General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Voting

Message started by WebsterMark on 05/02/19 at 19:52:15

Title: Voting
Post by WebsterMark on 05/02/19 at 19:52:15

From Bernie Sanders
If we are serious about calling ourselves a democracy, we must firmly establish that the right to vote is an inalienable and universal principle that applies to all American citizens 18 years and older. Period.

No, I don't agree with this. Voting is not an inalienable nor universal principle. It's an earned privilege. The errors in our past are not excuses to foolishly hand over a voice to those who, through their actions, are undeserving.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by Eegore on 05/02/19 at 19:54:52

 Just the logistics of getting voting to work in one prison, let alone all of them is enough for me to say no.

 I agree, I earn a vote by living to age 18 and not committing crimes that result in me being incarcerated at the time of an election I want to vote in.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by raydawg on 05/02/19 at 20:29:14 would be sorta like a labor union.

You vote as the kingpin tells you to vote, or else.

Will the prisons start getting their own lobbyist too?

Attend the conventions to cast their vote for their candidate, like states do now too?  

I got a bouts we just toss all laws, all accountability, etc.
Folks can no longer break laws, cuz there ain't any.
We could save lots of money.
Ditto, no schools either, just whatever you learn is enough, and that too will save lots more money.
We will have free food, healthcare, housing, etc.....
Why do we need any of that anyway, why?

Title: Re: Voting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/02/19 at 21:27:27

Dallas County Crooks Rejoice; Democrat DA Won't …
Dallas criminals have just been given a license to steal - up to $750, that is. Following his November 2018 election win, Dallas County Criminal District Attorney John Creuzot, a Democrat, announced that he will no longer prosecute certain low-level crimes, including thefts of personal items worth less than $750 as long as it isn't for economic gain, according to CBS

Title: Re: Voting
Post by philthymike on 05/03/19 at 04:47:54

The big problem with voting as I see it is the mob rule aspect of it. It always boils down to an us or them argument. It doesn’t even matter if the choice is between dogcrap and cat puke like the last presidential election people are petty and vote just to beat the other side without even stopping to think about alternatives such as independents or writing in the better candidate.
Personally I write in who I want since I have no interest in feces or vomit on offer.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by Eegore on 05/03/19 at 05:41:37

 I agree about mob mentality.  As I have stated before on here the majority of people I have asked as to why they support Trump is because they didn't like Obama.

Not policy, not future vision or credentials, just that Obama was black, Muslim, a terrorist, or just plain bad.  I guess that worked back in high school so why can't it just work for the rest of my life right?

Title: Re: Voting
Post by Eegore on 05/03/19 at 05:45:23

John Creuzot, a Democrat, announced that he will no longer prosecute certain low-level crimes, including thefts of personal items worth less than $750 as long as it isn't for economic gain, according to CBS

 Was a reason given?  It's $1000 where I live the reasoning being it costs more than $1000 to prosecute someone and petty crime is so high that prosecution combined with incarceration time would backlog the courts and overcrowd jails within months.

 It may not be the best method, but it's the one the DA has control over.

 It's the same reason why the city will typically settle for anything under 10,000.  The insurance covers anything below 10,000 and legal fees start over that amount.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 05:50:07

If we are serious about calling ourselves a democracy, we must firmly establish that the right to vote is an inalienable and universal principle that applies to all American citizens 18 years and older.

Agreed to that part.

However, I don't think those incarcerated should have that right.  I do think those that have paid their debt should.

Pretty simple.  I still support Bernie, even though we disagree on this point.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by WebsterMark on 05/03/19 at 06:15:22

Not policy, not future vision or credentials, just that Obama was black, Muslim, a terrorist, or just plain bad

Would you ever say in your wildest dreams you didn't vote for Trump because he's white? Rich? New Yorker?  Gotta go straight to race first huh?  

Title: Re: Voting
Post by WebsterMark on 05/03/19 at 06:17:16

To vote you must be 18, not currently serving jail time and not previously convicted of voter fraud. Seems that's something everyone can get behind.

Bernie is completely out of touch with reality as are most of the Democratic candidates. When Uncle Joe is the reasonable one, you've got problems....

Title: Re: Voting
Post by WebsterMark on 05/03/19 at 06:19:57

68484A425F482D0 wrote:
John Creuzot, a Democrat, announced that he will no longer prosecute certain low-level crimes, including thefts of personal items worth less than $750 as long as it isn't for economic gain, according to CBS

 Was a reason given?  It's $1000 where I live the reasoning being it costs more than $1000 to prosecute someone and petty crime is so high that prosecution combined with incarceration time would backlog the courts and overcrowd jails within months.

 It may not be the best method, but it's the one the DA has control over.

 It's the same reason why the city will typically settle for anything under 10,000.  The insurance covers anything below 10,000 and legal fees start over that amount.

Our new prosecuting attorney in St Louis (elected on a Ferguson Hands up Don't shoot platform, announced he won't prosecute failure to pay child support and weed possession less than 100 grams. Effectively, he legalized walking away from kids and legalized marijuana in St Louis. Oh, he basically said he's prosecute police officers for anything he possibly could.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 06:31:01

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
Not policy, not future vision or credentials, just that Obama was black, Muslim, a terrorist, or just plain bad

Would you ever say in your wildest dreams you didn't vote for Trump because he's white? Rich? New Yorker?  Gotta go straight to race first huh?  

Sadly, mark, I've seen that first hand on this very forum.  Don't be ignorant, you saw the same post I did.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 06:32:17

0E3C3B2A2D3C2B14382B32590 wrote:
To vote you must be 18, not currently serving jail time and not previously convicted of voter fraud. Seems that's something everyone can get behind.

Bernie is completely out of touch with reality as are most of the Democratic candidates. When Uncle Joe is the reasonable one, you've got problems....

What's the problem with that mark?  Do you think there should be a qualification to vote?  A test?  A poll tax?

Title: Re: Voting
Post by Eegore on 05/03/19 at 06:37:19

"Would you ever say in your wildest dreams you didn't vote for Trump because he's white? Rich? New Yorker?  Gotta go straight to race first huh?"

 No.  I do not vote based off of race, income or geographical location.  The majority of the people I have asked specifically about Trump do however.

 I do not have to go to race first.  I could type "Terrorist, Muslim and black" if that's better, it would however convey frequency of answer in reverse order of most commonly stated.

 You all know I would rather be statistically accurate over being politically correct.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by philthymike on 05/03/19 at 06:51:51

69494B435E492C0 wrote:
 I agree about mob mentality.  As I have stated before on here the majority of people I have asked as to why they support Trump is because they didn't like Obama.

Not policy, not future vision or credentials, just that Obama was black, Muslim, a terrorist, or just plain bad.  I guess that worked back in high school so why can't it just work for the rest of my life right?

At the risk of sounding negative I honestly think that the majority of Americans don’t mature past high school. And for many it stopped at middle school.

With candidates all people get are feelgood messaging so most people are happy with that and don’t  bother to dig down and see what actual substance the candidacy promotes. Sadly the the feelgood messaging is about as deep as it goes anyway.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/03/19 at 07:56:27

79595B534E593C0 wrote:
 I agree about mob mentality.  As I have stated before on here the majority of people I have asked as to why they support Trump is because they didn't like Obama.

Not policy, not future vision or credentials, just that Obama was black, Muslim, a terrorist, or just plain bad.  I guess that worked back in high school so why can't it just work for the rest of my life right?

have asked as to why they support Trump is because they didn't like Obama.

And I have never met anyone who supports Trump and didn't Dislike, disagree with, Obama...

But disliking Obama isn't WHY they like Trump.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by Eegore on 05/03/19 at 08:13:25

"But disliking Obama isn't WHY they like Trump."

 That may be true, but many do not give any other reason beyond disliking Obama.  Quite literally that is exclusively the reason provided.  "Better than Obozo" was an answer I got just this morning.

 Others add Hillary into the mix, others do like Trump's personality, some like the Wall, some like the Tariffs.  Some just disliked Obama so much, they voted for Trump.

 I do have a list of people who are willing to discuss their decisions if you want to follow up yourself.  Most of them cellphone contacts, some are emails.


Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 08:18:26

382021243C20312521232D480 wrote:
[quote author=69494B435E492C0 link=1556851935/0#5 date=1556887297]
 I agree about mob mentality.  As I have stated before on here the majority of people I have asked as to why they support Trump is because they didn't like Obama.

Not policy, not future vision or credentials, just that Obama was black, Muslim, a terrorist, or just plain bad.  I guess that worked back in high school so why can't it just work for the rest of my life right?

At the risk of sounding negative I honestly think that the majority of Americans don’t mature past high school. And for many it stopped at middle school.

With candidates all people get are feelgood messaging so most people are happy with that and don’t  bother to dig down and see what actual substance the candidacy promotes. Sadly the the feelgood messaging is about as deep as it goes anyway.[/quote]

Well put PhilthyMike!

Title: Re: Voting
Post by WebsterMark on 05/03/19 at 08:26:38

Let's be completely honest: Trump was elected because he represented the opposite of Hillary. If any other Republican had won the nomination, Hillary would have won. For many, Trump was a protest vote.  

Everyone hated Hillary, but enough people would have stuck with her if it had been her against Jeb for example. However, because Trump was a big giant FU to the leftist Dems, the media and Hollywood, he got enough support in those key five states that he won.

And given how wacho the Democrat candidates are now, he'll win again.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 08:30:51

665453424554437C50435A310 wrote:
Let's be completely honest: Trump was elected because he represented the opposite of Hillary. If any other Republican had won the nomination, Hillary would have won. For many, Trump was a protest vote.  

Everyone hated Hillary, but enough people would have stuck with her if it had been her against Jeb for example. However, because Trump was a big giant FU to the leftist Dems, the media and Hollywood, he barely got enough support in those key five states that he won.

And given how spot on with the majority of the country the Democrat candidates are now, he'll probably lose.


Title: Re: Voting
Post by WebsterMark on 05/03/19 at 08:30:58

At the risk of sounding negative I honestly think that the majority of Americans don’t mature past high school. And for many it stopped at middle school.

With candidates all people get are feelgood messaging so most people are happy with that and don’t  bother to dig down and see what actual substance the candidacy promotes. Sadly the the feelgood messaging is about as deep as it goes anyway.

People vote emotionally, all of us do. We can't always articulate exactly why we feel a certain way towards someone, but we do. Our subconscious guides much of what we think and we consciously try to justify it afterwards by selecting facts.

Now, relying on your subconscious isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's driven by what we've learned over a lifetime. Many saw Hillary as a slimy politician and they saw Trump as a bad a$$.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by raydawg on 05/03/19 at 08:32:47

Spin doctors, sound bites, etc......

I wonder too, just how much folks are getting tired of the 24/7 news cycles and the constant bombardment of negativity?

You say folks don't evolve much past late teens/early twenties, well golly, I wonder if they even got that far?

How many do not understand the wisdom in the telling of the Little Boy who cried, Wolf?

Yet.....its all we get in the news outlets.

Personally, I believe folks are getting better informed, as evidenced by the drop in publications of print type formatted news.

Instant recall and access to information, via world wide news in the palm of your hand.......
Will remove much of the ability for organized news corporations to direct the narratives of their beliefs and goals in achieving their power rankings and influence, over others.

In a weird twist of fate, they capitalize off of a addiction, that they created, to their own personal gains and welfare.....
Like a pimp, or a drug pusher, or any other unscrupulous businessman......PROFIT!

Wealth without humility, is toxic

Nelson Mandela   

Title: Re: Voting
Post by philthymike on 05/03/19 at 14:50:52

If I’d voted emotionally during the presidential election the voting machine would have needed repairs and possibly the fire department when I was done with it.
But I kept my head together and wrote in the best person for the job - Jello Biafra.
Surprisingly when the results came back I saw that 5 others in the state of PA also wrote him in. So out of the 12.8x million people in this state there’s 5 I know I can see eye to eye with  :D

As for the relentless stream of news and information available to all 1st world peoples nowadays the thing I worry about most is the automated decisions being made by black boxes aka algorithms, which have been programmed by who knows and with what weights and rankings and ulterior motives choosing what each of us should be presented with when we search for world events or political discourse or even local news.

There’s a good book out called the Weapons of Math Destruction.
I recommend it to anyone who goes online for news and political topics.
Very eye opening stuff!

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/03/19 at 14:53:21

736B6A6F776B7A6E6A6866030 wrote:
If I’d voted emotionally during the presidential election the voting machine would have needed repairs and possibly the fire department when I was done with it.
But I kept my head together and wrote in the best person for the job - Jello Biafra.

YES!!!!  Awesome!!!

Surprisingly when the results came back I saw that 5 others in the state of PA also wrote him in. So out of the 12.8x million people in this state there’s 5 I know I can see eye to eye with  :D

As for the relentless stream of news and information available to all 1st world peoples nowadays the thing I worry about most is the automated decisions being made by black boxes aka algorithms, which have been programmed by who knows and with what weights and rankings and ulterior motives choosing what each of us should be presented with when we search for world events or political discourse or even local news.

There’s a good book out called the Weapons of Math Destruction.
I recommend it to anyone who goes online for news and political topics.
Very eye opening stuff!

Thanks PhilthyMike - I'll check it out!

Title: Re: Voting
Post by philthymike on 05/03/19 at 15:21:43

Cool! It’s a good read and it even helped me with a career crisis I’ve had for the past year. I have been a Python language programmer for the past 20 years and its become the defacto choice in the Big Data industry and widely used in the destructive algorithms the book talks about. Faced with the possibility of only being able to land jobs working on that crap was extremely depressing for me. I don’t want to be part of the problem. So seeing how the author of the book had the guts to change the direction of her career to get away from it I chose to do the same. Instead I now work for Amtrak administering, planning and supporting their infrastructure. Plenty of programming work still but it’s stuff that my conscience can live with.

BTW just for the sake of clarification, I’m not a lefty and not a green party supporter. I’m not a wing period. But some people make alot of sense even if I don’t actually have the same political sensibilities as them. Jello speaks truth even in jest. The last two times he played in PA he had some really good solutions for this states problems so he has my respect for actually caring enough to address the issues of my state which he’s not a resident of. He’s really incredibly knowledgeable and an extremely likable person. So even though I’m not a Greenie he’s got my vote should he run again.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by Eegore on 05/03/19 at 16:07:39

"There’s a good book out called the Weapons of Math Destruction.
I recommend it to anyone who goes online for news and political topics.
Very eye opening stuff!"

 I have also recommended this.

 Unless one takes a very active approach to knowing how algorithms work online they will continue to miss out on anything they don't already agree with.  I've tried to talk about it but I am contested with 1 minute Google searches from people who don't even know what streaming media is, so it's just a situation of empirical, reproduceable data versus quick-search Googling.

 It's interesting people will go along with so many other conspiracies but will refuse to accept information they can literally test themselves and replicate the results.


Title: Re: Voting
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/03/19 at 16:46:50

6A4A48405D4A2F0 wrote:
"There’s a good book out called the Weapons of Math Destruction.
I recommend it to anyone who goes online for news and political topics.
Very eye opening stuff!"

 I have also recommended this.

 Unless one takes a very active approach to knowing how algorithms work online they will continue to miss out on anything they don't already agree with.  I've tried to talk about it but I am contested with 1 minute Google searches from people who don't even know what streaming media is, so it's just a situation of empirical, reproduceable data versus quick-search Googling.

 It's interesting people will go along with so many other conspiracies but will refuse to accept information they can literally test themselves and replicate the results.


I missed it.
If you can repost it, I will follow it.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by philthymike on 05/03/19 at 18:57:59

The Tor network is a great option for actively avoiding being profiled by algorithms.

The Duck Duck Go search engine is useful too. And there’s a number of helpful browser plugins available too.

For those with a keen interest in this stuff consider attending HOPE in NYC every other year. The various presentations and workshops are very educational. Especially the ones where ethical hackers demonstrate the vulnerabilities of websites and software we rely on.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by MnSpring on 05/04/19 at 11:16:34

3F212E2F223F24394B0 wrote:
 I do think those that have paid their debt should.

Asking, if a person, committed Cold Blooded Murder.
(A Felony) then got out after, say 10-11 years.
You would want them to Vote ?

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/06/19 at 08:13:10

05261B383A21262F480 wrote:
[quote author=3F212E2F223F24394B0 link=1556851935/0#7 date=1556887807]  I do think those that have paid their debt should.

Asking, if a person, committed Cold Blooded Murder.
(A Felony) then got out after, say 10-11 years.
You would want them to Vote ?[/quote]

If their debt to society is paid, then yes.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by pg on 05/06/19 at 08:23:15

786669686578637E0C0 wrote:
[quote author=05261B383A21262F480 link=1556851935/15#28 date=1556993794][quote author=3F212E2F223F24394B0 link=1556851935/0#7 date=1556887807]  I do think those that have paid their debt should.

Asking, if a person, committed Cold Blooded Murder.
(A Felony) then got out after, say 10-11 years.
You would want them to Vote ?[/quote]

If their debt to society is paid, then yes.[/quote]

Pfhhht, Pfhhht.....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/06/19 at 08:39:54

3D2A2C202F3F4D0 wrote:
[quote author=786669686578637E0C0 link=1556851935/15#29 date=1557155590][quote author=05261B383A21262F480 link=1556851935/15#28 date=1556993794][quote author=3F212E2F223F24394B0 link=1556851935/0#7 date=1556887807]  I do think those that have paid their debt should.

Asking, if a person, committed Cold Blooded Murder.
(A Felony) then got out after, say 10-11 years.
You would want them to Vote ?[/quote]

If their debt to society is paid, then yes.[/quote]

Pfhhht, Pfhhht.....

Best regards,

You don't agree?  Why not?

Title: Re: Voting
Post by pg on 05/06/19 at 10:11:09

No, I can't say I do.  They lack the moral fortitude to have any influence on society.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Voting
Post by MnSpring on 05/06/19 at 10:20:19

The UL, FDS Dems,
People to influence society
that LACK, moral fortitude.

Because that is what the,
UL FDS Dems are doing.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/06/19 at 11:03:48

4A5D5B5758483A0 wrote:
No, I can't say I do.  They lack the moral fortitude to have any influence on society.  

Best regards,

Really?  So why let them back into society?  Why not just kill all the felons?

Seems that from your perspective, once a felon, always a felon.... no?

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/06/19 at 11:05:03

61427F5C5E45424B2C0 wrote:
The UL, FDS Dems,
People to influence society
that LACK, moral fortitude.

Because that is what the,
UL FDS Dems are doing.

Yeah mn - gee, you got us... that's what all us libs all want....  <<<<<sarcasm.

You're unintentionally hilarious.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by pg on 05/06/19 at 12:22:34

746A656469746F72000 wrote:
[quote author=4A5D5B5758483A0 link=1556851935/30#32 date=1557162669]No, I can't say I do.  They lack the moral fortitude to have any influence on society.  

Best regards,

Really?  So why let them back into society?  Why not just kill all the felons?

Seems that from your perspective, once a felon, always a felon.... no?[/quote]

I didn't say anything about not letting them back into society.

If you want to give them the right to vote again, why not let them have their firearms back.  Or are some crimes worse than others?  That's why they are felonies.  Here is your FOID / CCL back as well....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/06/19 at 12:34:23

2A3D3B3738285A0 wrote:
[quote author=746A656469746F72000 link=1556851935/30#34 date=1557165828][quote author=4A5D5B5758483A0 link=1556851935/30#32 date=1557162669]No, I can't say I do.  They lack the moral fortitude to have any influence on society.  

Best regards,

Really?  So why let them back into society?  Why not just kill all the felons?

Seems that from your perspective, once a felon, always a felon.... no?[/quote]

I didn't say anything about not letting them back into society.

If you want to give them the right to vote again, why not let them have their firearms back.  Or are some crimes worse than others?  That's why they are felonies.  Here is your FOID / CCL back as well....

Best regards,[/quote]

So, in your mind, voting rights are equivalent to the rights of the Second Amendment?

Tread lightly here pro golfer... it can get pretty sticky!

Title: Re: Voting
Post by pg on 05/06/19 at 13:06:33

Are you suggesting some Constitutional rights have more weight than others?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/06/19 at 13:14:14

243335393626540 wrote:
Are you suggesting some Constitutional rights have more weight than others?

Best regards,

No, not really.

However, I would say that gun rights (such as they are) should be tougher to "attain" than voting rights.

For example, an 18 year old can vote with no background check.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by pg on 05/06/19 at 13:26:40

Something you 'attain' does not sound like a right to me.....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/06/19 at 13:46:06

7E696F636C7C0E0 wrote:
Something you 'attain' does not sound like a right to me.....

Best regards,

Well, you can't vote until you're 18, right.  You "attain" that right, do you not?  Voting is indeed a right.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by Serowbot on 05/06/19 at 14:38:51

2334323E3121530 wrote:
Are you suggesting some Constitutional rights have more weight than others?

Best regards,

The Third Amendment. No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

This one seems a little weak... :-/

Title: Re: Voting
Post by MnSpring on 05/06/19 at 15:38:18

504E41404D504B56240 wrote:
gun rights (such as they are) should be tougher to "attain" than voting rights.
For example, an 18 year old can vote with no background check.

So to purchase a gun, a 18 year old,
has to fill out a Fed government 6 page form called the 4473.
Then they have to submit to a Fed government background check.

Yet a 18 year can Vote, with out any proof of Citizenship.

Really ?

Title: Re: Voting
Post by MnSpring on 05/06/19 at 15:51:53

607E71707D607B66140 wrote:
that's what all us libs all want....

The UL, FDS, Socialistic Democrats in the USA,
have shown the World,
that is exactaly what they want !

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/06/19 at 16:21:00

082B1635372C2B22450 wrote:
[quote author=504E41404D504B56240 link=1556851935/30#39 date=1557173654] gun rights (such as they are) should be tougher to "attain" than voting rights.
For example, an 18 year old can vote with no background check.

So to purchase a gun, a 18 year old,
has to fill out a Fed government 6 page form called the 4473.
Then they have to submit to a Fed government background check.

Yet a 18 year can Vote, with out any proof of Citizenship.

Really ?

Nope, that's not what I said.  Do you equate a background check to showing proof of citizenship?

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/06/19 at 16:22:16

0B281536342F2821460 wrote:
[quote author=607E71707D607B66140 link=1556851935/30#35 date=1557165903] that's what all us libs all want....

The UL, FDS, Socialistic Democrats in the USA,
have shown the World,
that is exactaly what they want !

You missed the most important part mn.

The sarcasm part.

But then, you take everything out of context and put it in your own, don;t you?  

No surprise - just sad.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by pg on 05/06/19 at 17:46:33

5D434C4D405D465B290 wrote:
[quote author=7E696F636C7C0E0 link=1556851935/30#40 date=1557174400]Something you 'attain' does not sound like a right to me.....

Best regards,

Well, you can't vote until you're 18, right.  You "attain" that right, do you not?  Voting is indeed a right.[/quote]

A difference exists and it is pretty significant.  When you turn 18 you attain the right to vote.  Regarding a firearm, when you turn 18; you attain the right to apply to purchase it.  That is contingent on the state and firearm you arm interested in.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Voting
Post by pg on 05/06/19 at 17:49:12

6274637E66737E65110 wrote:
[quote author=2334323E3121530 link=1556851935/30#38 date=1557173193]Are you suggesting some Constitutional rights have more weight than others?

Best regards,

The Third Amendment. No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

This one seems a little weak... :-/[/quote]

I did a little research years ago.   This was included after the 2A because the English would take whatever they pleased from the colonists.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Voting
Post by Eegore on 05/06/19 at 19:19:49

"If you want to give them the right to vote again, why not let them have their firearms back."

 Went to a briefing today where a man upset that his wife was leaving him assaulted her at her car.  He punched her repeatedly in the head and face, took her keys and punched her repeatedly with the keys interlaced in his knuckles causing so many lacerations she was unrecognizable.  They keys eventually became entangled in her hair and he stopped.  

 Realizing she was still alive he slammed her head repeatedly in the car door, when she passed out he saw blood "bubbling in her nostrils" so still not satisfied as she remained alive he placed her head under the tire and attempted to run her over.  The tire wasn't large enough to go over her head so it ripped the back of her head apart, and broke open her skull.  When she was found brain matter was in the grooves of the tire and across the pavement.

 Since she lived, even after all that blood loss, he will get out of prison.  He states he will finish the job upon release.  

 If this man is allowed to vote when he is released from prison I feel it is less likely he would use that vote to murder his ex-wife, or any other woman for that matter, than he would with a gun.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by pg on 05/07/19 at 03:54:42

0D2D2F273A2D480 wrote:
"If you want to give them the right to vote again, why not let them have their firearms back."

 Went to a briefing today where a man upset that his wife was leaving him assaulted her at her car.  He punched her repeatedly in the head and face, took her keys and punched her repeatedly with the keys interlaced in his knuckles causing so many lacerations she was unrecognizable.  They keys eventually became entangled in her hair and he stopped.  

 Realizing she was still alive he slammed her head repeatedly in the car door, when she passed out he saw blood "bubbling in her nostrils" so still not satisfied as she remained alive he placed her head under the tire and attempted to run her over.  The tire wasn't large enough to go over her head so it ripped the back of her head apart, and broke open her skull.  When she was found brain matter was in the grooves of the tire and across the pavement.

 Since she lived, even after all that blood loss, he will get out of prison.  He states he will finish the job upon release.  

 If this man is allowed to vote when he is released from prison I feel it is less likely he would use that vote to murder his ex-wife, or any other woman for that matter, than he would with a gun.

Why do you feel someone with serious clinical phycological flaws should be able to influence any part of society?  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/07/19 at 05:59:10

6374727E7161130 wrote:
[quote author=5D434C4D405D465B290 link=1556851935/30#41 date=1557175566][quote author=7E696F636C7C0E0 link=1556851935/30#40 date=1557174400]Something you 'attain' does not sound like a right to me.....

Best regards,

Well, you can't vote until you're 18, right.  You "attain" that right, do you not?  Voting is indeed a right.[/quote]

A difference exists and it is pretty significant.  When you turn 18 you attain the right to vote.  Regarding a firearm, when you turn 18; you attain the right to apply to purchase it.  That is contingent on the state and firearm you arm interested in.  

Best regards,[/quote]

That's my point.  I think it should be even more difficult to own a gun than vote.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by Eegore on 05/07/19 at 06:44:35

"Why do you feel someone with serious clinical phycological flaws should be able to influence any part of society?"

 I don't.

 I am saying I feel their right to vote is less dangerous than their right to own a gun.

 To say that voting is equal to gun ownership by convicted criminals is comparing apples and firearms.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by pg on 05/07/19 at 07:42:13

It sets a dangerous precedent to prioritize what constitutional right has priority over another.  By letter felons vote, the integrity of constitution has been compromised.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Voting
Post by MnSpring on 05/07/19 at 09:27:12

415F50515C415A47350 wrote:
That's my point.  I think it should be even more difficult to own a gun than vote.

(Seeing as how you used the word moron, several times, to describe a member here)
more difficult to own a gun than vote

Title: Re: Voting
Post by raydawg on 05/07/19 at 09:33:54

7E696F636C7C0E0 wrote:
It sets a dangerous precedent to prioritize what constitutional right has priority over another.  By letter felons vote, the integrity of constitution has been compromised.

Best regards,

A good example of this is when White male landowners had that priority.

But then again, how can you separate that those who share a commonality, not allowing them the freedom to associate, or their pursuit of happiness?

I think bottom line is that you can't legislate morality by laws or force....

Lets use this example perhaps, as a law of nature.

Is it that creatures feel more driven to associate with like kind?
I think that is a yes.
Then, do we fault man, for the same natural tendencies?

If yes, how do you circumvent that natural tendency, without impinging on their own natural calling/feelings, expressions, etc, similar to that of homosexuality, I might assume.....???

We saw how laws against such natural tendencies created a mess for society, and is still trying to recuperate and right much wrong thinking, even if the intentions were not intended to be punitive.    


Title: Re: Voting
Post by raydawg on 05/07/19 at 09:34:29

7B586546445F5851360 wrote:
[quote author=415F50515C415A47350 link=1556851935/45#51 date=1557233950] That's my point.  I think it should be even more difficult to own a gun than vote.

(Seeing as how you used the moron, several times, to describe a member here)
more difficult to own a gun than vote


Now that is funny  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Voting
Post by Eegore on 05/07/19 at 10:15:39

"It sets a dangerous precedent to prioritize what constitutional right has priority over another.  By letter felons vote, the integrity of constitution has been compromised."

 This type of thing is quite literally what Amendments are for.  As things change the Constitution can be amended to reflect change.  

 For instance the 4th Amendment and the 2nd are restricted within prisons.  The Constitution is compromised there as well by your definition.  So we need to allow inmates to carry firearms in prison and we can not search their cells without a warrant.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/07/19 at 11:33:07

54774A696B70777E190 wrote:
[quote author=415F50515C415A47350 link=1556851935/45#51 date=1557233950] That's my point.  I think it should be even more difficult to own a gun than vote.

(Seeing as how you used the word moron, several times, to describe a member here)
more difficult to own a gun than vote

No mn, I think it should be even more difficult to get a gun than to vote than it is now.

Nice name calling though.  Well done!

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/07/19 at 11:34:12

75667E63667060070 wrote:
[quote author=7B586546445F5851360 link=1556851935/45#54 date=1557246432][quote author=415F50515C415A47350 link=1556851935/45#51 date=1557233950] That's my point.  I think it should be even more difficult to own a gun than vote.

(Seeing as how you used the moron, several times, to describe a member here)
more difficult to own a gun than vote


Now that is funny  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

No ray, I think it should be even more difficult to get a gun than to vote than it is now.

Nice hanging on to mn's name calling though.  Well done!

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/07/19 at 11:35:08

1636343C2136530 wrote:
"It sets a dangerous precedent to prioritize what constitutional right has priority over another.  By letter felons vote, the integrity of constitution has been compromised."

 This type of thing is quite literally what Amendments are for.  As things change the Constitution can be amended to reflect change.  

 For instance the 4th Amendment and the 2nd are restricted within prisons.  The Constitution is compromised there as well by your definition.  So we need to allow inmates to carry firearms in prison and we can not search their cells without a warrant.

Game.  Set.  Match to Eegore.

Title: Re: Voting
Post by raydawg on 05/07/19 at 12:20:57

726C63626F726974060 wrote:
[quote author=75667E63667060070 link=1556851935/45#56 date=1557246869][quote author=7B586546445F5851360 link=1556851935/45#54 date=1557246432][quote author=415F50515C415A47350 link=1556851935/45#51 date=1557233950] That's my point.  I think it should be even more difficult to own a gun than vote.

(Seeing as how you used the moron, several times, to describe a member here)
more difficult to own a gun than vote


Now that is funny  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

No ray, I think it should be even more difficult to get a gun than to vote than it is now.

Nice hanging on to mn's name calling though.  Well done![/quote]

Sorry Web......

LIGHTEN UP FRANCIS.......!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/07/19 at 12:36:04

26352D30352333540 wrote:
[quote author=726C63626F726974060 link=1556851935/45#59 date=1557254052][quote author=75667E63667060070 link=1556851935/45#56 date=1557246869][quote author=7B586546445F5851360 link=1556851935/45#54 date=1557246432][quote author=415F50515C415A47350 link=1556851935/45#51 date=1557233950] That's my point.  I think it should be even more difficult to own a gun than vote.

(Seeing as how you used the moron, several times, to describe a member here)
more difficult to own a gun than vote


Now that is funny  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

No ray, I think it should be even more difficult to get a gun than to vote than it is now.

Nice hanging on to mn's name calling though.  Well done![/quote]

Sorry Web......

LIGHTEN UP FRANCIS.......!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Oh, my apologies ray.  I thought you, like mn, didn't understand and thought for some reason it was funny.

Do you understand the point I make now ray?  Should I explain it further?

Title: Re: Voting
Post by raydawg on 05/07/19 at 13:27:53

You so whatever pleases you anyway........hell-o  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Voting
Post by T And T Garage on 05/07/19 at 14:20:24

4C5F475A5F49593E0 wrote:
You so whatever pleases you anyway........hell-o  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


No idea what that means.  But I'm beginning to understand why you thought it was funny and jumped on mn's post.


Title: Re: Voting
Post by MnSpring on 05/07/19 at 14:43:22

7C6F776A6F79690E0 wrote:
Now that is funny  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Perhaps raydawg said the above,
because it, IS FUNNY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
   ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D
     ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D
       ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
         ;D ;D ;D ;D
          ;D ;D ;D
             ;D ;D

Title: Re: Voting
Post by pg on 05/07/19 at 18:00:41

7F616E6F627F64790B0 wrote:
[quote author=1636343C2136530 link=1556851935/45#57 date=1557249339]"It sets a dangerous precedent to prioritize what constitutional right has priority over another.  By letter felons vote, the integrity of constitution has been compromised."

 This type of thing is quite literally what Amendments are for.  As things change the Constitution can be amended to reflect change.  

 For instance the 4th Amendment and the 2nd are restricted within prisons.  The Constitution is compromised there as well by your definition.  So we need to allow inmates to carry firearms in prison and we can not search their cells without a warrant.

Game.  Set.  Match to Eegore.[/quote]

I beg to differ, a methodology was provided to illustrate how changes may occur to the constitution.  However, no rational argument was provided why felons should vote.  In addition, an asinine analogy was presented to corroborate why inmates should have rights in prison.

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