General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Fascism

Message started by pg on 06/30/19 at 04:33:58

Title: Fascism
Post by pg on 06/30/19 at 04:33:58

Where is the fascism?  I don’t see any….  I do not dispute right wing ideologies and  racism exist; however, that is not fascism.  In short Wikipedia defines fascism as:

Fascism (/[ch712]fæ[ch643][ch618]z[ch601]m/) is a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

Where is the dictatorial power, forcible suppression?  Just because Trump is a nationalist, does not mean he implements fascism.  No, people who are citizens of foreign countries do not have rights here.      
Please make an honest effort to address the premise if this thread.

Again, where is the fascism?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Serowbot on 06/30/19 at 10:57:08

Why take the time, just so you can deny it.

Trump has made the rich richer with tax cuts, hired his own family, broken emolument laws, used executive and emergency powers rather than work with Congress, hired staff on foreign enemy payrolls, keeping acting positions to avoid Senate confirmations and investigations, ignored security clearances, tried to fire his own investigators, and tried shut down investigations into himself and his staff and family.  
He runs a hotel right near the White House that caters to foreign dignitaries for God's sake.
Don't you see any of these actions as consolidating power?
Fascism is the consolidating of power.  

I'll leave the rest to someone with more time to waste. :-/

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by philthymike on 06/30/19 at 11:02:15

I would add that fascism isn't the sole province of the right wing. History offers many fine examples of leftist fascism.
The above definition is flawed. Fascism isn't in my mind constrained to any particular political persuasion, it's universal to any mouth foaming fanatics.

The mention of 20th century Europe clearly indicates the author of that definition is of the revisionist historians trying to distance Nazism from leftist socialism it actually was.

Beware revisionist history. Those who rewrite the past are guilty of wanting to relive it all over again.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Serowbot on 06/30/19 at 11:37:08

The definition of fascism has broadened over time to basically apply to someone in power that you don't like.

Socialism too,... seeing as any action taken by a government that applies to all citizens is a social action.

Communism is any action taken as group for the benefit of the community.

It's all just labels...
We still know what right and wrong are deep down.  
Ask any 4 year old.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by philthymike on 06/30/19 at 11:55:19

Honestly I sometimes wonder if anyone born after the end of the Cold War actually knows the difference between right and wrong good or evil. They weren't raised with the constant threat of mutually assured destruction and never had to contemplate such a fate. They haven't really learnt to appreciate life and all that is good about it because they didn't have the looming specter of an evil that cold and calculating enough to end all life on the planet.

Obviously nobody should ever have had to grow up with such circumstances as that. But I think it had a unifying effect on people you don't see anywhere nowadays. It's very weird to think of anything good coming out of the Cold War but looking at today's new species of humanity it makes me wonder....

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Eegore on 06/30/19 at 12:20:23

 I think the issue is the "enemy" changes and a lot of people expect kids to behave like they did when they were young in what should be considered a completely foreign environment given rapid technological and societal change.

 Kids in school today are not concerned about Russia or North Korea dropping nukes as much as they are about someone shooting up their school, or being assaulted by a family member, or being publicly humiliated in Social Media like Revenge P orn.

 Kids perception of threat is different because the enemy is different and society is different.  One generation feared plague, one feared famine, one feared economic collapse, one feared military invasion, one feared nukes, one feared AIDS, etc. etc.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by philthymike on 06/30/19 at 12:33:26

Ironically plague and famine may return with a vengeance thanks to overpopulation.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Serowbot on 06/30/19 at 12:47:05

Hey, all you kids out there,...


Title: Re: Fascism
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/30/19 at 13:16:27

Yeah, and the grown men, too.
I see guys who are actually holding a war of the waist of their jeans, holding them up, so they can walk and not have them just fall down.

Seems like the
I'm so COOL I don't tie my high tops
Fad finally died..

I definitely, most intentionally, stood on a guy's laces in Odessa years ago. He didn't go down, but he looked like he was almost ready to fight. I just shrugged and said, Ohhh, I didn't notice your shoes aren't tied..
He walked away, and the clerk and I had a good laugh...
I'd do it again.
Why do people want to wear pants that fall off or shoes not tied? That's nothing but aggravating..

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by MnSpring on 06/30/19 at 14:36:50

These descriptions,
sound JUST like what,
AOC, BS, CU, and the rest of the UL FDS Socialists preach.

dictatorial power,
forcible suppression of opposition,
strong regimentation of society and of the economy.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by philthymike on 06/30/19 at 16:07:48

Just look at any of the liberal universities and you'll see all of the above in full effect.

And don't even get me started on campus speech codes...

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by pg on 06/30/19 at 18:30:47

4056415C44515C47330 wrote:
The definition of fascism has broadened over time to basically apply to someone in power that you don't like.

This is part of the point I was trying to make, we don't live in anything that resembles fascism.  The left and Antifa use the term very loosely to justify their harressment, intimidation, and assult on their political opponents.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by philthymike on 06/30/19 at 19:13:41

In their infinite wisdom Antifa has announced that all Heavy Metal is racist and Nazi.  ::)
So I guess all of the non-white metal bands are also nazi racists?
And what a shame to learn Christian Metal is Nazi racists too.

Black Legion, KKK, Antifa. All the same in my mind. Wearing masks like cowards and committing acts of violence and terrorism only discredits whatever cause you think you're fighting for. Assuming of course violence in and of itself isn't the entire motivation to begin with.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Eegore on 06/30/19 at 19:40:15

 Well to be fair "Antifa" is not an organized group.  This is a situation where one Antifa group said something.

 Kind of like saying one church is anti heavy metal so every church in the country is.

 Either way unless they show up in my area I could care less what they say.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by philthymike on 06/30/19 at 19:48:19

It says this on their website. Google it.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Eegore on 06/30/19 at 20:43:19

 Antifa isn't an official organization.  What Antifa website are you seeing?

 I googled "Antifa Website" and got several matches.  Do you consider Torch to be the "Official Antifa"?  There are several Antifa groups.  No website represents them all, just like one church website doesn't represent all churches.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Eegore on 07/02/19 at 16:21:43

 Does anyone know if Antifa has an official central organization?

 Is there an official website for Antifa in the US?

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/02/19 at 16:24:29

4E6E6C64796E0B0 wrote:
 Does anyone know if Antifa has an official central organization?

 Is there an official website for Antifa in the US?

I don't believe so.  It's an ideology, not an official organization.

The Antifa movement has been around for decades.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by pg on 07/02/19 at 19:02:36

150B040508150E13610 wrote:
I don't believe so.  It's an ideology, not an official organization.

Then how come these Marxist clowns always know when and where to show up?  They don't have a headquarters, but they are organized.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Eegore on 07/02/19 at 19:42:43

"Then how come these Marxist clowns always know when and where to show up?"

 Internet and cellphones.  Pretty much every public event is online in some way or another.


Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/02/19 at 21:06:34

2C3B3D313E2E5C0 wrote:
[quote author=150B040508150E13610 link=1561894439/15#17 date=1562109869]

I don't believe so.  It's an ideology, not an official organization.

Then how come these Marxist clowns always know when and where to show up?  They don't have a headquarters, but they are organized.

Best regards,[/quote]

The same way the idiot white nationalists gathered in Charlottesville.  If those idiots can, then anyone can.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by pg on 07/03/19 at 03:54:10

372926272A372C31430 wrote:
[quote author=2C3B3D313E2E5C0 link=1561894439/15#18 date=1562119356][quote author=150B040508150E13610 link=1561894439/15#17 date=1562109869]

I don't believe so.  It's an ideology, not an official organization.

Then how come these Marxist clowns always know when and where to show up?  They don't have a headquarters, but they are organized.

Best regards,[/quote]

The same way the idiot white nationalists gathered in Charlottesville.  If those idiots can, then anyone can.

I thought you didn't like "whataboutisms"......  I suppose only when it supports your narrative.  I'm not the one who supports Antifa, their tactics, and their values.  Their is no fascism in this country and Bot even said "The definition of fascism has broadened over time to basically apply to someone in power that you don't like."  These people harrass, intimidate, and assult their political opponents.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by WebsterMark on 07/03/19 at 05:24:46

AntiFa is a fascist, anti-American organization rapidly closing in as an acceptable subgroup of the modern Leftist Democratic Party. They will continue unless strong willed politicians on the Left take measures against them using police force. (The mayor of Portland is a disgrace.)They are made up of mostly white, surburban raised males and resemble European soccer holligans more than anything else. Or perhaps closer would be Brad Pitt's character and The Army of the 12 Monkeys.

A Leftist Mob Attacked Me in Portland
WSJ ^ | July 2, 2019 7:22 pm ET | Andy Ngo
Posted on 7/3/2019, 6:25:50 AM by Freeport

Portland, Ore.

‘No hate! No fear!” chanted the left-wing crowd as they marched downtown Saturday. I walked to the front of the line to record the protesters with my new GoPro camera when I was suddenly slammed on the back of my head with something hard. Dazed and still hearing faint chants of “no hate,” I was then punched and kicked by perhaps a dozen masked people in black. At an Antifa event meant to resist “fascist violence,” I—a gay journalist of color—was beaten so badly that I was hospitalized for a brain hemorrhage.

Since last year, I have been targeted by Antifa and its allies for my critical coverage of their violent extremism. I’ve reported those incidents to the Portland Police Bureau, and in some cases I’ve identified suspects, but there were no arrests. The mainstream media describe Antifa as “antifascist,” but in fact it is a far-left paramilitary-style movement of anarchists and communists agitating for a revolution.

Antifa is known for wearing black and concealing faces with masks to commit crimes under the protection of group anonymity. The Homeland Security Department has described some of Antifa’s activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” but Portland recently voted to withdraw from the Joint Terrorism Task Force, citing concerns the Federal Bureau of Investigation targeted left-wing activists.

On June 29, Antifa organized a milkshake-themed counterprotest against two small right-wing groups. The event was inspired by the new practice—a British import—of throwing milkshakes on conservative or right-wing figures.’s Carlos Maza encouraged such assaults in a May tweet: “Milkshake them all. Humiliate them at every turn. Make them dread public organizing.”

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/03/19 at 05:56:01

5641474B4454260 wrote:
[quote author=372926272A372C31430 link=1561894439/15#20 date=1562126794][quote author=2C3B3D313E2E5C0 link=1561894439/15#18 date=1562119356][quote author=150B040508150E13610 link=1561894439/15#17 date=1562109869]

I don't believe so.  It's an ideology, not an official organization.

Then how come these Marxist clowns always know when and where to show up?  They don't have a headquarters, but they are organized.

Best regards,[/quote]

The same way the idiot white nationalists gathered in Charlottesville.  If those idiots can, then anyone can.

I thought you didn't like "whataboutisms"......  

What I posted wasn't a "whataboutism" it was a comparison of how groups gather.  You asked how and I used the moronic white supremacists as an example.  Are you offended that I called them idiots?

I suppose only when it supports your narrative.  I'm not the one who supports Antifa, their tactics, and their values.  

Well pro golfer, I'm not sure how many times I have to say this, but - I don't support the violence that accompanies some of their protests, but I support the message of ant-fascism.  Are you clear on that?

Their is no fascism in this country and Bot even said "The definition of fascism has broadened over time to basically apply to someone in power that you don't like."  These people harrass, intimidate, and assult their political opponents.  

Oh, I think there's plenty of fascism in this country.  There's plenty to be concerned about.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Eegore on 07/03/19 at 05:56:33

 I grew up next to an elderly Jewish couple and for years twice a month one of my family drove them downtown to an Antifa meeting and their group never once committed an act of violence that I am aware of.

 Antifa has been around for a while, but is not in its entirety violent.

 Its easy to reference violent Antifa activities these days as it has a strong social media culture, and as such will expand as long as people complain instead of getting involved.

 My issue is that Antifa has too many varying degrees of activity in too many geographical areas to, in my mind, meet the definition of a nationally organized group.  There is no national board/council/leadership etc. instead they spread and organize in the same way dating apps, Uber and similar entities work.

As this thread indicates, anyone claiming Antifa involvement can say anything and it is reliably trusted since there is no single national source to verify.  Literally anyone could post "Antifa is going to the moon" and there is no governing body to verify that with.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/03/19 at 06:02:57

7C4E49585F4E59664A59402B0 wrote:
AntiFa is a fascist, anti-American organization rapidly closing in as an acceptable subgroup of the modern Leftist Democratic Party.

Well mark, that's a lie.  Show me one democratic public official that condones the kind of violence we've seen lately from these people that label themselves atifa and commit these acts of violence.

You won't find any.

They will continue unless strong willed politicians on the Left take measures against them using police force. (The mayor of Portland is a disgrace.)They are made up of mostly white, surburban raised males and resemble European soccer holligans more than anything else. Or perhaps closer would be Brad Pitt's character and The Army of the 12 Monkeys.

A Leftist Mob Attacked Me in Portland
WSJ ^ | July 2, 2019 7:22 pm ET | Andy Ngo
Posted on 7/3/2019, 6:25:50 AM by Freeport

Portland, Ore.

‘No hate! No fear!” chanted the left-wing crowd as they marched downtown Saturday. I walked to the front of the line to record the protesters with my new GoPro camera when I was suddenly slammed on the back of my head with something hard. Dazed and still hearing faint chants of “no hate,” I was then punched and kicked by perhaps a dozen masked people in black. At an Antifa event meant to resist “fascist violence,” I—a gay journalist of color—was beaten so badly that I was hospitalized for a brain hemorrhage.

Since last year, I have been targeted by Antifa and its allies for my critical coverage of their violent extremism. I’ve reported those incidents to the Portland Police Bureau, and in some cases I’ve identified suspects, but there were no arrests. The mainstream media describe Antifa as “antifascist,” but in fact it is a far-left paramilitary-style movement of anarchists and communists agitating for a revolution.

Antifa is known for wearing black and concealing faces with masks to commit crimes under the protection of group anonymity. The Homeland Security Department has described some of Antifa’s activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” but Portland recently voted to withdraw from the Joint Terrorism Task Force, citing concerns the Federal Bureau of Investigation targeted left-wing activists.

On June 29, Antifa organized a milkshake-themed counterprotest against two small right-wing groups. The event was inspired by the new practice—a British import—of throwing milkshakes on conservative or right-wing figures.’s Carlos Maza encouraged such assaults in a May tweet: “Milkshake them all. Humiliate them at every turn. Make them dread public organizing.”

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by WebsterMark on 07/03/19 at 06:53:22

They are turning into your brown shirts. Your happiness at tactics such ad milkshakes and chasing families out of restaurants is growing. This is on you.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/03/19 at 07:55:54

516364757263744B67746D060 wrote:
They are turning into your brown shirts. Your happiness at tactics such ad milkshakes and chasing families out of restaurants is growing. This is on you.

Again, show me one democrat that condones these outbursts of antifa violence.

Also, show me where I express happiness about this abuse.

Lastly, you're right, this is indeed on me.  As it is on you and everyone else.

I don't deny the violence in far too many confrontations between antifa identified people and groups like the proud boys.  Far too many on the right simply point at the people in masks calling themselves antifa and ignore that the far right is equally, and in many cases, far more violent.

To say it's only one-sided is ignorant.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by WebsterMark on 07/03/19 at 08:22:21

The silence of the MSM and a few half hearted comments from leading Democrats reveals whose side they're on.

When Trump condemned white nationalist, you and others lied saying he did not. The whole "fine people on both sides" lie. Even the leading Presidential Candidate Biden repeated this lie in his announcement with no objections.

No, your attempts to plant the seed of moral equivalency are not valid. Think at the outrage directed towards one young teenage boy's smile towards an activist Indian beating a drum compared to the muted responses  to violent attacks which were frankly a natural consequence to your demand for public confrontations. I recall you were thrilled with the idea of milkshake attacks.

You will find yourself in one of these crowds, perhaps sooner rather than later. At that point, you'll confront the leftist socialist's natural pull towards force to impose your views and punishment towards those who resist.

Tell me, would you join a crowd in a restaurant chanting until Ted Cruz and his wife left? Would you stand outside Tucker Carlson's house shouting profanity at anyone inside?

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Serowbot on 07/03/19 at 08:49:41

350700111607102F031009620 wrote:
When Trump condemned white nationalist, you and others lied saying he did not. The whole "fine people on both sides" lie. Even the leading Presidential Candidate Biden repeated this lie in his announcement with no objections.  

Trump back pedaled the next day, after public outrage, ... but he did say it.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Eegore on 07/03/19 at 09:57:40

"When Trump condemned white nationalist, you and others lied saying he did not. The whole "fine people on both sides" lie. Even the leading Presidential Candidate Biden repeated this lie in his announcement with no objections."

 Unless I missed it Trump did not say "fine people on both sides":


"But we're closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Va.. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America. What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. No citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society. And no child should ever be afraid to go outside and play or be with their parents and have a good time."

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by MnSpring on 07/03/19 at 11:40:24

White skinned people, that cover their faces,
BEAT People UP, who have a Skin Color, and Sexual Preference that is different from theirs, with no provocation all while chanting, ‘no hate’.

Are called What, (By tt)   ?
“…the moronic white supremacists …”

Yet when, Antifa does the SAME THING,
The Antifa loving tt says NOTHING,
to condemn them at the same rate and veracity as he does, KKK, Nazi’s.
Nothing even close to the same.

In fact tt has said several times he supports Antifa’s ideals, (less the violence)
Hello !!!!!  Antifa’s ideals, ARE VIOLENCE. Today !!!!!

To Quote WM’s words:
“…your attempts to plant the seed of moral equivalency are not valid. Think at the outrage directed towards one young teenage boy's smile towards an activist Indian beating a drum compared to the muted responses  to violent attacks which were frankly a natural consequence to your demand for public confrontations. I recall you were thrilled with the idea of milkshake attacks….”

So tt, in the 1-5% of the UL Left, (Just like Antifa)
says one thing,
yet, SUPPORTS another.

Gee, what is that, “H” word ?

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/03/19 at 12:23:49

7E4C4B5A5D4C5B64485B42290 wrote:
The silence of the MSM and a few half hearted comments from leading Democrats reveals whose side they're on.

When Trump condemned white nationalist, you and others lied saying he did not. The whole "fine people on both sides" lie. Even the leading Presidential Candidate Biden repeated this lie in his announcement with no objections.

See Sero's response - it took him nearly a day to realize how stupid his statement was.

No, your attempts to plant the seed of moral equivalency are not valid.

They're actually quite valid.  The racist, white extremist crowd has far more actual blood on its hands than the left.

Think at the outrage directed towards one young teenage boy's smile towards an activist Indian beating a drum compared to the muted responses  to violent attacks which were frankly a natural consequence to your demand for public confrontations. I recall you were thrilled with the idea of milkshake attacks.

Where was I "thrilled" at that?  Please cite the example.

You will find yourself in one of these crowds, perhaps sooner rather than later. At that point, you'll confront the leftist socialist's natural pull towards force to impose your views and punishment towards those who resist.

BS - no, I won't.  Again, you don't know me - maybe stop trying to make this personal every single time mark.

Tell me, would you join a crowd in a restaurant chanting until Ted Cruz and his wife left? Would you stand outside Tucker Carlson's house shouting profanity at anyone inside?

No.  Would you join a group of protestors outside an abortion clinic?

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/03/19 at 12:30:27

18383A322F385D0 wrote:
"When Trump condemned white nationalist, you and others lied saying he did not. The whole "fine people on both sides" lie. Even the leading Presidential Candidate Biden repeated this lie in his announcement with no objections."

 Unless I missed it Trump did not say "fine people on both sides":


"But we're closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Va.. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. This has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America. What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. No citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society. And no child should ever be afraid to go outside and play or be with their parents and have a good time."

Actually Eegore, this is the response in question:

On Aug. 15, 2017, President Donald Trump held a press conference to discuss an executive order he had signed on infrastructure permitting. Reporters shortly began asking questions about Trump’s initial response to violent protests in Charlottesville, Va. It was at this press conference that Trump said that "you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/03/19 at 12:32:19

193A0724263D3A33540 wrote:

White skinned people, that cover their faces,
BEAT People UP, who have a Skin Color, and Sexual Preference that is different from theirs, with no provocation all while chanting, ‘no hate’.

Are called What, (By tt)   ?
“…the moronic white supremacists …”

Yet when, Antifa does the SAME THING,
The Antifa loving tt says NOTHING,
to condemn them at the same rate and veracity as he does, KKK, Nazi’s.
Nothing even close to the same.

In fact tt has said several times he supports Antifa’s ideals, (less the violence)
Hello !!!!!  Antifa’s ideals, ARE VIOLENCE. Today !!!!!

To Quote WM’s words:
“…your attempts to plant the seed of moral equivalency are not valid. Think at the outrage directed towards one young teenage boy's smile towards an activist Indian beating a drum compared to the muted responses  to violent attacks which were frankly a natural consequence to your demand for public confrontations. I recall you were thrilled with the idea of milkshake attacks….”

So tt, in the 1-5% of the UL Left, (Just like Antifa)
says one thing,
yet, SUPPORTS another.

Gee, what is that, “H” word ?

That "H" word you're looking for is "Hilarious" - just like your posts!   ;D

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by pg on 07/03/19 at 17:39:54

706E61606D706B76040 wrote:
[quote author=5641474B4454260 link=1561894439/15#21 date=1562151250][quote author=372926272A372C31430 link=1561894439/15#20 date=1562126794][quote author=2C3B3D313E2E5C0 link=1561894439/15#18 date=1562119356][quote author=150B040508150E13610 link=1561894439/15#17 date=1562109869]

I don't believe so.  It's an ideology, not an official organization.

Then how come these Marxist clowns always know when and where to show up?  They don't have a headquarters, but they are organized.

Best regards,[/quote]

The same way the idiot white nationalists gathered in Charlottesville.  If those idiots can, then anyone can.

I thought you didn't like "whataboutisms"......  

What I posted wasn't a "whataboutism" it was a comparison of how groups gather.  You asked how and I used the moronic white supremacists as an example.  Are you offended that I called them idiots?

In no uncertain terms that was a "whataboutism", nice try but no.

I suppose only when it supports your narrative.  I'm not the one who supports Antifa, their tactics, and their values.  

Well pro golfer, I'm not sure how many times I have to say this, but - I don't support the violence that accompanies some of their protests, but I support the message of ant-fascism.  Are you clear on that?

T And T Garage wrote on 04/05/19 at 08:46:16:
Oh, I'm sorry pro golfer - let me spell it out for you - short of violence, I condone calling out fascism.  Intimidation, protest, and any other means within the bounds of legal activities are fine by me.

Their is no fascism in this country and Bot even said "The definition of fascism has broadened over time to basically apply to someone in power that you don't like."  These people harass, intimidate, and assault their political opponents.  

Oh, I think there's plenty of fascism in this country.  There's plenty to be concerned about.

Please site some examples.

Best regards,

Best regards,

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by WebsterMark on 07/04/19 at 05:07:00

Someone else can do the search but as I recalled, our friend TT felt chasing Cruz and his wife out of a restaurant was great. I recall a comment about milkshakes another time.

Point is, leftists like TT don't take kindly to anyone who can't grasp their imagined superior intellect. The popular line of thinking is the often repeated "dog whistle" phrase which is their idea Trump tells a joke and minons (including Russians) act out.

As we've seen however, "innocent" chasing people out of public places, chanting in front of their houses, quickly turns into the violence of the Democratic party's brown shirt brigade. Fact is, I've heard very little hard line condemnation against what happened to the reporter in Portland and I expect more of TT's mask friends to show up in other liberally dominated cities.

As the 2020 campaign moves along and as the eventual Democratic candidate falters, unless the leftist leaders step up and demand strict enforcement against their Brown Shirts, its going to get worse.

It won't end well for someone, that's for sure. Most Trump supporters don't wear hats, bumper stickers or yard signs because we know that's an invitation for an attack, but one of your rich little little suburban antifa kid takes a swipe at the wrong Trump bubba, and someone's not gonna wake up. That's as sure as the sun rising. Likewise as sure is how our friends here who seem to have a difficult time with proper moral comparisons will spin this into yet another imagined Trump dog whistle order to attack.

However, despite all this leftist crap, remember two things. 1) we've dealt with worse and survived. 2) Its the 4th of July which is cause to salute the most outstanding nation the world has ever witnessed. (Despite what a recent NY Times article said) We are a great country and have influenced the world for the better. Have a little pride today.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/05/19 at 09:46:45

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
Someone else can do the search but as I recalled, our friend TT felt chasing Cruz and his wife out of a restaurant was great. I recall a comment about milkshakes another time.

No, once again, you're wrong.  I said that it was in poor taste to chase out cruz and I never condoned anything with milkshakes.  You only wish I did.  You, for some reason, need to make this personal.  It's pretty sad mark.

Point is, leftists like TT don't take kindly to anyone who can't grasp their imagined superior intellect. The popular line of thinking is the often repeated "dog whistle" phrase which is their idea Trump tells a joke and minons (including Russians) act out.

The fact is mark, most of my posts are simply pointing out the massive hypocrisy of the right.  It doesn't take much intellect to simply repost the truth.  However, I can see where it may bother you that I highlight the fact that far too many on this forum seem to posses a less than firm grip on reality.  That, and the common lack of any grammar skills.   :D

As we've seen however, "innocent" chasing people out of public places, chanting in front of their houses, quickly turns into the violence of the Democratic party's brown shirt brigade. Fact is, I've heard very little hard line condemnation against what happened to the reporter in Portland and I expect more of TT's mask friends to show up in other liberally dominated cities.

Well mark, you haven't been paying attention.  I've condemned that type of behaviour.  The message of antifa is not one of violence, but the condemnation of fascism.  I never condone violence.  Period.

As the 2020 campaign moves along and as the eventual Democratic candidate falters, unless the leftist leaders step up and demand strict enforcement against their Brown Shirts, its going to get worse.

It won't end well for someone, that's for sure. Most Trump supporters don't wear hats, bumper stickers or yard signs because we know that's an invitation for an attack, but one of your rich little little suburban antifa kid takes a swipe at the wrong Trump bubba, and someone's not gonna wake up. That's as sure as the sun rising. Likewise as sure is how our friends here who seem to have a difficult time with proper moral comparisons will spin this into yet another imagined Trump dog whistle order to attack.

LOL... that's funny.  You condone killing someone.  Good for you.

However, despite all this leftist crap, remember two things. 1) we've dealt with worse and survived. 2) Its the 4th of July which is cause to salute the most outstanding nation the world has ever witnessed. (Despite what a recent NY Times article said) We are a great country and have influenced the world for the better. Have a little pride today.

I have plenty of pride - as do all my democratic friends.  What we also have is disgust for a "president" who is a traitor and draft-dodger that wants to put on a show for himself.

How you and your cohorts can continue to stand by and condone this kind of behavior is beyond lunacy.

One last thing mark - how about you stop making all your posts personal against me?  Keep your eye on what's really going on for once.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by WebsterMark on 07/05/19 at 10:44:09

Search your own post.....

You ignore the monumental sized hypocrisy that is the Left the first of which is calling themselves  American to begin with. That's debatable.....

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by WebsterMark on 07/05/19 at 10:48:53

Keep your eye on what's really going on for once.

You mean like an outstanding economy? Outstanding optimism in the business community? Wage growth? Great unemployment numbers? Lower taxes? Sure, I'll keep my eyes on that.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by WebsterMark on 07/05/19 at 11:06:51

One last thing mark - how about you stop making all your posts personal against me?

And speaking for myself (others can answer for themselves) the attention directed your way is proportional to the unanswered question if you're really as ignorant as you portray yourself. I see and talk to dozens of people every week (when I'm not laid up with a concussion anyway!) from all walks of life and in all income levels. Everyone talks politics and religion at dinner. No one is as obtuse to the reality of the world around them as you are.

You're a curiosity. You're a rabbit tossed to young wolves who banter it around trying to figure out what the hell this strange little thing is.

So I'll keep smacking you with my paws and tossing you in the air until I get bored. Then I'll eat you and crap out ypur remains.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Serowbot on 07/05/19 at 11:21:25

It's funny how in all your world travels, meeting all kinds of people, you never bump in to the 60% of Americans and 90% of the world that thinks Trump is a total idiot.
This has even included some former Trump staffers.
You must admit, your circles are very selective.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Eegore on 07/05/19 at 12:15:41

"Actually Eegore, this is the response in question:"

 Yeah I thought I was missing something there.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Eegore on 07/05/19 at 12:22:45

"And speaking for myself (others can answer for themselves) the attention directed your way is proportional to the unanswered question if you're really as ignorant as you portray yourself. I see and talk to dozens of people every week (when I'm not laid up with a concussion anyway!) from all walks of life and in all income levels. Everyone talks politics and religion at dinner. No one is as obtuse to the reality of the world around them as you are. "

 A ton of people have similar viewpoints as TT in my experience.  

 For instance people continually ignore that he states very clearly Antifa is anti-fascist and can do so without violence, yet people continually relate violent Antifa actions to the non-violent concept TT supports.  He doesn't support violent Antifa, just as it could be safe to assume Ray doesn't support abortion clinic bombings with staff inside.  

 As with a number of issues discussed here only selected phrases, articles, data etc. are used and not posts in their entirety.  When "the media" does it it's Fake News, but if we do it that's all good.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/05/19 at 12:46:01

427077666170675874677E150 wrote:
Keep your eye on what's really going on for once.

You mean like an outstanding economy? Outstanding optimism in the business community? Wage growth? Great unemployment numbers? Lower taxes? Sure, I'll keep my eyes on that.

Funny, even though our economy is indeed doing good, trump's numbers are in the toilet.

Keep your eye on that.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/05/19 at 12:46:45

1F2D2A3B3C2D3A05293A23480 wrote:
Search your own post.....

You ignore the monumental sized hypocrisy that is the Left the first of which is calling themselves  American to begin with. That's debatable.....

Yeah, a right winger talking to me about hypocrisy - that's rich!

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/05/19 at 12:49:47

4B797E6F68796E517D6E771C0 wrote:
One last thing mark - how about you stop making all your posts personal against me?

And speaking for myself (others can answer for themselves) the attention directed your way is proportional to the unanswered question if you're really as ignorant as you portray yourself. I see and talk to dozens of people every week (when I'm not laid up with a concussion anyway!) from all walks of life and in all income levels. Everyone talks politics and religion at dinner. No one is as obtuse to the reality of the world around them as you are.

You're a curiosity. You're a rabbit tossed to young wolves who banter it around trying to figure out what the hell this strange little thing is.

So I'll keep smacking you with my paws and tossing you in the air until I get bored. Then I'll eat you and crap out ypur remains.

Yeah, and I'm the one that's made this forum what it is.  You're funny.  Take a look in the mirror mark.

You're exactly what's wrong with conservatism today and you're kind is why trump will lose.  You're an ignorant hypocrite.  Wallow in it.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by MnSpring on 07/05/19 at 13:53:46

5A444B4A475A415C2E0 wrote:
 You're an ignorant hypocrite.

WOW WM, Congregations !
You are in the, "Revised tt name calling club".
Or the 2nd edition of the, "tt name calling club"

Keep in mind however, this is the tt 'revised,' tt name calling club.
The first one, before tt 'revised it', and tt called everybody that was not Lock Step, a name, is really not that special.

This, 'revised name calling club', of tt's,
it is special !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by MnSpring on 07/05/19 at 14:23:26

5C424D4C415C475A280 wrote:
 You condone killing someone.  Good for you.

What kind of totally over the top, Spin do you apply ???

Someone says, what they believe could happen:
"... rich little little suburban antifa kid takes a swipe at the wrong Trump bubba..."
And You, Tell Them they, "...condone killing someone...".

WOW tt, You really went OVER THE TOP,
on that Spin !!!!!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D
;D ;D

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/05/19 at 14:39:11

10330E2D2F34333A5D0 wrote:
[quote author=5C424D4C415C475A280 link=1561894439/30#37 date=1562345205]  You condone killing someone.  Good for you.

What kind of totally over the top, Spin do you apply ???

Someone says, what they believe could happen:
"... rich little little suburban antifa kid takes a swipe at the wrong Trump bubba..."
And You, Tell Them they, "...condone killing someone...".

WOW tt, You really went OVER THE TOP,
on that Spin !!!!!!!!

Well mn, you tell me.  "It won't end well for someone, that's for sure. Most Trump supporters don't wear hats, bumper stickers or yard signs because we know that's an invitation for an attack, but one of your rich little little suburban antifa kid takes a swipe at the wrong Trump bubba, and someone's not gonna wake up. That's as sure as the sun rising. "

So, what does "not gonna wake up" mean - a coma??  No, anyone with a functioning brain knows what he meant.  He's condoning some snowflake bubba who can't take it - killing someone.  Pathetic.


Title: Re: Fascism
Post by MnSpring on 07/05/19 at 14:53:08

504E41404D504B56240 wrote:
 He's condoning ... ...killing someone.  

Again, because someone is offering a opinion of what could happen.
YOU say: He's condoning  killing someone.

That is some, 'special' kind of Spin ya got.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Serowbot on 07/05/19 at 16:11:20

Is "taking a dirt nap",... just sleeping on the ground?... ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/05/19 at 16:14:06

6744795A5843444D2A0 wrote:
[quote author=504E41404D504B56240 link=1561894439/45#49 date=1562362751] He's condoning ... ...killing someone.  

Again, because someone is offering a opinion of what could happen.
YOU say: He's condoning  killing someone.

That is some, 'special' kind of Spin ya got.


Only you would think that "not wake up" is somehow spun to indicate death.

He's not condemning it, he's condoning it.

No spin, just truth - like I always post.

(oh, you forgot your smileys.)

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/05/19 at 16:14:39

4B5D4A574F5A574C380 wrote:
Is "taking a dirt nap",... just sleeping on the ground?... ;D ;D ;D

According to mn it is - but only when a righty posts it.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by MnSpring on 07/05/19 at 16:26:30

796768696479627F0D0 wrote:
 He's not condemning it, he's condoning it.

LOLOLOLOLOLO  YOU Just don't get it.
(Totally expected from someone who has no comprehension skills)

Let's see, if YOU said,
"Their is a Antifa gathering tomorrow, and if someone crosses them, they will get violent"
Than I can say:
"YOU, Condone Antifa's Violence"

And Just for tt because tt asked for them !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D
;D ;D

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/05/19 at 16:31:47

2C0F321113080F06610 wrote:
[quote author=796768696479627F0D0 link=1561894439/45#52 date=1562368446]  He's not condemning it, he's condoning it.

LOLOLOLOLOLO  YOU Just don't get it.
(Totally expected from someone who has no comprehension skills)

Let's see, if YOU said,
"Their is a Antifa gathering tomorrow, and if someone crosses them, they will get violent"

LMAO - well mn, I wouldn't say that.  You wanna know why?  Because, unlike you, I know how to use the words "there", "their" and "they're" properly.

Than I can say: - (I think you mean "then", not "than") . LMAO
"YOU, Condone Antifa's Violence"

And Just for tt because tt asked for them !

Nice try, but no.


Title: Re: Fascism
Post by WebsterMark on 07/06/19 at 04:33:59

1107100D15000D16620 wrote:
It's funny how in all your world travels, meeting all kinds of people, you never bump in to the 60% of Americans and 90% of the world that thinks Trump is a total idiot.
This has even included some former Trump staffers.
You must admit, your circles are very selective.

Much like the 97% of scientists on global warming repeated statistic, your numbers don't hold up. But keep thinking that anout the 60% and 90%.

The people I deal with are manufacturing plant managers, plant engineers, saftey managers and business owners. The common thread for my contacts is they all have responsibilities for a tremendous number of people and millions in equipment and revenue. To borrow a phrase from Rush Limbaugh, they all live in Realsville. Talking a good game gets you nothing. Produce or you're off to some other line of work.

None of these people are stupid enough to think it's legitimate a 17 Brett Kavanaugh ran parties all summers were girls were repeatedly raped. None of these people think a throwaway attemp at humor by Trump about Hilary's emails was a secret signal to the Russians to hack them. No one with a brain believes any warm, living body with a D by their name could beat Trump in 2020. That's just scratching the surface of the mind numbing stupidity I've read on here.

People who live in Realsville fully understand Trump's success and failures. The leftist on here are so infected with TDS, common sense has been drained out of them.

Like I said, some of you people on here (and our friend TT in particular) are  curiosities. I rarely run into in them in the real world. I see you on here, on TV and youtube clips, but not in the real world where I interact with actual living people. I suspect if you're out with the people like I deal with, you instinctively know your ignorance and stupidity would not be tolerated and rather than look like a fool, you shut up.

I like my young wolf/rabbit analogy. You're fun to play with as I try to figure out what the hell this little thing is.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by WebsterMark on 07/06/19 at 04:58:41

Eegore wrote: A ton of people have similar viewpoints as TT in my experience.

I don't know who you interact with in the real world but that's not my experience. People I deal with professionally aren't monumentally isolated from reality. Are you telling me you'd risk millions of dollars and the potential health and well being of thousands after sitting down with a decision maker who expressed thoughts about your project that are clearly not grounded in reality along the same vain as our friend TT expresses about the right half of the American electorate while remaining clearly blind about the other half? That's like betting your savings on your school's chances every year in the NCAA because, ...."State's the best! Go State!".

Look Eegore, you work really hard at maintaining the appearance of objectivity and basing your stance on issues from nothing more than the facts from numbers and science. But the reality is we all make most of our decisions based on the accumulation of the emotions we've developed in our lives and we justify those decisions afterwards with selective facts. That doesn't mean the decision is wrong. Time is what reveals the truth and the timeline for that can be painfully long.

You're no different than anyone else.

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by T And T Garage on 07/06/19 at 08:07:36

4B797E6F68796E517D6E771C0 wrote:
Eegore wrote: A ton of people have similar viewpoints as TT in my experience.

I don't know who you interact with in the real world but that's not my experience. People I deal with professionally aren't monumentally isolated from reality. Are you telling me you'd risk millions of dollars and the potential health and well being of thousands after sitting down with a decision maker who expressed thoughts about your project that are clearly not grounded in reality along the same vain as our friend TT expresses about the right half of the American electorate while remaining clearly blind about the other half? That's like betting your savings on your school's chances every year in the NCAA because, ...."State's the best! Go State!".

Look Eegore, you work really hard at maintaining the appearance of objectivity and basing your stance on issues from nothing more than the facts from numbers and science. But the reality is we all make most of our decisions based on the accumulation of the emotions we've developed in our lives and we justify those decisions afterwards with selective facts. That doesn't mean the decision is wrong. Time is what reveals the truth and the timeline for that can be painfully long.

You're no different than anyone else.

Denial looks good on you mark.  LOL

Title: Re: Fascism
Post by Eegore on 07/06/19 at 19:18:22

"Are you telling me you'd risk millions of dollars and the potential health and well being of thousands after sitting down with a decision maker who expressed thoughts about your project that are clearly not grounded in reality along the same vain as our friend TT expresses about the right half of the American electorate while remaining clearly blind about the other half?"

 No.  What I meant to  convey is that a number of people I interact with, professionally, I do not interact with people in an exclusively social manner, have similar viewpoints as TT.  Similar meaning close to, shared or sharing of like-minded concepts but not identical, exact, verbatim or hive-mind.

 "But the reality is we all make most of our decisions based on the accumulation of the emotions we've developed in our lives and we justify those decisions afterwards with selective facts."

 I feel that is incorrect.  A tremendous amount of study regarding high-functioning sociopaths would indicate that not "all" humans are capable of utilizing emotion as the primary psychological tool for decision making.  I know a number of people capable of using facts to make a decision instead of searching for facts to enforce what they want them to be.

 "You're no different than anyone else."

 I do not claim to be, but I can say that it is not all that foreign of a concept where I come from to make decisions based off the circumstances of the known environment and not off the perceived environment within the human mind.  I can't imagine being upset, or happy about anything Trump would ever say, or anyone for that matter.  I've heard the concept called Actions Speak Louder Than Words. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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