General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Awesome Jobs Report

Message started by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 06:28:54

Title: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 06:28:54

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. job growth surged in April and the unemployment rate dropped to a more than 49-year low of 3.6 percent, pointing to solid economic growth.

The Labour Department's closely watched monthly employment report on Friday, however, showed steady wage gains last month, consistent with moderate inflation. The decline in the unemployment rate was because people left the labour force, suggesting some slack in the jobs market remains.

The report was broadly supportive of the Federal Reserve's decision on Wednesday to keep interest rates unchanged and signal little desire to adjust monetary policy anytime soon. Fed Chair Jerome Powell described the economy and job growth as "a bit stronger than we anticipated" and inflation "somewhat weaker."

No snark, this is truly good news - but...

Keeping it real, trump's numbers are still in the 40s - we all know why that is.  

Let's not forget that job participation is still historically low (funny, no conservatives mention that anymore...).

There's still work to be done on the wage front.

I'll go as far to say that these numbers are in spite of trump, not because of him.  Anyone, even pence, could be the signatory on these EOs/bills.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by WebsterMark on 05/03/19 at 07:00:51

Keeping it real, trump's numbers are still in the 40s - we all know why that is.  

Because the Democratically controlled media and entertainment culture has been on a 3 year, 24/7 bogus attack mode binge.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by Eegore on 05/03/19 at 07:17:53

 Also because the consumer uses Democratically controlled media and entertainment culture as a resource for what is going on instead of getting involved.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/03/19 at 07:47:21

Keeping it real, trump's numbers are still in the 40s - we all know why that is.  

Yes, we do. It's been a never ending attack by media and the uniparty. Lied about, smeared constantly in order to limit the impact of what he has done, and his own predilection for being less than what has been accepted as
Prez Uh Denchal by stuffed shirts.
You're more concerned with appearance than performance.
It's nice to see you playing fair some.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by raydawg on 05/03/19 at 08:17:13

I think most of the good fortune that Trump is getting is based more on timing, and being in the right place, at the right time.

If one was to be honest, and truly review all the data that constitutes market growth, etc, you will see it is always a wave, ups and downs.
The very policies of those in place in a "up" market, are still in force, when it goes down, so how can that be?

Its no difference than understanding global warming, its gets cooler, then warmer, then cooler, etc.....

So many different elements in play that frankly one can not project with any certainty what the weather/temperatures, with any voracity in a long term forecast.
Sure, you can say summer will be warmer than winter, based of historical data, but that is a long way away from telling me the exact weather on a given day, on a given place.

Same thing with forecasting economic growth, you use the past, to give you your best "guess" on any given ventures/investments.....

Sure, you have some good signs, like the GNP, Productivity, etc, which can be driven by policies, etc, like capital gains tax reductions, as well as free enterprise zones, etc, that can spur on growth, and bring numbers up.....
But again, then why do markets fall?

You have the best minds who study this stuff like a religion, and yet....
They can't tell you when Jesus is going to return, or when the economy will turn south.

Just take control of your OWN lives, with living as debt free as you can, and managing what money you DO HAVE, wisely.

Advertising and a free media, share a common bond, trait, they want your money, to buy them, more POWER.

You do NOT need the latest gadgets, cars, etc, and it won't give you the happiness they try and sell you.

I guess I am saying, be thankful, and DON'T compare, keep up, yourself to the Jones's......

You can never catch them....PERIOD  ;D ;D ;D        

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by raydawg on 05/03/19 at 08:18:16

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
Keeping it real, trump's numbers are still in the 40s - we all know why that is.  

Yes, we do. It's been a never ending attack by media and the uniparty. Lied about, smeared constantly in order to limit the impact of what he has done, and his own predilection for being less than what has been accepted as
Prez Uh Denchal by stuffed shirts.
You're more concerned with appearance than performance.
It's nice to see you playing fair some.

Bad news sales Jog.....

Its as simple as that.  ;)

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 08:21:35

0A383F2E29382F103C2F365D0 wrote:
Keeping it real, trump's numbers are still in the 40s - we all know why that is.  

Because the Democratically controlled media and entertainment culture has been on a 3 year, 24/7 bogus attack mode binge.

Yeah... I'm sure it has nothing to do with his constant lying, his bullying on social media, his childish antics on the same, his inability to articulate his thoughts, his adulterous past, his baseless bravado, etc.......

Yeah... it's the media....  <<<<sarcasm

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by WebsterMark on 05/03/19 at 08:22:23

It is.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 08:22:34

485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 wrote:
Keeping it real, trump's numbers are still in the 40s - we all know why that is.  

Yes, we do. It's been a never ending attack by media and the uniparty. Lied about, smeared constantly in order to limit the impact of what he has done, and his own predilection for being less than what has been accepted as
Prez Uh Denchal by stuffed shirts.
You're more concerned with appearance than performance.
It's nice to see you playing fair some.

I'll repeat it for you jog:

Yeah... I'm sure it has nothing to do with his constant lying, his bullying on social media, his childish antics on the same, his inability to articulate his thoughts, his adulterous past, his baseless bravado, etc.......

Yeah... it's the media....  <<<<sarcasm

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by raydawg on 05/03/19 at 08:35:06

Dude.....Obama cited as much, he blamed FOX for his failures, etc.....

You can't be sorta pregnant. SMH.

Watch.....then lets discuss your charge.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 08:56:38

22312934312737500 wrote:
Dude.....Obama cited as much, he blamed FOX for his failures, etc.....

You can't be sorta pregnant. SMH.

Watch.....then lets discuss your charge.

Why is it you think I agree with this?

Why must you always ASSume ray?

I've stated many times why Hillary lost - and it wasn't fox "news".

You sure think you know me, but you obviously don't.

What's more, that's got nothing to do with the kind of special prick trump is.  He's well deserving of his piss poor approval rating.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by Eegore on 05/03/19 at 09:14:24

 I find it hard to believe anyone would think that 100% of people who do not support Trump do so exclusively due to modern mainstream media.

 I mean I made a post here about his blatant misinforming press conference in front of veterans about their pay grades with accompanying statements from people who were there.  There's empirical evidence of this happening.  

 Some people, including me, don't like that he is factually incorrect consistently and do not get those facts, ever, from mainstream media.  


Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/03/19 at 09:20:44

find it hard to believe anyone would think that 100% of people who do not support Trump do so exclusively due to modern mainstream media.

I can't believe you think I said that or anything even close to that.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by raydawg on 05/03/19 at 09:37:19

Oh I assume, really, you've been assuming for over 2 years now, if projecting Trumps demise over pretty much anything Michael Avanatti, Rosie, or Rachael claimed as fact against Trump....

However, that is not the thrust of my post.
Yeah, I have stated over and over, and over again, the guy has some serious personality issues I do not like, and wish otherwise, BUT......
My post is against your claim that the media reporting has no effect on his numbers, which, I posted that Obama used the media as part of the excuse, which would equate to lower approval of the democrat candidate, hence why they lost, in 2016......

Refute that, or....oh yea, she won the popular vote, so her numbers of approval must be higher than.....
Gotcha, I got that one down to memory.

Just like a World Series between the New Your Yankees and the Arizona Diamondbacks......who won in 7 games, but the Yankees scored more runs in total in the series, so by your reasoning, and yes, I understand why, no assuming here, the Yankees really did win because their total runs scored means they are the better team......right.  ;D

Just admit it, Trumps a jerk ( agree)  
Hillary lost.
And instead of finding the reasons of why such the favorite handicapped person lost, and using that to build upon, you guys just whine about the outcome....of which Hillary asked Trump if he would accept the results, and when he would not concede to it, you guys called him out as a assault on the very root of our election process....


Lets find solutions and repair to many of the problem s we need to face.
This one is done.  :-*

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by Eegore on 05/03/19 at 10:09:04

"I can't believe you think I said that or anything even close to that."

 I don't.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 10:29:05

7C6F776A6F79690E0 wrote:
Oh I assume, really, you've been assuming for over 2 years now, if projecting Trumps demise over pretty much anything Michael Avanatti, Rosie, or Rachael claimed as fact against Trump....

However, that is not the thrust of my post.
Yeah, I have stated over and over, and over again, the guy has some serious personality issues I do not like, and wish otherwise, BUT......
My post is against your claim that the media reporting has no effect on his numbers, which, I posted that Obama used the media as part of the excuse, which would equate to lower approval of the democrat candidate, hence why they lost, in 2016......

Refute that, or....oh yea, she won the popular vote, so her numbers of approval must be higher than.....
Gotcha, I got that one down to memory.

Just like a World Series between the New Your Yankees and the Arizona Diamondbacks......who won in 7 games, but the Yankees scored more runs in total in the series, so by your reasoning, and yes, I understand why, no assuming here, the Yankees really did win because their total runs scored means they are the better team......right.  ;D

Just admit it, Trumps a jerk ( agree)  
Hillary lost.
And instead of finding the reasons of why such the favorite handicapped person lost, and using that to build upon, you guys just whine about the outcome....of which Hillary asked Trump if he would accept the results, and when he would not concede to it, you guys called him out as a assault on the very root of our election process....


Lets find solutions and repair to many of the problem s we need to face.
This one is done.  :-*

You know what ray?  Take your "aw shucks" mentality and your idiotic/goofball similes and stick 'em.  You clearly have no clue what my posts are about.  So let me set the record straight.....

They're not about me simply "trolling on trump".  They have always been about something much larger than that - the complete and utter hypocrisy of the conservatives who support that idiot.

Why is that relevant?  Well, you talk about trying to "find solutions" to our problems in this country.  OK, how?  How can we do that with one party that supports a habitual liar?  How can we do that with a party that in plain sight blocks legislation for no other reason than party (mitch mcconnell on his being the "grim reaper" and also his same statement about their responsibility to make Obama a 1 term pres.).  How can we do that with a party that blocks any chance of SCOTUS appointment from Obama with 8 months left in his administration?

Further - how can we find solutions to problems when one party thinks there are no problems when it comes to climate change, or racism, or gun control, or campaign finance, or voting rights?  And on and on.....

But the question you should really be asking is - why do you support this president ray?  You claim to be a Christian, yet trump is a proven liar, adulterer, violence inducer, glutton and unrepentant of it all.  Why does trump get a pass and Obama doesn't?  You realize that a majority of trump supporters still think Obama's a Muslim, don't you?  Seriously ray, why do you support trump?  I'd really like to know....

You claim to be a democrat (or you were once), but there's not one post I've ever seen from you that supports one single democratic platform.  Not one.

So again, let's be clear.  I will rail on trump until he's out of office.  He is not fit to sit in the president's chair in my opinion.  He never will be.  I will post about the hypocrisy of the republican party as well - until that changes, neither will I.

But don't forget - I have equal disdain for those on the left that are just as bad. (see my posts about Baltimore's mayor, my calling Hillary out, my disagreements with Bernie and Obama, etc.) . I'm not a one trick pony.  I keep it real.

And yes ray - I do own it.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by raydawg on 05/03/19 at 10:55:07

Oh how I love getting under your skin.......

You once posted/replied.  :-?

Habitual liar, well, then that would most definitely include Hillary, and it looks to include Schiff, Pelosi, and others, as well, so you outraged at them too?
Seems Trump's lies, which are many, but in re: Russia, he is winning way more than the ones you support, even if you give a token, "See, I posted I am glad this person, a Democrat, is gone...yada,yada, yada.....

Its like I ain't a racist cuz I got Black friends.

You want polling numbers, thats what started this, lets go back there, and give it context.


How many here believe/think, that TT has caused the biggest rift and division, and reason why participation has dropped off, on this forum, as cause?

Yes, or no please.

You want to accept the findings?

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by MnSpring on 05/03/19 at 11:14:16

213F30313C213A27550 wrote:
 You clearly have no clue what my posts are about
They're not about me simply "trolling on trump".

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Yea they are.

As well as, ’trolling’, ‘dishing’, ‘calling names', etc.etc. etc,
on anybody that does not,
TOTALLY agree with YOU.

(Just like you are, “TOLD”, to do)

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by MnSpring on 05/03/19 at 11:22:49

6E7D65787D6B7B1C0 wrote:
Oh how I love getting under your skin.......  You once posted/replied.  :-?  Habitual liar, well, then that would most definitely include Hillary, and it looks to include Schiff, Pelosi, and others, as well, so you outraged at them too?  Seems Trump's lies, which are many, but in re: Russia, he is winning way more than the ones you support, even if you give a token, "See, I posted I am glad this person, a Democrat, is gone...yada,yada, yada.....  Its like I ain't a racist cuz I got Black friends.   You want polling numbers, thats what started this, lets go back there, and give it context.
Poll: Yes, or no please.
You want to accept the findings?


Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by WebsterMark on 05/03/19 at 11:44:33

You want polling numbers, thats what started this, lets go back there, and give it context.


How many here believe/think, that TT has caused the biggest rift and division, and reason why participation has dropped off, on this forum, as cause?

Yes, or no please.

You want to accept the findings?

darn Ray..... that's brilliant.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by Eegore on 05/03/19 at 12:28:54

"How many here believe/think, that TT has caused the biggest rift and division, and reason why participation has dropped off, on this forum, as cause?"

 I think at most he can only be 50% of yours, or anyone's problem.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by raydawg on 05/03/19 at 12:44:28

7F4D4A5B5C4D5A65495A43280 wrote:
You want polling numbers, thats what started this, lets go back there, and give it context.


How many here believe/think, that TT has caused the biggest rift and division, and reason why participation has dropped off, on this forum, as cause?

Yes, or no please.

You want to accept the findings?

darn Ray..... that's brilliant.

They reloaded my prescriptions   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by WebsterMark on 05/03/19 at 12:44:50

Stop giving him cover Eegore.

Ray's point is TT loves to point to polls as 'unbiased' evidence of Trump's status as world's worst living piece of $hit!  

Truth is, polls like all media tools, are as biased as anything else.

Ray had a brilliant demonstration pointing that out.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by raydawg on 05/03/19 at 13:00:29

0C2C2E263B2C490 wrote:
"How many here believe/think, that TT has caused the biggest rift and division, and reason why participation has dropped off, on this forum, as cause?"

 I think at most he can only be 50% of yours, or anyone's problem.

No, he is NONE of the cause of my problem......
Its only when I choose to make him my problem, that he then becomes my problem......

That is what I am trying to point out, this being a liberal cop to point out the discrepancies and hypocrisy of republicans is a sham, a lie, disingenuous, and then to complain when others pull the same stunt on him.

Make sense now?

I know he, TT, is passionate, that is good, however, someone earlier posted about not growing past high school, as in stunted intellectually, this is a fine example as that mindset.

Not that we all don't like being right, hell, of course we do, that is why we come her to measure our weenies against each other, that, and the fact its the only place women don't come to our weenies  >:( :-[ ;D

You are ok TT, just trying to clear the atmosphere so we can indeed, put our zealousness together, bouncing ideas off of each others, and trying to do our little part of building up, not the constant negativity and tearing down......  

We all care, like in MAGA is making it GREAT for everyone, again, not just old White men, NO most folks have moved on from the past, learning as we go, lets invite all comers in who want to be a part of the greatest system of governance man has ever known....yes?

We were built upon a foundation of ideas, that building never has to stop, no, but we need to be aware of what we do build upon, rest squarely on that foundation, or we risk the whole structure being compromised, from what it was, and is......  :)



Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 13:03:21

31223A27223424430 wrote:
Oh how I love getting under your skin.......

You once posted/replied.  :-?

Habitual liar, well, then that would most definitely include Hillary, and it looks to include Schiff, Pelosi, and others, as well, so you outraged at them too?

No, because they don't exist.  If they do, then show me ray.

Seems Trump's lies, which are many, but in re: Russia, he is winning way more than the ones you support, even if you give a token, "See, I posted I am glad this person, a Democrat, is gone...yada,yada, yada.....

Its like I ain't a racist cuz I got Black friends.

You want polling numbers, thats what started this, lets go back there, and give it context.


How many here believe/think, that TT has caused the biggest rift and division, and reason why participation has dropped off, on this forum, as cause?

Yes, or no please.

You want to accept the findings?

LOL - OK, fine.

While you're at it, go to a maga rally and do a poll to see if trump is popular with them.

You're sooooo clever ray......

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 13:04:15

5A794467657E7970170 wrote:
[quote author=213F30313C213A27550 link=1556890134/15#15 date=1556904545]  You clearly have no clue what my posts are about
They're not about me simply "trolling on trump".

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Yea they are.

As well as, ’trolling’, ‘dishing’, ‘calling names', etc.etc. etc,
on anybody that does not,
TOTALLY agree with YOU.

(Just like you are, “TOLD”, to do)


Another case for this:

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by Eegore on 05/03/19 at 13:05:15

Stop giving him cover Eegore.

Ray's point is TT loves to point to polls as 'unbiased' evidence of Trump's status as world's worst living piece of $hit!

 Only a problem if someone lets it be a problem.  If my math is correct and two people engage in conversation they have a 50% investment in any outcome.  That's all I'm saying.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by Eegore on 05/03/19 at 13:07:38

That is what I am trying to point out, this being a liberal cop to point out the discrepancies and hypocrisy of republicans is a sham, a lie, disingenuous, and then to complain when others pull the same stunt on him.

Make sense now?

 Yeah it made sense the entire time.  I am just indicating how I look at this, and pretty much most of the polling on here.  


Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 13:08:58

566463727564734C60736A010 wrote:
Stop giving him cover Eegore.

Ray's point is TT loves to point to polls as 'unbiased' evidence of Trump's status as world's worst living piece of $hit!  

Truth is, polls like all media tools, are as biased as anything else.

Ray had a brilliant demonstration pointing that out.

Well mark, it's a sad day for you  - you see, I've already shown that long before I showed up on this little forum, you and your cronies were doing the exact same thing as you accuse me of.

The difference is, you can't handle what I bring.  I'm not going to mollycoddle you.

Sad day for you indeed.

You don't like what I bring?  Too bad.  Keep up the bawling and try and have me thrown off.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by raydawg on 05/03/19 at 13:56:41

6545474F5245200 wrote:
Stop giving him cover Eegore.

Ray's point is TT loves to point to polls as 'unbiased' evidence of Trump's status as world's worst living piece of $hit!

 Only a problem if someone lets it be a problem.  If my math is correct and two people engage in conversation they have a 50% investment in any outcome.  That's all I'm saying.

Maybe you are putting the cart in front of the horse, as I don't see how a conversation need produce a problem?

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by WebsterMark on 05/03/19 at 13:57:38

Well mark, it's a sad day for you  - you see, I've already shown that long before I showed up on this little forum, you and your cronies were doing the exact same thing as you accuse me of.

Only in your mind.

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 14:40:54

526067767160774864776E050 wrote:
Well mark, it's a sad day for you  - you see, I've already shown that long before I showed up on this little forum, you and your cronies were doing the exact same thing as you accuse me of.

Only in your mind.

LOL - if by "in your own mind" you mean the actual posts where I show your derision, then - yes!   :D

Title: Re: Awesome Jobs Report
Post by Eegore on 05/03/19 at 15:58:34

"Maybe you are putting the cart in front of the horse, as I don't see how a conversation need produce a problem?"

 It doesn't.  I said "Only a problem if someone lets it be a problem." not A conversation must produce a problem. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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