General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Omar's Safety

Message started by WebsterMark on 04/14/19 at 17:23:06

Title: Omar's Safety
Post by WebsterMark on 04/14/19 at 17:23:06

Oh please.......leftist have been calling Trump Hitler and Republicans Nazis for years and no one cared about jeopardizing their safety, even after a Bernie follower could have easily killed a dozen Republican Congressmen and Senators. So if you're one of those who jumped on that wagon with your fake outrage, jump off.

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by T And T Garage on 04/15/19 at 05:50:26

093B3C2D2A3B2C133F2C355E0 wrote:
Oh please.......leftist have been calling Trump Hitler and Republicans Nazis for years and no one cared about jeopardizing their safety, even after a Bernie follower could have easily killed a dozen Republican Congressmen and Senators. So if you're one of those who jumped on that wagon with your fake outrage, jump off.

trump just continues to show how inept and ill equipped he is to hold the office of president.

You and your trumpettes continue to show your hypocrisy for his actions.  I love seeing AOC and Omar get all your undies in a bunch. Your thin-skinned orange leader can't take it and it shows.

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by WebsterMark on 04/15/19 at 07:11:53

I love seeing AOC and Omar get all your undies in a bunch

Oh no, I love those women. those two together and Tlaib make up the Marx Sisters.  A perfect metaphor for the Democratic Party.

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by T And T Garage on 04/15/19 at 07:13:24

6F5D5A4B4C5D4A75594A53380 wrote:
I love seeing AOC and Omar get all your undies in a bunch

Oh no, I love those women. those two together and Tlaib make up the Marx Sisters.  A perfect metaphor for the Democratic Party.

What you're displaying right now mark is what many call "whistling past the graveyard".

Keep up the great work!

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by pg on 04/15/19 at 13:08:36

Everything from Kathy Griffin pulling the head-cut-off stunt this.

"The Good Wife" spinoff series, "The Good Fight," is in hot water after tweeting an image from one of its episodes that shows a list of "target words" including: "Assassinate," "President" and "Trump" in a red column and a second orange column that started with the words: "Mar-a-Lago" and "Eliminate."

Best regards,

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by WebsterMark on 04/15/19 at 15:25:42

213F30313C213A27550 wrote:
[quote author=6F5D5A4B4C5D4A75594A53380 link=1555287786/0#2 date=1555337513]I love seeing AOC and Omar get all your undies in a bunch

Oh no, I love those women. those two together and Tlaib make up the Marx Sisters.  A perfect metaphor for the Democratic Party.

What you're displaying right now mark is what many call "whistling past the graveyard".

Keep up the great work![/quote]

What tune did you whistle all the 2016 campaign, election, inauguration, and up until now?

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by T And T Garage on 04/16/19 at 08:13:53

5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 wrote:
[quote author=213F30313C213A27550 link=1555287786/0#3 date=1555337604][quote author=6F5D5A4B4C5D4A75594A53380 link=1555287786/0#2 date=1555337513]I love seeing AOC and Omar get all your undies in a bunch

Oh no, I love those women. those two together and Tlaib make up the Marx Sisters.  A perfect metaphor for the Democratic Party.

What you're displaying right now mark is what many call "whistling past the graveyard".

Keep up the great work![/quote]

What tune did you whistle all the 2016 campaign, election, inauguration, and up until now?[/quote]

I was hoping that the popular-vote polling would prevail.  I'm very sorry to see that trump won.

I was definitely whistling past the graveyard looking at the electoral polling.  From a week out it was too close to call.

Pretty sad actually.  Hillary ran a $hitty campaign.  trump riled up the base and got the trailer park set up out of their recliners.

He won fair and square - sadly.

What more do you want mark?

Now you're going to sit there and deny that AOC is doing the exact same thing to the millenials and independents?  Boo hoo - sad day for you.

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by WebsterMark on 04/16/19 at 08:22:02

Now you're going to sit there and deny that AOC is doing the exact same thing to the millenials and independents?  Boo hoo - sad day for you.

Not at all, you're wrong yet again. I believe she is a Trump clone. I told you, I'm a fan. I've used her speaking (not the fake poor black accent voice) as a training tool. She is perhaps the best natural communicator in all of Congress. As long as she doesn't get to far ahead of herself, she'll be a mega star for decades to come. Pelosi is right, a glass of water with a D on it could get elected in her district, but let's be fair, the same applies for Pelosi. Doesn't matter how she got on the stage, but she is there and she's outshining everyone else. She just needs to be careful, she needs good council.

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by T And T Garage on 04/16/19 at 08:33:07

744641505746516E425148230 wrote:
Now you're going to sit there and deny that AOC is doing the exact same thing to the millenials and independents?  Boo hoo - sad day for you.

Not at all, you're wrong yet again. I believe she is a Trump clone. I told you, I'm a fan. I've used her speaking (not the fake poor black accent voice) as a training tool. She is perhaps the best natural communicator in all of Congress. As long as she doesn't get to far ahead of herself, she'll be a mega star for decades to come. Pelosi is right, a glass of water with a D on it could get elected in her district, but let's be fair, the same applies for Pelosi. Doesn't matter how she got on the stage, but she is there and she's outshining everyone else. She just needs to be careful, she needs good council.

Yep - "fake black accent" shows how little you know.

You're old.  At least I admit it.  You're way out of touch with her and her generation.  This is not "fake".  She grew up there.  She knows exactly what she's doing.

You're reverse psychological bent is just more proof.

Thanks for showing up mark.

We're all good here.

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by WebsterMark on 04/16/19 at 09:01:02

Yep - "fake black accent" shows how little you know.

Are you saying that wasn't fake? That's how she really talks and she's faking otherwise?

She didn't grow up there, she came from a well to do middle class suburb. I lived in the hood from the time I was 6 until 10 and I didn't take any thing from it much less speech patterns.

Be real man, she didn't "live" that life! What's the difference between blackface and blackaccent? Faking like you're from the hood is pathetic. I doubt she'll ever do it again.

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by T And T Garage on 04/16/19 at 09:22:19

6B595E4F48594E715D4E573C0 wrote:
Yep - "fake black accent" shows how little you know.

Are you saying that wasn't fake? That's how she really talks and she's faking otherwise?

I'm saying that, because of her age and where she grew up, it's not considered fake.  It is what it is.  This isn't 1980 anymore.

She didn't grow up there, she came from a well to do middle class suburb. I lived in the hood from the time I was 6 until 10 and I didn't take any thing from it much less speech patterns.

After college, Ocasio-Cortez moved back to the Bronx and found work as an educational director. Following the death of her father, she took on an additional job working 18-hour shifts as a bartender and waitress to help her mother—a house cleaner and school-bus driver—fight foreclosure of their home. (wiki)

That's what I'm talking about.  Maybe for one minute, stop parroting from fox "news".

Be real man, she didn't "live" that life! What's the difference between blackface and blackaccent? Faking like you're from the hood is pathetic. I doubt she'll ever do it again.

See above - she's got more street cred than you or I will ever have.

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by WebsterMark on 04/16/19 at 09:55:23

I'm saying that, because of her age and where she grew up, it's not considered fake.
Baloney. It was fake. It was condescending. It was pathetic. It was not real, it's a form of lying.

And don't try to make it out like that was her being herself. She's a tourist in that regard.

I guarantee from whatever definition of 'street cred' you want to use, I've got more. Which is the point, people with genuine 'street cred' want to get away from it, not emphasis it.

She won't do it again.

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/16/19 at 11:41:17

What do you call changing the way you sound depending on who is listening?

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by WebsterMark on 04/16/19 at 11:58:30

I'll take Pandering for $500 Alex.

This Freshman Congresswoman spoke Getto-talk before a room full of African Americans to hide her middle-class, suburban upbringing.

Who is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by LostArtist on 04/16/19 at 12:26:39

607F797E63645565556D7F73380A0 wrote:
What do you call changing the way you sound depending on who is listening?

so, like when you sometimes post with an idiotic hill billy extended vowels spelling to make a joke or make fun of something....    you know, you're changing the way you sound depending on the point your making to who you think is listening.....   you're an expert at this shtick

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by LostArtist on 04/16/19 at 12:41:19

407275646372655A76657C170 wrote:
Oh please.......leftist have been calling Trump Hitler and Republicans Nazis for years and no one cared about jeopardizing their safety, even after a Bernie follower could have easily killed a dozen Republican Congressmen and Senators. So if you're one of those who jumped on that wagon with your fake outrage, jump off.

First, the Tea Party called Obama and liberals Hitler and Nazis too and YOU NEVER cared about their safety... so you get  off the fake outrage first mmmkay big boy?

oh, and I do believe security was ramped up after the attack on the baseball field....

mmmm a quick google search and---- ta dah!  facts:

"Several Republican and Democratic members of the House of Representatives and Senate on Thursday said a security review was long overdue."

Even Pelosi.... "Pelosi said at a news conference she believes the 2,200-member Capitol Police force needed a bigger budget."

but what could have happened????

oh:"Some Republicans already are voicing opposition to the idea."

yet even so: "That shooting prompted some new security steps, which were not described by officials because they say they never do so."

so your whole hypocrisy thesis...  DENIED!!!!!!!!

Second, everyone, try to take this as a lesson, cause it'll help you out when you try to make your points , this is TERRIBLE English as you actually make the point opposite of what you are trying to say, I only know this because I know you and your extreme one sided ideology of life.  seriously do conservatives enjoy kaleidoscopes or are they too complex and nuanced for them?

See in English, there's this thing called a pronoun, and it refers to it's immediate antecedent (the most logical noun that comes directly before it)

this is the problematic sentence:
" So if you're one of those who jumped on that wagon with your fake outrage, jump off."  

there are like no antecedents for any of those pronouns.....   if you're....  you who? one of those that's who... okay, those who?  those on that wagon.... um, what wagon?    seriously, this just a terrible mess...  maybe stick to simple sentences that don't involve some magical prior knowledge of something "out there" in the news to understand...   think you can do that?  it'd make all of our lives a lot easier and happier

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by LostArtist on 04/16/19 at 12:42:19

516364757263744B67746D060 wrote:
I love seeing AOC and Omar get all your undies in a bunch

Oh no, I love those women. those two together and Tlaib make up the Marx Sisters.  A perfect metaphor for the Democratic Party.

Marx sisters?   did Groucho have sisters?

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by LostArtist on 04/16/19 at 12:50:11

4D5A5C505F4F3D0 wrote:
Everything from Kathy Griffin pulling the head-cut-off stunt this.

"The Good Wife" spinoff series, "The Good Fight," is in hot water after tweeting an image from one of its episodes that shows a list of "target words" including: "Assassinate," "President" and "Trump" in a red column and a second orange column that started with the words: "Mar-a-Lago" and "Eliminate."

Best regards,

and that was like 2016 right? over 2 years ago...  well if you're dragging up the past.....

how about when Ted Nugent wanted to shoot Hillary in the "c u n t" . his word, not mine .  

or heck, here's a website, you know, for reference:

"Glenn Beck In a 2009 Fox News broadcast, the conservative pundit joked about poisoning then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. During the bizarre skit, one of Beck's helpers attempted to sip a glass of red wine while wearing a mask of Pelosi's face. Beck then informs "Pelosi" that he slipped poison into her drink"

"Minneapolis' Guthrie Theater Minnesota's famed Guthrie Theater "assassinated" an Obama-like figure in its 2012 production of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." Unlike the NYC Public Theater's Trump-themed assassination in 2017, this production saw no backlash or loss of corporate sponsorship"

oh, this one is good, an ACTUAL CRIME:

"Shannon Richardson Actress Shannon Richardson, who has appeared in "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Walking Dead," was sentenced to 18 years in prison in 2014 for attempting to poison Barack Obama. According to CNN, Richardson mailed ricin-laced letters to Obama and several other politicians, because she was displeased with their stances on gun control."

"Ted Nugent To encourage a group of NRA convention attendees to vote for 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Nugent instructed them to "ride onto that battlefield and chop their heads off in November," the heads in question belonging to Democratic voters. At a 2007 concert, Nugent said Obama could "suck on [his] machine gun.""


and you're mad about a photoshoot.....   ::)

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by LostArtist on 04/16/19 at 12:53:31

043631202736211E322138530 wrote:
I'm saying that, because of her age and where she grew up, it's not considered fake.
Baloney. It was fake. It was condescending. It was pathetic. It was not real, it's a form of lying.

And don't try to make it out like that was her being herself. She's a tourist in that regard.

I guarantee from whatever definition of 'street cred' you want to use, I've got more. Which is the point, people with genuine 'street cred' want to get away from it, not emphasis it.

She won't do it again.

you've got ZERO street cred, if any, you're a short timer, part time to bit nothing

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by WebsterMark on 04/16/19 at 12:59:43

you've got ZERO street cred, if any, you're a short timer, part time to bit nothing

How would you know that?

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by LostArtist on 04/16/19 at 13:13:14

0B393E2F28392E113D2E375C0 wrote:
you've got ZERO street cred, if any, you're a short timer, part time to bit nothing

How would you know that?

from 6-10....   in whatever you call the hood...  yeah, sorry...  you had no idea what the hell was going on at that age...  were you out on the streets selling drugs and gang banging from 6-10??  you were a child...  please

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by WebsterMark on 04/16/19 at 13:31:28

oh, that's what you mean. I didn't tell you what happened after that.

Title: Re: Omar's Safety
Post by MnSpring on 04/16/19 at 16:15:37

233D32333E233825570 wrote:
I love seeing AOC and Omar get all your undies in a bunch

Does that include, ALL, the Dems, that voted for her, 'green' deal ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

As WM said,
a dirty glass of water could get elected in her district,
as long as it had a 'D' on it.

AOC is just a Coc k Holster,
Omar a Liar.
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