General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Liar liar pants on fire....

Message started by WebsterMark on 05/31/19 at 10:42:42

Title: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by WebsterMark on 05/31/19 at 10:42:42

Obama tells Brazil crowd: "Some of you may be aware our gun laws in the United States don’t make much sense. Anybody can buy any weapon any time -- without much if any regulation, they can buy it over the Internet, they can buy machine guns."

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by MnSpring on 05/31/19 at 10:56:50

Wonder if he learned to,
like that from Sarah Brady ?

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by Serowbot on 05/31/19 at 12:50:33

We are the gun nuts of the world.
Just ask the world.

They are pretty easy to get.
How else do we have so many?...

I call BS on your BS call...

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by MnSpring on 05/31/19 at 14:13:04

1204130E16030E15610 wrote:
I call BS on your BS call...

Really ?
Ya haven't bought a gun, have you !
Or did someone teach you to say BS, JUST to say BS ?

Your statement of:
"They are pretty easy to get"
Is true, AFTER, one is vetted, by numerous ways.
Then, Because this is a FREE COUNTRY,
It is not s Socialistic Dictatorship.
A CITIZEN, has the RIGHT, to a firearm !

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by MnSpring on 05/31/19 at 14:29:37

Will take this apart piece by piece.

Obama tells Brazil crowd:
Yep LOLOL a LIE of the first class.

"Some of you may be aware our gun laws in the United States don’t make much sense.
And they don't, to oppressed, no freedom, people living under Socialist Dictatorship.

Anybody can buy any weapon any time
Nop, Nop, Nop, Another BIG  Lie.

-- without much if any regulation,
Their is a Whole LOT OF Questions,

they can buy it over the Internet,
Yep, that's true. The inference is, WITHOUT ANY RULES !!!!!
The FACTS, One can, 'buy',  but not, 'possess'.
Until the firearm is shipped, ONLY, to a dealer in your State, (of your choice), than, YOU, go their, fill put the paperwork, get BACKGROUND Checked!

they can buy machine guns."
Again, Yup !!!!!!!
And Again, Buy, not 'POSSESS'.
(And you know full well what the inference was)
If one wished to, Possess, the paperwork, 1st time, can take up to TWO YEARS. And it is 10 times more invasive than a semi-auto firearm.

But of course,
YOUR, mind is made up !

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by Eegore on 05/31/19 at 14:30:33

 As usual this all depends on how one wants to interpret it:

"Some of you may be aware our gun laws in the United States don’t make much sense. Anybody can buy any weapon any time (Untrue, Children, Prisoners, Convicted and Documented Felons can not)

-- without much if any regulation, (Untrue, firearms are controlled in official sales)  

they can buy it over the Internet, they can buy machine guns."  (Untrue, purchases must be made in-person and require a background check during official sales.)

 Lies, there is plenty of safeguards to firearm acquisition.


Some of you may be aware our gun laws in the United States don’t make much sense. Anybody can buy any weapon any time (True, most children, and convicted felons can buy a gun from someone they know, similar to illegal alcohol or drug sales, mass quantities allows for competitive pricing.)

-- without much if any regulation, (True, firearms do not require any government/state registration, you can gift guns to others without oversight, the large availability of unregistered guns limits regulation)

they can buy it over the Internet, they can buy machine guns." (True, a 15 minute trip through the Dark Web will allow for the purchase of fully-automatic weapons dead-dropped in specific locations, the large-scale availability of firearms makes this possible)

 True.  The overwhelming availability of legal and illegal firearms allows for anyone willing to look, to get a firearm, illegal or not.

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by MnSpring on 05/31/19 at 14:36:52

0B2B29213C2B4E0 wrote:
 the large-scale availability of firearms makes this possible)

How is that WAR on drugs going ????????

Firearms, are a drop in the bucket,
compared to illegal drug availability !

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by Eegore on 05/31/19 at 14:46:09

"How is that WAR on drugs going ????????

Firearms, are a drop in the bucket,
compared to illegal drug availability

 I agree.  I mentioned that specific thing actually.

 I also did not see anything in the OP about Obama talking about drugs so I didn't bring it up beyond comparison of availability.  Lets mention alcohol abuse and domestic violence if we want to hit some really big and unrelated numbers that Obama wasn't talking about.

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by Serowbot on 05/31/19 at 15:24:09

Anybody, anytime,.. is obviously hyperbole... but his main point is the ease of availability of firearms in America.
If you want to nitpick,.. it's a lie.
...but we are a curiosity in the world because of our love affair with guns.
...and we are coincidentally... coincidingly the mass shooting capital of the world.
Point made...  and indisputable...

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by Serowbot on 05/31/19 at 16:29:08

... and 12 dead in Virginia Beach,.. today.

"Cervera described the shooting as a "devastating incident" that "will change a lot of lives.""

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/31/19 at 17:07:08

Bought it online?
No background check?
Anyone can get anything that way..

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by WebsterMark on 05/31/19 at 18:22:17

If you want to nitpick,.. it's a lie.

I think I'll save that quote of yours, got a feeling it might come in handy.....

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by Eegore on 05/31/19 at 20:31:52

"Bought it online?
No background check?
Anyone can get anything that way..

 In the US it is significantly easier to acquire firearms than most other parts of the world by using the internet.  I mean a 12 year old can get one really easy, even I was surprised at how easy it was to locally source and I see this stuff all the time.

 It's rather easy for prostitution too, most of which is forced.  Its just the economics of our society.  In other countries its easier to source different things, for instance Canada has a huge illegal pharmaceutical online market.

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by raydawg on 05/31/19 at 20:36:50

I'll get worked up over the concerns of taking a life, of another, be it with a gun, or a vacuum, when folks get honest and stop pandering with disingenuous caring about the welfare of others......

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by Eegore on 05/31/19 at 20:43:24

 So you require someone else to care first?

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by WebsterMark on 06/01/19 at 04:23:05

5046514C54414C57230 wrote:
We are the gun nuts of the world.
Just ask the world.

They are pretty easy to get.
How else do we have so many?...

I call BS on your BS call...

Yes, we have a lot of guns in this country. Why? It's complicated. We also have a lot of people literally dying to get in here. The mentality that leads to gun demand also leads to the world's greatest economy, the greatest sense of freedom, the greatest quest for discovery, etc...

We take the good with the bad. I'm not leaving and neither are you. Random gun violence such as in Virginia is rare. I recall you and others reminding those of us who wanted more action to stop terrorism as being upset over something that was extremely unlikely to touch us or anyone we know. I could say the same about random gun violence.

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by raydawg on 06/01/19 at 07:06:17

6E4E4C44594E2B0 wrote:
 So you require someone else to care first?

This is directed at me?  :-/

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by Eegore on 06/02/19 at 16:23:34

So you require someone else to care first?

This is directed at me?


Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by raydawg on 06/03/19 at 05:54:37

123230382532570 wrote:
So you require someone else to care first?

This is directed at me?


Not sure how you arrived at that.......

I thought you prided yourself into not reading too much into what other people say/post?

No, what I was trying to say is I wouldn't waste my time trying to dialogue with folk who only use a issue to demagogue, and not care....  

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by Eegore on 06/03/19 at 06:09:45

"I thought you prided yourself into not reading too much into what other people say/post?"

 No.  I feel that's too difficult as there's no reliable way to scale what is an acceptable level of evaluation into what someone posts as the variables are extremely high.

In any case I read what you typed as meaning something different yet not consistent so I figured I would ask for clarification.

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by raydawg on 06/03/19 at 14:53:35

0727252D3027420 wrote:
"I thought you prided yourself into not reading too much into what other people say/post?"

 No.  I feel that's too difficult as there's no reliable way to scale what is an acceptable level of evaluation into what someone posts as the variables are extremely high.

In any case I read what you typed as meaning something different yet not consistent so I figured I would ask for clarification.

Ok, cool, hope I clarified it  :)

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by WebsterMark on 06/05/19 at 05:02:53

From Trump twitter : Plagiarism charge against Sleepy Joe Biden on his ridiculous Climate Change Plan is a big problem, but the Corrupt Media will save him. His other problem is that he is drawing flies, not people, to his Rallies. Nobody is showing up, I mean nobody. You can’t win without people!

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by T And T Garage on 06/05/19 at 06:36:51

764443525544536C40534A210 wrote:
From Trump twitter : Plagiarism charge against Sleepy Joe Biden on his ridiculous Climate Change Plan is a big problem, but the Corrupt Media will save him. His other problem is that he is drawing flies, not people, to his Rallies. Nobody is showing up, I mean nobody. You can’t win without people!

Wait - was that one of his tweets that we're supposed take seriously?  I remember someone saying that only 25% of what he says we should acknowledge...

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by MnSpring on 06/11/19 at 05:08:03

0727252D3027420 wrote:
"...a 12 year old can get one really easy..."

That is a total lie and you know it.
A 12 year old, may be able to buy, a gun on line,
but cannot 'Posses' it,
unless their is a totally illegal seller, that will receive the gun for the 12 year old, then totally Lie for the 12 year, so he/she can possess the gun.

Could it happen, a 12 year old buys a gun out of a trunk in a back alley, or some other sort of other totally ileagal activity ?

O, BTW, How's that, 'War' on Drugs doing ?

Title: Re: Liar liar pants on fire....
Post by WebsterMark on 06/11/19 at 05:20:36

While virtually all of St Louis shut down to watch a hockey game Sunday night, a drive by shooter killed a 3 year old, firing into a house to avenge some random act of disrespect or retaliation for some drug deal that didn't turn out well. If you're from any large meyro area and this happens, you can guess with 90-95% certainty where this occurred in the city, the race of the little girl and the shooter, what the basic life history is of both, the wrong turns taken by the parents of both the victim and shooter and perhaps most importantly, what the useless response will be by city "leaders". We will hear the repeated cries of gun control, NRA is to blame, the gun ownership culture of Americans which is in our DNA apparently,
etc..... everything except the uncomfortable truths which killed this little girl. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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