General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> What if Fox News covered Trump the way it covered

Message started by LostArtist on 04/18/19 at 10:56:50

Title: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it covered
Post by LostArtist on 04/18/19 at 10:56:50

What if Fox News covered Trump the way it covered Obama? It would look like this ....


Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by WebsterMark on 04/18/19 at 11:17:21

What if CNN covered Trump the way they covered Obama?.....

As one reporter observed once "I wish my wife looked at me the way the Press looks at Obama...."

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by LostArtist on 04/18/19 at 11:21:06

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
What if CNN covered Trump the way they covered Obama?.....

As one reporter observed once "I wish my wife looked at me the way the Press looks at Obama...."

Fox news is..   have you seen how Hanitty looks at Trump???  

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by WebsterMark on 04/18/19 at 11:43:52

Yes. Same way 99.9% of the media looks at any Democrat. I don't watch Hannity, can't stand him. But even with him, Fox is far and away the fairest news outlet going today.

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by T And T Garage on 04/18/19 at 12:46:41

102225343322350A26352C470 wrote:
Yes. Same way 99.9% of the media looks at any Democrat. I don't watch Hannity, can't stand him. But even with him, Fox is far and away the fairest news outlet going today.

Pfffttttt - LMAO!!!!

I just did a spit take!

Thanks for te laugh mark!

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by Eegore on 04/18/19 at 13:01:46

 I wonder what it would be like if people didn't rely on mainstream news media to begin with.

 I make my choices based off of policy, not news.

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by T And T Garage on 04/18/19 at 13:05:18

6D4D4F475A4D280 wrote:
 I wonder what it would be like if people didn't rely on mainstream news media to begin with.

 I make my choices based off of policy, not news.

Fair point, but how do you find out about said policy?

Personally, I hate all 24 cable news in the US.  They all pander to the LCD - ratings.  They don't seem to care about reporting facts in my opinion.

To a degree, they seem to call everything "even" when it's not.

But then, that's why I don't watch.  None of them are above contempt.

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by Eegore on 04/18/19 at 13:10:46

"Fair point, but how do you find out about said policy?"

 I use official resources, I also don't waste my time with imaginary policy like sending illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities.  That's an idea, not policy, it's not worth my time.  Give me something in writing about how to get illegal immigrants into sanctuary cities and I will look it over.

 Some places to start are listed below, including the NCSL tracker.  Local government has it's own resources, and sometimes you have to make phone calls or send emails to get more information.

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by pg on 04/18/19 at 13:57:24

435D52535E435845370 wrote:
Pfffttttt - LMAO!!!!

I just did a spit take!

You said it, not me.


Best regards,

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by T And T Garage on 04/18/19 at 14:10:52

6444464E5344210 wrote:
"Fair point, but how do you find out about said policy?"

 I use official resources, I also don't waste my time with imaginary policy like sending illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities.  That's an idea, not policy, it's not worth my time.  Give me something in writing about how to get illegal immigrants into sanctuary cities and I will look it over.

 Some places to start are listed below, including the NCSL tracker.  Local government has it's own resources, and sometimes you have to make phone calls or send emails to get more information.

Cool - thanks for the links Eegore!

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by T And T Garage on 04/18/19 at 14:12:11

283F39353A2A580 wrote:
[quote author=435D52535E435845370 link=1555610210/0#4 date=1555616801]
Pfffttttt - LMAO!!!!

I just did a spit take!

You said it, not me.


Best regards,

In that scene, Hannibal Lecter is sucking in, not spitting out.

What was your MO on that pro golfer?

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by LostArtist on 04/18/19 at 15:54:29

4E6E6C64796E0B0 wrote:
"Fair point, but how do you find out about said policy?"

 I use official resources, I also don't waste my time with imaginary policy like sending illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities.  That's an idea, not policy, it's not worth my time.  Give me something in writing about how to get illegal immigrants into sanctuary cities and I will look it over.

 Some places to start are listed below, including the NCSL tracker.  Local government has it's own resources, and sometimes you have to make phone calls or send emails to get more information.

very cool, thanks!  

with that though, the culture that allows policies to be put in place, that's the context that "news" provides

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by Eegore on 04/18/19 at 16:05:21

"with that though, the culture that allows policies to be put in place, that's the context that "news" provides"

 I most likely agree with you here, but I am not sure I entirely understand what you are meaning.  Are you indicating that mainstream news is how many people decide what they support?

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by LostArtist on 04/18/19 at 16:41:06

7757555D4057320 wrote:
"with that though, the culture that allows policies to be put in place, that's the context that "news" provides"

 I most likely agree with you here, but I am not sure I entirely understand what you are meaning.  Are you indicating that mainstream news is how many people decide what they support?

well yes, but I also mean that mainstream news is a reflection of culture, they have to be to get ratings and advertisers. and that politicians then listen to culture to gage audience and their own viability at least enough to play the system to remain in power, and the news also acts as spin for policy and politicians

mainstream news can also help push policy slowly...

like 5 years ago I would have said that McCarthyism wouldn't be viable in any way today....   now...  with Fox News and others pushing how "evil" anything left of nationalism is, that Socialism is a dirty word, I could totally see a new "Red Scare" heck, we are primed for it with all this talk of the "Deep State"

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by raydawg on 04/18/19 at 17:08:06

What if the media waited till they had facts.....?

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by Eegore on 04/18/19 at 19:06:37

"What if the media waited till they had facts.....? "

 Some do.

 But if mainstream like MSNBC, or CNN, or FOX did they would generate less revenue, and the public would be less informed because listening, researching and analyzing real facts is too hard.  

 Much easier to listen to people reinforce my opinions on national TV so I can create more opinions that reinforce my first ones.

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by LostArtist on 04/19/19 at 08:03:39

yeah, everyone says there's a left wing bias on news, and yeah, I'll give you some of that, but a lot of it is pandering to laziness and money

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by raydawg on 04/19/19 at 08:24:14

To me it seems FOX filled a void that was being created by the established news outlets.
Why is that?

Well look at those on the left, what they say about FOX News coverage....

Flip it 180 degrees to how those who felt those established outlets were not presenting news fairly, unbiased, but with a narrative that was agenda driven.

Its one and the same reasoning, you can't deny one, without denying the other.....

So now they pander to keep their audiences.

News use to report the news with journalistic integrity paramount, not so much anymore, its like you say Mike, MONEY......

They even CREATE the news story, inserting themselves, as the STORY....

Yep, laziness in a major component, folks just want to be spoon fed, and affirmed, not really looking for the truth, just affirmation and thinking they are right, etc.....

If you really think about it, its ALL advertising, nothing more, they are selling a product, and if you drink the beer they are pushing, all the pretty girls in the bar will flock to you.....

But thats not true.......don't ask me how I know  :-[

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by T And T Garage on 04/19/19 at 08:27:31

[quote author=2F3C24393C2A3A5D0 link=1555610210/15#17 date=1555687454]To me it seems FOX filled a void that was being created by the established news outlets.
Why is that?

Well look at those on the left, what they say about FOX News coverage....

Flip it 180 degrees to how those who felt those established outlets were not presenting news fairly, unbiased, but with a narrative that was agenda driven.

Its one and the same reasoning, you can't deny one, without denying the other.....

So now they pander to keep their audiences.

News use to report the news with journalistic integrity paramount, not so much anymore, its like you say Mike, MONEY......

They even CREATE the news story, inserting themselves, as the STORY....

Yep, laziness in a major component, folks just want to be spoon fed, and affirmed, not really looking for the truth, just affirmation and thinking they are right, etc.....

If you really think about it, its ALL advertising, nothing more, they are selling a product, and if you drink the beer they are pushing, all the pretty girls in the bar will flock to you.....

But thats not true.......don't ask me how I know  :-[/quote]

Go read roger ailes' letter to nixon.

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by LostArtist on 04/19/19 at 08:53:21

News is a victim of capitalism.

News used to be loss leader, meaning it costs stations money, it didn't make money, stations felt it was their duty since they were using public airwaves, to distribute some educational value on TV, then cable happened and public airwaves gave way to private cables..  

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by raydawg on 04/19/19 at 09:02:31

15362A2D182B2D302A2D590 wrote:
News is a victim of capitalism.

News used to be loss leader, meaning it costs stations money, it didn't make money, stations felt it was their duty since they were using public airwaves, to distribute some educational value on TV, then cable happened and public airwaves gave way to private cables..  

We agree in total  :)

Maybe that is what Tweeter means when he say...."Make America Great Again"  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by Eegore on 04/19/19 at 09:02:56

 I think the primary thing to remember is the "victim" isn't us, we as the consumer are the problem.

 We perpetuate propaganda just by agreeing and arguing over what we observe from a source we don't take the time to verify.

 As LostArtist indicates, Capitalism has changed news, and my belief is that I am Capitalism.  We all are.  

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by Eegore on 04/19/19 at 09:05:41

"Maybe that is what Tweeter means when he say...."Make America Great Again""

 Given his removal of funding for many public service programs, and deregulation in many private sectors to increase potential for profit, I would say Trump is most likely not going to donate more to NPR than he would to FOX News.

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by raydawg on 04/19/19 at 10:52:01

2505070F1205600 wrote:
 I think the primary thing to remember is the "victim" isn't us, we as the consumer are the problem.

 We perpetuate propaganda just by agreeing and arguing over what we observe from a source we don't take the time to verify.

 As LostArtist indicates, Capitalism has changed news, and my belief is that I am Capitalism.  We all are.  


And now we can walk the tight line of how much regulation we need by the goverment to what, insure, balance, etc, the bridge between private and public concerns....????

Too much one way, you have problems.......and, life goes on.
Can we EVER create a fair and just system.....NO.
Should we just stop trying......NO.

Now, I will leave it up to others  ;D

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by LostArtist on 04/19/19 at 11:23:07

59797B736E791C0 wrote:
 I think the primary thing to remember is the "victim" isn't us, we as the consumer are the problem.

 We perpetuate propaganda just by agreeing and arguing over what we observe from a source we don't take the time to verify.

 As LostArtist indicates, Capitalism has changed news, and my belief is that I am Capitalism.  We all are.  

for the most part yes,

the problem with that is, WE AREN"T the CONSUMER, we are the product.  we are what the media sells to their advertisers who are the consumer.  it's a weird twisted thing, the "news" is getting theirs from both sides, us paying for cable and advertisers paying them for access to us...  (this is why net neutrality is so important cause this is happening now with the internet)

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by MnSpring on 04/19/19 at 11:51:33

524C43424F524954260 wrote:
Pfffttttt - LMAO!!!!
I just did a spit take!
Thanks for te laugh mark!

WOW, how did you know, that is,
EXACTLY the same thing many,
(I Included)
do, when you quote a Comedian,
who without Trump his career would go down hill at warp speed.

Or quote a, ‘Yahooooooo’  ’news’ source.

Or quote, CNN and many of the like,
(Very Far Left Leaning)

As being, sacrosanct..

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D

Title: Re: What if Fox News covered Trump the way it cove
Post by T And T Garage on 04/19/19 at 12:35:28

6A497457554E4940270 wrote:
[quote author=524C43424F524954260 link=1555610210/0#4 date=1555616801]Pfffttttt - LMAO!!!!
I just did a spit take!
Thanks for te laugh mark!

WOW, how did you know, that is,
EXACTLY the same thing many,
(I Included)
do, when you quote a Comedian,
who without Trump his career would go down hill at warp speed.

Or quote a, ‘Yahooooooo’  ’news’ source.

Or quote, CNN and many of the like,
(Very Far Left Leaning)

As being, sacrosanct..

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D

Hmm - lots of holes in your post.  First off, most of the posts I make from Yahoo are actually not from Yahoo directly.  They're form sources like AP, The Independent, etc.

Second, I don't think I've ever directly quoted CNN.  If I did, I'm fairly certain that it contained data, not subjective reporting.

Third, what comedian - Jon Stewart?  If so, that comedian happens to be a graduate of William And Mary and is so far above trump in IQ that it's not even funny.

And lastly mn, how is it you can use $5 words like "sacrosanct", but don't know how to use "there", their" and "they're" properly?

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