General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Polish MP invites AOC

Message started by pg on 06/21/19 at 03:23:53

Title: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by pg on 06/21/19 at 03:23:53

Dominik Tarczy[ch324]ski, a member of the Polish Sejm (parliament), wrote to Ocasio-Cortez on Wednesday.   his communication, Tarczy[ch324]ski writes:

“I write to you out of distress in having learned of your recent statements regarding concentration camps...

... This is why when someone cheapens the history, or uses it for political point-scoring, we become agitated and upset.”

Best regards,

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/19 at 07:06:21

As usual, only American concentration camps have people climbing fences and traipsing across deserts to get IN them.

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by Eegore on 06/21/19 at 07:31:50

"As usual, only American concentration camps have people climbing fences and traipsing across deserts to get IN them."

 That's what I was thinking.

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by raydawg on 06/21/19 at 09:06:52

302F292E33340535053D2F23685A0 wrote:
As usual, only American concentration camps have people climbing fences and traipsing across deserts to get IN them.


Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/19 at 09:56:30

Trump Administration to Migrant Kids: No Soap for You!

Trump's DOJ argues that children don't need soap, tooth brushes, or blankets, and can sleep on bare concrete floors.
How close to Auschwitz do you want to get?.

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by raydawg on 06/21/19 at 10:19:31

Oh.....and they don't give them sodas too!

Fact, that stuff rots the brains capacity to reason, as evidenced here by many on this site  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/19 at 10:25:47

Sure, laugh at intentional inhumane treatment of children.
... and what will your next sermon be about?... :-?

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by Eegore on 06/21/19 at 10:33:50

"Trump's DOJ argues that children don't need soap, tooth brushes, or blankets, and can sleep on bare concrete floors."

 I saw it more of a situation where they argue law doesn't specifically state those items in writing.  A legal loophole for sure, but not even close to concentration camp level atrocity.

 I recommend watching the video of the exchange though.


Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by MnSpring on 06/21/19 at 10:37:50

5640574A52474A51250 wrote:
How close to Auschwitz do you want to get?.

Was never their, have read history !

I believe first, you have to register them.
Take away their rights.
Brand them with a yellow star.
Round them up, at gun point,
(because you have taken away theirs)
STUFF them on a cattle car train.
Take them to a, 'concentration Camp'.
Then strip them, (keeping the good looking women to F later)
Then take the strong to work slave labor.
Then take the week to be KILLED.

Once that is done, one could say the US was,
'close to Auschwitz',
In the mean time.

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/19 at 10:38:52

Like I said,.. How close to Auschwitz do you want to get?.

Are we okay with treating children like this?.
Is this MAGA?...

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by Eegore on 06/21/19 at 10:48:18

"Sure, laugh at intentional inhumane treatment of children.
... and what will your next sermon be about?"

 What I gather is it doesn't count if there's an element of humor to it.

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by raydawg on 06/21/19 at 11:06:46

7050525A4750350 wrote:
"Sure, laugh at intentional inhumane treatment of children.
... and what will your next sermon be about?"

 What I gather is it doesn't count if there's an element of humor to it.

Goodness....that folder you have on me must be filling up fast..... ;D ;D ;D

So, these parents of these children are guilty of taking and subjecting them to inhumane treatment, freely, not forced, that is key here, .....goodness.  :o

Oh, you say they are trying to escape such a life and better them, OK....
Have you ever thought to donate to these charities that help people, families, etc, around the world who are subject to such conditions?

I can provide you with a list, if you need one.

That way they can hopefully stay in their native land, I am sure they would rather be able to do that, lot less trauma on those kids, yes?

Look how many homeless in California who live in worse conditions, and you are doing what?

Look kiddies, if ya going to play with the BIG boys, come prepared.

Anyway, folks who live in a hell hole desert must be crazy, just like anybody who votes for Trump, must be a idiot....  ;D ;D ;D

Friday guys.....have fun, I gotta go get stuff done, you all enjoy your time sharing misery....PEACE, LOVE, and VIVA LA JOY  :-*

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by Eegore on 06/21/19 at 11:48:19

"Have you ever thought to donate to these charities that help people, families, etc, around the world who are subject to such conditions?"

 Yes.  Last year I donated 57% of my annual income to charity.  As always a redacted breakdown of my tax records is available.

 I have just last month provided funding to a media group designed to more accurately inform Honduran citizens of the process on the US border.  A huge issue there is the propaganda among transportation services that inform displaced or poor families that the US has open easy borders and a welfare system designed to assist asylum families.

 This system needs to be countered with truthful information, but it comes with high risk.

"I can provide you with a list, if you need one."

 That would be helpful.

"Look how many homeless in California who live in worse conditions, and you are doing what?"

 I was homeless in California, I have posted about this on these forums before.  I contribute and attend annually to two homeless groups.  One is currently attempting to change the perception among lawmakers that funding pre-homeless is actually a more efficient use of funds.

"Look kiddies, if ya going to play with the BIG boys, come prepared."

 What does this mean?    

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by verslagen1 on 06/21/19 at 14:37:06

Didn't the Dem's deny funding for humanitarian needs for the BC?

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by MnSpring on 06/21/19 at 15:22:36

5640574A52474A51250 wrote:
Like I said,.. How close to Auschwitz do you want to get?.

Gosh, from a person that said:
"...His son just died of cancer,... don't be a prick... ..."

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/19 at 18:06:46

Last year I donated 57% of my annual income to charity.

You're a solid good human being.

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by Eegore on 06/21/19 at 20:18:34

 Thanks.  It was a better year, sometimes its much lower.

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by raydawg on 06/22/19 at 08:24:31

6545474F5245200 wrote:
 What does this mean?    

It means I better put my weenie back in me britches before I hurt myself.... ;)

You are very generous, no make that, EXTREMELY generous!

I still have money taken out monthly from my Boeing pension ( it use to come directly out of my paycheck ) to a variety of charities, pooling the money with other employees and a certain percentage match by Boeing itself.    

I started donating to this, years ago, you prolly heard of it, wish I could give them as much of my income as you do, their organization is amazing!

About welfare assistance to folks prior to going homeless, as being a better way to address this.....I AGREE, and actually years ago brought this up with a US Senator in her home (I was doing plumbing). I asked her why we didn't have a "bridge income" with assistance still provided on a sliding scale until they can get their skills and income up to a sustainable level. I told her I believe MOST folks want to be productive, that it fosters self worth which is so extremely important to a healthy mindset, etc.....

She said it was a good idea.

Never heard another word from her about it.

I also mentioned how the goverment could use small contractors to train trades people. I told her how when I first started up my contracting business, it was hard to be able to expand, hire people to train, because it cost money before they reach a level of competence that starts to generate income for my business, not to mention how the goverment adds further financial burdens to that as well with business, tax, etc, requirements.

That if they could provide tax breaks, and even financial assistance to apprentices/trainees, as well as to the business providing the training, the end results would be a growing and tax revenue producing business, and tradespeople who can now live a sustainable life, even starting their OWN business, and keep this program going to greater societal benefits, etc....

That got repeated replies, but I believe it got nixed because of unions.....feeling like it would steal their opportunities in this manner.

I did homeless outreach for years, once a month.....
I learned lots, the stories were very enlightening, but it just got to risky as the drug culture became more prevalent.

I still believe we have organized crime involved in this now, making money off of selling drugs, which has pushed the downtrodden into the same "boat" but they are not, they want to work, etc, but are caught up in a very dysfunctional goverment approach to this problem....sad.  

NOTE: Please put this reply in my GOOD folder  ;D    

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by T And T Garage on 06/24/19 at 12:42:04

6F4F4D45584F2A0 wrote:
"Trump's DOJ argues that children don't need soap, tooth brushes, or blankets, and can sleep on bare concrete floors."

 I saw it more of a situation where they argue law doesn't specifically state those items in writing.  A legal loophole for sure, but not even close to concentration camp level atrocity.

 I recommend watching the video of the exchange though.


Would you argue that there is a difference between concentration camps and extermination camps?

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by pg on 06/24/19 at 15:30:15

On coming to power during 1933 the Nazis began to establish a network of camps. These were initially concentration camps due to the fact that they were used to concentrate enemies  of the state in one place.  These people included communists, socialists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, Roma, and so called ‘asocials’.

However, after March 1938, when the Germans annexed Austria into German territory, many thousands of German Jews were arrested and detained in Dachau, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen concentration camps.

Extermination camps sole purpose was murder. They were set up near railway lines to make transportation of the victims easy. As they were purely killing centres, there were no selections. The victims were sent directly to the gas chambers.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by Serowbot on 06/24/19 at 16:24:12

6B7C7A7679691B0 wrote:
 These people included communists, socialists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, Roma, and so called ‘asocials’.

...and Hitler was a socialist,... right?.
Did he lock himself up?

We just put the Hitler was a socialist myth to bed... Thank you ;D

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by pg on 06/24/19 at 19:00:39

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
[quote author=6B7C7A7679691B0 link=1561112633/15#19 date=1561415415] These people included communists, socialists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, Roma, and so called ‘asocials’.

...and Hitler was a socialist,... right?.
Did he lock himself up?

We just put the Hitler was a socialist myth to bed... Thank you ;D[/quote]

The reason why the Germany was socialist is due to the fact it was not a capitalist economy, which is contrary to what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed.

There was no private ownership of the means of production under the Nazis and that the actual substance of ownership resided in the German government.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by philthymike on 06/25/19 at 16:19:58

I like that he took pains to educate the airhead. It sad how many young people hell bent on socialism think the Nazis were a right-wing political ideology. They aren't taught in school anymore what Nazi actually meant. So now we have an entire generation who think socialism is all unicorns and fairy godmothers and Pokemons. But really it's Hitler, Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, that nutjob in Venezuela and the lunatic in North Korea. Kids need to watch 1984 and Brazil and read Brave New World and be made to understand that it's their socialist future they're watching. The Cultural Revolution Reenactment needs to be stopped before it starts. Before this AOC clown starts it up for real.

Title: Re: Polish MP invites AOC
Post by philthymike on 06/25/19 at 16:26:11

4B5D4A574F5A574C380 wrote:
[quote author=6B7C7A7679691B0 link=1561112633/15#19 date=1561415415] These people included communists, socialists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, Roma, and so called ‘asocials’.

...and Hitler was a socialist,... right?.
Did he lock himself up?

We just put the Hitler was a socialist myth to bed... Thank you ;D[/quote]
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