General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> 27 of them.......

Message started by raydawg on 06/20/19 at 08:01:27

Title: 27 of them.......
Post by raydawg on 06/20/19 at 08:01:27

Problems, how do you face them?  :-/

Do you look to blame?

Do they disrupt your life so much, they consume you, taking away any moment of joy?

Do you place the resolution to them, at directing the actions of others, to meet your desired outcome, then get resentful and cast further blame, and cause, for your problems on others, when your desired outcome is not achieved ?

Is the present situation working, are you finding satisfaction with it?

I know life throws new hurdles at me daily, some I just want to throw up my hands and say FRUCK IT.......

Many times in my life I have, that was what booze allowed me to do, it justified my drinking....yeah, dumb and stupid.

Presently full time retirement is calling me BIG TIME, as I try and fulfill a obligation ( morally, not contractual ) to assisting my old friends/employer to train new hires in the building/service industry....
And it has been very frustrating with the caliber of people I have to teach....

THEY JUST DON'T THINK.........simple stuff, common sense, they don't appear to listen, and a excuse is always their first response, ARG!

Plumbing done wrong has the capacity to make folks really sick, especially in the medical, clinical, commercial, application....
And you can NOT rely on others, like inspectors, etc, to cover your butt!

Trying to keep it at only 3 days a week, of work, which was our agreement, is getting nudged, hoping to convince me to do more.....
And I guess exposing my underbelly to feeling I am the cause and need to do more......, with guilt playing the devils advocate.

Anyway, with just a really bad 3 days just logged, I wanted to try and bolster my own understanding into how I am dealing with this situation.....
Without blaming others, etc....

Came across this list of 27 observations about dealing with problems., thought I would share it.....
You want to pick a favorite?   :)

I really like #8, with #12 close to my heart ( I know, which creates more problems...LOL! )

1. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein

2. “Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.” – Robert H. Shuller

3. “All problems become smaller when you confront them instead of dodging them.” – William F. Halsey

4. “Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.” – James Baldwin

5. “Sometimes problems don’t require a solution to solve them; Instead they require maturity to outgrow them.” – Steve Maraboli

6. “Every problem is a gift. Without them we wouldn’t grow” – Tony Robbins

7. “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” – Soren Kierkegaard

8. “If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?” – Shantideva

9. “It isn’t that they cannot find the solution. It is that they cannot see the problem.” – G.K Chesterton

10. “Problems are nothing but wake-up calls for creativity” – Gerhard Gschwandtner

11. “We fail more often because we solve the wrong problem than because we get the wrong solution to the right problem.” – Russell L. Ackoff

12. “A positive attitude may not solve your problems -- but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” – Anonymous

13. “Running away from a problem only increases the distance from the solution.” – Anonymous

14. “Problem-solving leaders have one thing in common: a faith that there’s always a better way.” – Gerald M. Weinberg

15. “Each problem that I solved became a rule, which served afterwards to solve other problems.” – Rene Descartes

16. “Your ability to solve problems and make good decisions is the true measure of your skill as a leader.” – Brian Tracy

17. “If you are unable to understand the cause of a problem, it is impossible to solve it.” – Naoto Kan

18. “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” – Duke Ellington

19. “Giving up is the most painful way of solving a problem.” – Anonymous

20. “Instead of thinking out the box, get rid of the box.” – Deepak Chopra

21. “Solving problems means listening.” – Richard Branson

22. “Inside of every problem lies an opportunity.” – Robert Kiposaki

23. “There is no problem outside of you that is superior to the power within you.” – Bob Proctor

24. “You can increase your problem-solving skills by honing your question-asking ability.” – Michael J. Gelb

25. “Don’t bother people for help without first trying to solve the problem yourself.” – Colin Powell

26. “If a problem can be solved it will be. If it cannot be solved there is no use worrying about it.” – Dalai Lama XIV

27. “All life is problem solving.” – Karl Popper  

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/19 at 18:14:01

I liked that.

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by Eegore on 06/21/19 at 20:19:43

 I'd have to go with Einstein.

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by raydawg on 06/22/19 at 08:27:13

1E3E3C34293E5B0 wrote:
 I'd have to go with Einstein.

Yes.....that is good!

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/19 at 09:18:42

. “If you are unable to understand the cause of a problem, it is impossible to solve it.” – Naoto Kan

Digging that

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by raydawg on 06/22/19 at 11:07:20

726D6B6C71764777477F6D612A180 wrote:
. “If you are unable to understand the cause of a problem, it is impossible to solve it.” – Naoto Kan

Digging that

What problem  ;)

Sadly I jest, but reality is exampled, with otherwise......clueless, afraid, denial.....who knows why, only them  :(

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by Ruttly on 06/22/19 at 14:31:23

So you believe we are leaving this world to incompetent generations. Now my next question is: What percentage of people your age believe the same is true ?

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by pg on 06/22/19 at 14:35:51

16313030283D440 wrote:
So you believe we are leaving this world to incompetent generations. Now my next question is: What percentage of people your age believe the same is true ?

Absolutely, and the overwhelming proportion of my generation shares the same opinion.

Best regards,

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by Eegore on 06/22/19 at 14:53:44

"So you believe we are leaving this world to incompetent generations. Now my next question is: What percentage of people your age believe the same is true ? "

 I am not aware of a generation that didn't say the young one was doomed.

 Television would cripple a generation making them mindless zombies.

 Marijuana and hippie lifestyles were the end of civilization.

 Disco, Metal, Grunge all music that would damage kids, just like "The Devil's Music" that was Elvis and Buddy Holly.

 Cell phones that "texted" would eliminate the ability to communicate effectively, everyone will be in their ones texting, never leaving the house.

 Name something and there's someone old saying that new thing is terrible.

 Every young generation is creating a political shift that will cripple the country.  Remember how terrible Social Security was?  Remember how bad Women voting was?  Remember how bad Same Sex marriage was?  

 Those young generations sure screwed everything up, and its getting worse.  I no longer use stamps because email destroyed the postal service.  I no longer have invasive surgery because tax funded medical research makes my procedures same-day and no longer life threatening.  I no longer work 16 hours a day in a steelyard because those darn robots do it.

 This younger generation has things all screwed up.

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by raydawg on 06/22/19 at 21:22:01

0C2B2A2A32275E0 wrote:
So you believe we are leaving this world to incompetent generations. Now my next question is: What percentage of people your age believe the same is true ?

Is this directed at me?

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by Ruttly on 06/22/19 at 22:13:32

Yeah I guess Ray , kinda just threw it out there to get some response to see what you or others think about it.

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by pg on 06/23/19 at 05:23:26

5E7E7C74697E1B0 wrote:
 This younger generation has things all screwed up.

Time will tell and we will likely be gone when the ramifications of their decisions are sewn.  As opposed to discussing various influences on western society, I am elaborating on the ability of these young people to be productive members of society.   They lack a work ethic, have no guiding moral principles, and believe they are entitled.    

Best regards,

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by Eegore on 06/23/19 at 06:20:43

They lack a work ethic, have no guiding moral principles, and believe they are entitled.  

 That's what every prior generation said.  Its a common theme among our culture and I assume most are the same.


Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by raydawg on 06/23/19 at 06:55:59

Ok will take a stab, however I wasn't trying to make such a wide-ranging claim in my rant  ;D

Here is my general area of Washington, that would include the mainland as well......
Skilled trade journeymen (licenced) is in short supply, with many want ads offering signing bonuses, and other incentives to join.

The caliber of apprentices, leaves much to be desired, not sure why, I can guess.
Use to be you could take your trade and pretty much be assured a job wherever you went, those days changed over a decade ago, or before, as unlicenced work forces flooded the building industry.

This is where most apprentices get their allotted time, in a chosen trade, before they can test out as a journey is approximately 5 years of apprenticeship. You can also get hours needed doing repair plumbing (same licences) but generally that takes even longer....

They are finally starting to check job sites with random code enforcement officers, writing up violations.....

Will this bring back knowledgeable/dedicated folks who don't mind some hard work to earn over 100K a year....???

Who knows.

Could also be younger folks are just not interested in skilled labor jobs, opting for technologies instead?????

If that is the case, expect it to be even more expensive to hire a repair plumber ( I think our rate is around 150 bucks a hour...goodness) as I do not know of, or can think of anyone......who at one time, or another, ain't full of sheit, so you better have a working plumbing system unless you want your life to stink!

note to eggore: That was humor  ;)

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by raydawg on 06/23/19 at 07:03:01

1F3F3D35283F5A0 wrote:
They lack a work ethic, have no guiding moral principles, and believe they are entitled.  

 That's what every prior generation said.  Its a common theme among our culture and I assume most are the same.


You generalize, about generalizers........ ;D

It makes great articles to newspaper narratives, but I would venture to guess more folk believe otherwise, they promote the advancement of younger generations to carry-on the "dreams" for mankind.
Those dreams might vary by culture, etc, however, that does not change the fact they are engaging with sharing their concerns, opinions, beliefs, etc.....

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by Eegore on 06/23/19 at 08:20:58

"It makes great articles to newspaper narratives, but I would venture to guess more folk believe otherwise, they promote the advancement of younger generations to carry-on the "dreams" for mankind.
Those dreams might vary by culture, etc, however, that does not change the fact they are engaging with sharing their concerns, opinions, beliefs, etc.....

 I agree.

 I always hear people complain about the state of youth today, incidentally they said the same about mine.  But when it gets down to people out in the world doing things I find most of those people feel ok about the younger generation.  They see first hand how they learn, adapt and think instead of just reading internet articles about it, or judging every kid based off an experience at McDonalds or the local Auto Parts store.

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by raydawg on 06/23/19 at 08:50:19

1D3D3F372A3D580 wrote:
"It makes great articles to newspaper narratives, but I would venture to guess more folk believe otherwise, they promote the advancement of younger generations to carry-on the "dreams" for mankind.
Those dreams might vary by culture, etc, however, that does not change the fact they are engaging with sharing their concerns, opinions, beliefs, etc.....

 I agree.

 I always hear people complain about the state of youth today, incidentally they said the same about mine.  But when it gets down to people out in the world doing things I find most of those people feel ok about the younger generation.  They see first hand how they learn, adapt and think instead of just reading internet articles about it, or judging every kid based off an experience at McDonalds or the local Auto Parts store.


Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by MnSpring on 06/23/19 at 13:07:27

“I am not aware of a generation that didn’t say the young one was doomed”
“This younger generation has things all screwed up”

Yep, every generation has said that.
The difference today is, it is faster and faster,
And their are more.
Take just 2 things, Transportation, and Communication.

Transportation: 100 + years ago, Everybody knew how to ride a horse, and when physically able to, they knew how to saddle, and harness up a buggy or wagon. 50 years ago probably 40-50 % knew how. (excepting some Regions sects) Today, probably only 10 (+/-) % know how. People born 25 years ago, don’t know how to drive a stick shift. People born today, will not know how to drive a car, that does not have, a radar system, doing most of the driving for you.

Communication: 100 + years ago, it was, ‘snail mail’, or the ‘old’ telephone.
People born 25 years ago, don’t have a clue, how a rotary dial, phone works, and born 15 years ago, don’t have a clue how a push button ‘corded’ phone worked. In the last 10 years, it has moved to no need for a desktop computer, everything is done on that little piece one carries in a shirt pocket. which a, ‘phone’, is just one part of.

Today the $9.95 digital watch has more computing power, then the LEM had in 1969.
(LEM=Lunar Excursion Module)

The movement of advancement, like not knowing how to hitch a horse, or drive a manual transmission.
Is Not a indication of how ’smart’ a person is.
The, “ THEY JUST DON’T THINK………simple stuff, common sense, they don't appear to listen, and a excuse is always their first response "
Is not because they don’t know how to harness a horse.
It is because, today, and more and more, they are told over and over and over, Everything should just be GIVEN to them, because the Socialists like AOC, B.S., and others are taking total advantage of, ’today's kids’, to simply line their own pockets.
Their have always been a few, yet today the numbers of the 'Just Gimme's', are many, many, many, more, because the AOC's, BS'c and CU's are taking FULL advantage of, Lying to them.

So Yes. Today's generation, and the illegal aliens that they allow to vote, will condemn this country.
Then after several more generations,
after the USA is just like Venezuela is now,
strong people will come along, and, ‘right’ things. Then in 200 years, the, ‘weak’, will overpower, (just because someone like AOC lies to them), and the process will start over.

Now for the TDS affected, UL FDS’s,
A, Diamond’, with a flaw, (Trump)
Is Still, much more valuable than a brick with no flaws, (Obama).
(A old well known quote, revised)

Title: Re: 27 of them.......
Post by batman on 06/24/19 at 22:07:28

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