General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> fun new finds

Message started by LuckyLuna on 06/30/19 at 09:32:19

Title: fun new finds
Post by LuckyLuna on 06/30/19 at 09:32:19

Ok, so while trying to diagnose my whine/whistle noise I decided to take off the muffler to see if the noise remained if I took off the muffler from the head pipe. While doing that I figured why not just drain the oil and check the cam chain tensioner. It was at 13.85 from the markings on the picture (hopefully that works).

now the bike as less the 4k miles on it. (im starting to think maybe thats shenanigans). and I might as well replace this piece since I got this thing open.

I've read that 20mm is where you want to really draw the line on these things, but should I ride out some more or just replace now. Getting to it wasnt as difficult as I thought it was going to be, so redoing it isnt going to just kill me.

Also does anyone have any tips for getting the muffler off the head pipe? I removed the clamp bolt (wow was that rusted), but boy is that muffler stuck on there.

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by verslagen1 on 06/30/19 at 09:43:48

You can double the miles before you have to do the tensioner.

Breaking the muffler off, the easiest way I've found is laying it on a couple of wood blocks and step on it, flip it over and do it again, and again and again.  till it's loose then pull it apart.

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by LuckyLuna on 06/30/19 at 09:47:16

Thanks. Did I measure at the correct spots? I've been reading but it was never really explained well where the points where.

Also, do you still make the mods for that? (when my time comes)

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/30/19 at 09:50:52

The header is double walled
The chrome part is pretty thin.
IDK how hard it is to dent, but I would certainly have it in the yard on a blanket,, a friend, something..
I wish I had thought about a 2 by 4,,,

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by LuckyLuna on 06/30/19 at 11:51:27

Ok, got it mostly back together, ran it without the muffler on, didnt hear the whining noise, (but darn is it loud). Also Im pretty sure the backfire woke everyone in the neighborhood.

Next plan is to reinstall the muffler and see if the noise comes back.

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by Serowbot on 06/30/19 at 12:52:59

I think the chain tensioner starts out at 11 or 12mm, so 14mm ain't nuttin'...

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by LuckyLuna on 06/30/19 at 15:30:02

Put the muffler back on and the noise came back. So something is going on in the muffler.

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/30/19 at 15:42:22

How loud is the whistle?
Subtle, but discernible
As loud as the exhaust sound?
How many miles did you get on it before it started?
Mine didn't whistle until I had around three thousand miles on it.

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by LuckyLuna on 06/30/19 at 15:56:59

Its noticable, especially if the bike is next to another car or if it drives past. Even my neighbor commented something doesnt sound right. Ive got just under 4k and it just started about 50miles ago.  If I let off the gas it tends to go away. But once i rollthe throttle its back.

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by twhitus on 06/30/19 at 20:33:19

does it sound like the vw bug exhaust chirp?
mine did that a little when i got it brand new and it was the plate at the very end of the muffler leaking around the edge.  ive seen vids on youtube of other ls650's doing the same thing.

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by LuckyLuna on 07/01/19 at 03:53:57

Any cheap fix? Could you silicon the seal or is the temps too hot?

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/01/19 at 04:15:42

Dyna muffler ,

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by Dave on 07/01/19 at 05:22:13

7E4751594B7E475C53320 wrote:
Even my neighbor commented something doesnt spund right.

He doesnt spund right......either! :-?

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by LuckyLuna on 07/01/19 at 07:48:41

Typing in cell phone.

Title: Re: fun new finds
Post by Dave on 07/01/19 at 08:30:27

536A7C7466536A717E1F0 wrote:
Typing in cell phone.

Always a chance there for a typo as the buttons are so tiny.....and the screen is so small you likely can't read it before you hit "post"!

Cutting and Pasting on my phone is always a technical challenge for me. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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