General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Now That's Rich!

Message started by T And T Garage on 07/22/19 at 05:24:40

Title: Now That's Rich!
Post by T And T Garage on 07/22/19 at 05:24:40

The orange idiot wants them to apologize???

Hey trump - no one thinks they need to - you look even dumber than usual.

And your little "nazi wannabe" miller isn't convincing anyone either.

'Apologize to America,' Trump tells Democratic congresswomen

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday stepped up his attacks on four Democratic congresswomen who have criticized his policies, calling on them to apologize as he himself faced charges of racism.

"I don't believe the four Congresswomen are capable of loving our Country. They should apologize to America (and Israel) for the horrible (hateful) things they have said," Trump said in a Twitter post.

Trump ignited controversy last weekend when he tweeted that the four lawmakers, who are all women of color, should "go back" to where they came from if they do not like the United States.

Three of the lawmakers - U.S. Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan - were born in the United States. Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota came as a refugee from Somalia and is a naturalized citizen.

The first-term congresswomen, known as "the squad," have been highly critical of Trump and have also challenged their own Democratic leadership. Tlaib and Omar have been outspoken critics of Israel's government.

U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings, the Democratic chairman of the House of Representatives Oversight Committee, denounced Trump's latest attack and said he had "no doubt" that Trump was a racist.

"These are folks and women who love their country and they work very hard and they want to move us towards that more perfect union that our founding fathers talked about," Cummings, who is African-American, said on ABC's "This Week."

"So when you disagree with the president, suddenly you're a bad person. Our allegiance is not to the president. Our allegiance is to the Constitution of the United States of America and to the American people."

Oh, I can't wait for the debates!!!

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by pg on 07/22/19 at 07:08:59

233D32333E233825570 wrote:
And your little "nazi wannabe" miller isn't convincing anyone either.

Well done, you just called a Jew a Nazi!!

Best regards,

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by T And T Garage on 07/22/19 at 09:26:53

283F39353A2A580 wrote:
[quote author=233D32333E233825570 link=1563798280/0#0 date=1563798280]
And your little "nazi wannabe" miller isn't convincing anyone either.

Well done, you just called a Jew a Nazi!!

Best regards,[/quote]

Thanks, I thought so.

If the shoe fits....

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by Serowbot on 07/22/19 at 09:51:57

Top 10 Nazi Collaborators Who Were Jews

Adolf Hitler may have had Jewish and African ancestors, according to a recent DNA study by Belgian researchers.

There were Nazi Jews,... they were traitors to their own people, but they did exist.
Miller has a history of racist tropes. dating back to his college days.

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by pg on 07/22/19 at 12:01:56

More bigotry and anti-Semitism from the left....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by T And T Garage on 07/22/19 at 12:32:06

392E28242B3B490 wrote:
More bigotry and anti-Semitism from the left....

Best regards,

Since when is berating nazis "anti-semitic"?

LOL - wow... just wow.

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by pg on 07/22/19 at 13:01:54

3D232C2D203D263B490 wrote:
[quote author=392E28242B3B490 link=1563798280/0#4 date=1563822116]More bigotry and anti-Semitism from the left....

Best regards,

Since when is berating nazis "anti-semitic"?

LOL - wow... just wow.[/quote]

When you single out a Jew to berate them.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by T And T Garage on 07/22/19 at 13:33:27

5146404C4353210 wrote:
[quote author=3D232C2D203D263B490 link=1563798280/0#5 date=1563823926][quote author=392E28242B3B490 link=1563798280/0#4 date=1563822116]More bigotry and anti-Semitism from the left....

Best regards,

Since when is berating nazis "anti-semitic"?

LOL - wow... just wow.[/quote]

When you single out a Jew to berate them.

Best regards,[/quote]

First of all - see Sero's response.

Second - I specifically said "nazi wannabe".

I've also called trump every name in the book.  Does that make me some kind of (whatever-his-nationality-is) hater?


The actions by miller are nazi-esque.  Go ahead and try to deny that.

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by pg on 07/22/19 at 14:15:04

2D333C3D302D362B590 wrote:
[quote author=5146404C4353210 link=1563798280/0#6 date=1563825714][quote author=3D232C2D203D263B490 link=1563798280/0#5 date=1563823926][quote author=392E28242B3B490 link=1563798280/0#4 date=1563822116]More bigotry and anti-Semitism from the left....

Best regards,

Since when is berating nazis "anti-semitic"?

LOL - wow... just wow.[/quote]

When you single out a Jew to berate them.

Best regards,[/quote]

First of all - see Sero's response.

Second - I specifically said "nazi wannabe".  Can someone call a black person a n'word wannabe?

I've also called trump every name in the book.  Does that make me some kind of (whatever-his-nationality-is) hater?  Means you made an anti-semetic statement.  Do you have something against Jews?


The actions by miller are nazi-esque.    Can someone say Ilhan's actions are Somali-esque?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by T And T Garage on 07/22/19 at 14:50:16

697E78747B6B190 wrote:
[quote author=2D333C3D302D362B590 link=1563798280/0#7 date=1563827607][quote author=5146404C4353210 link=1563798280/0#6 date=1563825714][quote author=3D232C2D203D263B490 link=1563798280/0#5 date=1563823926][quote author=392E28242B3B490 link=1563798280/0#4 date=1563822116]More bigotry and anti-Semitism from the left....

Best regards,

Since when is berating nazis "anti-semitic"?

LOL - wow... just wow.[/quote]

When you single out a Jew to berate them.

Best regards,[/quote]

First of all - see Sero's response.

Second - I specifically said "nazi wannabe".  Can someone call a black person a n'word wannabe?

WTF does that mean?  Not even on the same page there pro golfer...  I think you're looking for something like "calling an African American a kkk wannabe".  In that case - yes.

I've also called trump every name in the book.  Does that make me some kind of (whatever-his-nationality-is) hater?  Means you made an anti-semetic statement.  

How is calling someone a "nazi wannabe" anti semitic?? Do you have something against Jews?
. No, I don't.  Do you?

The actions by miller are nazi-esque.    Can someone say Ilhan's actions are Somali-esque?

No, I'd say her actions are American.  She stood up to the powers that be that asked our Congress to bow to Israel.  She didn't.  You know, the First Amendment and all that.

Best regards,[/quote]

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by pg on 07/22/19 at 17:13:10

362827262B362D30420 wrote:
The actions by miller are nazi-esque.    Can someone say Ilhan's actions are Somali-esque?

No, I'd say her actions are American.  She stood up to the powers that be that asked our Congress to bow to Israel.  She didn't.  You know, the First Amendment and all that.

Why can't one say she is Somali-esque?  Your responce is not good enough.  She speaks about al qaeda with glee and she married her brother.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by T And T Garage on 07/23/19 at 05:27:55

2D3A3C303F2F5D0 wrote:
[quote author=362827262B362D30420 link=1563798280/0#9 date=1563832216]

The actions by miller are nazi-esque.    Can someone say Ilhan's actions are Somali-esque?

No, I'd say her actions are American.  She stood up to the powers that be that asked our Congress to bow to Israel.  She didn't.  You know, the First Amendment and all that.

Why can't one say she is Somali-esque?  Your responce is not good enough.  She speaks about al qaeda with glee and she married her brother.

LMAO - you're an actual victim of fake news pro golfer.  Don't you feel duped? (you should) . Both of those things are false. (but then again, you're a trump supporter, so...)

Best regards,

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by pg on 07/23/19 at 16:39:43

465857565B465D40320 wrote:
[quote author=2D3A3C303F2F5D0 link=1563798280/0#10 date=1563840790][quote author=362827262B362D30420 link=1563798280/0#9 date=1563832216]

The actions by miller are nazi-esque.    Can someone say Ilhan's actions are Somali-esque?

No, I'd say her actions are American.  She stood up to the powers that be that asked our Congress to bow to Israel.  She didn't.  You know, the First Amendment and all that.

Why can't one say she is Somali-esque?  Your responce is not good enough.  She speaks about al qaeda with glee and she married her brother.

LMAO - you're an actual victim of fake news pro golfer.  Don't you feel duped? (you should) . Both of those things are false. (but then again, you're a trump supporter, so...)

Best regards,


Best regards,

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by T And T Garage on 07/23/19 at 17:25:04

3621272B2434460 wrote:

Best regards,

LOL - wow!!  Astounding!!!  Not.

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by Eegore on 07/24/19 at 07:43:25

 Judicial Watch has a very low accuracy record.  The overwhelming majority of their lawsuits are dismissed.

 I for one have looked into a few of the "findings" that claim an item is "public record available for anyone to get and verify" only to find that is not true for any of those items.

 This is the group that claimed public tax money was used on a billboard of Trump as a Nazi which was easily confirmed false in less than a day.  


Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by Serowbot on 07/24/19 at 08:32:22

"Judicial Watch is an American conservative activist group " - wiki

A partisan judicial watch group.  ::)

Title: Re: Now That's Rich!
Post by pg on 07/24/19 at 15:30:00

382E39243C29243F4B0 wrote:
"Judicial Watch is an American conservative activist group " - wiki

A partisan judicial watch group.  ::)

Why is partisan so important all of a sudden?

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