General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Pochontas

Message started by WebsterMark on 06/14/19 at 04:11:36

Title: Pochontas
Post by WebsterMark on 06/14/19 at 04:11:36

Canceling student debt. How exactly would you do that?

She reaches her hand into the pockets of those she thinks have more money than they deserve and pays off the banks and financial institutions who loaned the money so kids could go to the schools that gave them an education not suitable to earn an income with.

The schools, who over promised and under delivered, keep their money. The banks keep their money. The students get debt wiped clean. The rich guy pays for everyone else's failures.

This is f'd up.

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by T And T Garage on 06/14/19 at 07:00:32

I think that's an oversimplification, but I agree that you can't just forgive the debt.

I think you refinance it and lower or eliminate the interest.

(btw, keep up the name calling - it really makes your case...)  ::)

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by Serowbot on 06/14/19 at 08:00:41

243A353439243F22500 wrote:
I I agree that you can't just forgive the debt.

I think you refinance it and lower or eliminate the interest.

I agree here too.
I don't understand why this is so hard.  Debts are seldom much more than an auto finance,... They just need to manage their money.
A new $30,000 car gets paid off in about 6 years.  Just drive a used $2,000 car for a few years and pay that student loan off.
If you can;t manage that, you'll never own a house or have a retirement.
Lowering interest would be a nice help, but just live below your means for a few years and get clear of debt.
I never go in debt for anything that doesn't have a deed.

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by raydawg on 06/14/19 at 08:08:57


I have listened to her speak, she does better than what most who have never heard her, relying on narratives by those opposing, her say/report....

She has what I believe the right problems exposed, in many cases, that's a start to dialogue.

If she would just, "man up" ( sorry  ;) ) and go n FOX, etc, tackle her past in a forthright and honest attempt, I think it would serve her well.

If she continues to ignore this segment, she will have a hard time later trying to win them over if it ever comes to that.

In many ways I believe she is the smartest of those she is running against.

Also, Tweeter would need a new name for her, Pocahontas is getting pretty tiring  ;D

One more thing, lots of guys still do not like to see "guys pick on girls" ( with Hillary being the only exception I can think of ) and Trump would have to really pick up his game against her, as the name calling I believe would drive the fence dwellers to her, which I count myself one......if my perception of how Trump would campaign against her, is correct.

I am pretty tired of his schoolyard tactics, and behavior, and really desire some true adult leadership characteristics, to be exhibited from him.

I don't think I am alone in my feelings.

Thanks Web, always appreciate your sharing, perspective.....your batting average is WAY better, than mine  ;D  

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by T And T Garage on 06/14/19 at 08:31:08

5F495E435B4E43582C0 wrote:
[quote author=243A353439243F22500 link=1560510696/0#1 date=1560520832]I I agree that you can't just forgive the debt.

I think you refinance it and lower or eliminate the interest.

I agree here too.
I don't understand why this is so hard.  Debts are seldom much more than an auto finance,... They just need to manage their money.
A new $30,000 car gets paid off in about 6 years.  Just drive a used $2,000 car for a few years and pay that student loan off.
If you can;t manage that, you'll never own a house or have a retirement.
Lowering interest would be a nice help, but just live below your means for a few years and get clear of debt.
I never go in debt for anything that doesn't have a deed.[/quote]

Sadly Sero, I think you're an exception instead of the norm.  But point well taken. (my brother is a lot like that - no notes on anything but his house)

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by raydawg on 06/14/19 at 08:51:24

At 28% interest Amazon is offering folks to build, or restore credit, is a SCAM, and a TRAP, that is extremely hard to escape if you screw up, as life does happen unexpectedly, with no intentions......

However, you NEED a credit SCORE, to even buy insurance, and other necessities today, with cash being frowned upon.

Example: My wife and I bought her a new Honda car. We got a much better deal with using their preferred financing at ZERO down. Not everyone can of course qualify for such, but we got the car cheaper than what they offered if we paid cash upfront.

We then made a few payments, paid it off ( no prepayment penalties ).
Which boosted our credit score even more...

I bought my truck by loaning myself money from my OWN retirement account, no penalty, just a 75 dollar service fee, which I am paying myself back at 4.99% interest, which I did to offset the up and downs in investments, as this is a sure growth thing.

However, lots of folks DO NOT have access to tools/opportunities like this, THEY SHOULD, it would help lots of folks to get a leg up in the financial securities concerns.....

The credit market needs lots of scrutiny and policing in my opine.            

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by MnSpring on 06/14/19 at 09:15:57

716F60616C716A77050 wrote:
(btw, keep up the name calling - it really makes your case...)

Bullwinkle to Rocky:
" Holly Molly Rocky, is that ever a case of the Pot calling the Kettle Black"

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by T And T Garage on 06/14/19 at 09:29:01

597A4764667D7A73140 wrote:
[quote author=716F60616C716A77050 link=1560510696/0#1 date=1560520832](btw, keep up the name calling - it really makes your case...)

Bullwinkle to Rocky:
" Holly Molly Rocky, is that ever a case of the Pot calling the Kettle Black"

Are you accusing me of name-calling trump?

If so, it's not really name calling... it's labeling.

I admit that I describe trump as an idiot, moron, orange, man-child, stupid, clueless, etc.

However, I don't actually call him names like "the moron trump", or "king idiot", or "clueless donny", or "shitforbrains trump" or "no-talent-ass-clown trump".

That's the difference.  I label, not name call.

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by MnSpring on 06/14/19 at 09:41:57

3B252A2B263B203D4F0 wrote:
That's the difference.  I label, not name call.

AW-SUM  Spin.
So that is what  DSA and TyT teach.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D
;D ;D

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by T And T Garage on 06/14/19 at 09:42:55

52714C6F6D7671781F0 wrote:
[quote author=3B252A2B263B203D4F0 link=1560510696/0#7 date=1560529741]
That's the difference.  I label, not name call.

AW-SUM  Spin.
So that is what  DSA and TyT teach.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D
;D ;D

No.  That's just a fact.  I realize it may be tough for you to understand.  Try harder, m'kay?

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by LostArtist on 06/14/19 at 14:44:38

4056415C44515C47330 wrote:
[quote author=243A353439243F22500 link=1560510696/0#1 date=1560520832]I I agree that you can't just forgive the debt.

I think you refinance it and lower or eliminate the interest.

I agree here too.
I don't understand why this is so hard.  Debts are seldom much more than an auto finance,... They just need to manage their money.
A new $30,000 car gets paid off in about 6 years.  Just drive a used $2,000 car for a few years and pay that student loan off.
If you can;t manage that, you'll never own a house or have a retirement.
Lowering interest would be a nice help, but just live below your means for a few years and get clear of debt.
I never go in debt for anything that doesn't have a deed.[/quote]

so, this is what happens....

you're working a crap job, low pay, crap hours, no life, yeah, you're making it, barely, and maybe with the help of a few good friends from time to time....  you always feel like a giant loser and you decide, okay, let's try to get myself out of this (now you were never the smartest ever, but you aren't stupid either) so you figure more training and maybe some clout with a degree will help, and as you say, it's really only the price of a new car, not even a fancy car, like an Accord or something, now, you already have a car, which comes with it's own expenses beyond just payments, (gas, insurance, etc...) Anyway, you decide to try to better your life, you keep your current job... and work around it to go to school, trying to only spend the least possible to avoid debt, but...  

yeah, it's a mistake, the degree ends up not having any marketable value to it, sure, you could upend your whole life and maybe find a job that'd take you, but you really know you didn't get the education that you need, you thought you would have, but for whatever reason, (counselors being more interested in selling you than helping you, the job market you went for has collapsed with technology taking it over, whatever) . you know, stuff happens and the cheese is moved, and now, you just can't make any moves, your payments and cost of living are taking almost all of your check..

yeah, mistakes were made, and there's no bettering your life anymore, everytime that's been "promised" you've been a fool so you don't bother with that anymore.   You live, you learn...  you pay.  

even with that, I take responsibility for my debt, I'll pay it as best I can. and no, I won't ever own a home or have retirement, yes, I'm a loser, there's no American dream, just holding on to reality is enough of a struggle

hope you conservatives or anyone else, has a really good laugh at that/me,   at least a smile was brought from my mistakes and idiocy

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by LostArtist on 06/14/19 at 15:01:19

now, that is to say, that I think predatory lending to students and in general needs to be addressed, and the cost of schooling needs to be addressed and the general culture of ours that emphasizes college as the only way, and a better way of apprentenship programs and vocational schooling be better, least addressing the financing aspect is a start.

this is not saying that I was a victim, but there are those that were. I made a choice to take a risk to believe in something, that I could do something that I obviously can't, and now I'm paying. simple as that, hopefully I"ll be able to pay my debt before I kill myself

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/14/19 at 17:19:12

Didn't have these problems before the Fed's  started loaning money for school .
Didn't have so many underwater basket weaving degrees.
Didn't have so many bureaucrats on campus..
Tuition wasn't much..

Self inflicted wounds
And now
Let's stop the pain of those who are so stupid as to go into debt for a degree in
Queer Studies..
My sympathy is just running OVER,,,

IDGAFUKK what degree plan someone took, if they weren't smart enough to investigate the market and know what the odds of being hired were while they were in school, then the graduates were IDIOTS

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by MnSpring on 06/14/19 at 18:25:20

081711160B0C3D0D3D05171B50620 wrote:
"... if they weren't smart enough to investigate the market and know what the odds of being hired were while they were in school, then the graduates were IDIOTS

Don't be so harsh.
Those are the people that DSA & TyT, are recruiting !!!!!

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by Eegore on 06/14/19 at 20:43:02

"Didn't have these problems before the Fed's  started loaning money for school ."

 "Feds" rarely loan the money, its secured by Federal backing, a different thing.  The structure has actually reduced predatory lending practices, but far from eliminated it.

"Didn't have so many underwater basket weaving degrees."

 Also didn't have anywhere near as many job markets.  With more diverse technology and wider global exchange there will be more educational opportunities.  Some are c rap, some are needed.

"... if they weren't smart enough to investigate the market and know what the odds of being hired were while they were in school, then the graduates were IDIOTS "

 I partially agree.  Anther aspect many don't consider is that by today's standards one should expect to have to change career paths, or at a minimum be completely re-trained/educated within the next decade.  Technology is moving at a pace that prohibits most education platforms being effective for a lifetime, this includes trade skills like welding etc.

 A welding certificate today won't get you as far as it did 20 years ago.  One better add a minor in robotics or mechanical engineering along with that because most career welding opportunities in the future will be done with robots.  

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/15/19 at 03:51:31

Gender studies isn't likely to be a real breadwinner.
Colleges started increasing staff, increasing tuition and paying themselves more and created new and exciting degrees. When the government got involved in the process, it all went off the rails. Split hairs, but it's obvious as to when it changed.

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by raydawg on 06/15/19 at 08:49:11

Learning should be cut and dry, period, no fluff, etc.....

Get the skill, go to work, provide for self, contribute to the welfare of society.

It has become a promoting of lifestyle, based on whims, not on what works to sustain a organized and equal society by participating in it.  

These HUGE and SPRAWLING campuses, that take so much money to maintain, produces not one element to learning, just ego strokes and elitism..... akin to a caste system of society.

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/15/19 at 17:04:51

GUTLESS, lowlife, sorry sacks of crap lefties have been pushing for the replacement of what works with what sounds good.
America suffers because of liberals,
Idiots, every one.

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by LostArtist on 06/17/19 at 13:48:55

2D3E263B3E28385F0 wrote:
Learning should be cut and dry, period, no fluff, etc.....

Get the skill, go to work, provide for self, contribute to the welfare of society.

It has become a promoting of lifestyle, based on whims, not on what works to sustain a organized and equal society by participating in it.  

These HUGE and SPRAWLING campuses, that take so much money to maintain, produces not one element to learning, just ego strokes and elitism..... akin to a caste system of society.

well. that's an argument to be had.... colleges and universities were originally ONLY for rich people, people who didn't NEED skills to work to provide for self but did WANT to contribute to the welfare of society.

colleges AREN'T trade schools

but if you see no value in studying the great questions of life in philosophy via art, literature and the study of history, etc...  

does mankind live on bread alone?

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by LostArtist on 06/17/19 at 13:49:25

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
GUTLESS, lowlife, sorry sacks of crap lefties have been pushing for the replacement of what works with what sounds good.
America suffers because of liberals,
Idiots, every one.

:-* . love ya too honey!  

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by verslagen1 on 06/17/19 at 14:35:57

6A4955526754524F5552260 wrote:
well. that's an argument to be had.... colleges and universities were originally ONLY for rich people, people who didn't NEED skills to work to provide for self but did WANT to contribute to the welfare of society.

colleges AREN'T trade schools

Colleges have become trade schools and trade schools have become learning for profit.
Machinists, welders now require a degree and trade schools are becoming predatory.

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by raydawg on 06/17/19 at 15:50:05

13302C2B1E2D2B362C2B5F0 wrote:
[quote author=2D3E263B3E28385F0 link=1560510696/15#16 date=1560613751]Learning should be cut and dry, period, no fluff, etc.....

Get the skill, go to work, provide for self, contribute to the welfare of society.

It has become a promoting of lifestyle, based on whims, not on what works to sustain a organized and equal society by participating in it.  

These HUGE and SPRAWLING campuses, that take so much money to maintain, produces not one element to learning, just ego strokes and elitism..... akin to a caste system of society.

well. that's an argument to be had.... colleges and universities were originally ONLY for rich people, people who didn't NEED skills to work to provide for self but did WANT to contribute to the welfare of society.

colleges AREN'T trade schools

but if you see no value in studying the great questions of life in philosophy via art, literature and the study of history, etc...  

does mankind live on bread alone?


Thinking about food, eating books, or drawing/painting food, won't sustain him either.......


Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by LostArtist on 06/17/19 at 16:46:13

5F4C5B5A45484E4C4718290 wrote:
[quote author=6A4955526754524F5552260 link=1560510696/15#18 date=1560804535]
well. that's an argument to be had.... colleges and universities were originally ONLY for rich people, people who didn't NEED skills to work to provide for self but did WANT to contribute to the welfare of society.

colleges AREN'T trade schools

Colleges have become trade schools and trade schools have become learning for profit.
Machinists, welders now require a degree and trade schools are becoming predatory.[/quote]

if colleges are just a training program for employers, then employers should pay for it

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by LostArtist on 06/17/19 at 16:47:43

283B233E3B2D3D5A0 wrote:
[quote author=13302C2B1E2D2B362C2B5F0 link=1560510696/15#18 date=1560804535][quote author=2D3E263B3E28385F0 link=1560510696/15#16 date=1560613751]Learning should be cut and dry, period, no fluff, etc.....

Get the skill, go to work, provide for self, contribute to the welfare of society.

It has become a promoting of lifestyle, based on whims, not on what works to sustain a organized and equal society by participating in it.  

These HUGE and SPRAWLING campuses, that take so much money to maintain, produces not one element to learning, just ego strokes and elitism..... akin to a caste system of society.

well. that's an argument to be had.... colleges and universities were originally ONLY for rich people, people who didn't NEED skills to work to provide for self but did WANT to contribute to the welfare of society.

colleges AREN'T trade schools

but if you see no value in studying the great questions of life in philosophy via art, literature and the study of history, etc...  

does mankind live on bread alone?


Thinking about food, eating books, or drawing/painting food, won't sustain him either.......


must be nice to have such a simple mind and find joy in just the carnal nature of man....  and here I thought you were on a journey to discover something more...    

oh, and F-U

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by MnSpring on 06/17/19 at 17:11:27

4C6F7374417274697374000 wrote:
 oh, and F-U

Who did you learn that from ?

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by raydawg on 06/17/19 at 17:58:18

Ok, I will put you down for a side of garlic toast made with fresh Ubriaco di Nero D'avola cheese.....  

One order of garlic FU.....  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

You PM'd me, not the other, just don't anymore, and all is square, and you live your happy life, good luck.

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by Eegore on 06/17/19 at 19:01:51

"if colleges are just a training program for employers, then employers should pay for it"

 Many do.  They require a contract to retain employment for a period of time.

 The problem with this system is it would make colleges create course material specific to Corporate need and for those with the most money.

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by WebsterMark on 06/18/19 at 05:08:26

My point is if Pocahontas wants to buy votes from stupid kids then taxing an individual who had zero to do with it seems blatantly  socialistic and communistic, which really isn't surprising given who she is. Given the size of the endowments some of these universities have, if anyone ought to pay (which they shouldn't) Pocahontas ought to look their way. But they're in the liberal club so they're safe.

Interesting world at the moment.....

Harvard pulls back acceptance letter for something a kid wrote when he was 16 but the Governor of Virginia is still in office?....How many Harvard freshmen are having their daddy's pay a social media forensics investigator to purge their history as best they can? How many will turn in a fellow classmate for something they wrote a few years ago when they have an argument over something? It was a monumentally stupid move by Harvard but I seriously hope no one else gets the boot for what they said at 16. Liberals will be exempted of course, that goes without saying. That kid happens to be on the wrong side of a debate. How soon until Harvard has a book burning party? Seriously, don't bet against it.

Iran's starting crap and the useful idiots are alluding that we wouldn't be in this spot if Trump had a signed piece of paper.....

That cute little bartender says Trump's running "concentration camps" on the southern border after starvation comments towards Amazon. More appalling is more useful idiots nod at each other like she said something intelligent and insightful....

In New York, you can sneak across the border, make the trek north and the Governor will give you a driver's license.

The investigation into Hilary and ultimately Obama's role into real election tampering is ongoing but good luck finding real reporting on it. Leftist media will run interference for the two while Fox News will go overboard looking for revenge.

And idiots are still talking about impeachment against a President whose high crimes and misdemeanors are getting their panties in a bunch. Snowflake is the perfect name for leftist. It's embarrassing to think these girls ride bikes.....

We need Trump more than ever. If he looses in 2020, the flood gates will be opened and the brief reprieve Trump gave us will be over.

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by T And T Garage on 06/18/19 at 05:26:34

447671606776615E726178130 wrote:
My point is if Pocahontas wants to buy votes from stupid kids then taxing an individual who had zero to do with it seems blatantly  socialistic and communistic, which really isn't surprising given who she is. Given the size of the endowments some of these universities have, if anyone ought to pay (which they shouldn't) Pocahontas ought to look their way. But they're in the liberal club so they're safe.

Interesting world at the moment.....

Harvard pulls back acceptance letter for something a kid wrote when he was 16 but the Governor of Virginia is still in office?....

LOL - the kid you're talking about is only 18 now!  It was a year and a half ago!  CONTEXT mark.

How many Harvard freshmen are having their daddy's pay a social media forensics investigator to purge their history as best they can? How many will turn in a fellow classmate for something they wrote a few years ago when they have an argument over something? It was a monumentally stupid move by Harvard but I seriously hope no one else gets the boot for what they said at 16. Liberals will be exempted of course, that goes without saying. That kid happens to be on the wrong side of a debate. How soon until Harvard has a book burning party? Seriously, don't bet against it.


Iran's starting crap and the useful idiots are alluding that we wouldn't be in this spot if Trump had a signed piece of paper.....

Truth hurts I guess. The fact is, if there's conflict with Iran - it's trump's fault.

That cute little bartender says Trump's running "concentration camps" on the southern border after starvation comments towards Amazon. More appalling is more useful idiots nod at each other like she said something intelligent and insightful....

LOL - boy is she ever under your skin!  Awesome!

In New York, you can sneak across the border, make the trek north and the Governor will give you a driver's license.

The investigation into Hilary and ultimately Obama's role into real election tampering is ongoing but good luck finding real reporting on it. Leftist media will run interference for the two while Fox News will go overboard looking for revenge.

Well, you can't really report on a wish.  There are no facts to guide an investigation. (where were those geniuses for the last 3 years?)

And idiots are still talking about impeachment against a President whose high crimes and misdemeanors are getting their panties in a bunch.

So, you admit that he's committed crimes?  Cool!

Snowflake is the perfect name for leftist. It's embarrassing to think these girls ride bikes.....

LOL - yeah, snowflakes... does that include the whiners on the right who piss and moan about their maga hats being targeted?  :D

We need Trump more than ever. If he looses in 2020, the flood gates will be opened and the brief reprieve Trump gave us will be over.

I don't think there's an "if he loses", it's a "when".

But I guess we'll see....

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by raydawg on 06/18/19 at 06:03:57

Mark....I would not be surprised to see her as the finalist.
You can see the shift is already underway in the polling.
Her message is keying in on some good issues.
I don't think she is as whacked, as some report, I will say she might be more crafty......

As to reporting, news, etc......notice how the left slant media is showing less viewership, etc.....?
There is a reason why, and remember how elections around the world have had outcomes that were not expected to the polled results.

Like most folk at this site, they are not zealots and don't even venture down to this board, I believe that echos society more than what people who answer polls, etc, does.

They vote, and go on their merry way with life, which is pretty good for lots of people right now   :)

I am still hoping for another choice, bottom of the 9th, 2 outs, 7th game of the series, down a run, man on first, full count.....

We need a slugger, not a tweeter, crying in baseball    ;D

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by WebsterMark on 06/18/19 at 08:06:47

I am still hoping for another choice, bottom of the 9th, 2 outs, 7th game of the series, down a run, man on first, full count.....

Don't waste time hoping. There is and will be no one other than Trump. No one else could withstand the assault they'd get. He's not the hero we deserve, but he's the hero we need right now.

It's possible Pocahontas will be the one, maybe you're right. Biden is a dead man walking. Between her and Bernie, she'd come out on top cause he's a freaking retard. So that leaves her against the rest of the clowns. Not sure which clowns will make it out of the Democratic Candidate's clown car and which ones will get higher paying speaking gigs when this is all over.  

Title: Re: Pochontas
Post by raydawg on 06/18/19 at 15:09:15

417374656273645B77647D160 wrote:
I am still hoping for another choice, bottom of the 9th, 2 outs, 7th game of the series, down a run, man on first, full count.....

Don't waste time hoping. There is and will be no one other than Trump. No one else could withstand the assault they'd get. He's not the hero we deserve, but he's the hero we need right now.

It's possible Pocahontas will be the one, maybe you're right. Biden is a dead man walking. Between her and Bernie, she'd come out on top cause he's a freaking retard. So that leaves her against the rest of the clowns. Not sure which clowns will make it out of the Democratic Candidate's clown car and which ones will get higher paying speaking gigs when this is all over.  

Yeah, I see he is announcing his intentions again today in Florida.....
Still a long way out, not that I wish him ill, etc, but lots of things can still happen with the republican party.

Web, I thought about this yesterday, seeing how Hillary is back in the news, etc.... then reading some of the replies re: her.
It seems just as many folk hate her, for being her, as those who hate Trump, for being Trump.....
And about 50% of the people who read this, won't understand it.....  ;)

I am gonna keep hoping, thanks.... its not a waste for me  :) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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