General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Doubling down

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/26/19 at 04:00:51

Title: Doubling down
Post by WebsterMark on 07/26/19 at 04:00:51

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by raydawg on 07/26/19 at 07:02:43

I saw a article yesterday Trump has unleashed a torrent of hatred

This is how the media plays with words.

I think he didn't release anything, he revealed it.........

It was always there, just that it was accepted when it was visited on those who deserve it.....

Like a liar who hates getting lied to......  ;D  

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by pg on 07/26/19 at 07:36:00

6A79617C796F7F180 wrote:
I saw a article yesterday Trump has unleashed a torrent of hatred

This is how the media plays with words.

I think he didn't release anything, he revealed it.........

It was always there, just that it was accepted when it was visited on those who deserve it.....

Like a liar who hates getting lied to......  ;D  

That is the best post I seen here is quite some time.   ;)

Best regards,

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by Serowbot on 07/26/19 at 08:09:13

Unleashed, released, revealed,...semantics...

Yes, hate and racism have always been there. but more than revealing it, Trump has legitimized it.
Hate crimes are up, White supremacists rolls are increasing, racist tropes are viral,... this is not just being exposed, it is increasing.

Trump is more than just a symbol of hate, he is an instigator.
...but even if he was just a symbolic leader,.. is that what we want?
People are walking around with hate proudly emblazoned on t-shirts and hats and flags in support of Trump.  They're being sold at his rallies.
Trump and racist hate have become synonymous.  To display it is to support Trump.
Is this the American ideal?
That shining city on the hill hasn't just been tarnished, it's been bombed to hell.
How disgusting.


Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by raydawg on 07/26/19 at 16:29:36

4751465B43565B40340 wrote:
Unleashed, released, revealed,...semantics...

Yes, hate and racism have always been there. but more than revealing it, Trump has legitimized it.
Hate crimes are up, White supremacists rolls are increasing, racist tropes are viral,... this is not just being exposed, it is increasing.

Trump is more than just a symbol of hate, he is an instigator.
...but even if he was just a symbolic leader,.. is that what we want?
People are walking around with hate proudly emblazoned on t-shirts and hats and flags in support of Trump.  They're being sold at his rallies.
Trump and racist hate have become synonymous.  To display it is to support Trump.
Is this the American ideal?
That shining city on the hill hasn't just been tarnished, it's been bombed to hell.
How disgusting.


Perfect example of hate.......which, begets......hate.

You want your perception, your beliefs, your views, to be the ultimate truth, as does ISIS, the Crusaders, etc.....anyone in opposition, is the infidel.......

And thus any actions needed to bring them to heed, is justified......

The folly of ANYBODY thinking they hold such unmitigated power is really quite obvious why its not sustainable.....

But apparently it also escapes many, or perhaps their being is so invested as such, any challenge to it can only be repelled with total annihilation of any perceived threats to it.....  

Sure....MAGA reads exactly as you project.....
Anybody who promotes it is a racist....period, sorta like all Blacks are on welfare, Gay men are all pedophiles, etc....

No.....maybe some see it as a time when the middle class was strong.....
When community was a matter of pride.
When folks didn't fear "newcomers" into their neighborhood, but welcomed them.....
When schools produced a product that would allow the graduates to continue the upward climb on the economic ladder.......etc.

Lots of good things to desire, and yes, there was lots of wrong thinking, promotions, and social inequities in those days too....

However, we can focus on the fact those same deficits upon our social fabric, is no longer staining it, as it did back then......

For to say it stands for that, and desires to go back, to that, means society, socially, and even legally, we have moved past those ideas, beliefs, etc...... if we are to go....back.

That does not make any reasonable sense.....chicken little sky is falling down, mentality.

Extremely dishonest and disingenuous, actually, pretty lame and dumb.


Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by WebsterMark on 07/26/19 at 16:36:20

Every time you incorrectly label someone you really don’t know as a racist, you increase the level of hate. Did that ever occur to you?

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by thumperclone on 07/26/19 at 18:36:02

4F7D7A6B6C7D6A55796A73180 wrote:
Every time you incorrectly label someone you really don’t know as a racist, you increase the level of hate. Did that ever occur to you?

I cannot over emphasize my HATE for what your potus is doing to our country

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by raydawg on 07/26/19 at 19:45:25

Hate is for ignorant people......

Bette Midler is catching serious backlash for a tweet about black Trump supporters, including receiving jabs from fellow celebrities who are calling her racist.

The actress sent a tweet on Wednesday in which she implied that black attendees of President Trump’s recent 2020 re-election rally were paid by the POTUS’ team to be there.

“Look, there are African American men in this shot! How much did he pay them to be ‘blackground?’” Midler tweeted with an image of the Trump rally.

Despite the star’s social media being rife with comments lambasting the president, the tweet caught immediate negative attention from her 1.7 million followers for its insinuation that the black community can neither think for themselves nor reasonably support Trump.

Among those in Hollywood to turn on Midler for her comments was former “Cheers” star Kirstie Alley, who denounced the tweet as “REAL racism.”

“This is one of the most racist, degrading 'jokes' I've seen on Twitter & that's saying a lot,” the actress tweeted. “We get it Bette, you hate Trump & that's your right but to imply Black men have to be PAID to celebrate their OWN  political views is pure and REAL racism. And "BLACKGROUND"??  WTF??!!”

“Really, Bette? REALLY? @bettemidler You’re this crazy to insinuate black Americans have absolutely no mind or values of their own & would only support their country &  @realdonaldtrump for ‘money’? SMH you probably think they’re all pimps & black women like me are just hoes, too?” wrote artist Joy Villa.

You fit in really well......really shows intelligence, however....I don't hate you, I feel very sorry for you.

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by WebsterMark on 07/27/19 at 05:01:12

3D213C24392C3B2A2526272C490 wrote:
[quote author=4F7D7A6B6C7D6A55796A73180 link=1564138851/0#5 date=1564184180]Every time you incorrectly label someone you really don’t know as a racist, you increase the level of hate. Did that ever occur to you?

I cannot over emphasize my HATE for what your potus is doing to our country

Little reality check in order Thumper....the mean, vicious hate originates from your side. You started from day one with a passionate hatred. As this article correctly points out, Trump is not responsible for creating this division, his election ripped the cover off and exposed the scab you live in.

As far as hating what Trump is done to the country, the economy is doing better than it ever has. That’s a President’s primary job along with protecting the nation’s borders.

Another reality check, look at a blue/red map by county of the 2016 election. That’s how much of the country hates you.

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by thumperclone on 07/27/19 at 05:17:46

you are quoting T rumps' on going lies
the economy has been on a ten year upward trend
check the facts not what the liar in chief tells you

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by thumperclone on 07/27/19 at 10:43:37

Little reality check in order Thumper....

As far as hating what Trump is done to the country, the economy is doing better than it ever has.

webbie the reality is:

1990s 4% growth for 4 years straight
7.2% growth in 1984
2.9% growth in 2018 same as obamas' in 2015
GDP DOWN 1% in the last quarter
121st month of growth, largest expansion in history, most of it under obama

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by Serowbot on 07/27/19 at 11:04:53

If a person denies being a racist,.. does that make them not a racist?...

A very stable genius wants to know.

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by pg on 07/27/19 at 12:15:24

7F697E637B6E63780C0 wrote:
If a person denies being a racist,.. does that make them not a racist?...

A very stable genius wants to know.

Why is identity politics central to all political matters of the left?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by thumperclone on 07/27/19 at 12:20:04

temperament and  moral fiber makes up identity
trump is no better than a sandbox bully

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by Serowbot on 07/27/19 at 12:52:25

3324222E2131430 wrote:
Why is identity politics central to all political matters of the left?

Best regards,

Is it to counter the identity politics of the Right?...

Build that wall, ban those Muslims, closet those gays, jail those blacks,... Send them back!...
Trump has created over 200 derogatory nicknames for specific people.

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by pg on 07/27/19 at 17:51:53

4F594E534B5E53483C0 wrote:
[quote author=3324222E2131430 link=1564138851/0#12 date=1564254924]

Why is identity politics central to all political matters of the left?

Best regards,

Is it to counter the identity politics of the Right?...

Build that wall, ban those Muslims, closet those gays, jail those blacks,... Send them back!...
Trump has created over 200 derogatory nicknames for specific people.

Nice try, but no...  That is BS, you touting the same identity politics long before Trump.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by raydawg on 07/27/19 at 20:48:14

6C7B7D717E6E1C0 wrote:
[quote author=4F594E534B5E53483C0 link=1564138851/0#14 date=1564257145][quote author=3324222E2131430 link=1564138851/0#12 date=1564254924]

Why is identity politics central to all political matters of the left?

Best regards,

Is it to counter the identity politics of the Right?...

Build that wall, ban those Muslims, closet those gays, jail those blacks,... Send them back!...
Trump has created over 200 derogatory nicknames for specific people.

Nice try, but no...  That is BS, you touting the same identity politics long before Trump.

Best regards,[/quote]

Ja....dis is true, goes waaaaay back, even before when Trump was a democrat  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by WebsterMark on 07/28/19 at 04:52:40

3D2B3C21392C213A4E0 wrote:
If a person denies being a racist,.. does that make them not a racist?...

A very stable genius wants to know.

A racist is someone who negatively judges a person based solely to on the color of their skin.

That's not me.  I've hired and promoted plenty of black men and women over the years. My success is based on the success of others and I've been very successful. I would say I give less weight to someone's race than all of the lefties on here. You know, that whole "not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." thing.

I know racist. I encounter them in travels sometimes. I've been in maintenance shops, and its true this is typically (not always however) in the South, where the N word is tossed around and it's assumed everyone feels the same way.

We do not have any racist on this forum.  Sorry to disappoint the leftist on here but that's the reality. Trump is not racist either.

You do a great disservice by labeling anyone you disagree with politically as a racist.

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by raydawg on 07/28/19 at 07:04:37

I learnt that as a wee tot.....The boy who cried wolf....

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by thumperclone on 07/28/19 at 07:46:00

quote:  Trump is not racist either.

then what the hell is he?? :-?

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by Serowbot on 07/28/19 at 08:37:06

If the leaders of UK, Germany, France, and Canada think you're a racist,... you're at least doing a pretty good imitation.
.. but I'll take your word over them any day.
Us lefties just mistake the diarrhea that comes out of Trump's mouth as his actual thoughts.

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/19 at 04:09:47

7F637E667B6E79686764656E0B0 wrote:
quote:  Trump is not racist either.

then what the hell is he?? :-?

Given some of the things you’ve said on here, I’d say he’s a lot like you.

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by Serowbot on 07/29/19 at 08:15:55

Trump's "big tent" politics fits white, under-educated, males like shrink wrap.  ;D

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/19 at 08:24:01

687E69746C79746F1B0 wrote:
Trump's "big tent" politics fits white, under-educated, males like shrink wrap.  ;D

Keep thinking that.

You're increasingly one of the most narrow minded individuals on here.

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by Serowbot on 07/29/19 at 08:42:36

4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 wrote:
[quote author=687E69746C79746F1B0 link=1564138851/15#22 date=1564413355]Trump's "big tent" politics fits white, under-educated, males like shrink wrap.  ;D

Keep thinking that.

You're increasingly one of the most narrow minded individuals on here.

You see yourself as the pot, or the kettle?...

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/19 at 09:17:13

Neither. Compared to you, I'm an open book. I'm way more tolerant.

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by Serowbot on 07/29/19 at 09:51:05

Tolerant of who or what?...
Trump's idiocy and racism?...

In that, you are correct,.. I am increasingly intolerant.
Trump seems to be turning it up to eleven...  
Weaponizing intolerance.
Immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, LGBT,  blacks, women, the poor, ... every day.
Who does he not hate?...
...and you have the gall to call me intolerant?...

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by MnSpring on 07/29/19 at 11:11:41

2036213C24313C27530 wrote:
"... I am increasingly intolerant..."

After listening to just 3 weeks worth of
UL, FDS, talking heads,
(who call themselves the Tucson 'news')
I can certainly understand how you believe,  
Ilhan Abdullahi Omar,
is not raciest !

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by MnSpring on 07/29/19 at 11:13:39

Oh, what happens 4 hours after someone calls 911 in Tucson ?

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by raydawg on 07/29/19 at 11:43:46

4C5A4D50485D504B3F0 wrote:
Tolerant of who or what?...
Trump's idiocy and racism?...

In that, you are correct,.. I am increasingly intolerant.
Trump seems to be turning it up to eleven...  
Weaponizing intolerance.
Immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, LGBT,  blacks, women, the poor, ... every day.
Who does he not hate?...
...and you have the gall to call me intolerant?...

I thought you were going to move......
But that doesn't make you a hypocrite, either.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by WebsterMark on 07/29/19 at 16:12:09

In that, you are correct,.. I am increasingly intolerant.
Trump seems to be turning it up to eleven...  
Weaponizing intolerance.
Immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims, LGBT,  blacks, women, the poor, ... every day.
Who does he not hate?...
...and you have the gall to call me intolerant?...

Yea, you're one intolerant MOFO...... Who do you not hate? Christians, anyone from Alabama, anyone who dares to wonder why the temp isn't like the 'scientist' said it would be, Brett Kavanaugh, and on and on... you're one little ball of hate.

Better deal with your hate now cause when Trump wins again, if you don't, you'll freaking explode.

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by T And T Garage on 07/29/19 at 16:20:24

7660776A72676A71050 wrote:
[quote author=4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 link=1564138851/15#23 date=1564413841][quote author=687E69746C79746F1B0 link=1564138851/15#22 date=1564413355]Trump's "big tent" politics fits white, under-educated, males like shrink wrap.  ;D

Keep thinking that.

You're increasingly one of the most narrow minded individuals on here.

You see yourself as the pot, or the kettle?...[/quote]

LOL - you beat me to the punch on that one Sero!

Title: Re: Doubling down
Post by T And T Garage on 07/29/19 at 16:21:26

7F4D4A5B5C4D5A65495A43280 wrote:
Neither. Compared to you, I'm an open book. I'm way more tolerant.


Yep, another spit-take (I gotta stop drinking coffee when I look at your posts!) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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