General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Powerless....what?

Message started by raydawg on 04/03/19 at 08:15:59

Title: Powerless....what?
Post by raydawg on 04/03/19 at 08:15:59

I admitted that I was powerless over my dependencies, that my life had become unmanageable.

It was very humiliating to admit that I was powerless, especially if we are used to being in control.
We may be powerful in some areas of our lives, but out of control in terms of our addictive or compulsive behaviors which appears very rampant around here, to me.

If we refuse to admit our powerlessness, we may lose everything. That one unmanageable part of our lives, may infect, and soon destroy.... everything else.

The experiences of a man named Naaman illustrate how this is true. He was a powerful military and political figure, a man of wealth, position, and power. He also had leprosy, which promised to bring about the loss of everything he held dear. Lepers were made outcasts from their families and society. Ultimately, they faced a slow, painful, and disgraceful death.

Naaman heard that there was a prophet in Israel who could heal him. He found the prophet and was told that in order to be healed he needed to dip himself seven times in the Jordan River. He went away outraged, having expected his power to buy him an instant and easy cure. In the end, however, he acknowledged his powerlessness, followed the instructions, and recovered completely.

Our "disease" is as life-threatening as leprosy in ­Naaman’s day. It slowly separates us from our families and leads toward the destruction of everything important to us.
There is no instant or easy cure. The only answer is to admit our powerlessness, humble ourselves, and submit to the process that will eventually bring us recovery.
We must let go in order to hold on to the things dear to us.
It's so sad to watch....powerless as folks "choose" to bring decay, death, exhibiting such ugliness to this world, by thinking they have the power to destroy others, for whatever they deem, is justified in doing so....sad  :-[
Drinking the poison, and expecting others to die, is just plain insanity.

All I can do is share my experience, its up to everyone is to be true to themselves, I can not do for you, what you won't do, for yourself.....

Happy Hump Day......Peace and love, gift yourselves with it, if you can  :)

Title: Re: Powerless....what?
Post by thumperclone on 04/03/19 at 15:50:08

yes ray
you gave your addiction to the higher power in yourself (god is love)
now you fill the void with material goods
just trading one addiction for another?

how you find your peace is your path [smiley=engel017.gif]

Title: Re: Powerless....what?
Post by raydawg on 04/03/19 at 16:56:03

Thanks for sharing......!!!

Hope you are finding your path, PEACE!

Title: Re: Powerless....what?
Post by Eegore on 04/03/19 at 17:01:09

 I'm not sure I understand how admitting "powerlessness" is part of a structured improvement.

 Isn't admitting that one has a problem more of the improvement process and as such creates the ability to do something about it?  

 For instance if I am powerless over my alcohol intake, how will I ever stop doing it?

Title: Re: Powerless....what?
Post by raydawg on 04/03/19 at 20:37:45

5676747C6176130 wrote:
 I'm not sure I understand how admitting "powerlessness" is part of a structured improvement.

 Isn't admitting that one has a problem more of the improvement process and as such creates the ability to do something about it?  

 For instance if I am powerless over my alcohol intake, how will I ever stop doing it?

Good question, I think I see what you mean......
I will surmise a answer for you, based on my own perception, I think it works for me.

Lets start from scratch, the basic, yes or no, right or wrong, platform.
The whole issue would be moot if I drank "normally"

So, given that, I can't drink normally, its not about accepting the facts of, I have a problem, its more like what am I willing to do, if I want to drink.....
Am I going to accept the consequences of my choice, even if its "not" my intentions, if a bad result is realized because of my reduced capacities, call it bad luck, repeat, rinse, until the choice is removed from me...???

I feel thinking that way, often evokes other characteristic issues, that can have a negative effect on self respect, acceptance, etc, because those are designed by societal norms.

Me personally, the word "surrender" I couldn't willfully entertain because I assigned it the value of "loser".
To admit you can't do something, is kinda the same, its like everyone knowing you are a LOSER, when you spend all your energy trying to pretend you are NOT  ;D

With powerless, its more like you can't blame a person with cancer, for getting cancer ( other than smoking  ;) )
They were powerless to stop it.

So for me, it "rephrased" the issue into a form that allowed my poor pitiful pride and ego, a chance to look at my problem without assigning my self as the LOSER I was/am  ;D

Does that help?

Title: Re: Powerless....what?
Post by Eegore on 04/04/19 at 09:22:31

 Yeah it sort of helped.  I think it's just a definition difference.

Title: Re: Powerless....what?
Post by raydawg on 04/04/19 at 12:42:30

6D4D4F475A4D280 wrote:
 Yeah it sort of helped.  I think it's just a definition difference.

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