General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Winning?

Message started by T And T Garage on 04/18/19 at 12:50:03

Title: Winning?
Post by T And T Garage on 04/18/19 at 12:50:03


“The President's efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests.”

But yeah, trump's a genius..... right?

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by T And T Garage on 04/18/19 at 12:51:59

Regarding Trump’s remark during the 2016 campaign that he hoped Russia would “find the 30,000 emails” Clinton was said to have deleted from her private server, Mueller said that wish was granted by Moscow.

“Within approximately five hours of Trump's statement [on July 27, 2016 that Russia find Clinton's emails], GRU officers targeted for the first time Clinton's personal office,” the report says.

The president realized the appointment of the special counsel spelled trouble for his presidency. According to notes contained in the report, “when Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I'm f***ed.'"

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by pg on 04/18/19 at 13:47:38

425C53525F425944360 wrote:
But yeah, trump's a genius..... right?

He is still the commander-in-chief isn't he?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by T And T Garage on 04/18/19 at 14:09:01

5A4D4B4748582A0 wrote:
[quote author=425C53525F425944360 link=1555617003/0#0 date=1555617003]
But yeah, trump's a genius..... right?

He is still the commander-in-chief isn't he?

Best regards,

LOL - and the kardashian's have a hit TV show... what's your point?

Mine is that the president is an idiot - as pointed out by this report.

trump makes dubya look like Stephen Hawking!

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by raydawg on 04/18/19 at 14:24:06

Well you view this much differently than me.

I see the system worked, its why you have legal counsel and cabinet members to help you, seeking their advice.

Yes, I understand how much you want to get Trump, and you will grasp to any hope as such.....

But think back to the beginning of all this fiasco, and it is.

Trump did nothing with collusion, we now know it was launched on a faulty premise, about Russia......

He was mad, angry, frustrated, etc, as he was being tried in the media, opposition, daily, even asked questions about it, and he REPLIED....
Yes, mostly WITCH HUNT, but that is because it was, no obstruction YET.

In all reality, his cabinet, etc, kept him from going off the deep end, which really shows he isn't all that tough, like he pretends.....a know it all, etc...just a human like all of us, and we don't like being charged with something we didn't do......

You sure defend yourself a lot, thats for sure....yes, you are not the president.....whew  ;D

I wonder who could stand up to the daily barrage of accusations based on lies, and tried daily in the media....who, without similar responses of defending yourself?

Can't wait for the Inspection General to release his findings, as well as the other indictments pending in the Mueller investigation to be released....

Hopefully we will find out how this wasteful investigation got started in the first place.

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by WebsterMark on 04/18/19 at 14:33:37

I wonder who could stand up to the daily barrage of accusations based on lies, and tried daily in the media....who, without similar responses of defending yourself?

No one. Which is why I say he's not the hero the USA deserves, but he's the one we need.

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by T And T Garage on 04/18/19 at 14:52:29

10031B06031505620 wrote:
Well you view this much differently than me.

I see the system worked, its why you have legal counsel and cabinet members to help you, seeking their advice.

Yes, I understand how much you want to get Trump, and you will grasp to any hope as such.....

But think back to the beginning of all this fiasco, and it is.

Trump did nothing with collusion, we now know it was launched on a faulty premise, about Russia......

LOL - "false premise"?  Read the report ray - or even just a part of it.  Find the section on the IRA.  This was far from "false premise".

He was mad, angry, frustrated, etc, as he was being tried in the media, opposition, daily, even asked questions about it, and he REPLIED....
Yes, mostly WITCH HUNT, but that is because it was, no obstruction YET.

Yeah - key word - yet.

In all reality, his cabinet, etc, kept him from going off the deep end, which really shows he isn't all that tough, like he pretends.....a know it all, etc...just a human like all of us, and we don't like being charged with something we didn't do......

He's a moron.  He's not fit for office.  "In all reality, his cabinet, etc, kept him from going off the deep end" - yeah, just the kind of guy I want with the launch codes.

This moron is literally in control of my son's life.

Get some skin in the game and get back to me ray....

You sure defend yourself a lot, thats for sure....yes, you are not the president.....whew  ;D

I do?  How so?  I have no need to "defend" myself.  I'm not the one steeped in hypocrisy.

I wonder who could stand up to the daily barrage of accusations based on lies, and tried daily in the media....who, without similar responses of defending yourself?

Look at trump's twitter feed - he's the biggest perpetrator of the barrage of accusations.

Can't wait for the Inspection General to release his findings, as well as the other indictments pending in the Mueller investigation to be released....

Me either.

Hopefully we will find out how this wasteful investigation got started in the first place.

Like I said - this was far from being a wasteful investigation.  Look at all the indictments.  Look at the revelations on cohne alone!

It's far from over.

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by T And T Garage on 04/18/19 at 14:52:59

6E5C5B4A4D5C4B74584B52390 wrote:
I wonder who could stand up to the daily barrage of accusations based on lies, and tried daily in the media....who, without similar responses of defending yourself?

No one. Which is why I say he's not the hero the USA deserves, but he's the one we need.

Obama did a pretty good job.  Just ask your boy trump about that.

Oh, and the word "hero" and "trump" don't belong in the same sentence.

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by WebsterMark on 04/18/19 at 14:55:44

Yeah - key word - yet.

....and there it is. All TT wanted was the Mueller report. Wait for Mueller, wait for Mueller......   Now that it's here, it's wait for this and wait for that.....

A traitorous strategy to thwart an election. At least we know what one of the T's in TT stands for.

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by T And T Garage on 04/18/19 at 14:59:30

596B6C7D7A6B7C436F7C650E0 wrote:
Yeah - key word - yet.

....and there it is. All TT wanted was the Mueller report. Wait for Mueller, wait for Mueller......   Now that it's here, it's wait for this and wait for that.....

So, what's your point?  If this investigation had cleared trump, that'd be it, wouldn't it?

But it didn't, did it?

Not my fault that Mueller didn't finish. (I knew as much as you did going into this).

A traitorous strategy to thwart an election. At least we know what one of the T's in TT stands for.

Clever.  But the fact remains that this is far from over.

This is not just my take, but Mueller's as well.

Womp womp....

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by LostArtist on 04/18/19 at 15:39:13

7E696F636C7C0E0 wrote:
[quote author=425C53525F425944360 link=1555617003/0#0 date=1555617003]
But yeah, trump's a genius..... right?

He is still the commander-in-chief isn't he?

Best regards,

did you have that much respect for Obama?  so, every president is a genius to you?

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by LostArtist on 04/18/19 at 15:47:04

3C2F372A2F39294E0 wrote:
Well you view this much differently than me.

I see the system worked, its why you have legal counsel and cabinet members to help you, seeking their advice.

But Trump wasn't seeking their advice, he ordered them to do something, they refused, they betrayed him.....  

Yes, I understand how much you want to get Trump, and you will grasp to any hope as such.....

But think back to the beginning of all this fiasco, and it is.

Trump did nothing with collusion, we now know it was launched on a faulty premise, about Russia......

no, not faulty, there were MANY MANY MANY reasons to be suspicious of Trump and his campaign and their behavior considering Russia... see my 50 things post  

He was mad, angry, frustrated, etc, as he was being tried in the media, opposition, daily, even asked questions about it, and he REPLIED....
Yes, mostly WITCH HUNT, but that is because it was, no obstruction YET.

eh, but unless we investigated, we wouldn't know...  so that's a catch 22

In all reality, his cabinet, etc, kept him from going off the deep end, which really shows he isn't all that tough, like he pretends.....a know it all, etc...just a human like all of us, and we don't like being charged with something we didn't do......

he is very very thin skinned

You sure defend yourself a lot, thats for sure....yes, you are not the president.....whew  ;D

I wonder who could stand up to the daily barrage of accusations based on lies, and tried daily in the media....who, without similar responses of defending yourself?

um, every other president ever...   most certainly Obama with Fox News (the MOST watched news network)

Can't wait for the Inspection General to release his findings, as well as the other indictments pending in the Mueller investigation to be released....

Hopefully we will find out how this wasteful investigation got started in the first place.

we already know that, and don't forget there are 30+ indictments out of this "wasteful investigation" .

the only thing that's wasteful is that we still haven't done ANYTHING to stop Russia from doing it all over again

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by LostArtist on 04/18/19 at 15:49:39

6A585F4E49584F705C4F563D0 wrote:
Yeah - key word - yet.

....and there it is. All TT wanted was the Mueller report. Wait for Mueller, wait for Mueller......   Now that it's here, it's wait for this and wait for that.....

A traitorous strategy to thwart an election. At least we know what one of the T's in TT stands for.

I thought we weren't doing that anymore??????  

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by raydawg on 04/18/19 at 16:04:12

Pretty hard to dialogue with you when you read into it your desires....sorta like how you say Trump, is all about Trump, you guys share that same trait it seems.....

My "yet" was in context of those wanting Trump's scalp did not have that opportunity to use what had not happened......YET.

Because he was still reacting to the false charges of collusion....which you hung him with already I can't recite, how many times......

We'll just see if this goes as well for you as your last prediction of collusion, or even of Hillary winning the election AND......that's a big and, it clarifies my statement.... becomes president.

I'll wait and this rate, he just might get me to vote for him, proving himself worthy of standing up to all the scrutiny of 4 years of trying to get him, as opposed his opposition getting anything done to fix this nation and its problems.

BTW.....if you want to discuss matters, drop off all the unneeded dialogue about your contempt and hate, and name calling of him, etc.....
It does nothing but pollute and waste any chance to discuss things in a adult and civil manner...or not, if that is what you need.

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by pg on 04/19/19 at 03:58:09

7B494E5F58495E614D5E472C0 wrote:
Yeah - key word - yet.

....and there it is. All TT wanted was the Mueller report. Wait for Mueller, wait for Mueller......   Now that it's here, it's wait for this and wait for that.....

A traitorous strategy to thwart an election. At least we know what one of the T's in TT stands for.

T for "Truther"

Best regards,

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by T And T Garage on 04/19/19 at 07:25:45

584B534E4B5D4D2A0 wrote:
Pretty hard to dialogue with you when you read into it your desires....sorta like how you say Trump, is all about Trump, you guys share that same trait it seems.....

Oh c'mon ray - don't get all sanctimonious.  Go back and look at your posts before you preach to me, ok?  I'm happy that you found your faith, but don't think it now somehow puts you in a place to judge.  Again, look at your past posts.

Most of my posts simply point out facts and hypocrisy.  I'll get snarky when I get snark.

My "yet" was in context of those wanting Trump's scalp did not have that opportunity to use what had not happened......YET.

My "yet" is in the context of the Mueller report - you know, the same one that actually mentions that Congress should decide whether or not to pursue legal action.

Because he was still reacting to the false charges of collusion....which you hung him with already I can't recite, how many times......

They weren't "false".  Did you not read about the IRA?  Did you not read about the trump tower meeting?  Did you not read any of the report?

We'll just see if this goes as well for you as your last prediction of collusion, or even of Hillary winning the election AND......that's a big and, it clarifies my statement.... becomes president.

I made no such predictions.

I'll wait and this rate, he just might get me to vote for him, proving himself worthy of standing up to all the scrutiny of 4 years of trying to get him, as opposed his opposition getting anything done to fix this nation and its problems.

Well good luck with that.  You'll be on the losing side. (his numbers are tanking)

BTW.....if you want to discuss matters, drop off all the unneeded dialogue about your contempt and hate, and name calling of him, etc.....
It does nothing but pollute and waste any chance to discuss things in a adult and civil manner...or not, if that is what you need.

Tell you what - I'll do that as soon as you drop your pretense of piety. (go back and look at your "punkin" posts)

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by T And T Garage on 04/19/19 at 07:27:32

4D5A5C505F4F3D0 wrote:
[quote author=7B494E5F58495E614D5E472C0 link=1555617003/0#8 date=1555624544]Yeah - key word - yet.

....and there it is. All TT wanted was the Mueller report. Wait for Mueller, wait for Mueller......   Now that it's here, it's wait for this and wait for that.....

A traitorous strategy to thwart an election. At least we know what one of the T's in TT stands for.

T for "Truther"

Best regards,[/quote]

I'm good with that.

It's the opposite of trump supporters - they can't stand the truth.

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by T And T Garage on 04/19/19 at 07:34:10

Yeah, this piss poor excuse of a president just keeps denigrating the office:

Follow Follow @realdonaldtrump
...agreed to testify, it was not necessary for me to respond to statements made in the “Report” about me, some of which are total bullsh!t & only given to make the other person look good (or me to look bad). This was an Illegally Started Hoax that never should have happened, a...

All you supporters must be so proud.....


Title: Re: Winning?
Post by pg on 04/19/19 at 08:08:49

I'm not going to say everyone is proud; however, I will say his ability to communicate to masses is what got him elected.  A lot people can relate to that kind of blue-collar articulation.  

How are you going to make it another 4 more years if/when he gets elected?  So some reason 'Morgellons' comes to mind.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by T And T Garage on 04/19/19 at 08:34:41

253234383727550 wrote:
I'm not going to say everyone is proud; however, I will say his ability to communicate to masses is what got him elected.  A lot people can relate to that kind of blue-collar articulation.  

We don't need joe six-pack.  We need a leader.  As I said, he's unfit for office.

But you're going to sit there and tell me that if a dem president had made those statements that you wouldn't have been all over him/her?  Please....  The religious right would crucify a dem for something like that (very appropriate term used today).

But like everything this idiot has done, you give him a pass and label it "blue collar".

So tired of the hypocrisy.

How are you going to make it another 4 more years if/when he gets elected?  So some reason 'Morgellons' comes to mind.

I don't think he will get elected.  If for some reason he does, it'll shake my faith in this country a little more. But rest assured, I'll be OK.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by WebsterMark on 04/19/19 at 08:51:16

The thing about hypocrisy is for the charge to be valid, the two sides should be perceived to be equal.

The Leftist Party in 2016 was not on equal footing. They had nominated a POS woman who would have been a disaster for this nation. Trump was our only recourse so he gets a wide latitude.

It's like the difference between a cockroach and cute little puppy. One I squash out of existence, the other can pee on my rug and he gets a pass. Can the puppy do something that gets him kicked out? Sure. Like I said, if the Mueller report showed Trump to be a traitor, back to the pound he'd go.

But it didn't. And when I look at the losers the Dems are putting up in 2020, Trump will be President again.

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by T And T Garage on 04/19/19 at 09:41:41

112324353223340B27342D460 wrote:
The thing about hypocrisy is for the charge to be valid, the two sides should be perceived to be equal.

The Leftist Party in 2016 was not on equal footing. They had nominated a POS woman who would have been a disaster for this nation. Trump was our only recourse so he gets a wide latitude.

Really?  How much has the budget deficit risen? (hint - 70%)  How has our trade deficit been under trump? (hint - worse than under Obama)

Oh, right - deficits don't matter with republicans in office... I keep forgetting that....

It's like the difference between a cockroach and cute little puppy. One I squash out of existence, the other can pee on my rug and he gets a pass. Can the puppy do something that gets him kicked out? Sure. Like I said, if the Mueller report showed Trump to be a traitor, back to the pound he'd go.

But it didn't. And when I look at the losers the Dems are putting up in 2020, Trump will be President again.

Yeah mark, let's talk about those cockroaches for a moment...

The massive (and easy to show) hypocrisy is alive and well within the republican party.

There simply is no defense.

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by WebsterMark on 04/19/19 at 10:12:44

To quote a good friend of mine, the spending and deficits are in spite of Trump, not because of him.

I just gave you the number one defense: the country thought Hillary and the Democrats sucked so much that Trump was preferable. That should tell you just scummy they think of your party.

Happy Easter.

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by T And T Garage on 04/19/19 at 10:26:04

7C4E49585F4E59664A59402B0 wrote:
To quote a good friend of mine, the spending and deficits are in spite of Trump, not because of him.

Well, that would be true if he (or his administration) weren't directly responsible for the trade and budget deficits.

Sorry mark - wrong again.  Nice try on spinning it though.

I just gave you the number one defense: the country thought Hillary and the Democrats sucked so much that Trump was preferable. That should tell you just scummy they think of your party.

Hillary was by far the worst democratic candidate - Bernie should have gotten the nod.  But remember, although she lost the electoral vote (by roughly the attendance at a college football bowl game), she got over 3 million more votes overall... so, yeah.  Again, nice try, but it's not the party, it's the candidate. (remember, every single poll shows that this country is more left leaning than right)

Happy Easter.

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by Serowbot on 04/19/19 at 10:49:16

744641505746516E425148230 wrote:
The thing about hypocrisy is for the charge to be valid, the two sides should be perceived to be equal.

The Leftist Party in 2016 was not on equal footing. They had nominated a POS woman who would have been a disaster for this nation. Trump was our only recourse so he gets a wide latitude.

Hillary was a former first lady, a lawyer, and Senator, and a S'cy of State...  Those are called qualifications.
Trump is a reality TV star, and trust fund entrepreneur...

Your right,.. I don't perceive them as equals...

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by LostArtist on 04/19/19 at 10:54:19

0D3F38292E3F28173B28315A0 wrote:
To quote a good friend of mine, the spending and deficits are in spite of Trump, not because of him.

I just gave you the number one defense: the country thought Hillary and the Democrats sucked so much that Trump was preferable. That should tell you just scummy they think of your party.

Happy Easter.

Trump SUPPORTED the tax cut and leads on the Tariffs unilaterally... both of which are key factors in the growing deficits and trade deficits, those are HIS choices, not in spite of him...  

and no, that tells us how scummy they think of Hillary Clinton...   and when democrats SWEPT in 2018, THAT tells us what this country thinks of the democratic party

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by MnSpring on 04/19/19 at 11:38:48

150B040508150E13610 wrote:
Yeah, this piss poor excuse of a president just keeps denigrating the office:

And, AOC, BS, Omar, Pelosi, LL, EW, ...
(And so MANY more)
just keeps denigrating the office

Below are not my words.
Yet they seem to be very appropriate to a couple of posters here:
" Your decision to downplay past abuse by playing up current abuse suggests you do not care that bad people are in power, only that your bad people are not in power.”

Title: Re: Winning?
Post by T And T Garage on 04/19/19 at 11:43:45

7E5D6043415A5D54330 wrote:
[quote author=150B040508150E13610 link=1555617003/15#17 date=1555684450]Yeah, this piss poor excuse of a president just keeps denigrating the office:

And, AOC, BS, Omar, Pelosi, LL, EW, ...
(And so MANY more)
just keeps denigrating the office

Below are not my words.
Yet they seem to be very appropriate to a couple of posters here:
" Your decision to downplay past abuse by playing up current abuse suggests you do not care that bad people are in power, only that your bad people are not in power.”


One, tiny little problem with your logic mn - the "past abuse" is nowhere near the level it is with trump.

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