General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> More proof the left hates freedom of speech

Message started by pg on 05/04/19 at 11:14:39

Title: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by pg on 05/04/19 at 11:14:39

Best regards,

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by MnSpring on 05/04/19 at 11:24:48

No, No, No,

Free Speech, still exists.
As long as it PARROTS,
what the UL, FDS, say !

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by thumperclone on 05/04/19 at 12:12:55

5B4C4A4649592B0 wrote:

Best regards,

your title is a gross exaggeration

even this site has posting rules
nice how  tweety supporters copy his distortions and lies

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by pg on 05/04/19 at 12:58:39

637F627A677265747B787972170 wrote:
[quote author=5B4C4A4649592B0 link=1556993679/0#0 date=1556993679]

Best regards,

your title is a gross exaggeration

even this site has posting rules
nice how  tweety supporters copy his distortions and lies[/quote]

What rule is in question?  The post was not an attack on a site member, nor was not threatening in nature.  The post was directed at an ideology.  The fact that you condemn this view point in that manner reaffirms the premise of the thread.

Best regards,

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by thumperclone on 05/04/19 at 13:33:18

abusive behavior

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by pg on 05/04/19 at 14:38:41

1408150D100512030C0F0E05600 wrote:
abusive behavior

And how do you describe all those comments directed toward JOG?

Best regards,

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by pg on 05/04/19 at 14:39:05

There is a reason the founders put it at the top, because it is the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.

Best regards,

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by philthymike on 05/04/19 at 14:56:14

The left doesn’t have the almighty word of God as a basis for their morality so the next best thing is to gag anyone who dares question it. Same effect, different approach. Either way childishness and self righteousness reign supreme. It’s a zero sum game. Not worth playing.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/04/19 at 20:12:23

"There is a reason the founders put it at the top, because it is the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint"

 Freedom of Speech doesn't apply to Twitter.  Never has.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/05/19 at 02:34:56

It's perfectly reasonable to squelch speech you don't like. As long as it's lefties shutting down the right.
The point is Not that it's a constitutional issue. The point is

The left are deplatforming people who disagree with them. Social media is owned by lefties.
What is being done is Wrong.
But not unconstitutional.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by thumperclone on 05/05/19 at 05:55:04

697170756D71607470727C190 wrote:
The left doesn’t have the almighty word of God as a basis for their morality so the next best thing is to gag anyone who dares question it. Same effect, different approach. Either way childishness and self righteousness reign supreme. It’s a zero sum game. Not worth playing.


the man of 10,000 lies and the bubs have morality?
read what you wrote your post is pretty self righteous

"the Christian right is neither"

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by thumperclone on 05/05/19 at 05:56:36

594640475A5D6C5C6C54464A01330 wrote:
It's perfectly reasonable to squelch speech you don't like. As long as it's lefties shutting down the right.
The point is Not that it's a constitutional issue. The point is

The left are deplatforming people who disagree with them. Social media is owned by lefties.
What is being done is Wrong.
But not unconstitutional.

FOX news will set you on the path :D

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by pg on 05/05/19 at 06:06:17

6B4B49415C4B2E0 wrote:
"There is a reason the founders put it at the top, because it is the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint"

 Freedom of Speech doesn't apply to Twitter.  Never has.

I'm not so sure.  If it were a protected class of minorities getting posts deleted and band all together, I believe a much different course of action would be established.  Law suits are already pending....

Best regards,

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/05/19 at 06:22:23

I'm not so sure.  If it were a protected class of minorities getting posts deleted and band all together, I believe a much different course of action would be established.  Law suits are already pending....

 It's been established quite well for over a century how the 1st Amendment applies to private business.   

 What you are describing is "Discrimination", which is technically covered in the Bill of Rights.  

 Letting someone say anything they want on your radio station, TV show, or Social Media platform has never been allowed.  Private companies can control the content distributed through their platform, like FOX News, or Zerohedge for instance.

They do not have to let anyone use their news platforms, at this time, because of Freedom of Speech, it is that simple.  A group of minorities would have to sue for other reasons, not Freedom of Speech.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by WebsterMark on 05/05/19 at 06:37:23

Private companies can control the content distributed through their platform, like FOX News, or Zerohedge for instance.

Oh yea, then why can't a baker refuse to bake a cake? Depending on whose in charge, private can quickly become public. In our cyber world of today, issues get complicated quickly.

Also, my opinion is any conservative applauding Louis Farakan getting banned (from whatever he was banned from) better rethink things. I'm not in favor of censorship on this forum either.

Think back when our moderator was opening his skirts and letting our friend, who degraded this forum, hide behind him. He had the power to censor speech. Now, this little forum is just a microcosm of society at large. Social media allows large groups geographically miles apart to "join" in a single room. Letting the Facebook guy or that Twitter guy decide what is or isn't protected speech is dangerous. How long until someone who says "the effects of climate change are being overstated..." is banned due to the influence of very lucrative climate change industry?

Essentially, someone gets to decide who has the last word and that should be a very rare event.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by oldNslow on 05/05/19 at 06:43:05

Letting someone say anything they want on your radio station, TV show, or Social Media platform has never been allowed.  Private companies can control the content distributed through their platform,

Exactly right.

Social media platforms have nothing to do with freedom of speech, or freedom of anything else,for that matter.  They are commercial enterprises on which the users are not really the consumers, they are actually the product that those platforms sell for profit.

The fact that most such platforms are are controlled by leftists , and that freedom of speech that leftists don't agree with is not a concept that a lot of leftists embrace, is an entirely different discussion IMO,

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/05/19 at 06:57:34

"Oh yea, then why can't a baker refuse to bake a cake?"

 Already answered that: Because of Discrimination.  Not Freedom of Speech.  Very clearly established in the legal documents.  The ruling literally says "Discriminated against".  

"Letting the Facebook guy or that Twitter guy decide what is or isn't protected speech is dangerous."

 They aren't deciding what is "Protected" speech.  By deciding what they allow to be distributed on their owned platform is not by definition hindering a protected class of people.  It's not even close, nor is it the same laws.

 People are mixing the 1st Amendment into other Amendments and laws.  This is no different than protesters complaining that can not "Peaceably Assemble" on private property.  That's not what the 1st protects, it does not give you permission to assemble on private property.
"How long until someone who says "the effects of climate change are being overstated..." is banned due to the influence of very lucrative climate change industry?"

 This already happens.  If you choose to use that private business as your single source of evidence then you will be misinformed.

 You mean to tell me that Fox News must let guests on and must let those guests talk about whatever they want because of the 1st Amendment?   That's what people want Twitter to do.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by WebsterMark on 05/05/19 at 07:05:43

Twitter and Facebook discriminate against those they cut off from their services thereby impacting the ability of those to conduct their business. Alex Jones and Farakan for example.

Like I said, its complicated. Twitter has evolved into a totally unique entity that is basically the equivalent of putting your soapbox up on a street corner preaching whatever gospel you claim to be the truth and having it pulled out from underneath you.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/05/19 at 07:28:39

  Alex Jones and Farakan are not a protected class.  Also they do not pay nor have a contract to conduct their business through Twitter.  Is it also discrimination that Legal Marijuana companies can not use Twitter to advertise directly?  Twitter is infringing on their ability to conduct business... oh wait, its right there in the Terms of Use, just like it is for everyone that uses it... everyone.

 Jones and Farakan are not a protected class, either is T T, or me or you, that's why it would be perfectly legal for a Moderator here to edit or limit my posts, even ban me, if that Moderator just didn't like me.  I have zero legal recourse as I am not a protected class using this as a public space.

 I agree that social media is a toolset that is prone to abuse and as such should have some legal reform.  That reform should reflect our Constitutional rights, but can not simply because of how old it is, be a direct usage.  

 I do not agree that they violate the 1st Amendment by restricting user content, but may be in violation of other laws.  However I think it is more likely a law simply doesn't exist in form that is strong enough to tie directly to what modern technology can do.

 To me it's a double edged sword, tech moves much faster than modern government which is good because the government can't up and censor or limit access to the outside world on a whim, but it's also bad because of the limited protections from criminal activity.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/05/19 at 07:41:17

 For anyone interested in Twitter and actually want real information from the source instead of guessing and complaining about a platform they don't even use:

 One example is if the POTUS was to declare war or threaten nuclear or other attack via Twitter, should they allow that?  

 What are the comparisons to it being illegal to stand in a public area and tell people to commit violence against a target (violation of peaceably assemble) and doing it digitally.  Should one digitally be able to incite violence and where are those barriers?

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by raydawg on 05/05/19 at 07:56:00

Whatever happened to understanding the simpleness, of sumtin we learned as children.......of:

Sticks and stones, will break my bones, but names will never hurt me, etc....?

Me thinks too many folk are looking to be victims, and butt hurt......

And once your butt is out of commission, because you want it so, you can no longer poop, and the shiet backs up so far, it reaches your brain....and all you can talk, is crap.  ;D ;D ;D  

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by MnSpring on 05/05/19 at 12:46:29

why can't a baker refuse to bake a cake?

5474767E6374110 wrote:
 Already answered that: Because of Discrimination.  Not Freedom of Speech.  Very clearly established in the legal documents.  The ruling literally says "Discriminated against".  

OK so under, Discrimination only, a person can sue a Muslim religion Sandwich shop into the ground, because they did not provide a, 'Pork' Sandwich.

Because clearly, a Christianity religion Cake Baking shop, can NOT say, 'Religion', because it is Discrimination.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/05/19 at 13:19:40

"OK so under, Discrimination only, a person can sue a Muslim religion Sandwich shop into the ground, because they did not provide a, 'Pork' Sandwich.

Because clearly, a Christianity religion Cake Baking shop, can NOT say, 'Religion', because it is Discrimination."


 You are clearly mixing Bill of Rights with 1st Amendment.  Also it does not pertain to this topic as cake shops refusing service is different than a customer agreeing to the Terms of Service, and complaining when a company changes or exercises them.  Even if you agreed that this is ok.

 From a legal perspective these aren't even close to the same thing.  The issue here is people claim Twitter can not ban their customers from their service because it violates the 1st Amendment.

 A more accurate comparison would be a cake shop letting customers have free cakes under the Terms of Service.  Then suing the cake shop for violating your freedom of speech when they don't let you have free cake anymore because you put icing on them they didn't like.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/05/19 at 16:36:30

Awwrite, here's what you people need to understand.
Unless someone is a part of a
Legally Protected Class
It's Fine to abuse them.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by pg on 05/05/19 at 16:43:17

^^^  That is correct.  

IIRC the Colorado bakers did win in the supreme court, but at an enormous cost.

Best regards,

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by philthymike on 05/05/19 at 16:57:57

312D302835203726292A2B20450 wrote:
[quote author=697170756D71607470727C190 link=1556993679/0#7 date=1557006974]The left doesn’t have the almighty word of God as a basis for their morality so the next best thing is to gag anyone who dares question it. Same effect, different approach. Either way childishness and self righteousness reign supreme. It’s a zero sum game. Not worth playing.


the man of 10,000 lies and the bubs have morality?
read what you wrote your post is pretty self righteous

"the Christian right is neither" [/quote]

the man of 10,000 lies and the bubs? Am I supposed to know who you’re referring to?

I’ve made an objective observation. I didn’t apply wrong or right to it so not exactly sure how I’m self righteous  :-?

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by WebsterMark on 05/06/19 at 04:18:53

7364626E6171030 wrote:
^^^  That is correct.  

IIRC the Colorado bakers did win in the supreme court, but at an enormous cost.

Best regards,

if I recall correctly, the Colorado bakers won in part because they were able to prove their work was art. And the state cannot compel an artist to work on someone's behalf. Flipping a hamburger and McDonald's is not art so McDonald's could not refuse service.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by T And T Garage on 05/06/19 at 08:01:27

3D213C24392C3B2A2526272C490 wrote:
[quote author=5B4C4A4649592B0 link=1556993679/0#0 date=1556993679]

Best regards,

your title is a gross exaggeration

even this site has posting rules
nice how  tweety supporters copy his distortions and lies[/quote]

I second that Thumperclone.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by T And T Garage on 05/06/19 at 08:02:37

7D6A6C606F7F0D0 wrote:
[quote author=1408150D100512030C0F0E05600 link=1556993679/0#4 date=1557001998]abusive behavior

And how do you describe all those comments directed toward JOG?

Best regards,

On Twitter?  Last time I checked, this isn't Twitter.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by pg on 05/06/19 at 08:18:32

495758595449524F3D0 wrote:
[quote author=3D213C24392C3B2A2526272C490 link=1556993679/0#2 date=1556997175][quote author=5B4C4A4649592B0 link=1556993679/0#0 date=1556993679]

Best regards,

your title is a gross exaggeration

even this site has posting rules
nice how  tweety supporters copy his distortions and lies[/quote]

I second that Thumperclone.[/quote]

I feel the title is quite appropriate, sometimes the truth hurts...

Best regards,

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by pg on 05/06/19 at 08:19:45

5B454A4B465B405D2F0 wrote:
[quote author=7D6A6C606F7F0D0 link=1556993679/0#5 date=1557005921][quote author=1408150D100512030C0F0E05600 link=1556993679/0#4 date=1557001998]abusive behavior

And how do you describe all those comments directed toward JOG?

Best regards,

On Twitter?  Last time I checked, this isn't Twitter.

When was it ever?  Yes,  I called him out!

Best regards,

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/06/19 at 12:17:33

Unless someone is a part of a
Legally Protected Class
It's Fine to abuse them

 Incorrect.  Also there was no abuse regarding Twitter, they did not abuse Woods, or Jones, or anyone.

 Twitter banning a user is allowed per the User Agreement.  Just like it can be done on this very forum.

 It is not a violation of the 1st Amendment.

 Claiming or saying Jones is "protected" does not make him a Protected Class.

 If he was a Protected Class, he could still be banned by Twitter due to the User Agreement, and it would still not amount to a violation of his 1st Amendment rights.

 If a known Protected Class is banned from Twitter, that is not a violation of their 1st Amendment rights.

 Why is this hard to understand?  Why can't people use the appropriate laws to define what's happening, given they even exist, instead of jumping through a million language hoops to somehow tie Twitter EULA to the 1st Amendment?  

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/06/19 at 13:03:58

Incorrect.  Also there was no abuse regarding Twitter, they did not abuse Woods, or Jones, or anyone.

Doing so for having opinions that differ from the lefty religion is Bullshit and you know it.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by pg on 05/06/19 at 13:13:49

022220283522470 wrote:
 Incorrect.  Also there was no abuse regarding Twitter, they did not abuse Woods, or Jones, or anyone.

How do you describe denying the use of a service?  

Best regards,

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/06/19 at 19:09:06

"How do you describe denying the use of a service?"

 An End User License Agreement, or a Terms of Service, or anything similar to that.

 You guys classify Twitter removing customers as abuse?

 Or only the customers you like?

 Again, they agreed to this.  Just as we agree on here.  Would you really call and file abuse charges on a moderator here if you were banned from this forum?

 What grounds would you have?

 What happened to the Capitalist concept of freedom to run your business and let the consumer decide if you succeed?  If a Millennial were calling this abuse they would be a snowflake.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/06/19 at 20:01:49

What happened to the Capitalist concept of freedom to run your business and let the consumer decide if you succeed?

When that principle was in effect and
Certain People
Couldn't order a burger
You cried foul.
You're as bigoted as the racists of years gone by.

ALL of the social media is lefty.
They thrive in an echo chamber
And refuse to allow dissent.
The market can't correct it.
Unless someone who isn't a lefty starts some competing platform.
But why not just allow dissent?
Argue the points.
Win on merit.
But, we know why that is not gonna happen.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/06/19 at 20:53:02

"When that principle was in effect and
Certain People
Couldn't order a burger
You cried foul.
You're as bigoted as the racists of years gone by

 I don't recall ever having an opinion on the matter.  What are you even talking about?

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/06/19 at 21:56:12

What happened to the Capitalist concept of freedom to run your business and let the consumer decide if you succeed?

I'm talking about how a free market works.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by pg on 05/07/19 at 04:00:54

4565676F7265000 wrote:
"How do you describe denying the use of a service?"

 An End User License Agreement, or a Terms of Service, or anything similar to that.

 You guys classify Twitter removing customers as abuse?

 What grounds would you have?

Feel free to take a look....

Best regards,

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/07/19 at 06:24:01

"You're as bigoted as the racists of years gone by."
 I don't consider Jones to be a race.  Nor do I consider any political affiliation to be a race so claiming I am racist is a stretch at best.

 I do however agree that Civil Rights is a closer examination of how social media should work than the 1st Amendment.

 Maybe this format will help:  You want to legally prosecute Twitter for banning James Woods:


Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/07/19 at 06:30:39

"Feel free to take a look...."

 Maybe there is a misunderstanding.  I am very familiar with Twitter terms of use as I use it regularly with my business and employees, or "underlings" as they have been called.

 I see nothing that would hold up in court that would substantiate a claim of "abuse" by Twitter for banning any member.  Feel free to take a look and let me know where you see Twitter violating their Terms of Use in a fashion that creates an abusive environment for James Woods, or Alex Jones.

 Again" Pick the correct law.  Trying to make everything 1st Amendment, or "Abuse" will legally get you nowhere.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/07/19 at 07:42:55

Ohhh, forgetful people.
I'm NOT saying they are doing anything
Not everything that's wrong is, you know.
I have a real good batting average on seeing what is and isn't happening.
Like, I was right, about the baker.
And, I tried to get people to understand how the ndaa was gonna work.
This particular mess is pure chikkinshit.
Lefties are delighted to see those people who they disagree with silenced.
You show me one place where I said doing that was illegal or unconstitutional.
But, does everything HAVE to have the weight of law on it? Where is it written that unless it's a law, you can just do what you want?
Crap on people. Shove them aside.
Silence them. It's okay.
Because there is no law against it.


Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by MnSpring on 05/07/19 at 09:21:23

022220283522470 wrote:
  Or only the customers you like?

What happened to the Coffee Shop, that would not serve a Police person ?

Is that liking one costumer, and not liking another ?
Is that not a prejudice or racist decision/attitude ?

What happened to that decision of that Coffee shop ?

Why is not any decision/resolve about that place, constantly on the News, like the issue with a Baker was ?

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/07/19 at 09:58:01

"But, does everything HAVE to have the weight of law on it? Where is it written that unless it's a law, you can just do what you want?
Crap on people. Shove them aside.
Silence them. It's okay.
Because there is no law against it

 Incorrect.  I already agreed with you when I said "I agree that social media is a toolset that is prone to abuse and as such should have some legal reform."

 I very specifically am addressing the claim that Twitter is violating Jones/Woods etc. 1st Amendment rights.  This is untrue.

 If... if one was to present legal argument at least have the ability to choose the correct laws and rights to reference in argument.  Stop trying to manipulate the 1st Amendment into social media reform, instead use civil rights, use discrimination.  Do not use "abuse" when being banned from a service as the burden of proof is so ridiculously high for something like this that it would be more trouble than its worth.

 To clarify:  Choose the Correct Laws to Reference when pushing Reform or taking legal action.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/07/19 at 10:03:29

"Is that liking one costumer, and not liking another ?


Is that not a prejudice or racist decision/attitude ?

 It is not racist, we have already had discussions defining this, you clearly can not, or refuse to separate race from prejudice by definition.

What happened to that decision of that Coffee shop ?

 They decided to no longer serve law enforcement.

Why is not any decision/resolve about that place, constantly on the News, like the issue with a Baker was ?

 We have already discussed this.  Media outlets do not allocate equal time to events.  They do not run exactly 15 minutes of sports with exactly 20 seconds allotted to every team in a league, and also do not allot 50 minutes of weather coverage with exactly 1 minute per state.  For instance with the coffee shop versus the baker, I look at the actual court documents.  The real event references and documentation is where I go, where instead you look at an internet article about a coffee shop.  It makes sense to me that a real court case would get more coverage than an internet article, but I do not own any news outlets nor research their content.

 Economically media outlets could not function profitably or with current news if they required equal coverage.

 The problem is people use the "news" for data instead of research centers with verifiable peer-reviewed information.  The information provided is privately owned internet sites that can pick and choose their coverage and people wonder why the coverage content is not accurate or is prejudiced in coverage, unless its a site they like.  

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by pg on 05/07/19 at 18:23:13

So here is an interesting perspective to this.  Should the internet service providers be able to discriminate based on user content?  

Best regards,

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/07/19 at 19:49:48

"So here is an interesting perspective to this.  Should the internet service providers be able to discriminate based on user content?"

 Can you specify further?

 Are you asking for example should Comcast not allow access to Suzukisavage based off a company wide prohibition on motorcycle content?

 Legally they can, but they must disclose it.  I for one do support the blocking of child trafficking sites, or ones like rape-fantasy sites where people put their ex-girlfriends on there.  That last one is legal by the way.

 ISIS recruitment for example I think should be blocked, especially the tactics used to put Apps onto middle school kids phones and such.

 Schools have paid ISP's to use porn-blocking algorithms for years.

 The FCC states the following:

"restrict access to or availability of material

"considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by pg on 05/08/19 at 06:21:45

0C2C2E263B2C490 wrote:
"So here is an interesting perspective to this.  Should the internet service providers be able to discriminate based on user content?"

Can you specify further?

It was a theoretical question that inferred ISP do not have to treat communications equally. Furthermore, based on the argument provided in the thread they should be able to screen, filter, and prioritize information and or websites as they see fit based on user agreements.

Best regards,  

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/08/19 at 08:06:36

Everyone is off in the weeds.

People who are saying things that piss off lefties are being banned.
Just because it's not illegal or unconstitutional doesn't make it right.
That it's met with glee by lefties shines a light on the lefties true colors.
Tyrants, afraid of ideas they don't agree with. Unwilling and unable to counter them, they ban the people who say it.

That's the kinda behavior lefties accuse the right of.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by MnSpring on 05/08/19 at 08:37:29

7151535B4651340 wrote:
 The FCC states the following:
"restrict access to or availability of material
"considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable

So who decides, what, is, 'objectionable' ?

Considering terrorist recruitment as, 'objectionable',
only gets the, terrorist's upset.
A very small number of people.
(And most likely NOT, citizens of this Country)

Banning, 'I like Trump', (or like),
because some UL FDS Socialist, thinks it is, 'objectionable'
Affects the Majority of, Legal and Citizen, voters.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/08/19 at 13:22:18

"Furthermore, based on the argument provided in the thread they should be able to screen, filter, and prioritize information and or websites as they see fit based on user agreements."

 Yes.  This is how that works currently.  When put into practice it is not considered a violation of anyone's rights.

"So who decides, what, is, 'objectionable' ?"

 The ISP running the service.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/08/19 at 13:30:37

"Just because it's not illegal or unconstitutional doesn't make it right."

 I agree.  What I do nota agree with is the claim that it violates the 1st Amendment, or can be classified as "abuse".

"Tyrants, afraid of ideas they don't agree with. Unwilling and unable to counter them, they ban the people who say it."

 Actually this is not the reasoning.  If you watched the video it is laid out how challenging the situation is and how they facilitate the decision making problems.  "Countering" isn't the issue, the issue is violation of the terms of service.

 This is no different than saying Fox News, or Infowars must provide equal coverage of information, including allowing guests and articles from people who directly oppose that private companies views and values.  Why is it ok for Infowars to screen and publish only what they want, yet Twitter is wrong if they do the same thing?

 People who use this technology have a different viewpoint than those who read articles about the technology.  Similar to how people who read motorcycle magazines have a different perspective than those who ride and work on them.


Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by OlinBow on 05/10/19 at 06:31:38

7A5A58504D5A3F0 wrote:
"Just because it's not illegal or unconstitutional doesn't make it right."

 I agree.  What I do is get my amazing appetite suppressants ( and not agree with is the claim that it violates the 1st Amendment, or can be classified as "abuse".

"Tyrants, afraid of ideas they don't agree with. Unwilling and unable to counter them, they ban the people who say it."

 Actually this is not the reasoning.  If you watched the video it is laid out how challenging the situation is and how they facilitate the decision making problems.  "Countering" isn't the issue, the issue is violation of the terms of service.

 This is no different than saying Fox News, or Infowars must provide equal coverage of information, including allowing guests and articles from people who directly oppose that private companies views and values.  Why is it ok for Infowars to screen and publish only what they want, yet Twitter is wrong if they do the same thing?

 People who use this technology have a different viewpoint than those who read articles about the technology.  Similar to how people who read motorcycle magazines have a different perspective than those who ride and work on them.


It's wrong for Twitter to do it because Twitter claims that they're not content publishers. And when you start censoring people and dictating what goes and what doesn't, you become a content publisher and a whole different set of rules starts to apply to you and your business.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/10/19 at 06:45:12

Countering" isn't the issue, the issue is violation of the terms of service.

They USE the
Terms of service agreement differently against different people.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/10/19 at 07:49:44

"They USE the
Terms of service agreement differently against different people.

 Yes they do.

 Again this, to me, sounds like there is an expectation that Twitter let all users post anything they want, or they are violating the users 1st Amendment rights, or they are abusing that user.

 This is fundamentally incorrect, and is equal to saying Fox news needs to let any guest on and also let them talk about anything they want.  

 The above post about content publishing is much, much closer to a real argument that can change things than going the abuse or 1st Amendment route.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/10/19 at 08:03:20

The point is
Facebook, Twitter, etc. we're introduced as a platform open to the public and a place where anyone could go and say stuff, debate the merits and have a way to reach others. But it's become an echo chamber. Anyone who has any kinda following and doesn't march lockstep lefty gets banned.

It's a political tool of the left.

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by raydawg on 05/10/19 at 08:04:06

5171737B6671140 wrote:
"They USE the
Terms of service agreement differently against different people.

 Yes they do.

 Again this, to me, sounds like there is an expectation that Twitter let all users post anything they want, or they are violating the users 1st Amendment rights, or they are abusing that user.

 This is fundamentally incorrect, and is equal to saying Fox news needs to let any guest on and also let them talk about anything they want.  

 The above post about content publishing is much, much closer to a real argument that can change things than going the abuse or 1st Amendment route.

Ok, personally I think when you restrict any type of commerce, and that is what twitter is, and then complain about it, is a circle argument.
Like Obama complained about the unfairness of FOX, etc, and Trump, about EVERYONE else  ;D

Just don't patronize.....that is the repair in our capitalistic society.

Now having said that Eegore, if you say twitter has the right to terms of agreement, then why can't a baker utilize the same defense in what he creates?  

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/10/19 at 08:11:05

"Now having said that Eegore, if you say twitter has the right to terms of agreement, then why can't a baker utilize the same defense in what he creates?"

 I didn't say Twitter has a right to a Terms of Agreement, I said they have one that customers agree to.  It can be restricted and modified by using the correct laws.

 The baker was sued for discrimination, not violating the 1st Amendment, not for abusing their customer, I don't know why this is so hard to understand.  

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/10/19 at 11:09:22

What grounds did the court decide the baker was justified on?

Title: Re: More proof the left hates freedom of speech
Post by Eegore on 05/10/19 at 12:46:16

"What grounds did the court decide the baker was justified on?"

 You already know this.  But you most likely did not read the entirety of the Supreme Court decision and justification.

 The important part of this is that people here are intermixing the plaintiff and the defendant at will to justify a 1st Amendment argument.

 The Baker was not sued for violating the 1st Amendment. (Like people say Jones can do to Twitter)  He was sued for Discrimination. (Somehow not the course of action for Jones.)

 In this case the Baker is Twitter, they are the defendants. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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