General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Not the Biblical one....

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/28/19 at 04:37:13

Title: Not the Biblical one....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/28/19 at 04:37:13

Elijah. 13 term Congressman from a $hithole.

Remember that scene in Training Day when Denzil's character is talking to the Four Hourseman and they're recounting the story of the guy in front of the judge who got sent to a mental hospital instead of jail because he was clever enough to stuff peanut butter down his pants? The guy, while in front of the judge, stuck his hands down his pants and came back up eating it as if he'd just dropped a load in his drawers. Denzil's point was to give the guy credit for working the system.

That's Elijah Cummings. Parlayed a brief time with MLK into a career where he's accomplished nothing but made a fortune. You just know like Maxine Waters, he's gonna be a Representative from a poor $hithole district making a couple hundred K a year but somehow walk away with millions banked away.

Good for Trump for calling the blowhard out. Same woth that worthless Mayor of New York and that other lowlife from Puerto Rico.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by T And T Garage on 07/29/19 at 16:33:08

1D2F28393E2F38072B38214A0 wrote:
Elijah. 13 term Congressman from a $hithole.

Remember that scene in Training Day when Denzil's character is talking to the Four Hourseman and they're recounting the story of the guy in front of the judge who got sent to a mental hospital instead of jail because he was clever enough to stuff peanut butter down his pants? The guy, while in front of the judge, stuck his hands down his pants and came back up eating it as if he'd just dropped a load in his drawers. Denzil's point was to give the guy credit for working the system.

That's Elijah Cummings. Parlayed a brief time with MLK into a career where he's accomplished nothing but made a fortune. You just know like Maxine Waters, he's gonna be a Representative from a poor $hithole district making a couple hundred K a year but somehow walk away with millions banked away.

Good for Trump for calling the blowhard out. Same woth that worthless Mayor of New York and that other lowlife from Puerto Rico.

Nah - you're not racist. <<<<<sarcasm

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/19 at 17:28:56

Awww.... that’s sweet! My buddy and I agree.....  I need a moment, pardon me...

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by T And T Garage on 07/29/19 at 17:37:51

6F5D5A4B4C5D4A75594A53380 wrote:
Awww.... that’s sweet! My buddy and I agree.....  I need a moment, pardon me...

LOL - yeah - FIFY (look above)

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/30/19 at 07:52:55

Criticism of those people who deserve it isn't racist.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by T And T Garage on 07/30/19 at 08:31:57

405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 wrote:
Criticism of those people who deserve it isn't racist.

Criticism is one thing.  But anyone can see whistle blowing.  You know jog, like when someone calls Obama a "porch monkey".

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/30/19 at 09:13:44

I know you Know you have no argument when you start dragging crap up like that.

The truth is
Trump is not the first to point out what is going on. The TRUTH is
Elijah has done a poor job of making things better for the people he represents,
And yet, is somehow able to criticize Trump, who is doing a great job of improving things. And, had we not been victimized by the lefties and their Bullshit investigations, he could have been making even lefties appreciate him.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by MnSpring on 07/30/19 at 09:14:32

425C53525F425944360 wrote:
"porch monkey".

Has absolutely,
to do with Elijah,
Being a total hypocrite. !

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by T And T Garage on 07/30/19 at 09:27:19

534C4A4D50576656665E4C400B390 wrote:
I know you Know you have no argument when you start dragging crap up like that.

What crap - you mean examples of racism from this very forum?

Well jog - sorry, but there's simply no escaping it.

The truth is
Trump is not the first to point out what is going on. The TRUTH is
Elijah has done a poor job of making things better for the people he represents,
And yet, is somehow able to criticize Trump, who is doing a great job of improving things. And, had we not been victimized by the lefties and their Bullshit investigations, he could have been making even lefties appreciate him.

(Your dog whistle is obvious to more than just dogs....)

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by T And T Garage on 07/30/19 at 09:27:42

61427F5C5E45424B2C0 wrote:
[quote author=425C53525F425944360 link=1564313833/0#5 date=1564500717] "porch monkey".

Has absolutely,
to do with Elijah,
Being a total hypocrite. !

Everything to do with racism on this forum.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/19 at 05:22:41

Just because you say it's racist
Doesn't make it so.
Either EXPLAIN WHY it's racist
Or, admit it's not.
What Exactly did Trump do or say that was racist?

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by WebsterMark on 08/01/19 at 06:06:35

Jog; the leftist definition of racism is any criticism directed towards anyone other than a white male and only if the one doing the criticizing is someone associated with the right side of the political spectrum.

For example, you can rip into Sarah Palin all day long. CNN can run a tape of one of her daughters being punched and her purse stolen while the anchors laugh their a$$es off over it. That's not an attack on women. She deserved it. She's associated with the Red Jersey team, the Republicans, so someone punching her to the ground is a good thing.

Clarence Thomas can be referred to as an sexist at anytime because he's a Republican first, a black man second.

So when our good friend TT here pretends to be upset over women or blacks being targeted, it's not that he cares about women or blacks, he's just sticking up for his team. Sort of like bullpen pitchers rushing to the infield when a baseball fight breaks out. They have no idea what its about or whose fault it is, all they know is to defend their team.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/19 at 06:50:03

I just want to see if a lefty can put an actual explanation together that would show something Trump said that was in any way actually racist.

Trump said nothing about anyone.
He said that the people were being forced to live in a rat infested environment.
How is that racist?

The TRUTH hurts so bad it needs to be marginalized and overridden by a false claim? What did he say that was factually incorrect?
What did he say that was in any way an attack on anyone
That was Actually an attack Because of their race?

person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

Is that area ACTUALLY infested with rats?
So, stating the OBVIOUS is now RACIST?

And explain why what I said was some dog whistle.
I don't get it.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by T And T Garage on 08/01/19 at 07:35:42

3A252324393E0F3F0F37252962500 wrote:
Just because you say it's racist
Doesn't make it so.
Either EXPLAIN WHY it's racist
Or, admit it's not.
What Exactly did Trump do or say that was racist?

If it were anyone else, then I might consider it a misspeak.  However, given trump's record, his history of racist comments and actions - everyone can see what he meat and what he means.

Just like you jog - I consider all your posts with the effect of racism after your comment about Obama being a "porch monkey".

Go ahead and call it circumstantial, but it is what it is.  trump has a history of racist actions from his properties to his birther movement.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/19 at 07:50:30

Let's stay on point.
What did he SAY that was possibly racist?
You have Not made a single Point.
All you've done is express outrage.
Over WHAT?
Explain WHY what he said could possibly be construed as racist.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by raydawg on 08/01/19 at 08:46:06

Using the word infested and jumping to the conclusion it must be referring to a BLACK community....... is racist.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by T And T Garage on 08/01/19 at 09:27:39

5E4147405D5A6B5B6B53414D06340 wrote:
Let's stay on point.
What did he SAY that was possibly racist?
You have Not made a single Point.

I think I've explained myself quite clearly, jog.  Given the source (trump) it can be construed as racist.  It's not just me saying that.

Get over it and feel safe in the fact that your orange saviour is a racist and he connects well with his most fervent followers.

All you've done is express outrage.
Over WHAT?

If you can't see why, there's nothing I, or anyone else, can say to show you the light.  Continue on your path, but don't expect everyone else to do as you do.

Explain WHY what he said could possibly be construed as racist.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/02/19 at 13:16:04

Regardless of the FACT that others have said it, and without ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE, it can be Construed as racist, because of the source.
Yeah, you got Nothing but snowflake butthurt outrage, and you believe what facts don't support, because you need to.
Sorry excuse for a man who says he's rational.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by T And T Garage on 08/02/19 at 13:20:45

233C3A3D20271626162E3C307B490 wrote:
Regardless of the FACT that others have said it, and without ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE, it can be Construed as racist, because of the source.
Yeah, you got Nothing but snowflake butthurt outrage, and you believe what facts don't support, because you need to.
Sorry excuse for a man who says he's rational.

Well, think about this - had (pretty much) anyone else said the same thing, you think we'd even be having this conversation?

Nope.  trump's history of racism proceeds him.  Sorry, that's just reality.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/02/19 at 18:32:26

Actually, he was the FUKKING DARLING of the left, while he was giving money to lefties and before he decided lefties were ruining America. His reputation is a lie, a creation of the lefties, the media. He was the first developer to hire a woman to build a tower.
He has a history of being good to people of all races. You're a liar, the worst kind. You lie to yourself and are unable to see truth because of your hate.
You're a disgusting excuse for an American.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by T And T Garage on 08/03/19 at 07:20:51

7C6365627F7849794971636F24160 wrote:
Actually, he was the FUKKING DARLING of the left, while he was giving money to lefties and before he decided lefties were ruining America. His reputation is a lie, a creation of the lefties, the media. He was the first developer to hire a woman to build a tower.
He has a history of being good to people of all races. You're a liar, the worst kind. You lie to yourself and are unable to see truth because of your hate.
You're a disgusting excuse for an American.

Really?  Well, I'd say I'm a great example of an American.  I question the ability of our poor excuse for a president.  That's kinda the whole point of an electorate.  Or, should we blindly follow, hmm?

trump, you see, has a history of racism.  Just because he gave money to the left, doesn't give him a free pass.

You honestly think the birther movement wasn't racially motivated?  C'mon...  How about the Central Park 5?  Sh!thole countires?

Looks like his publicist fooled you.
Like melania, I'll be better.... ;D

Tn'T,... I edited that out

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by MnSpring on 08/03/19 at 08:48:23

Hey Bot, have you changed your mind,
can I say, Bleep! Now ?

No,... you can't and Tn'T can't say that either.
I've edited both out,

Next time, I'll delete Tn'T's entire post without warning.

...and I don't usually enter others posts and edit but I don't want that comment left up


Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by Serowbot on 08/03/19 at 09:20:31

Above posts have been modded to remove an unacceptable vulgarity on Tn'T's part against Mn.


Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by MnSpring on 08/03/19 at 09:37:08

7066716C74616C77030 wrote:
Above posts have been modded to remove an unacceptable vulgarity on Tn'T's part against Mn.

No one else ?
So tt is allowd to post vulgarity about anyone else ?

The tt vulgarity was NOT directed at me.

I just pointed out that you,
allow tt to post vulgarity.
and chastise others for doing the same.

Your in charge, you can do what you want.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by MnSpring on 08/03/19 at 09:43:24

This is what was said by Sanford Horn, AUGUST 2, 2019

“…When people condemn President Trump for his remarks while giving a free pass to the politicians making similar comments on the other side of the aisle, they are simply looking for a scapegoat….”

Also applies to the Tall Table.

More key words.

“…Once again, President Trump’s critics have invoked racial invective in an effort to tarnish his image while ignoring similar comments from Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent and 2020 presidential hopeful….”

“…The so-called mainstream media was apoplectic, falling all over themselves to call Trump and his comments racist as quickly as possible…”

“…Let’s rewind to a Dec. 8, 2015, speech Sanders delivered in Baltimore: “The fact of the matter is that America is the wealthiest country in the history of the world. But anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood [in west Baltimore] would not think you’re in a wealthy nation. You would think that you’re in a Third World country.”

The reaction from the same media? Crickets…

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by Serowbot on 08/03/19 at 09:47:00

Yes, I see.  It was directed at JoG...
Sorry, I was in a hurry to remove it and didn't pay attention to whom it was addressed.
I deleted it. Both from his post and your repost of it.
None of that type of stuff should be in here.
I told Tn'T I'd do worse if it happens again.

Consider Tn'T chastised.



Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by Serowbot on 08/03/19 at 09:51:59

4F6C5172706B6C65020 wrote:
The reaction from the same media? Crickets…”[/i][/b]

I responded in another thread.
What I'm pointing to, is Trump used Baltimore in an attack against Cummings.
Sanders was pointing out that we can do better for the people of Baltimore.
Very different motivations.  Motivation is context.

2234233E26333E25510 wrote:
Trump didn't bring up Baltimore to discuss the situation or offer solutions,.. he used it to attack Elijah Cummings... and it's not the first time.
Trump made similar comments in January 2017 when attacking another black congressman, Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga. Trump had called the civil rights icon's district "in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested)" after Lewis said he would be skipping Trump's inauguration.  

Trump will attack anyone that disagrees with him,... but if they are of colour, the attacks go to origins,... "your country is a sh!thole, your city is rat infested", etc...
This knee jerk reaction is tinged with racism.  Trump consistently attacks minorities differently than whites.  Mostly associating them with dirt, filth, poverty, crime, and disgust.
There has been worldwide condemnation of Trump's racist attacks.
Only Trump's most Trump-blind supporters are willing to deny this.

Jared BTW, owns rental properties in Baltimore that have been sited for rodent infestation.  Has Trump mentioned that?... Has he asked Jared to remedy it?  

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by T And T Garage on 08/03/19 at 15:52:07

Fair enough Sero.

My apologies to jog and to mn.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by pg on 08/03/19 at 16:46:23

Evidently, I missed out on another fun filled day.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/03/19 at 16:50:27

00231E3D3F24232A4D0 wrote:
This is what was said by Sanford Horn, AUGUST 2, 2019

“…When people condemn President Trump for his remarks while giving a free pass to the politicians making similar comments on the other side of the aisle, they are simply looking for a scapegoat….”

Also applies to the Tall Table.

More key words.

“…Once again, President Trump’s critics have invoked racial invective in an effort to tarnish his image while ignoring similar comments from Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent and 2020 presidential hopeful….”

“…The so-called mainstream media was apoplectic, falling all over themselves to call Trump and his comments racist as quickly as possible…”

“…Let’s rewind to a Dec. 8, 2015, speech Sanders delivered in Baltimore: “The fact of the matter is that America is the wealthiest country in the history of the world. But anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood [in west Baltimore] would not think you’re in a wealthy nation. You would think that you’re in a Third World country.”

The reaction from the same media? Crickets…

Because it obviously needs to be repeated.

The obvious escapes the lefties

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/03/19 at 18:43:00


Easy answer

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/19 at 09:42:57

What Trump said can't reasonably be construed as racist. He stated only facts and in no way insinuated that the problem exists Because of anyones race.
You choose to misconstrue in order to justify your outrage.
All Trump did was point out the obvious.
How about demanding that the people in charge there for DECADES be held accountable for their absolute failures to actually deliver what they promise their constituents?

I guess Conservatives will have to do what the always loving and caring lefties won't.

Conservative Activist Leads Clean-Up In West Baltimore ...
Aug 05, 2019 · A conservative activist led a group of volunteers in cleaning up a west Baltimore neighborhood Monday, more than a week after President Donald Trump called the city a "disgusting, rat and rodent ...

Unity: Conservative Volunteers Clean Up Baltimore …
20 hours ago · Dozens of conservative volunteers gathered in a West Baltimore neighborhood to clean up garbage and filth after President Trump drew national attention to the city’s horrible conditions last week.

Aug 05, 2019 · ‘This is just simply Americans Helping Americans’ August 05, 2019. Boydton, Virginia. Change [your]LOCATION

Because conservatives are hate filled racists..

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/19 at 10:34:49

233C3A3D20271626162E3C307B490 wrote:
What Trump said can't reasonably be construed as racist. He stated only facts and in no way insinuated that the problem exists Because of anyones race.
You choose to misconstrue in order to justify your outrage.
All Trump did was point out the obvious.
How about demanding that the people in charge there for DECADES be held accountable for their absolute failures to actually deliver what they promise their constituents?

I guess Conservatives will have to do what the always loving and caring lefties won't.

Conservative Activist Leads Clean-Up In West Baltimore ...
Aug 05, 2019 · A conservative activist led a group of volunteers in cleaning up a west Baltimore neighborhood Monday, more than a week after President Donald Trump called the city a "disgusting, rat and rodent ...

Unity: Conservative Volunteers Clean Up Baltimore …
20 hours ago · Dozens of conservative volunteers gathered in a West Baltimore neighborhood to clean up garbage and filth after President Trump drew national attention to the city’s horrible conditions last week.

Aug 05, 2019 · ‘This is just simply Americans Helping Americans’ August 05, 2019. Boydton, Virginia. Change [your]LOCATION

Because conservatives are hate filled racists..

Not all of them, just a large quantity.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/19 at 18:15:02

Way to avoid the larger point.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/19 at 20:15:04

3F2026213C3B0A3A0A32202C67550 wrote:
Way to avoid the larger point.

Nah, just pointing out the obvious.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/19 at 22:17:45

You avoid the larger point

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by T And T Garage on 08/07/19 at 05:23:53

2D3234332E2918281820323E75470 wrote:
You avoid the larger point

What point is that?  You mean how tucker says it's not really a problem?

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by Serowbot on 08/07/19 at 08:24:25

6D7274736E6958685860727E35070 wrote:
What Trump said can't reasonably be construed as racist.

Over 60% of Americans and many world leaders say he is racist.
Whether you think so or not,.. it's time for Trump to rethink what he is doing.
Trump laid this out from day one of his campaign.
He insinuated that people who are "other" are the problem.  And to Make America Great Again we need to take America back.
Rally after rally has been attacks on race, gender, sexual preference, and religion.
Denying this doesn't make it go away.

We've seen mass shootings at a border Walmart, a gay nightclub, a Jewish synagogue, a black church, a Muslim mosque... etc...
We've seen KKK and Nazi leaders praise Trump's rhetoric.

The bully pulpit has become the pulpit for a bully.
Trump's words embolden white supremacists.

This is not debatable,... the facts are in the body count.

If you think this is unreasonable,..
You are right.
Racist, white supremacists are unreasonable people.
Feeding them their own propaganda needs to stop.
Trump needs to stop.

Title: Re: Not the Biblical one....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/07/19 at 13:55:44

Over 60% of Americans and many world leaders say he is racist.

Aaaaand, they are WRONG. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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