tweet or comment to defend or explain. It is exhausting and often embarrassing.”, it's pretty obvious it's not the dems he's pissed at.

Title: Re: Exodus
Post by MnSpring on 07/31/19 at 13:20:32

5A444B4A475A415C2E0 wrote:
  anyone can see ............

Anyone can see that when AOC opens her, 'holster', and out comes total garbage, it's pretty obvious it's not the dems she's pissed at.


Title: Re: Exodus
Post by pg on 07/31/19 at 16:23:09

455B545558455E43310 wrote:
Nope.  But anyone can see

The fact is you don't really know their motives.  Everyone can see the amount of discontent you possess is extremely unhealthy.  All you did is regurgitate a paragraph from yahoo.  Get a grip....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Exodus
Post by T And T Garage on 08/01/19 at 07:22:36

3126202C2333410 wrote:
[quote author=455B545558455E43310 link=1564580242/0#8 date=1564603254]
Nope.  But anyone can see

The fact is you don't really know their motives.  

LOL - no?  Even when you read that quote you deny?  So typical!

Everyone can see the amount of discontent you possess is extremely unhealthy.  Wait, how do you know their motives?  LOL

All you did is regurgitate a paragraph from yahoo.  Get a grip....

Truth hurts, huh?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Exodus
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/19 at 09:10:58

Wow, I stand corrected....

Now there's 10!!

Texas Republican congressman to retire, marking the 10th GOP representative to step away

Yet another Texas Republican congressman is announcing his retirement, two GOP officials said Monday, as the party’s mounting departures make it increasingly unlikely it will be able to regain the House majority in next year’s elections.

Rep. Kenny Marchant, an eight-term veteran, planned to announce his decision on Monday, the officials said. That would make him the 10th GOP representative to say he won’t run for re-election next year and the seventh in the past two weeks.

He’s also the fifth Texas GOP congressman to say he is leaving. While Texas has been reliably Republican for decades, the state has been trending toward Democrats lately, especially in its growing suburbs.

Marchant, 68, was reelected by a three-percentage-point margin last year from his suburban district between Dallas and Fort Worth. He’d won by 17 percentage points in 2016 and by 33 percentage points in 2014.

Last November, a pair of Democratic challengers defeated GOP incumbents in the Dallas and Houston suburbs. Republican Sen. Ted Cruz defeated his Democratic challenger, then-Rep. Beto O’Rourke, by just three percentage points.

So... how can this be?  The repubs are leaving the party like rats off a ship.

Well, I can't blame 'em.

Title: Re: Exodus
Post by T And T Garage on 09/05/19 at 14:47:01

Dog gone it!  I stand corrected again!

Now it's 15!!

2 more House Republicans retiring ahead of 2020 elections

WASHINGTON (AP) — The day started with one Republican congressman from Texas announcing he would retire and ended with another, a long-serving former committee chairman from Wisconsin, saying he too was ready to bow out, signaling the House GOP mood as the party tries to find its path back to the majority in 2020.

With the retirement announcements of Reps. Bill Flores, R-Texas, and Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., 15 House Republicans have said they will step aside before next year's elections. The departures show the limits of serving in the House minority, but also raise questions about the sway of President Donald Trump's own reelection effort alongside down-ballot candidates.

A spokesman for the House GOP's campaign committee noted that both Flores and Sensenbrenner come from Republican districts, which suggests voters will have little interest in Democratic candidates. That's unlike the battleground seats where Trump won in 2016, but so did Democrats, and Republicans are concentrating efforts as they try to regain control of the House.

"Retirements in safe Republican seats like these have no impact on battleground seats," said Bob Salera, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee. He portrayed the Democrats as having a "socialist agenda," with legislation on health care, climate change and other issues, that he said "will be an anchor around their necks."

Still, the spate of House Republican retirements puts them ahead of their pace during the 2018 election cycle, when 34 did not run for reelection. That was the party's highest number of retirements since at least 1930. In Texas alone, five House Republicans are retiring.

Democrats have a legitimate shot at capturing at least four of the Republican seats, complicating Republican efforts to win back the chamber's majority . Democrats control the House 235-197, with one independent and two vacancies in North Carolina that are scheduled to be filled in special elections next week.

On the Democratic side, Rep. Susan Davis of California also announced Wednesday she would not seek reelection. A 10-term veteran, Davis has worked on education and military issues in the San Diego seat Democrats expect to retain. She became the fourth Democrat to say this year that they won't run again.

The reasons why lawmakers choose to step aside can be varied, but the Republican departures are also bookended by the GOP's situation. House Republicans have imposed term-limit rules on most committee chairmen, denying the traditional opportunity to build up influence and seniority with the gavel.

While having the president in the White House is often attractive to lawmakers, the House minority has less of a legislative agenda, even with Trump in office.

Sensenbrenner, 76, a former Judiciary Committee chairman, has been in office 40 years. He was a chief author of the USA Patriot Act, an anti-terrorism measure enacted in response to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. He was also an impeachment manager during the proceedings against President Bill Clinton.

First elected in 1978, he is the second-longest serving current member of the House, trailing only Alaska Republican Don Young in seniority. Sensenbrenner said in a statement that when he first began public service, "I said I would know when it was time to step back" and that he'd decided now was that time.

A combative conservative, he has championed immigration restrictions, including curbing asylum and barring immigrants in the country illegally from obtaining driver's licenses. In 2015, he wrote legislation restricting the USA Patriot Act by limiting federal gathering of some data on individuals.

Flores, who once led the conservative Republican Study Committee, has served five terms and said he'd always committed to serving fewer than six.

More than one-third of the House GOP retirements are from Texas, where a generation of Republican dominance is weakening amid demographic changes and booming suburbs that are trending to Democrats.

The chairwoman of the Democratic campaign committee, Rep. Cheri Bustos of Illinois, said in a statement that she expects the "Texodus" of Republicans will continue.

Sensenbrenner's district includes parts of Milwaukee's suburbs. In his statement, he said he's cast 23,882 House votes and sponsored or co-sponsored 4,299 pieces of legislation, of which 217 were signed into law by six different presidents.

Sensenbrenner is a descendent of the founder of Kimberly-Clark, the company credited with inventing the sanitary napkin. Financially comfortable since birth, he also won at least one District of Columbia lottery, for $250,000.

Besides the 15 GOP retirees, a 16th — Rep. Tom Marino of Pennsylvania — quit Congress early this year and has already been replaced by another Republican.

Title: Re: Exodus
Post by T And T Garage on 09/30/19 at 12:01:06

Aaaaand another!

Another Texas Republican Calls It Quits Ahead Of 2020 Elections

Rep. Mac Thornberry, the top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, announced Monday he will not seek reelection for his seat representing Texas’ 13th District.

“‘For everything there is a season,’” Thornberry wrote in a press release announcing his decision. “And I believe that the time has come for a change.”

Thornberry’s announcement makes him the sixth Republican representative from Texas to decline a bid for reelection in 2020, stoking concerns among Republicans that the state may be experiencing a political shift toward more progressive politicians. Earlier this month, Rep. Bill Flores, another Texas Republican, announced he would not seek reelection in the state’s 17th District.

Title: Re: Exodus
Post by T And T Garage on 09/30/19 at 12:19:35

Whoa - they're dropping like flies!

GOP Rep. Chris Collins, accused of insider trading, is resigning

Republican Rep. Chris Collins of New York, accused of insider trading, has resigned, a spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi confirmed Monday.

“We are in receipt of a letter of resignation. It will be laid down on the House Floor tomorrow during pro forma. Resignation will be effective at that time,” the spokesman told ABC News.

Collins' office declined to comment.

A conservative from upstate New York, Collins represents the swath of suburbs between Buffalo and Rochester and was the first U.S. congressman to endorse Donald Trump’s candidacy and remained a staunch Trump ally.

(MORE: Rep. Chris Collins arrested on insider trading charges )

Last September, after Collins and another GOP congressman faced federal charges, Trump tweeted, "Two long running, Obama era, investigations of two very popular Republican Congressmen were brought to a well publicized charge, just ahead of the Mid-Terms, by the Jeff Sessions Justice Department. Two easy wins now in doubt because there is not enough time. Good job Jeff..." » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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