General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't start

Message started by Mosbi on 05/24/19 at 12:24:40

Title: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't start
Post by Mosbi on 05/24/19 at 12:24:40

Hi everyone,

So, as I said in an earlier topic, I'm a newbie with a ls 650 bobber project in mind.
First thing I wanted to do was to relocate the rectifier to the front near the battery box, so basically I just cut the orange wire (the one going to the ignition switch), the negative wire (going to the license plate light and right rear turn signal) and soldered these wires back to a location closer to the battery box (had enough of the red wire to avoid cutting it).

Unfortunately, after connecting the battery again, everything seemed to work except for all the turn signals. Bike won't start either, everything just shuts off directly after I press the starter button (-> I know, why would I even wanna try that, I guess I'm not smart).

Things I tried :
- I went back and relocated the wires where they were originally, same issue (did not try to start the bike this time though).
- I took down the whole wire harness and checked with a multimeter that my soldering was ok, which it apparently is
- Checked the two 20A fuses, they seem ok to me

If anyone has an idea, I'll gladly hear what you'll say !

Thanks a lot


Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by batman on 05/24/19 at 21:29:28

I'd take another look at the ignition switch wires , power in is the red wire , which feeds all the  power to start the bike, and sends it out the orange wire , to the entire bike , after starting the regulator  sends power to the battery for charging and also feeds into the Orange wire after the key switch, to feed the bike. the orange wire also branches off to feed the turn signals,   both need to function.

Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by verslagen1 on 05/24/19 at 21:55:03

0A2834252E470 wrote:
First thing I wanted to do was to relocate the rectifier to the front near the battery box, so basically I just cut the orange wire (the one going to the ignition switch), the negative wire (going to the license plate light and right rear turn signal) and soldered these wires back to a location closer to the battery box (had enough of the red wire to avoid cutting it).

I really don't think you want to cut those wires, the harness has some odd splicing and if you don't want to screw things up you need to strip the wrap off the harness and follow the wires.  And if you did, you probably would have enough wire to reroute the rectifier.

Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by Mosbi on 05/25/19 at 02:40:46

@batman : Yep, since it's the section I'm working on, I specifically tested all ignition switch wires, the rectifier wires, the turn signal relay wires, etc.
What bugs me is that only the turn signals are not working, the other lights work (stop, license plate, headlight...)  :-/

@verslagen1 : previous owner already modified the harness, some parts were covered with electrical tape, some wires were connected together by pressing some metal thingy with a plier (Don't know how it's called), he also added a tachometer soldered on the ignition switch, etc

Edit : btw, the orange and black wires of the rectifier also seemed to have been moved before, which is why even if I removed the wrap I did not have enough wire lenght to relocate it where I wanted to

Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by batman on 05/25/19 at 12:55:56

You should get a Clymer book if you don't have one ,or study the wiring diagram contained in it , if you do. We are hard pressed .we can't see your wiring ,and if the PO fudged it up we're even more at a loss. there are stock harnesses for sale on line ,if all else fails.

Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by Mosbi on 05/26/19 at 06:27:07

I do already have the wiring diagram, which I used to check that my wiring was correct.
Of course I understand that there's very little to do when you don't have the issue in front of you and can't try anything on your own, I just wanted to be sure that I did not miss anything obvious in the way I did things and maybe hoped for someone who encountered the same issue.

Stock harness will be the last thing I'll do, since I'm not even sure the harness is the problem here and these things cost a lot.

Anyway thanks for your replies !  :)

Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by MidLifeRider on 05/26/19 at 11:09:16

"@verslagen1 : previous owner already modified the harness, some parts were covered with electrical tape, some wires were connected together by pressing some metal thingy with a plier (Don't know how it's called), he also added a tachometer soldered on the ignition switch, etc"

I would check those "metal thingy" connections. Those splice blocks are notoriously iffy and you may have caused a disconnect while moving the harness about. Even a small movement can cause them to break connection since the metal "blade" cuts through the insulation. Sometimes, incompletely.

Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by Mosbi on 05/26/19 at 23:25:49

@MidLifeRider :  just to be clear, I uploaded a photo of what I call "metal thingy". Despite being a bit ugly, it seems to be working (there's continuity at the end of every cable going through this little guy)

Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by batman on 05/27/19 at 16:29:15

Let's keep it simple , you have no turn signals ,you either have no power to them,  or no ground from them , and you have a wiring diagram to study, go for it! (you might try removing the flasher unit (it may be bad) , and using a piece of wire to jump it ,the lights should light they just wont flash.)

Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by Mosbi on 05/30/19 at 06:13:07

@batman by flasher unit, I assume you're talking about the turn signal relay. I'll check that out.

Also, I just removed every bit of electric tape from the harness, and it turns out that there are a lot of cables that were either re-soldered or modified.
Two questions here :
- is there anywhere I can find the different cable diameters used in the circuit ? Or do I just take a guess ?
- due to the electrical tape, everything underneath is hella sticky, how can I clean that ? Dissolvant of some sort ?


Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by batman on 05/30/19 at 22:21:31

Solvent ? you could try alcohol , or acetone (fingernail polish remover) both of which evaporate .  Flasher unit/turn signal relay same-same.

Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by Mosbi on 06/01/19 at 03:42:52

@batman : oki doke

So I just reconnected the harness to do some power measurement.
The turn signals are not plugged in, I just measure the output at the connectors, I have 0V when switch is in middle position, and a sharp 12,50V for both switch position on both connectors pair.

When I plug in said turn signals, measuring the same connectors gives me something like 0.03V, which I guess means that they act like resistances. They do not light, nor do they flash.

Could someone with working turn signals give me a comparaison ?
Is jumping the flasher unit still a relevant test ?

Thanks !

Edit : Well, tried jumping the flasher unit, them turn signals be lighting ! And I can start the bike again  8-)

Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by batman on 06/01/19 at 09:11:58

Nice, flasher relay toasted( went to ground I think) , that circuit also feeds the ignition . I'm surprised you didn't have a blown fuse, make sure both are just 20 amp.

Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by Mosbi on 06/01/19 at 11:41:12

@batman Yep, I'l need to buy a new one. I'll make extra checks on the fuses as well. I still feel like I'll clean the whole harness, now that I have one that's working, I'll be able to make a new one with propre wiring.
Thanks again for the help  :)

Title: Re: Rewiring issue : no turn signals, bike won't s
Post by batman on 06/01/19 at 21:52:29

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