General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The Intelligence Of The Republican Party

Message started by T And T Garage on 03/26/19 at 11:44:53

Title: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by T And T Garage on 03/26/19 at 11:44:53

The title is an oxymoron.

I have to admit - I'm torn.  In one way, I want them to dismantle Obamacare.  On the other, I feel for the millions that were helped by it.

These morons (republicans) are still trying to dismantle Obamacare for no other reason that it's got his name on it.

They don't realize that if they succeed, they will pull the pre-existing condition exclusion and throw millions out of their packages.  This will literally kill someone.  Think about that.  It's completely within the realm of reason that children will die because of these morons (American children this time).

"Tonight in federal court, the Trump Administration decided not only to try to destroy protections for Americans living with pre-existing conditions, but to declare all-out war on the health care of the American people," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday.

"Democrats will continue to fight relentlessly to protect people with pre-existing conditions and to deliver lower health costs and prescription drug prices for every American," she added.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by Serowbot on 03/27/19 at 09:49:50

Trump says he'll replace it with something better and cheaper...
We all know that's a lie.

Why not replace then repeal?...
Because there is no replace.

Even Pub's know better.  
How stupid to even say it. :-/

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by Eegore on 03/27/19 at 10:05:53

 Bottom line is pre-existing condition exclusion is set to return.  Since the people who are pushing for the complete repeal process are not effected by the action there is little motive to maintain a regulation for comprehensive coverage.

 I've asked this several times on here and nobody has ever replied:

 What part of allowing pre-existing coverage denial is beneficial to the person paying for health insurance?  Why would anyone want private selection of what illnesses will be treated?

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by WebsterMark on 03/27/19 at 10:08:33

Ive heard everyone, including Republicans, say pre-existing coverage is a prerequisite for any new healthcare deal.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 10:23:39

0F3D3A2B2C3D2A15392A33580 wrote:
Ive heard everyone, including Republicans, say pre-existing coverage is a prerequisite for any new healthcare deal.

Talk is cheap.  Where's trump's "amazing" ACA replacement?

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 12:35:34

"This is the real solution to climate change: babies...the solution to so many of our problems at all times and in all places is to fall in love, get married, and have some kids." -@Senmikelee on @AOC and @Senmarkey's Green New Deal

Do yourself a favor - go look at the pics he put up during his speech.

This is even dumber than bringing in a snowball to show no global warming.


Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 16:07:51

Speaking of bets...

What'll ya bet that this guy's in the maga crowd?

Customer Goes On Racist Rant Over Spanish Words On A Mexican Menu

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by Serowbot on 03/27/19 at 17:08:33

6D737C7D706D766B190 wrote:
Speaking of bets...

What'll ya bet that this guy's in the maga crowd?

Customer Goes On Racist Rant Over Spanish Words On A Mexican Menu

Remember "Freedom fries"?....
Next the Pub's will want to rename the taco and the burrito...
;D ;D ;D...

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by MnSpring on 03/27/19 at 18:00:45

3523342931242932460 wrote:
 Next the Pub's will want to rename the taco and the burrito...

Would that be like the people that want to tear down statues, flags, and re-wright History ?

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by Eegore on 03/27/19 at 20:24:26

"Ive heard everyone, including Republicans, say pre-existing coverage is a prerequisite for any new healthcare deal."

 I've heard that too, but "complete repeal" means pre-existing coverage denial because it excludes the important part: "New" healthcare deal, which doesn't exist at this time.  

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/19 at 06:15:38

5B784566647F7871160 wrote:
[quote author=3523342931242932460 link=1553625893/0#7 date=1553731713]  Next the Pub's will want to rename the taco and the burrito...

Would that be like the people that want to tear down statues, flags, and re-wright History ?

No mn.  No one wants to rewrite (that's how you spell that word) history.

They don't want to pay homage to the Civil War "heros" or statues that were erected long after reconstruction to "put people in their place".

Educate yourself.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by LostArtist on 03/28/19 at 09:03:13

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
Ive heard everyone, including Republicans, say pre-existing coverage is a prerequisite for any new healthcare deal.

not Ted Cruz or Rand Paul, there are several die hard free market republicans that don't believe in pre-existing coverage should be a requirement

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by WebsterMark on 03/28/19 at 09:51:32

You're going to have to prove that's both their positions.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/19 at 13:53:34

350700111607102F031009620 wrote:
You're going to have to prove that's both their positions.

Well mark - here's ted's:

Cruz said in an interview this week (June 2018) with Vox Media that it’s “reasonable” to argue that Obamacare’s rules on pre-existing conditions are now unconstitutional after the Republican tax bill repealed the individual mandate penalty, one of the central pillars of the law.

And here's rand's:

Paul’s replacement for the Affordable Care Act would both lift the unpopular requirement that all Americans have insurance and the more-popular requirement that insurers can’t deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. The plan, similar to those floated by House Republicans recently, would expand use of tax-advantaged health savings accounts to help people afford the cost of health services.

Yeah, rand's is 2 years old, but it's his baby.  If you look at the wording of his plan it says:    "These new pooling mechanisms increase the buying power of individuals and small businesses to decrease costs, increase administrative efficiencies, and protect individuals with pre-existing conditions by giving them access to the group market."

Noting about banning companies from denying coverage.

So... do you want any side dishes with that crow?

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by MnSpring on 03/28/19 at 15:27:15

322C23222F322934460 wrote:
Paul’s replacement for the Affordable Care Act ...

How interesting that  those were NOT, Paul Rand's personal statements.

But a TDS affected persons, 'OPINION', on the subject.

Yet when Rand, DOES say: "...protect individuals with pre-existing conditions by giving them access to the group market..."

The TDS affected tt, cannot read,
BECAUSE tt changes the subject,
by saying; 'banning companies' !

On Ted Curz's, what was said was;
'Congress’ decision to eliminate tax penalties for not carrying health insurance - the so-called individual mandate - rendered much of the law invalid'.

Gee tt, ever read a contract, which says, "...if one part of this contract is ruled invalid, that will not affect other parts of this contract..."
Bamma Care Contract, does NOT say that.
So the argument is, one part is invalid, all is invalid.

Of course, the tt can NOT repeat:
"...Republican Lamar Alexander, chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, has said there is “no way” Congress will repeal protections for people with pre-existing conditions and called the administration’s legal argument “far-fetched.”
“I didn’t hear a single senator say that they also thought they were repealing protections for people with pre-existing conditions,” Alexander said..."

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/19 at 15:36:16

6C4F725153484F46210 wrote:
[/i][/b][quote author=322C23222F322934460 link=1553625893/0#13 date=1553806414]Paul’s replacement for the Affordable Care Act ...

How interesting that  those were NOT, Paul Rand's personal statements.

LOL - no, it was just his proposal... Seriously, are you that thick??

But a TDS affected persons, 'OPINION', on the subject.

Yet when Rand, DOES say: "...protect individuals with pre-existing conditions by giving them access to the group market..."

The TDS affected tt, cannot read,
BECAUSE tt changes the subject,
by saying; 'banning companies' !

On Ted Curz's, what was said was;
'Congress’ decision to eliminate tax penalties for not carrying health insurance - the so-called individual mandate - rendered much of the law invalid'.

Gee tt, ever read a contract, which says, "...if one part of this contract is ruled invalid, that will not affect other parts of this contract..."
Bamma Care Contract, does NOT say that.
So the argument is, one part is invalid, all is invalid.

Of course, the tt can NOT repeat:
"...Republican Lamar Alexander, chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, has said there is “no way” Congress will repeal protections for people with pre-existing conditions and called the administration’s legal argument “far-fetched.”
“I didn’t hear a single senator say that they also thought they were repealing protections for people with pre-existing conditions,” Alexander said..."


LMAO - like you're one to give lectures on contact wording????

For Christ's sake mn - you can't even spell!!

;D ;D

Go eat your crow with mark.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by WebsterMark on 03/29/19 at 06:06:48

Repeatedly pointing out and making fun of grammer and spelling errors on an internet forum is particularly loathsome. As a kid, you were certainly the bully, picking on the littlest, making fun of heavy kids, laughing at those with glasses. Do you laugh today at Downs kids? Probably.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by T And T Garage on 03/29/19 at 06:09:56

605255444352457A56455C370 wrote:
Repeatedly pointing out and making fun of grammer and spelling errors on an internet forum is particularly loathsome. As a kid, you were certainly the bully, picking on the littlest, making fun of heavy kids, laughing at those with glasses. Do you laugh today at Downs kids? Probably.

LOL - you spelled grammar wrong...

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by Eegore on 03/29/19 at 06:11:21

 I think most of you say things on this forum you wouldn't say in person.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by T And T Garage on 03/29/19 at 06:16:00

634341495443260 wrote:
 I think most of you say things on this forum you wouldn't say in person.

Once again, you're right Eegore.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by T And T Garage on 03/29/19 at 06:24:08

More of this idiot at his rally after the Mueller report report.

"I always say, they say, 'the elite', they're the elite and I'm not. Well, I have a better education than them, I'm smarter than them, I went to the best schools they didn't, much more beautiful house, much more beautiful apartment, much more beautiful everything. And I'm president and they're not.

He continued: “I get a kick I hear ‘So-and-so the elite’, then you see this guy like this little schlepper – this is elite? I’m not elite? We’re the elites, you’re smarter, you’re sharper, you’re more loyal, you’re a hell of a lot tougher.”

Yeah, this is your president, conservatives.  What an embarrassment.

But you know what, maybe this is part of the 75% of what he says that can't be defended.


Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by WebsterMark on 03/29/19 at 07:21:27

1131333B2631540 wrote:
 I think most of you say things on this forum you wouldn't say in person.

You talking to me? But regardless of who, virtually everything said on here wouldn't be said in person, yourself included. That's not exactly man bites dog news.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by WebsterMark on 03/29/19 at 07:30:57

607E71707D607B66140 wrote:
[quote author=605255444352457A56455C370 link=1553625893/15#16 date=1553864808]Repeatedly pointing out and making fun of grammer and spelling errors on an internet forum is particularly loathsome. As a kid, you were certainly the bully, picking on the littlest, making fun of heavy kids, laughing at those with glasses. Do you laugh today at Downs kids? Probably.

LOL - you spelled grammar wrong... [/quote]

So you were a little bully....

Yea, I can't spell worth crap. Terrible speller. I actually got a -5 on a spelling test in grade school once.  Thank God for Microsoft spellcheck.
That way, when I do those presentations in front of hundreds at conferences, little worms like you who sit in the audience learning difficult concepts from me don't get their little minds distracted by meaningless details.  

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by T And T Garage on 03/29/19 at 08:07:49

536166777061764965766F040 wrote:
[quote author=607E71707D607B66140 link=1553625893/15#17 date=1553864996][quote author=605255444352457A56455C370 link=1553625893/15#16 date=1553864808]Repeatedly pointing out and making fun of grammer and spelling errors on an internet forum is particularly loathsome. As a kid, you were certainly the bully, picking on the littlest, making fun of heavy kids, laughing at those with glasses. Do you laugh today at Downs kids? Probably.

LOL - you spelled grammar wrong... [/quote]

So you were a little bully....

Yea, I can't spell worth crap. Terrible speller. I actually got a -5 on a spelling test in grade school once.  Thank God for Microsoft spellcheck.
That way, when I do those presentations in front of hundreds at conferences, little worms like you who sit in the audience learning difficult concepts from me don't get their little minds distracted by meaningless details.  

Think what you'd like mark.  I don't care.

Look at the convoluted world you make up in your head! (like I'd ever attend a conference from some sh!tty salesman?)  LOL

It's laughable.  Talk about over-compensation!

But you go ahead and make up what you'd like.  It's what you do.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by MnSpring on 03/29/19 at 08:47:06

7F5F5D55485F3A0 wrote:
  I think most of you say things on this forum you wouldn't say in person.

It all depends,
(and that is not tt's underwear)
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

If I was speaking to tt or eds' in person,
I would return their DFI abusive language 10 fold.
It is here that I hold back.

If I was speaking to Bot/Raydawg/Lost, and other liberal people in person.
I believe they would be polite, and I would certainly return the same attitude.

If I ever met the person, Hovis, I believe his face would rapidly meet with my fist.
After he said, 'I teach little kits how to KILL',
after I mentioned I have been teaching Firearms Safety Training
(then for 34 years).

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by Eegore on 03/29/19 at 08:49:48

 So you would only be teaching people how to punch people in the face for having an opinion you don't like.

 At least you would be consistent and that's commendable.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by MnSpring on 03/29/19 at 08:51:34

756B646568756E73010 wrote:
Yeah, this is your president, conservatives.  What an embarrassment.

What about all those, 'Cow Farts' ???????

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by WebsterMark on 03/29/19 at 09:01:43

Think what you'd like mark.  I don't care.

Yes, you do. It's killing you. Now, go clock out for lunch.  

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by MnSpring on 03/29/19 at 09:06:25

1030323A2730550 wrote:
  So you would only be teaching people how to punch people in the face for having an opinion you don't like.  

Nop, I disagree, highly, with people, yet never would resort to physical means.

Until someone walked up to me, called me a, ...,  ...,  ...,  ...,  then spit in my face.  
Yea, I would most probably succumb to using a fist,
and not be a little puss ey like,
Uygur, Obama, Holder, Frankin, Ellesion, pee in my pants,
then run away and hide under the nearest skirt.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by Eegore on 03/29/19 at 09:21:36

"then spit in my face"

 I agree with that, however I do not see how the statements:

"Nop, I disagree, highly, with people, yet never would resort to physical means."

"If I ever met the person, Hovis, I believe his face would rapidly meet with my fist.
After he said, 'I teach little kits how to KILL',"

 I am missing the part where Hovis is spitting in your face or otherwise committing to a form of physical contact.

 Sounds like your fist will rapidly meet his face based exclusively off of his opinion.  So will you "never" resort to physical violence, or will you punch a guy in the face for saying something?  Nobody can do both.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by MnSpring on 03/29/19 at 09:31:39

0B2B29213C2B4E0 wrote:
 I am missing the part where Hovis is spitting in your face or otherwise committing to a form of physical contact.

I'll explain it for you.
Someone telling me:
'I teach little kits to KILL'
When I am teaching them firearm, SAFETY.

Is the same as spitting in my face.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by Eegore on 03/29/19 at 09:39:26

"Is the same as spitting in my face."

 I understand where you may perceive it that way but in the physical world we all live in nobody actually spit in your face.  For instance there would be no legal charges against Hovis for making you mad.  Observed reality would indicate no spit was on your face.

 As such you are willing to state you will commit physical violence upon somebody who did not physically attack you but verbally agitated you to the point of violence.

 I'm not judging that, do what you want, punch whoever you feel like, but to try to say you would never assault anyone you disagree with is contradictory don't you think?

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by MnSpring on 03/29/19 at 09:52:34

624240485542270 wrote:
to say you would never assault anyone you disagree with is contradictory don't you think?

Nop, it's not.
Not assaulting someone that one disagrees with,
is entirely different than assaulting a person,
for a total insult.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by Eegore on 03/29/19 at 10:29:32

"is entirely different than assaulting a person,
for a total insult

 I see your point to a degree.  There is a difference between an insult and a disagreement.

 If I call someone a doofus that's an insult, if I say they teach minors to kill by means of firearm safety that, to me, is an observation that results in my opinion.

 None of the examples damage you.

 So to a degree I see your point, but I still think you are claiming you would physically assault people for making you mad, not because you are defending yourself from physical harm.  Or from any harm.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by Serowbot on 03/29/19 at 10:45:47

To say that teaching firearm safety is equal to teaching kids to kill...
Is much like equating a verbal insult to spitting in your face.

We are in an escalating hyperbole... ::)

"Would you pass the cream?"...

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by Eegore on 03/29/19 at 10:50:36

"We are in an escalating hyperbole..."

 That is true.

 I guess the simpler way to put it is I just don't see a reason to physically assault someone for being angry, no matter how they did it.  And in my brain, being angry is just a result of disagreeing with whatever just happened.

Title: Re: The Intelligence Of The Republican Party
Post by T And T Garage on 04/03/19 at 05:25:24

Well, now it seems that "trump" wants to wait until after the 2020 elections.....  LOL

So blatantly obvious.

How does anyone with a rational mind believe anything this administration says?

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