General Category >> The Cafe >> Prayer Request ********. UPDATE *********

Message started by LANCER on 04/28/19 at 14:05:37

Title: Prayer Request ********. UPDATE *********
Post by LANCER on 04/28/19 at 14:05:37

Paula is having knee replacement surgery early tomorrow morning.
Please pray all goes well with the meds, that God will guide the surgeons hands, the OR will be free of contaminants, and she will wake with little to no pain and have a speedy recovery.
Thank you.

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by norm92de on 04/28/19 at 14:21:40


Best wishes to you both.

My wife may be in the same situation one of these days.

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by Matchless G11 on 04/28/19 at 14:23:40

God Bless.

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/28/19 at 14:26:16

Scared the hekk outta me.

Sure, got it..

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by Dave on 04/28/19 at 16:13:49

Will do....Prayers on the way!

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by Ruttly on 04/28/19 at 16:32:26

Prayers sent. As far as pain goes I believe that is gods way letting you know your alive and every day is a gift ! She will be fine,smile and show no fear. Fear is damaging to the healing process. It’s your turn to baby her till she is healed.

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by norm92de on 04/28/19 at 16:51:48

I like your comment. :)

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by playhard67 on 04/28/19 at 17:59:47

My prayers are with her for a successful surgery and a speedy, minimal pain recovery....oh and for you and family as well.

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by verslagen1 on 04/28/19 at 20:41:41

I'll pray for your surgeon, everything else will be fine.

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by raydawg on 04/28/19 at 21:08:44

Tell her that her vote will decided the outcome.........

She be running to the ballot box  ;D

Prayers sent!

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by MMRanch on 04/28/19 at 21:24:25

From what I've seen Paula has been a member of god's family as long as I've know of her .    Seems like if the Good Lord is overhauling her bod , then there must be a big job coming up in her future !  ;)

Tell her Howdy for me .   :)

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by LANCER on 04/29/19 at 05:48:11

Surgery has begun.
Pray please.

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by LANCER on 04/29/19 at 05:55:15

456263637B6E170 wrote:
Prayers sent. As far as pain goes I believe that is gods way letting you know your alive and every day is a gift ! She will be fine,smile and show no fear. Fear is damaging to the healing process. It’s your turn to baby her till she is healed.

Yes, “He has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.”

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by raydawg on 04/29/19 at 12:34:47

Yes, “He has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.”

PERFECT Peace.....  :)

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by LANCER on 04/30/19 at 18:08:02

Paula came through the surgery well, she was up and walking a bit later in the day.  She has difficulty though with pain meds, they make her really nauseas.   She vomited several times.
 Pray for Gods grace for her in this please. She NEEDS it.

Thank y’all for praying, it is much appreciated.

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by LANCER on 05/04/19 at 16:39:21

Paula continues to progress though it is still a bit slow right now.  She’s doing about 6 hours of physical therapy daily.  It wears her out.
Please continue to pray for strength and stamina for her, and especially for spiritual strength and stamina for both of us.
Thank you.  

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/04/19 at 17:54:22

She’s doing about 6 hours of physical therapy daily.  It wears her out.


She's gotta be pretty dang tough to handle that.

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by LANCER on 05/05/19 at 04:49:36

57484E4954536252625A48440F3D0 wrote:
She’s doing about 6 hours of physical therapy daily.  It wears her out.


She's gotta be pretty dang tough to handle that.

That she is JOG, she is tough to be sure.  I am as tired as she is at the end of the day, much more so than I anticipated.  I’m exhausted at the end of each day.
I would appreciate continued prayer for both of us as we work out her recovery.  She needs healing, strength & flexibility and I need strength and energy.
Thank you all for your prayers.

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by thumperclone on 05/05/19 at 06:23:23

my wife went through the same thing in November
the therapy is the key and getting rid of the addictive drugs asap

she still goes to the gym on her own , the insurance paid for 6 weeks of pt

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by raydawg on 05/05/19 at 07:45:54


Remember the Lord's way is not always so obvious to us, at times.
What might seem a trial, and a burden, at the moment......
Taxing us to a point of surrender our joyousness,
Is opportunity for our witness to be highlighted in such a manner that one who might be soullessly wandering, and looking for direction in their life......
See it in you and your wife, through what you guys are having to endure.

I can't tell you how hard it was for my wife and I, for over a decade, to have to deal with the real effects physically, with injuries we suffered ( mostly her ) from matters beyond our control that runs smack to the question of fairness in life, etc.....

But decades later now, to hear from folks who were "watching" us, and how we were a inspiration.....
WHICH, we never felt like we were, we were just trying to hang on...... ;D
Puts it all in context to how our Loving God can use all to the greater for His Kingdom!

Be well, keep it honest, God can handle your honesty, He knows it anyway.....
Blessings, Prayers, and healing, in Jesus name we ask.....AMEN!  :)

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by Armen on 05/06/19 at 03:10:20

Best wished and prayers for you and Paula. Tough times like this its very helpful in the healing process to know that others care for you.
She is lucky to have you.

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by MMRanch on 05/06/19 at 08:49:23

  I’m exhausted at the end of each day.  

That is really neat ... It kinda "inspires" me to start exercising with my wife instead of just "enjoying the show" ,  ::)

It's been plane that Paula is a strong one in God's army since the first time I meet her.    God can put-to-gather some GOOD teams !  :)

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by springman on 05/07/19 at 11:48:17

Glad to hear things are going well even if tough and tiring. Prayers coming for the both of you my friend.

Title: Re: Prayer Request
Post by LANCER on 05/07/19 at 12:02:15

Y’alls prayers are coveted, to be sure.
The prayers of the righteous accomplish much.
She is stronger and in less pain each day.

Praise our God for His blessings.

Title: Re: Prayer Request ********. UPDATE *********
Post by LANCER on 06/24/19 at 09:15:43

Paula’s daddy passed away this morning.
Please continue prayer for her and her family.
Thank you guys.

Title: Re: Prayer Request ********. UPDATE *********
Post by raydawg on 06/24/19 at 16:51:21

You got it buddy.

Title: Re: Prayer Request ********. UPDATE *********
Post by MMRanch on 06/24/19 at 20:46:50

Paula is having a ruff year , how many "Stress factors" has she had in the last 6 month ?  
I've got both of ya'll  on my pray list , pamper her for us .  

Title: Re: Prayer Request ********. UPDATE *********
Post by springman on 06/25/19 at 14:55:10

Really sorry to hear about Paula's Dad. Please let her know we care. And yes, more prayers coming your way. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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