General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> You want more socialism......?

Message started by raydawg on 07/10/19 at 07:32:26

Title: You want more socialism......?
Post by raydawg on 07/10/19 at 07:32:26

Maybe you should look more at promoting Jesus.....not removing HIS influences of the life he led while walking in the flesh upon this planet.....

NOT upon the men and women who have used its message to their own benefit.....

We saw how Jesus confronted such with upturning their tables of commerce for profits for folks desiring to find a higher spiritual awareness, a healthier way to mind and does medicine, hopefully.  

We saw how he dealt with the Sadducee's and Pharisees, religious leaders and politicians of their day.

Ya might wanna think about it.....????  :-/

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by Serowbot on 07/10/19 at 08:30:46

You want more Jesus?...
Maybe you should look into socialism...

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by T And T Garage on 07/10/19 at 09:11:49

What about the Jews?  

What about the Muslims?  

What about the Hindus?

What about the Pastafarians?

What about the Atheists?

Etc., etc.

I agree with Sero - you should look into socialism.

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by MnSpring on 07/10/19 at 09:27:17

2432253820353823570 wrote:
You want more Jesus?...
Maybe you should look into socialism...

Is this, what people should believe in/do ?
Just a tiny handful of the beliefs,
the Socialists have on ‘religion’.
Quote’s taken from many source’s.

“…quote from Karl Marx translates as: "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people”….”

“… or no religion whatever, i.e., to be an atheist, which every socialist is…”

“…we now know what religion is, in what kind of mental environment it originally arose and to what kind of intellectual attitudes its alleged ‘truths’ appealed…”

“…(can finally destroy religion). Only the coming of a classless society can do that…”

“…Religion is at all times and places the product of fear and ignorance…”

“…the idea of ‘god’, though due essentially to social and not to intellectual causes, is also a logical absurdity from the purely intellectual standpoint…”

“…Religion is one of the forms of spiritual oppression which everywhere weighs down heavily upon the masses of the people…”

“…Religion is opium for the people. Religion is a sort of spiritual booze…”

And several HUNDRED MORE !!!!!

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by T And T Garage on 07/10/19 at 09:53:08

496A5774766D6A63040 wrote:
[quote author=2432253820353823570 link=1562769146/0#1 date=1562772646]You want more Jesus?...
Maybe you should look into socialism...

Is this, what people should believe in/do ?
Just a tiny handful of the beliefs,
the Socialists have on ‘religion’.
Quote’s taken from many source’s.

“…quote from Karl Marx translates as: "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people”….”

“… or no religion whatever, i.e., to be an atheist, which every socialist is…”

“…we now know what religion is, in what kind of mental environment it originally arose and to what kind of intellectual attitudes its alleged ‘truths’ appealed…”

“…(can finally destroy religion). Only the coming of a classless society can do that…”

“…Religion is at all times and places the product of fear and ignorance…”

“…the idea of ‘god’, though due essentially to social and not to intellectual causes, is also a logical absurdity from the purely intellectual standpoint…”

“…Religion is one of the forms of spiritual oppression which everywhere weighs down heavily upon the masses of the people…”

“…Religion is opium for the people. Religion is a sort of spiritual booze…”

And several HUNDRED MORE !!!!!


Besides your total destruction of grammar, I pretty much agree with most of those posts.

While I respect religion and most of those who are religious, there's truth in many of those quotes.

I've gone through the Catholic adult education, becoming a member of the Church -  I've gone through the Presbyterian adult education and become a member of that Church - and I was raised Lutheran.

The only commonality I see is hypocrisy from most of its members.  The clergy I interacted with were great people.  I learned a lot from them and they were what drew me to their churches in the first place.

But the followers were, for the most part, hypocrites.  It's funny how my spiritual journey led me to become agnostic.

So... yeah - good quotes mn.

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by Serowbot on 07/10/19 at 09:58:14

I agree with those quotes.

..but it's DaWg that made the inference to Jesus' socialistic predilection.

You should direct your post to him.

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by MnSpring on 07/10/19 at 10:50:39

6A747B7A776A716C1E0 wrote:
The only commonality I see is hypocrisy from most of its members.
But the followers were, for the most part, hypocrites.

So the people that believe in a Deity/Religion, are hypocrites.
According to you, because you, believe, in not believing.

Gee, someone is a hypocrite, because they do not, believe,

And you believe in Socialism.
Got it.

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Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by Serowbot on 07/10/19 at 10:59:21

7D5E634042595E57300 wrote:
So the people that believe in a Deity/Religion, are hypocrites.
According to you, because you, believe, in not believing.

Gee, someone is a hypocrite, because they do not, believe,

The point is, most of Jesus teachings are socialist,.. so to believe in him and be against his teachings is hypocritical.

Would Jesus be putting children in cages?...
... or grabbing women by the "pu**y"?...

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by T And T Garage on 07/10/19 at 11:01:50

2C0F321113080F06610 wrote:
[quote author=6A747B7A776A716C1E0 link=1562769146/0#4 date=1562777588]
The only commonality I see is hypocrisy from most of its members.
But the followers were, for the most part, hypocrites.

So the people that believe in a Deity/Religion, are hypocrites.
According to you, because you, believe, in not believing.

My beliefs don't enter into it - that in and of itself would hypocritical.  What I'm saying is that the majority of the church members I interacted with were hypocritical in their actions.  One perfect example is where after church, Boy Scouts would sell Sunday Papers at the bottom of the church steps.  On more than one occasion, I saw a guy come out of church, pick up a paper from the stack and then toss a bunch of loose change near the Scouts.  They had to scramble to pick it up.  He never said so much as a "hello" to anyone.  Further, far too often, when I'd interact with the people from my church, I found many of them to be liars, adulterers, heavy drinkers and very racist.

Gee, someone is a hypocrite, because they do not, believe,

And you believe in Socialism.
Got it.

I believe in a mixed socialist form of government.  Sad news for you, it's pretty much what we have today.

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;D ;D


Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by pg on 07/10/19 at 14:50:59

5046514C54414C57230 wrote:

The point is, most of Jesus teachings are socialist,.. so to believe in him and be against his teachings is hypocritical.

Wow do you really believe that?  Really?  Jesus does not teach socialism.  He said to give to the poor, not have a government take it from you and disseminate it as they see fit.

Best regards,

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/10/19 at 15:00:01

Socialism is like that old movie Logan's Run. People walk towards what they think is paradise but instead, it's death. We have a slew of people thinking they are walking towards something golden, but its not.

Invoke Jesus all you want. Reformed humanity probably has socialistic tendencies. However, Jesus was very clear there are levels in heaven. Everyone is not equal. However, because of the reformed nature of humanity, there is no jealousy like is displayed by leftist today.

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by T And T Garage on 07/10/19 at 15:14:13

586A6D7C7B6A7D426E7D640F0 wrote:
Socialism is like that old movie Logan's Run. People walk towards what they think is paradise but instead, it's death. We have a slew of people thinking they are walking towards something golden, but its not.

Invoke Jesus all you want. Reformed humanity probably has socialistic tendencies. However, Jesus was very clear there are levels in heaven. Everyone is not equal. However, because of the reformed nature of humanity, there is no jealousy like is displayed by leftist today.

"Jealousy"?  How's that?  Jealous of what?

Heavenly levels?  How do you get to the top, 15% of your earnings?  LOL

You get out what you put into this life.  If you only work for the afterlife, then this life means nothing.  Change the here and now for the better.  Not because you "have to" to get to heaven, but because you want to for the good of your fellow man.

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by T And T Garage on 07/10/19 at 15:21:13

2235333F3020520 wrote:
[quote author=5046514C54414C57230 link=1562769146/0#7 date=1562781561]

The point is, most of Jesus teachings are socialist,.. so to believe in him and be against his teachings is hypocritical.

Wow do you really believe that?  Really?  Jesus does not teach socialism.  He said to give to the poor, not have a government take it from you and disseminate it as they see fit.

Best regards,[/quote]

So, you take in poor people?  You give your time to the poor?  
(Before you ask, I recently started to donate every month to St. Judes, I give some to the Salvation Army and help out with Toys for Tots and The Greater Chicago Food Dep.)

But as things progress, the way I see it, I'll give to the government (taxes) to have them help the poor.  I "hire" my reps to do that for me.

Where's the harm in that?  You don't think Jesus would approve?

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by Serowbot on 07/10/19 at 15:24:24

162423323524330C20332A410 wrote:
Invoke Jesus all you want. Reformed humanity probably has socialistic tendencies. However, Jesus was very clear there are levels in heaven. Everyone is not equal. However, because of the reformed nature of humanity, there is no jealousy like is displayed by leftist today.

I think you're thinking of Dante's levels in hell.
I know of no levels in heaven.

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by MnSpring on 07/10/19 at 15:48:34

7A6C7B667E6B667D090 wrote:
Would Jesus be putting children in cages?

Na, but Clinton and Obama did !

(This Drive by brought to you by ...)

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by philthymike on 07/10/19 at 15:54:29


Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by pg on 07/10/19 at 16:03:07

223C33323F223924560 wrote:
So, you take in poor people?  You give your time to the poor?  

But as things progress, the way I see it, I'll give to the government (taxes) to have them help the poor.  I "hire" my reps to do that for me.

Where's the harm in that?  You don't think Jesus would approve?

What do I do on a humanitarian level?  I rescue homeless animals and try to find them permenent homes.  Their is no telling how must I spent at the vet as well as for food this year.   I do the best I can do to find them a home and if I can't I keep them.  

Regarding if Jesus would approve, if you are doing the right things for the right reasons absolutely, if it is a government mandate no.

Best regards,

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by T And T Garage on 07/10/19 at 16:11:49

2E393F333C2C5E0 wrote:
[quote author=223C33323F223924560 link=1562769146/0#12 date=1562797273]
So, you take in poor people?  You give your time to the poor?  

But as things progress, the way I see it, I'll give to the government (taxes) to have them help the poor.  I "hire" my reps to do that for me.

Where's the harm in that?  You don't think Jesus would approve?

What do I do on a humanitarian level?  I rescue homeless animals and try to find them permenent homes.  Their is no telling how must I spent at the vet as well as for food this year.   I do the best I can do to find them a home and if I can't I keep them.  

That's great - good on you!

Regarding if Jesus would approve, if you are doing the right things for the right reasons absolutely, if it is a government mandate no.

What difference does it make where the aid comes from?  If he were here today, you think Jesus would say "no" to the government helping the less fortunate?

Given the sheer wealth that this country has, it's preposterous that so many go without food, shelter or healthcare.

Jesus would be the first one to go to Wallstreet and "overturn the money changer's tables".

Best regards,

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by raydawg on 07/10/19 at 16:29:55

I think folks are missing the point......

Maybe too, unless moved by the spirit, you look at thing through the eyes of fallen man.

Wasn't the New Testament all about laws, how'd that work out?

Make laws, and enforce laws, even if well intended, empowers the matter what you call it, monarchy, dictator, socialism, communism, democracy.....

Toot your own horns, as worthy...... because you say, do, something that you think justifies you.....

That is the problem with mankind.  

The gate is narrow, very narrow.

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by T And T Garage on 07/10/19 at 16:40:11

4E5D45585D4B5B3C0 wrote:
I think folks are missing the point......

Maybe too, unless moved by the spirit, you look at thing through the eyes of fallen man.

Wasn't the New Testament all about laws, how'd that work out?

Make laws, and enforce laws, even if well intended, empowers the matter what you call it, monarchy, dictator, socialism, communism, democracy.....

Toot your own horns, as worthy...... because you say, do, something that you think justifies you.....

That is the problem with mankind.  

The gate is narrow, very narrow.

What the hell does that even mean?

Everything I do, justifies me.

Everything you do, justifies you.

We are who we are.

As far as the laws thing... you lost me there.  You want no laws, or just Bible laws?


Yet you talk about AOC's panties.....

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/10/19 at 19:44:12

7563746971646972060 wrote:
[quote author=162423323524330C20332A410 link=1562769146/0#10 date=1562796001]Invoke Jesus all you want. Reformed humanity probably has socialistic tendencies. However, Jesus was very clear there are levels in heaven. Everyone is not equal. However, because of the reformed nature of humanity, there is no jealousy like is displayed by leftist today.

I think you're thinking of Dante's levels in hell.
I know of no levels in heaven.


The concept of levels is mentioned several times.

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by raydawg on 07/11/19 at 07:31:12

The Bible speaks of only one eternal home for believers in which all of God's people will ultimately dwell with Him forever. However, there has been much confusion on this topic due to a passage in 2 Corinthians 12 in which Paul speaks of a third heaven. What did he mean by this?

Although stated in an anonymous fashion (v. 2), it appears clear that Paul spoke of himself when discussing his vision of the third heaven. In it, he made reference to the cultural idea that included three levels of "heaven." The first level referred to the sky. In fact, the Greek and Hebrew words for heaven and sky are the same. The second level referred to the night skies or what we would call outer space. The third heaven referred to the unseen heaven where God dwells with His people.

In addition to this passage, many people have been confused about levels of heaven because of the popular writing by Dante called the Divine Comedy. In it, he describes nine levels of heaven with details regarding each level. This writing, though creative, is a work of fiction and is not to be accepted as the teachings of the Bible.

Further, many other religious movements speak of multiple levels of heaven or the afterlife. Both Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormon Church have concepts of the afterlife that include more than one level of what would be considered heaven. However, these concepts are not traditional biblical interpretations but rather interpretations unique to these movements.

For example, Jehovah's Witnesses believe there is a special group of 144,000 people will be in the highest level of "heaven" or "paradise" with Jehovah and that other faithful followers will exist in a different heavenly afterlife on earth based on Revelation 7. However, this view inaccurately treats the 144,000 as a group of faithful Jehovah's Witnesses rather than 144,000 Jewish evangelists who share the gospel of Jesus in the last days.

In the Mormon Church, there are three levels of the afterlife called the celestial kingdom, the terrestrial kingdom, and the telestial kingdom. Mormon doctrine teaches that the celestial kingdom is the third heaven mentioned in 2 Corinthians 12, is reached by the most faithful Mormons and children who die before the age of 8 years old, and is where both God the Father and Jesus Christ dwell (considered two Persons in Mormon teachings).

While there are many views of heaven and the afterlife found in cultural and religious teachings, the Bible presents only two places in the afterlife—heaven and hell—and does not teach multiple levels of heaven. All of God's people will dwell in God's presence forever.


Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/11/19 at 15:14:29

and does not teach multiple levels of heaven.

I'm throwing the yellow BS flag....   Yes it does.

The Parable of the Talents for one, but plenty of others.

But it's important that regardless of a hierarchy, there's no jealousy.

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by T And T Garage on 07/11/19 at 15:18:45

Jesus Christ......

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/11/19 at 16:02:47

Much like the left demanding equal pay for unequal market value with the woman's soccer debate, I don't expect you to actually ponder the issue particularly closely. However, nonetheless, its a valid and well evolved theological topic.

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by Serowbot on 07/11/19 at 16:08:03

The Women's World Cup final brought in higher ratings than the men's yet they were paid a fraction of what the men made.
Their jersey is selling more than any other jersey in history.

They don't have an equal pay for equal work claim,.. they have a superior work claim.

By your values, you should be supporting them.

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/12/19 at 06:41:26

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
The Women's World Cup final brought in higher ratings than the men's yet they were paid a fraction of what the men made.
Their jersey is selling more than any other jersey in history.

They don't have an equal pay for equal work claim,.. they have a superior work claim.

By your values, you should be supporting them.

Yea, I'm calling BS on all that. The US mens team wasn't in the World Cup final for one thing. And no, its not the best selling jersey in history. That's patently ridiculous.  It's the best selling Nike soccer jersey.

Look, I'm glad we won but to say they deserve the same as other leagues is likewise patently ridiculous. The woman's world cup is said to have generated 130 million in revenue. The last men's world cup generated 6 billion. That's billion with a B.  Please tell me you guys are so far gone that the simplest of logical conclusions is unable to penetrate the PC cocoon you've wrapped yourself in. Please.

And by the way, the annoying one, the female soccer version of Kapernick, is going to make a fortune off endorsements (an extra amount because she's gay) while a couple of her 'lesser' teammates will make considerable less off the endorsements they'll get. Is she planning on demanding equal pay by either refusing all offers or taking less so it's spread around? Doubt it.

Title: Re: You want more socialism......?
Post by raydawg on 07/12/19 at 07:26:27

Key to any sustainable life, here now, or later.......

But it's important that regardless of a hierarchy, there's no jealousy.

Now, is that even possible under socialism? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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