General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> 45 FTW!!

Message started by pg on 03/24/19 at 15:22:50

Title: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/24/19 at 15:22:50


The left failed in their coup d’etat, and Trump did in fact survive the greatest witch hunt in this country’s history.   Trump will only become stronger, I surmise he will easily win in 2020 largely because he is vindicated.  He will likely go on to appoint one more justice as well!  

For the liberals on the site, I take great comfort knowing that TDS eats away at you!!

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/24/19 at 17:54:28

You think this is over?

Oh, what a naive little boy you are.


Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/25/19 at 05:30:27

485659585548534E3C0 wrote:
You think this is over?

Oh, what a naive little boy you are.


Not by any stretch of the imagination, Trump will be going on the offense!!  A whole lot of laws were broken in this disgraceful investigation.

Is that the best you can got?  Calling me Boy....    ;D

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/25/19 at 05:33:42



Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by Eegore on 03/25/19 at 07:01:47

 What laws were broken?

 Given the perception there were many could we at least get a reference to some documentation?

 All I have heard is "lots of them"  "many"  "too many to count" but have yet to see anyone reference an actual law.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/25/19 at 07:37:05

6141434B5641240 wrote:
 What laws were broken?

FISA court abuses for starters.....

Nunes asserted in the letter, made public Thursday, that the FBI violated criminal statutes, in addition to ignoring its own established internal procedures by doing so.

In the letter, Nunes said, “The latest unredacted version of the DIOG [Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide] available to the Committee delineates procedures the FBI must follow when submitting applications” to the FISA court. The October 2011 version of the guide states that the “accuracy of information contained within FISA applications is of upmost importance.… Only documented and verified information may be used to support FBI applications to the court.” The FBI procedures requires that information in any FISA application must be “thoroughly vetted and confirmed.”

With the release of the House Intelligence Committee Memo, it is manifestly clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI participated in a fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to surveil Carter Page, a U.S. citizen. The FBI and the DOJ deliberately and intentionally advanced unverified opposition research paid for by one political party (the Democratic National Committee) designed to harm the opposing party by creating a fictional Russian collusion story as reliable fact. All this took place in the midst of a U.S. presidential election.  

Evidently, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified before the Committee that but for reliance on the 35-page dossier, authored by Christopher Steele, the FISA warrant would neither have been sought nor obtained. After previously rejecting their initial request, The FISA judges relied on two sources as a basis for the eventual issuance of the warrant: the dossier authored by a foreign agent, Christopher Steele, and a Yahoo News report Mr. Steele gave to Yahoo News.

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/25/19 at 07:49:37

445355595646340 wrote:
[quote author=485659585548534E3C0 link=1553466170/0#1 date=1553475268]You think this is over?

Oh, what a naive little boy you are.


Not by any stretch of the imagination, Trump will be going on the offense!!  A whole lot of laws were broken in this disgraceful investigation.

Is that the best you can got?  Calling me Boy....    ;D

Best regards,[/quote]

That's all I need apparently.  


Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by Eegore on 03/25/19 at 07:54:36

The New American article, along with a multitude of other sites utilize DIOG as an interpretation of law.  Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide is a guide and not law.

 FISA is law, and I can see where depending on assessment where some compromises were made to the point of violation.

 The problem is that "clear that basic operating guidance was violated" is a declaration of violation of policy and not law.  It will be interesting to see if the violations will be directly connected to legal issue.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/25/19 at 08:20:25

They used unverified fraudulent information paid by a political adversary to launch an investigation that lasted nearly two years and cost upwards of 40M.  I believe their may have been an infraction of the law somewhere in that chain of events.

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by LostArtist on 03/25/19 at 08:35:29

3126202C2333410 wrote:
They used unverified fraudulent information paid by a political adversary to launch an investigation that lasted nearly two years and cost upwards of 40M.  I believe their may have been an infraction of the law somewhere in that chain of events.

Best regards,

you believe.....   yeah, but um, no, the best you'd have there is abuse of power...  but how do you verify information unless you investigate?

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/25/19 at 08:43:03

726C63626F726974060 wrote:
That's all I need apparently.  


Not yet, grab some popcorn.

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/25/19 at 09:03:18

63405C5B6E5D5B465C5B2F0 wrote:
but how do you verify information unless you investigate?

This is a summary of the tactics used in this investigation.

- $40M
-19 seasoned attorneys
-40 agents
-2,800 subpoenas
-500 search warrants
-500 witnesses
-230 communication records

-Arresting Roger Stone with helicopters, boats, and swat teams
-Manafort going to solitary confinement

Yes, this was a gross abuse of power.

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/25/19 at 09:36:59

We can only speculate until we see the full report and if they go into how it began originally.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/25/19 at 10:35:55

6E797F737C6C1E0 wrote:
[quote author=726C63626F726974060 link=1553466170/0#6 date=1553525377]

That's all I need apparently.  


Not yet, grab some popcorn.

Best regards,

Sorry pro golfer, even mark says that 75% of what that idiot posts on his wall can't be defended.

Nice try though.

However, whenever I need a laugh, I'll look to see what the reality tv show host has to say.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/25/19 at 10:37:04

2136303C3323510 wrote:
[quote author=63405C5B6E5D5B465C5B2F0 link=1553466170/0#9 date=1553528129]but how do you verify information unless you investigate?

This is a summary of the tactics used in this investigation.

- $40M
-19 seasoned attorneys
-40 agents
-2,800 subpoenas
-500 search warrants
-500 witnesses
-230 communication records

-Arresting Roger Stone with helicopters, boats, and swat teams
-Manafort going to solitary confinement

Yes, this was a gross abuse of power.

Best regards,[/quote]

Hey there pro golfer - you forgot about the indictments (conveniently..)

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by Eegore on 03/25/19 at 11:14:30

"Manafort going to solitary confinement"

 This is incorrect.  The custody level of a person in custody is not the exclusive deciding parameter of population level assignment.  

"I believe their may have been an infraction of the law somewhere in that chain of events."

 Again this is a situation where people are sure there were laws broken but can not provide the legal backing.  If laws are broken there must be laws to reference.  Just as described above, "solitary confinement" is not a law, yet people say its illegal to keep a person in custody away from other persons in custody.  This is completely untrue.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/25/19 at 11:42:05

Hey there pro golfer - you forgot about the indictments (conveniently..)

None of which had anything to do with Trump colluding with the Russians.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/25/19 at 12:53:46

725250584552370 wrote:
"  This is completely untrue.

I don't believe so; however, I am not an attorney.  Regardless, how about the entrapment of Michael Flynn?  

McCabe, by his own account, made it sound like an ordinary national-security-related briefing of the sort Flynn was accustomed to giving the FBI. Even though McCabe clearly knew that Flynn was a potential subject of investigation, he deliberately dissuaded Flynn from having attorneys present.

Moreover, when the agents arrived, they and Flynn both treated the meeting as rather informal, even “jocular,” and “the agents did not provide General Flynn with a warning of the penalties for making a false statement … before, during, or after the interview.” The agents’ decision not to so inform Flynn was made at the direct behest of McCabe because “they wanted Flynn to be relaxed.

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/25/19 at 13:01:22

635156474051467955465F340 wrote:
Hey there pro golfer - you forgot about the indictments (conveniently..)

None of which had anything to do with Trump colluding with the Russians.

That's correct, Trump was absolved, vindicated, and I dare say exonerated!!  

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by Eegore on 03/25/19 at 13:05:59

 It is illegal to make false statements in a National Security Briefing.

"the agents did not provide General Flynn with a warning of the penalties for making a false statement … before, during, or after the interview.”

 They shouldn't have needed to as it is known fact that one can not falsify information provided in any intelligence briefing, ever.

 I am not saying that the interview wasn't in some violation, but to claim he wasn't warned he could not lie in an intelligence briefing is like saying your boss didn't warn you every day that you can't come into work drunk and naked.

 If it were an interview the issue is that he wasn't informed he could have a lawyer present, and that it wasn't a briefing.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by LostArtist on 03/25/19 at 13:14:55

5740464A4555270 wrote:
[quote author=63405C5B6E5D5B465C5B2F0 link=1553466170/0#9 date=1553528129]but how do you verify information unless you investigate?

This is a summary of the tactics used in this investigation.

- $40M
-19 seasoned attorneys
-40 agents
-2,800 subpoenas
-500 search warrants
-500 witnesses
-230 communication records

-Arresting Roger Stone with helicopters, boats, and swat teams
-Manafort going to solitary confinement

Yes, this was a gross abuse of power.

Best regards,[/quote]

versus the FBI investigation into Hillary's emails? Benghazi?

investigating the PROVEN Russian interference not worth it?  

when you're a criminal you get arrested....

5 People sentenced to prison
1 Person convicted at trial
7 People pleaded guilty
37 People and entities charged
199 Overall criminal counts

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/25/19 at 13:19:10

Try to stay on task and not to deflect the subject matter, please start a new thread.  

Incidentally, the two highest ranking members of the FBI who oversaw that fiasco aren't employed with the FBI any further......

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by LostArtist on 03/25/19 at 13:38:12

bet you wish you believed in abortion now huh? that way you could be saying this whole thing shoulda been aborted while it was still under Comey....  

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/25/19 at 13:48:17

0625393E0B383E23393E4A0 wrote:
bet you wish you believed in abortion now huh? that way you could be saying this whole thing shoulda been aborted while it was still under Comey....  

As previously stated, try to stay on topic; however, since you brought up the topic of abortion I will respond.

You liberals support the right of abortion for everyone with the sole exception of your parents.  Is that correct?

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by LostArtist on 03/25/19 at 13:57:12

4B5C5A5659493B0 wrote:
[quote author=0625393E0B383E23393E4A0 link=1553466170/15#22 date=1553546292]bet you wish you believed in abortion now huh? that way you could be saying this whole thing shoulda been aborted while it was still under Comey....  

As previously stated, try to stay on topic; however, since you brought up the topic of abortion I will respond.

You liberals support the right of abortion for everyone with the sole exception of your parents.  Is that correct?

Best regards,

not at all, there are plenty of days I wish I would have been aborted....   like days when I talk to you....   days when conservatives and republicans win and have absolutely NO IDEA how to be good sports about it....

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 03/25/19 at 16:36:48

71524E497C4F49544E493D0 wrote:
  days when conservatives and republicans win and have absolutely NO IDEA how to be good sports about it....

Yea, just like when Obama was elected.
All those Riots, all those protests, all that blocking of traffic, all those windows broke, all those fires set, all those 'hands up',  etc,etc,etc,

Oh Wait,
That was when Trump was elected.
And all above was done by,
people that called, themselves,
Liberal Democrats/Left Democrats.

The worst I saw when Obama was first elected.
Was a painted Tailgate of a dully PU truck.
Left 1/4, likeness of Obama,
Right 3/4,
“Does This AZZ
Make My Truck
Look Big”

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/25/19 at 18:49:20

7D6A6C606F7F0D0 wrote:
[quote author=635156474051467955465F340 link=1553466170/15#16 date=1553539325]Hey there pro golfer - you forgot about the indictments (conveniently..)

None of which had anything to do with Trump colluding with the Russians.

That's correct, Trump was absolved, vindicated, and I dare say exonerated!!  

Best regards,


LOL - yep, that's still cute you think he's exonerated.

Keep up that childlike sense of wonder.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/26/19 at 06:23:59

So the President of the United States did not collude with a foreign government, (as it being a traitor), and you're pi$$ed off and crying about that??? Talk about a child....

You've been wrong at every step of the way. Every single one. Should I go back and repost them? Trump will resign by this date, Trump will be impeached by this date, his day is coming, Don Jr will be in jail for colluding with the Russians blah blah blah blah......

At some point, wouldn't you think you'd step back and admit to yourself that whatever thought process you use, whatever basic understanding of people you have.... is simply wrong? The filter you use to analyze and discern what has a high probability of being true and what has a high probability of being false is totally screwed up?  Instead of the definition below, it should be your photo waving a Mueller pennant.

Cognitive dissonance, the mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The unease or tension that the conflict arouses in people is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: they reject, explain away, or avoid the new information; persuade themselves that no conflict really exists; reconcile the differences; or resort to any other defensive means of preserving stability or order in their conceptions of the world and of themselves.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by Serowbot on 03/26/19 at 08:16:16

So the Conservative guy that Trump appointed to replace the guy that he previously appointed that wouldn't "unrecuse" himself, and who just recently wrote a 19 page memo trashing the Mueller investigation in support of Trump,... he says he read the report and found nothing...

Well,... that's good enough for me...  :-?

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/26/19 at 10:07:56

5741564B53464B50240 wrote:
So the Conservative guy that Trump appointed to replace the guy that he previously appointed that wouldn't "unrecuse" himself, and who just recently wrote a 19 page memo trashing the Mueller investigation in support of Trump,... he says he read the report and found nothing...

Well,... that's good enough for me...  :-?

I see we're gonna need to expand that pages wide enough for two pictures....

Wake up. Trump didn't collude with the Russians. Barr didn't change Mueller's mind, he didn't write the summary letter he submitted knowing full well the actual content of the report shows a different conclusion. Start accepting it, Trump didn't work with Russia. And while you're at it, accept that Trump won and Hillary lost. If you don't like it, start explaining why the country is better off with whomever it is you nominate instead of just of lying in a fetal position and crying Trump collusion over and over again.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/26/19 at 11:27:26

437176676071665975667F140 wrote:
So the President of the United States did not collude with a foreign government, (as it being a traitor), and you're pi$$ed off and crying about that??? Talk about a child....

If you're referring to me, and you think I'm angry - well, once again, you're wrong.

Show me where I've "protested" the results.  I think they're hilarious.  I also think it's hilarious that the likes of you think this is it.

This is just another brick in the wall (lol, too bad trump can't use these metaphoric bricks...) and when it's all said and done, you and all his supporters will be on the wrong side of history - just like nixon and his idiot followers.

You've been wrong at every step of the way. Every single one. Should I go back and repost them?

Please do.  I'd like to see them.

Trump will resign by this date, Trump will be impeached by this date, his day is coming, Don Jr will be in jail for colluding with the Russians blah blah blah blah......

At some point, wouldn't you think you'd step back and admit to yourself that whatever thought process you use, whatever basic understanding of people you have.... is simply wrong? The filter you use to analyze and discern what has a high probability of being true and what has a high probability of being false is totally screwed up?  Instead of the definition below, it should be your photo waving a Mueller pennant.

Cognitive dissonance, the mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The unease or tension that the conflict arouses in people is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: they reject, explain away, or avoid the new information; persuade themselves that no conflict really exists; reconcile the differences; or resort to any other defensive means of preserving stability or order in their conceptions of the world and of themselves.

You have so much ahead of you that you're going to hate.  And, just like you did before, you'll run away because you're "sick of it".

I take comfort in the fact that I know that I'm on the right side of the equation.  Just like I was with Obama, dubya, Clinton, HW Bush and Reagan.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/26/19 at 11:29:12

0F3D3A2B2C3D2A15392A33580 wrote:
[quote author=5741564B53464B50240 link=1553466170/15#28 date=1553613376]So the Conservative guy that Trump appointed to replace the guy that he previously appointed that wouldn't "unrecuse" himself, and who just recently wrote a 19 page memo trashing the Mueller investigation in support of Trump,... he says he read the report and found nothing...

Well,... that's good enough for me...  :-?

I see we're gonna need to expand that pages wide enough for two pictures....

Wake up. Trump didn't collude with the Russians. Barr didn't change Mueller's mind, he didn't write the summary letter he submitted knowing full well the actual content of the report shows a different conclusion. Start accepting it, Trump didn't work with Russia. And while you're at it, accept that Trump won and Hillary lost. If you don't like it, start explaining why the country is better off with whomever it is you nominate instead of just of lying in a fetal position and crying Trump collusion over and over again. [/quote]

LOL - so, do you agree with mitch in not releasing the report?

(oh, btw, hillary got 3 million more votes than trump - accept that)

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/26/19 at 14:04:08

You have so much ahead of you that you're going to hate.

You've been wrong about everything. Why the F would anyone listen to what you think is going to happen?.....

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 08:23:09

From Orin Kerr:

Imagine if the Starr Report had been provided only to President Clinton's Attorney General, Janet Reno, who then read it privately and published a 4-page letter based on her private reading stating her conclusion that President Clinton committed no crimes.

trump's supporters are just that hypocritical.  No surprise.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/27/19 at 09:16:52

(oh, btw, hillary got 3 million more votes than trump - accept that)

Big whoop.... pitchers lose games giving up less hits all the time. that's not the stat that counts genius.

and speaking of which, didn't CA and NY combined give Crooked Hill 6 million more votes total? Which begs two points. 1) if you want those to states to pick your President, go ahead. 2) She got 3 million more in those two states which means she 'lost' that 3 million vote advantage with the other states proving she was not very well liked at all.

Finally, Crooked Hill won 57 individual counties in the US but lost over 3000.....let that sink in.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 09:33:21

1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 wrote:
(oh, btw, hillary got 3 million more votes than trump - accept that)

Big whoop.... pitchers lose games giving up less hits all the time. that's not the stat that counts genius.

and speaking of which, didn't CA and NY combined give Crooked Hill 6 million more votes total? Which begs two points. 1) if you want those to states to pick your President, go ahead. 2) She got 3 million more in those two states which means she 'lost' that 3 million vote advantage with the other states proving she was not very well liked at all.

Finally, Crooked Hill won 57 individual counties in the US but lost over 3000.....let that sink in.

Oh, it's sunk in, no worries.  I accept that trump won.  We as a country got what we deserved.  A swift kick in the a$$ for apathy.

Not to extend this conversation, but even at the electoral level, it was a close margin.  That's not really the issue though, is it?

The fact remains that your boy has done, and continues to do, a lot of things that your republican party would have had conniptions over if it were a democrat.  Yet you think everything's fine.

His collusion is but one of dozens of things that makes him unfit to hold this office.

I find it hilarious that you and your conservative bros refuse to see any of it.  Ignorance is truly your bliss.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/27/19 at 11:12:15

His collusion


shut up.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 12:05:53

6E5C5B4A4D5C4B74584B52390 wrote:
His collusion


shut up.

Yeah, his COLLUSION.

secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
"the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
synonyms:      conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming

By the way - ripping comeback there mark...

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/27/19 at 12:40:59

No collusion.

Shut up.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 12:46:26

192B2C3D3A2B3C032F3C254E0 wrote:
No collusion.

Shut up.

Maybe (big maybe) not with russia directly.

But you can bet - that idiot colluded.

Again, ripping retort there mark.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 03/27/19 at 15:42:03

445A555459445F42300 wrote:
Yeah, his COLLUSION.

Yeah, her COLLUSION.

secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
“H.R.C. was working in collusion with several entries, exchanging a donation, for favors or price reductions”
synonyms:      conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/27/19 at 15:45:39

Maybe (big maybe) not with russia directly.

But you can bet - that idiot colluded.

Ok, lets bet.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 15:46:53

1734092A2833343D5A0 wrote:
[quote author=445A555459445F42300 link=1553466170/30#37 date=1553713553] Yeah, his COLLUSION.

Yeah, her COLLUSION.

secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
“H.R.C. was working in collusion with several entries, exchanging a donation, for favors or price reductions”
synonyms:      conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming

Oh look, another mn whataboutism.

Instead of owning the faults of this jackass of a president, he has to point to everyone else that did something wrong.

I got news for ya mn - just because others are shady, that doesn't make trump any less a crook.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 15:51:50

447671606776615E726178130 wrote:
Maybe (big maybe) not with russia directly.

But you can bet - that idiot colluded.

Ok, lets bet.

I'll bet you that trump is guilty of collusion (within the definition of the word) in both his business dealings and within his presidency.  This may have nothing to do with russia, but I'm sure he's guilty of it.

But I'm not going to bet money with the likes of you.  You're no gentleman and you'd find a way to weasel out of it.  It's not worth my time.

Unlike a desperate wannabe, I use the term "bet" as stating my confidence.  You know, like a normal person.

Suffice it to say mark, I'm pretty confident that trump is a crook of the highest degree.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 15:56:51

Let me ask the President, the WH staff, the GOP, MAGA folks and Fox News: if Obama had been investigated for 22 months by a Special Counsel who submitted a lengthy report, and then AG Loretta Lynch gave a quick short interpretation of it, would you accept that?

-Matthew Dowd

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 03/27/19 at 15:56:52

6B757A7B766B706D1F0 wrote:
- just because others are shady,

Did, YOU, just admit that,
Is, 'Shady' ???????

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 03/27/19 at 16:00:16

3F212E2F223F24394B0 wrote:
 I'll bet you that trump is guilty   -  But I'm not going to bet

Well, are you going to bet,
or are you not. ???

Which is it  ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 16:02:30

54774A696B70777E190 wrote:
[quote author=6B757A7B766B706D1F0 link=1553466170/30#42 date=1553726813]- just because others are shady,

Did, YOU, just admit that,
Is, 'Shady' ???????

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Yes.  I never liked her.  I voted for her despite that because I know what a shitshow trump would be.

Just like I'd rather have a surgeon (who may or may not have some shady past) perform a surgical procedure on me than a night janitor off the street.  Get it??

Now, try to defend your boy trump without mentioning hillary or anyone else.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 16:03:32

7655684B4952555C3B0 wrote:
[quote author=3F212E2F223F24394B0 link=1553466170/30#43 date=1553727110]  I'll bet you that trump is guilty   -  But I'm not going to bet

Well, are you going to bet,
or are you not. ???

Which is it  ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Try to learn to comprehend, I'm not going to explain it twice.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 03/27/19 at 16:09:02

687679787568736E1C0 wrote:
I'm not going to explain it twice.

Did not ask you to 'explain' it, twice.
Explain it once will suffice.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 16:12:12

2D0E331012090E07600 wrote:
[quote author=687679787568736E1C0 link=1553466170/45#48 date=1553727812] I'm not going to explain it twice.

Did not ask you to 'explain' it, twice.
Explain it once will suffice.

Go reread response #43.

If you can't understand it - go take a class.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 03/27/19 at 16:20:18

756B646568756E73010 wrote:
 I never liked her.  I voted for her despite

Comparing HRC as a quality Surgeon,
and Trump as a night Janitor.
Is a new low for you.

So you, would rather vote for a Known CROOK,  who would have made the Swamp bigger.
Than Trump, who was not, ’Polished’, and is draining the Swamp.

Guess What,
The Electoral Collage,
and the majority, of CITIZENS, of this country,
Felt they would rather have a Swamp Drainer,
than a KNOWN  Crook in office.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 16:38:14

65467B585A41464F280 wrote:
[quote author=756B646568756E73010 link=1553466170/45#47 date=1553727750]  I never liked her.  I voted for her despite

Comparing HRC as a quality Surgeon,
and Trump as a night Janitor.
Is a new low for you.

Facts are facts mn.  She was a politician, Secretary of State, Senator and First Lady.

Trump was a reality tv game host and a crappy businessman.

So you, would rather vote for a Known CROOK,  who would have made the Swamp bigger.
Than Trump, who was not, ’Polished’, and is draining the Swamp.

No proof of her being a crook.  However, trump is a notorious crook.  Just ask most of his suppliers and all those who won't loan him money anymore.

Guess What,
The Electoral Collage,
and the majority, of CITIZENS, of this country,
Felt they would rather have a Swamp Drainer,
than a KNOWN  Crook in office.

Guess what, you're wrong about that.  You see, trump is not popular.  He lost the popular vote (still waiting on all your "proof" of voter fraud) and his margins in every state he won weren't "huge".

He's never polled above 45% (Gallup).

Educate yourself.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/27/19 at 16:46:52

7F616E6F627F64790B0 wrote:
[quote author=447671606776615E726178130 link=1553466170/30#41 date=1553726739]Maybe (big maybe) not with russia directly.

But you can bet - that idiot colluded.

Ok, lets bet.

I'll bet you that trump is guilty of collusion (within the definition of the word) in both his business dealings and within his presidency.  This may have nothing to do with russia, but I'm sure he's guilty of it.

But I'm not going to bet money with the likes of you.  You're no gentleman and you'd find a way to weasel out of it.  It's not worth my time.

Unlike a desperate wannabe, I use the term "bet" as stating my confidence.  You know, like a normal person.

Suffice it to say mark, I'm pretty confident that trump is a crook of the highest degree.[/quote]

Ha Ha Ha.....   what a loser..... won't bet....reach between those legs, any ball$ down there? Don't think so. Little emasculated wu$$y boy....perfect fodder for a leftist Democrat....   my God I can't believe you ride embarrassing.  

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/19 at 16:49:36

340601101706112E021108630 wrote:
[quote author=7F616E6F627F64790B0 link=1553466170/30#43 date=1553727110][quote author=447671606776615E726178130 link=1553466170/30#41 date=1553726739]Maybe (big maybe) not with russia directly.

But you can bet - that idiot colluded.

Ok, lets bet.

I'll bet you that trump is guilty of collusion (within the definition of the word) in both his business dealings and within his presidency.  This may have nothing to do with russia, but I'm sure he's guilty of it.

But I'm not going to bet money with the likes of you.  You're no gentleman and you'd find a way to weasel out of it.  It's not worth my time.

Unlike a desperate wannabe, I use the term "bet" as stating my confidence.  You know, like a normal person.

Suffice it to say mark, I'm pretty confident that trump is a crook of the highest degree.[/quote]

Ha Ha Ha.....   what a loser..... won't bet....reach between those legs, any ball$ down there? Don't think so. Little emasculated wu$$y boy....perfect fodder for a leftist Democrat....   my God I can't believe you ride embarrassing.  [/quote]

Unlike you mark, I don't need to prove my manhood.

You may want to talk to someone about your insecurity.

Thanks for the post though. (keep up the name calling - it makes you look really cool!)

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/27/19 at 19:03:48

243A353439243F22500 wrote:
Suffice it to say mark, I'm pretty confident that trump is a crook of the highest degree.

That TDS is really FESTERING away at you isn't it?

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 03/28/19 at 04:54:46

524C43424F524954260 wrote:
if Obama had been investigated for 22 months by a Special Counsel who submitted a lengthy report, and then AG

Missing the point aren't you.
That never happened,
Because, the,'Wanna Be King',
told the investigators,
NO Investigation.
On him, and his 'down low' buddy Holder.

I make Black Walnut & Butternut Syrup.
Do you made, hypocrisy, Syrup ?

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/28/19 at 05:23:55

He's not going to bet because deeep down he's knows he's just talking smack. There's a big difference between believing something and having faith in something. He believes what he says about Trump but he doesn't have faith in what he says otherwise he'd put up or shut up. If he'd had bet before, he would have lost so his inner voice is wisely telling him to talk it but not to walk it.

At least that's what I think. I could be wrong however, I could be overthinking this. Maybe he's just a twit.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 03/28/19 at 05:38:00

4F515E5F524F54493B0 wrote:
Trump was a reality tv game host

Barry Soetoro’s, past is irrelevant.
Beto’s, past is irrelevant.
AOC’s, past is irrelevant.
I. Omar’s,  past is irrelevant.
B. S.’,  past is irrelevant.
A. Frankton’s, past is irrelevant.
H.R.C.’s, past is irrelevant.
K. Ellison’s, past is irrelevant.
EVERY ONE, has some Very, VERY, Deep DIRT.

Yet the TDS affected people.
(or the UL, Fairy Dust Sprinklers)
Still clamor on about a TV show.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/19 at 06:21:59

382F29252A3A480 wrote:
[quote author=243A353439243F22500 link=1553466170/45#54 date=1553730576]

Suffice it to say mark, I'm pretty confident that trump is a crook of the highest degree.

That TDS is really FESTERING away at you isn't it?

Best regards,[/quote]

Not at all.  You see pro golfer, we've already determined that tds is actually what you and your con friends are suffering from.

Look at your boy's twitter feed for just one day and you'll see.

Even mark has said that 75% of what he says is indefensible.

In anyone's book that makes you deranged.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/19 at 06:22:58

487A7D6C6B7A6D527E6D741F0 wrote:
He's not going to bet because deeep down he's knows he's just talking smack. There's a big difference between believing something and having faith in something. He believes what he says about Trump but he doesn't have faith in what he says otherwise he'd put up or shut up. If he'd had bet before, he would have lost so his inner voice is wisely telling him to talk it but not to walk it.

At least that's what I think. I could be wrong however, I could be overthinking this. Maybe he's just a twit.

Such a desperate attempt to make yourself feel better.  You keep going there mark....

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/19 at 06:25:33

6D4E735052494E47200 wrote:
[quote author=524C43424F524954260 link=1553466170/30#44 date=1553727411]if Obama had been investigated for 22 months by a Special Counsel who submitted a lengthy report, and then AG

Missing the point aren't you.
That never happened,
Because, the,'Wanna Be King',
told the investigators,
NO Investigation.
On him, and his 'down low' buddy Holder.

I make Black Walnut & Butternut Syrup.
Do you made, hypocrisy, Syrup ?


LOL - and you call me a conspiracy theorist??  Do you have any proof of what you post mn? (of course you don't)

Wow - you people are unbelievable.

(actually, you're not - nothing surprises me from the likes of you)

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/28/19 at 09:56:31

Such a desperate attempt to make yourself feel better.  You keep going there mark....

No desperation at all. I feel fine.

It's just funny you talk such a strong, powerful game but when it comes time to put up or shut up, you come up with lame excuses and jump out of the path like a little girl playing dodge ball.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/19 at 09:59:25

1A282F3E39283F002C3F264D0 wrote:
Such a desperate attempt to make yourself feel better.  You keep going there mark....

No desperation at all. I feel fine.

It's just funny you talk such a strong, powerful game but when it comes time to put up or shut up, you come up with lame excuses and jump out of the path like a little girl playing dodge ball.

LOL - this coming from a guy who's best comeback is "shut up".

Move on mark.  No one wants to play with you.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/28/19 at 11:14:09

LOL - this coming from a guy who's best comeback is "shut up".

Move on mark.  No one wants to play with you.

Shut up.  

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by Serowbot on 03/28/19 at 11:53:44

340601101706112E021108630 wrote:
LOL - this coming from a guy who's best comeback is "shut up".

Move on mark.  No one wants to play with you.

Shut up.  

He knows his strengths... ;D

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/19 at 12:05:24

142621303726310E223128430 wrote:
LOL - this coming from a guy who's best comeback is "shut up".

Move on mark.  No one wants to play with you.

Shut up.  

Yeah, nicely done mark.  Between your "shut ups" and your name calling, you certainly show your intelligence (or should I say - lack thereof).

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/28/19 at 13:21:11

This is old...... You yack about how smart you are despite being wrong all the time, talk smack, blah blah blah....but won't back it up. Rinse and repeat.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/19 at 13:32:11

7A484F5E59485F604C5F462D0 wrote:
This is old...... You yack about how smart you are despite being wrong all the time, talk smack, blah blah blah....but won't back it up. Rinse and repeat.

It's not about being smart as much as it is coherent.

Any idiot can see just what this megalomaniac (trump) is doing.

Seriously mark - you're going to sit there and tell me that the Mueller report should not be made public?

If so, you're a hypocrite in every sense of the word.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 03/28/19 at 14:58:38

445A555459445F42300 wrote:
your name calling, you certainly show your intelligence (or should I say - lack thereof)

Gosh, the tt does/has, NEVER called, Anyone here, a 'name'.

Hows that, hypocrite, pie taste ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/28/19 at 15:29:07

524C43424F524954260 wrote:
[quote author=382F29252A3A480 link=1553466170/45#55 date=1553738628][quote author=243A353439243F22500 link=1553466170/45#54 date=1553730576]

Suffice it to say mark, I'm pretty confident that trump is a crook of the highest degree.

That TDS is really FESTERING away at you isn't it?

Best regards,[/quote]

Not at all.  You see pro golfer, we've already determined that tds is actually what you and your con friends are suffering from.

Look at your boy's twitter feed for just one day and you'll see.

Even mark has said that 75% of what he says is indefensible.

In anyone's book that makes you deranged.

You are the one incessantly posting about Trump....  How many times did you post about him today, or this week, or better yet this month?

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/19 at 15:37:54

2C0F321113080F06610 wrote:
[quote author=445A555459445F42300 link=1553466170/60#66 date=1553799924]your name calling, you certainly show your intelligence (or should I say - lack thereof)

Gosh, the tt does/has, NEVER called, Anyone here, a 'name'.

Hows that, hypocrite, pie taste ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Well mn, I guess I just share that with you.  You're the one that deserves it most - lucky you.

Hey, maybe someday you'll have an original thought and use that in a rebuttal.

No worries, I won't hold my breath.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/19 at 15:40:35

2631373B3424560 wrote:
You are the one incessantly posting about Trump....  How many times did you post about him today, or this week, or better yet this month?

Best regards,

I guess I do that because it truly boggles my mind how someone - anyone - can support such a world class a$$hole.

How anyone can think that this idiot deserves the office in which he sits is beyond the limits of reason.

You see pro golfer, tds does indeed afflict a large number of people.  They're called "trump supporters".  I'm just trying to save them...

Alas, it's a lost cause.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/28/19 at 16:01:54

They're called "trump supporters".  I'm just trying to save them...

Maybe try and save your Justice Degenerates, didn't they remove AOC from the board...…

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/19 at 19:25:21

2730363A3525570 wrote:
They're called "trump supporters".  I'm just trying to save them...

Maybe try and save your Justice Degenerates, didn't they remove AOC from the board...…

Best regards,

Nope - AOC is the future.

Buckle up buttercup!

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/29/19 at 04:49:00

2E303F3E332E35285A0 wrote:
[quote author=2730363A3525570 link=1553466170/60#73 date=1553814114]They're called "trump supporters".  I'm just trying to save them...

Maybe try and save your Justice Degenerates, didn't they remove AOC from the board...…

Best regards,

Nope - AOC is the future.

Buckle up buttercup!

57 - 0 (43 Democrats voted no) green deal senate vote, and campaign finance lawlessness!  Maybe the future of Chicago......

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/29/19 at 05:26:43


Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/29/19 at 05:59:01

Seriously mark - you're going to sit there and tell me that the Mueller report should not be made public?

Whatever gave you that idea? Why would you make up a lie like that?

If you nitwits think the report won't be released, you're even bigger idiots than I thought. There's no doubt it will be released and I'm all for that. Never said otherwise liar.

Now, at some point, it's possible a few Dems may consider the implications of information about their dirty role in the hoax and may reconsider or look for ways to censor some of it.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/29/19 at 06:08:15

7F4D4A5B5C4D5A65495A43280 wrote:
Seriously mark - you're going to sit there and tell me that the Mueller report should not be made public?

Whatever gave you that idea? Why would you make up a lie like that?

If you nitwits think the report won't be released, you're even bigger idiots than I thought. There's no doubt it will be released and I'm all for that. Never said otherwise liar.

Then why did it take you two days to respond to the numerous questions?

I'll tell you why - you're scared.  Just wait 'till we see what else is in that report.  Obstruction and a whole bunch of other juicy activities.

Now, at some point, it's possible a few Dems may consider the implications of information about their dirty role in the hoax and may reconsider or look for ways to censor some of it.

Guilty is guilty - party doesn't matter to me.  If they find dems with dirty hands, so be it.

Unlike you, I believe the rule of law applies to everyone equally.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/29/19 at 06:49:35

4651575B5444360 wrote:
[quote author=2E303F3E332E35285A0 link=1553466170/60#74 date=1553826321][quote author=2730363A3525570 link=1553466170/60#73 date=1553814114]They're called "trump supporters".  I'm just trying to save them...

Maybe try and save your Justice Degenerates, didn't they remove AOC from the board...…

Best regards,

Nope - AOC is the future.

Buckle up buttercup!

57 - 0 (43 Democrats voted no) green deal senate vote, and campaign finance lawlessness!  Maybe the future of Chicago......

Best regards,[/quote]

No comment.....

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 03/29/19 at 07:18:31

Then why did it take you two days to respond to the numerous questions?

Cause I don't read everything you write.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/29/19 at 08:03:41

5B696E7F78697E416D7E670C0 wrote:
Then why did it take you two days to respond to the numerous questions?

Cause I don't read everything you write.

LOL - liar!

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/29/19 at 08:04:28

6C7B7D717E6E1C0 wrote:
[quote author=4651575B5444360 link=1553466170/75#75 date=1553860140][quote author=2E303F3E332E35285A0 link=1553466170/60#74 date=1553826321][quote author=2730363A3525570 link=1553466170/60#73 date=1553814114]They're called "trump supporters".  I'm just trying to save them...

Maybe try and save your Justice Degenerates, didn't they remove AOC from the board...…

Best regards,

Nope - AOC is the future.

Buckle up buttercup!

57 - 0 (43 Democrats voted no) green deal senate vote, and campaign finance lawlessness!  Maybe the future of Chicago......

Best regards,[/quote]

No comment.....


Aww, whassa matter pro golfer, not getting enough attention?


Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/30/19 at 15:30:43

312F20212C312A37450 wrote:
[quote author=6C7B7D717E6E1C0 link=1553466170/75#79 date=1553867375][quote author=4651575B5444360 link=1553466170/75#75 date=1553860140][quote author=2E303F3E332E35285A0 link=1553466170/60#74 date=1553826321][quote author=2730363A3525570 link=1553466170/60#73 date=1553814114]They're called "trump supporters".  I'm just trying to save them...

Maybe try and save your Justice Degenerates, didn't they remove AOC from the board...…

Best regards,

Nope - AOC is the future.

Buckle up buttercup!

57 - 0 (43 Democrats voted no) green deal senate vote, and campaign finance lawlessness!  Maybe the future of Chicago......

Best regards,[/quote]

No comment.....


Aww, whassa matter pro golfer, not getting enough attention?


The real questions is whassa matter with your constituents?  Why didn't a single marxist vote for your precious green deal?

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 03/30/19 at 16:25:12

6E707F7E736E75681A0 wrote:
Unlike you, I believe the rule of law applies to everyone equally.

Would that , ‘Rule of Law’,
apply to people that,
’sneak’, into this Country ?

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/30/19 at 18:45:33

597A4764667D7A73140 wrote:
[quote author=6E707F7E736E75681A0 link=1553466170/75#78 date=1553864895]
Unlike you, I believe the rule of law applies to everyone equally.

Would that , ‘Rule of Law’,
apply to people that,
’sneak’, into this Country ?


Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/30/19 at 18:51:38

3225232F2030420 wrote:
The real questions is whassa matter with your constituents?  Why didn't a single marxist vote for your precious green deal?

Best regards,

Well, first off pro golfer, there was no testimony, no experts and that's what mitch wanted.  Second, the majority of democrats voted "present" not "no".

Third, there are no marxists.

IMHO - this type of legislation will become more crucial as we see more of the midwest and the rest of the country under water.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/31/19 at 01:04:39

504E41404D504B56240 wrote:
IMHO - this type of legislation will become more crucial as we see more of the midwest and the rest of the country under water.

I thought Florida was supposed to be underwater because of global warming, I mean climate change, ah ah what is it going to be next year?  Now the Midwest is in jeopardy!  Perhaps AOC was correct, the world is going to end in 12 years!  Floods happen, this was in 1927 and was one of the worst floods on record in the US.

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 03/31/19 at 09:08:03

5F414E4F425F44592B0 wrote:
 Second, the majority of democrats voted "present" not "no".

'no testimony, no experts and that's what mitch wanted'
That piece of legislation, was probably the MOST talked about piece, since the ACA. and 2,589 times MORE transparent, and copied.
(No one said, you have to pass it before you can read it)
So the people that, Represent, US,
(US = the people that pay their wages)
Knew what we were thinking.
And voted accordingly.

'majority of democrats voted "present"
If a vote is to be taken, the question is,
'are you for or against'
A, 'present', is a statement, that one is present.
it is not a vote
therefore it is a No vote.

'Third, there are no marxists. '
Yes Virginia, their are.
Their is no formal political party in the US, (that I am aware of), but they most certainly exist !

' we see more of the midwest and the rest of the country under water'
The Earth is about 4.5 BILLION years old.
And it is, Changing.
Always had, and will continue to do so.
And man has been here, how long ?

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/31/19 at 09:25:59

657274787767150 wrote:
[quote author=504E41404D504B56240 link=1553466170/75#86 date=1553997098]

IMHO - this type of legislation will become more crucial as we see more of the midwest and the rest of the country under water.

I thought Florida was supposed to be underwater because of global warming, I mean climate change, ah ah what is it going to be next year?  Now the Midwest is in jeopardy!  Perhaps AOC was correct, the world is going to end in 12 years!  Floods happen, this was in 1927 and was one of the worst floods on record in the US.

Best regards,[/quote]

Go ahead and joke.  I'm sure those thousands of farmers think it's funny.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/31/19 at 09:27:56

1A390427253E3930570 wrote:
[quote author=5F414E4F425F44592B0 link=1553466170/75#86 date=1553997098] Second, the majority of democrats voted "present" not "no".

'no testimony, no experts and that's what mitch wanted'
That piece of legislation, was probably the MOST talked about piece, since the ACA. and 2,589 times MORE transparent, and copied.
(No one said, you have to pass it before you can read it)
So the people that, Represent, US,
(US = the people that pay their wages)
Knew what we were thinking.
And voted accordingly.

'majority of democrats voted "present"
If a vote is to be taken, the question is,
'are you for or against'
A, 'present', is a statement, that one is present.
it is not a vote
therefore it is a No vote.

No, it's actually not a "no" - it's a non-vote.

'Third, there are no marxists. '
Yes Virginia, their are.
Their is no formal political party in the US, (that I am aware of), but they most certainly exist !

Do you have proof?

' we see more of the midwest and the rest of the country under water'
The Earth is about 4.5 BILLION years old.
And it is, Changing.
Always had, and will continue to do so.
And man has been here, how long ?

Three words - Rate.  Of.  Change.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/31/19 at 11:12:31

7A646B6A677A617C0E0 wrote:
[quote author=657274787767150 link=1553466170/75#87 date=1554019479][quote author=504E41404D504B56240 link=1553466170/75#86 date=1553997098]

IMHO - this type of legislation will become more crucial as we see more of the midwest and the rest of the country under water.

I thought Florida was supposed to be underwater because of global warming, I mean climate change, ah ah what is it going to be next year?  Now the Midwest is in jeopardy!  Perhaps AOC was correct, the world is going to end in 12 years!  Floods happen, this was in 1927 and was one of the worst floods on record in the US.

Best regards,[/quote]

Go ahead and joke.  I'm sure those thousands of farmers think it's funny.

Clearly my comments were directed at the fragility of liberal belief system.  Moreover, they specifically targeted the asinine comments made by AOC.  

Nice try at the deflection though.  Typical Alisky tactics, if you can't with the debate by virtue, attack the person's character.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 03/31/19 at 11:19:48

677976777A677C61130 wrote:
Do you have proof?

Rather standard comment for you.
Why ?    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

A little exercise for you.
Look Up Marxists in the USA

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/31/19 at 13:48:31

455254585747350 wrote:
Clearly my comments were directed at the fragility of liberal belief system.  Moreover, they specifically targeted the asinine comments made by AOC.  

How is acknowledging global warming asinine?  These floods are the direct result of our climate changing due to man's influence.

Nice try at the deflection though.  Typical Alisky tactics, if you can't with the debate by virtue, attack the person's character.  

Best regards,

You're the one that is disparaging the green new deal.  Take the blame accordingly pro golfer.  There is no deflection.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 03/31/19 at 15:20:58

637D72737E637865170 wrote:
[quote author=455254585747350 link=1553466170/90#91 date=1554055951]
Clearly my comments were directed at the fragility of liberal belief system.  Moreover, they specifically targeted the asinine comments made by AOC.  

How is acknowledging global warming asinine?  These floods are the direct result of our climate changing due to man's influence.

Nice try at the deflection though.  Typical Alisky tactics, if you can't with the debate by virtue, attack the person's character.  

Best regards,

You're the one that is disparaging the green new deal.  Take the blame accordingly pro golfer.  There is no deflection.[/quote]

How is acknowledging global warming asinine?


This is how, it is asinine to claim the world is coming to and end in 12 years.

Also, the flood of 1927 was one of the worst if not worst flooding natural disaster in US history.  That was 17 times greater by volume compared to the Nebraska flood and that is 92 years without the advent of CO2....

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 03/31/19 at 15:21:57

786669686578637E0C0 wrote:
 These floods are the direct result of our climate changing due to man's influence.

The major contributor is.
The ’straightening’ of rivers.
More tiled fields.
More drained swamps.
More waterway ditches.
More Culverts.

AND, some years have MORE,
Rain/Snow than others !

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 03/31/19 at 16:46:02

2A3D3B3738285A0 wrote:
[quote author=637D72737E637865170 link=1553466170/90#93 date=1554065311][quote author=455254585747350 link=1553466170/90#91 date=1554055951]
Clearly my comments were directed at the fragility of liberal belief system.  Moreover, they specifically targeted the asinine comments made by AOC.  

How is acknowledging global warming asinine?  These floods are the direct result of our climate changing due to man's influence.

Nice try at the deflection though.  Typical Alisky tactics, if you can't with the debate by virtue, attack the person's character.  

Best regards,

You're the one that is disparaging the green new deal.  Take the blame accordingly pro golfer.  There is no deflection.[/quote]

How is acknowledging global warming asinine?

This is how, it is asinine to claim the world is coming to and end in 12 years.

Also, the flood of 1927 was one of the worst if not worst flooding natural disaster in US history.  That was 17 times greater by volume compared to the Nebraska flood and that is 92 years without the advent of CO2....

Best regards,[/quote]

First off, she obviously misspoke.  You know, if you held trump to those same standards... pppfftt... LOL - of course you never would!!

At any rate, the point of no return might be only 12 years off - that's what she was meaning to reference.

If you honestly think that humans are not responsible for the sudden rate of change in global temperatures - well - you're probably a trump supporter...

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 04/01/19 at 05:18:07

How is acknowledging global warming asinine?  These floods are the direct result of our climate changing due to man's influence.
Could you find a legitimate climate scientist who would agree with the phrase "these floods are the DIRECT RESULT of our climate changing due to man's influence."

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 04/01/19 at 05:20:25

At any rate, the point of no return might be only 12 years off - that's what she was meaning to reference.

I'm certain I can go back a dozen years and find plenty of climate authority figures who said the point of no return is ______ years away, which has already come and gone.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 06:21:32

132126373021360925362F440 wrote:
How is acknowledging global warming asinine?  These floods are the direct result of our climate changing due to man's influence.
Could you find a legitimate climate scientist who would agree with the phrase "these floods are the DIRECT RESULT of our climate changing due to man's influence."

Yes - more than one:
Michael Wehner
Ed Clark
Kevin Trenberth

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 06:23:37

556760717667704F637069020 wrote:
At any rate, the point of no return might be only 12 years off - that's what she was meaning to reference.

I'm certain I can go back a dozen years and find plenty of climate authority figures who said the point of no return is ______ years away, which has already come and gone.

Suit yourself, have at it.  I'd err on the side of reason.  Reducing our carbon emissions is the smart thing to do.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 04/01/19 at 07:49:21

Then build nuke plants. Problem solved.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 04/01/19 at 08:04:40


But, but, but it was Barry who gave the order.

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 08:05:24

1F2D2A3B3C2D3A05293A23480 wrote:
Then build nuke plants. Problem solved.

Not just that, but wind farms, solar farms, tidal generators and invest in battery tech.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 08:07:20

6176707C7363110 wrote:

But, but, but it was Barry who gave the order.

Best regards,


Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 04/01/19 at 08:29:00

150B040508150E13610 wrote:
[quote author=6176707C7363110 link=1553466170/90#102 date=1554131080]

But, but, but it was Barry who gave the order.

Best regards,


Do you remember when the NYT times article came out and Trump said Barry was spying on him?

pg wrote on 05/11/17 at 14:53:52:
You do realize he is just waiting for the opportune moment to play his hand.....

Best regards,

LOL - oh?  And when might that be - when the impeachment papers are filed??  Yeah... I think not.

tweety is in way over his head and it's all coming down around him...
Post #17

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 08:46:31

4B5C5A5659493B0 wrote:
[quote author=150B040508150E13610 link=1553466170/90#104 date=1554131240][quote author=6176707C7363110 link=1553466170/90#102 date=1554131080]

But, but, but it was Barry who gave the order.

Best regards,


Do you remember when the NYT times article came out and Trump said Barry was spying on him?

pg wrote on 05/11/17 at 14:53:52:
You do realize he is just waiting for the opportune moment to play his hand.....

Best regards,

LOL - oh?  And when might that be - when the impeachment papers are filed??  Yeah... I think not.

tweety is in way over his head and it's all coming down around him...
Post #17

Best regards,[/quote]

If this is "playing his hand", then he's dumber than I give him credit for.

From what I've read, there seems to be a ton of negative info in the Mueller report.

I still contend that trump is in way over his head.  He's never fit in the office of president.  Look at his twitter feed.  It's laughable.

Nothing you can post will ever change my mind.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 04/01/19 at 08:47:57

293738393429322F5D0 wrote:
the point of no return might be only 12 years off - that's what she was meaning to reference.

Just so I am clear on this.
The manure that came out of the, coc k holster, of AOC,
is NOT what she meant to say.

Is the, “what she was meaning”, to say
according to you, or is it according to Uygur,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 04/01/19 at 08:47:59

Not just that, but wind farms, solar farms, tidal generators and invest in battery tech.

None of those will add up to much and pouring more time and money will do nothing but distract from the only thing that will make a significant impact. Probably 10 or 11 years ago when I was at a carbon fiber company, I had several customers in the energy storage field. The needle has barely moved in the amount of energy that can be successfully stored since then. We may have already hit the law of diminishing returns on battery technology. All we can do now is incremental improvements but nothing that's going to be a game changer. Its like fuel cells. Remember them? We've just about maxed out their capabilities.  

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 04/01/19 at 08:48:50

Nothing you can post will ever change my mind.

Truest statement ever written on this forum.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 08:54:28

7E4C4B5A5D4C5B64485B42290 wrote:
Nothing you can post will ever change my mind.

Truest statement ever written on this forum.

Yep - and the same holds true for you.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 04/01/19 at 08:55:17

4A787F6E69786F507C6F761D0 wrote:
Nothing you can post will ever change my mind.

Truest statement ever written on this forum.

So be it, he was wrong about everything, the spying, Russian prostitutes, Russian collusion, and obstruction of justice.   Like Bannon recently said, "Trump is going to go full animal."  This will be FANTASTIC!!

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 08:56:41

0D3F38292E3F28173B28315A0 wrote:
Not just that, but wind farms, solar farms, tidal generators and invest in battery tech.

None of those will add up to much and pouring more time and money will do nothing but distract from the only thing that will make a significant impact. Probably 10 or 11 years ago when I was at a carbon fiber company, I had several customers in the energy storage field. The needle has barely moved in the amount of energy that can be successfully stored since then.

We may have already hit the law of diminishing returns on battery technology. All we can do now is incremental improvements but nothing that's going to be a game changer. Its like fuel cells. Remember them? We've just about maxed out their capabilities.  

So, have you seen what Musk did for New Zealand?  I think you may want to look into that before you make the statement that battery tech has gone nowhere.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 08:59:49

7C6B6D616E7E0C0 wrote:
[quote author=4A787F6E69786F507C6F761D0 link=1553466170/105#109 date=1554133730]Nothing you can post will ever change my mind.

Truest statement ever written on this forum.

So be it, he was wrong about everything, the spying, Russian prostitutes, Russian collusion, and obstruction of justice.   Like Bannon recently said, "Trump is going to go full animal."  This will be FANTASTIC!!

Best regards,


You may want to check yourself on most of that above.

Obama never spied on trump in the way that trump implied - that's a fact.

Further, the obstruction part of the Mueller report is still in question.  Russian prostitutes?  TBD - nothing would surprise me there...

As to Russian collusion?  Maybe not.... maybe.  But in the definition of the word - he's definitely colluded to get where he's gotten.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 04/01/19 at 09:19:14

So, have you seen what Musk did for New Zealand?  I think you may want to look into that before you make the statement that battery tech has gone nowhere.

My point exactly. It's always a promise. We're just always one step from a technical breakthrough. but there are some technologies that are maxed out. I'll wait for Musk to come up with something but I'm not banking on it.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 09:26:09

417374656273645B77647D160 wrote:
So, have you seen what Musk did for New Zealand?  I think you may want to look into that before you make the statement that battery tech has gone nowhere.

My point exactly. It's always a promise. We're just always one step from a technical breakthrough. but there are some technologies that are maxed out. I'll wait for Musk to come up with something but I'm not banking on it.

It's already been done.  Tesla's battery farm supplies about 30,000 people in southern Australia (not New Zealand, my bad) power.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 04/01/19 at 09:43:22

617F70717C617A67150 wrote:
what Musk did for New Zealand?  

Would that be his selling .17% of his cars, compared to petrol cars sold in the same time ?

Would that be, his marketing skills, which dovetailed with people that believe that the 'electric' that powers their 200,000.00 car, 'just happens'.

(Probably not a lot of those people around)

Or is that, where ALL the Scientists say, Mars can not be reformed to Earth like climate, with current knowledge.
Yet Musk says it can.

Would you be saying, Musk is correct,
and the, 'Scientists', are wrong ?

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 09:50:51

7C5F624143585F56310 wrote:
[quote author=617F70717C617A67150 link=1553466170/105#112 date=1554134201] what Musk did for New Zealand?  

Would that be his selling .17% of his cars, compared to petrol cars sold in the same time ?

Would that be, his marketing skills, which dovetailed with people that believe that the 'electric' that powers their 200,000.00 car, 'just happens'.

(Probably not a lot of those people around)

Or is that, where ALL the Scientists say, Mars can not be reformed to Earth like climate, with current knowledge.
Yet Musk says it can.

Would you be saying, Musk is correct,
and the, 'Scientists', are wrong ?

Not sure what you're trying to insinuate.  Tesla installed a battery farm in southern Australia and it provides power to about 30,000 homes.  They did in in 100 days in 2017.

This was in response to mark saying that battery technology hasn't come very far - or is topping out.  I disagree and offered up the Tesla battery farm as proof.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 04/01/19 at 10:08:48

170906070A170C11630 wrote:
 Tesla's battery farm supplies about 30,000 people in southern Australia

LOLOL, 'the big battery' ?
Yea, compared to a 1.5v AA, it's big.
Not much else.
And again, it, 'Just Happened' ?

I guess all the, 'carbon' things that are required, don't count.
Just like Ethanol Gas, is the same as walking into a bank,
giving them a $1.00 bill, and getting .73 change.

For the PIABP, (Panty In A Bunch People),
Yes, alternative energy is needed.
It needs to be researched/refined, and actually, BE, 'energy effective'.
Until, solar/wind/hydro/geothermal/hydrogen/fuel cells/etc are researched enough,
to be ACTUALLY energy effective'.

Stop putting huge gobs of money,
in the likes of gores pocket.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 04/01/19 at 10:13:09

I'm heading out but I'll look into the New Zealand thing later. I have my doubts there's battery technology with the power to supply 30,000 homes. That's an enormous amount of energy. There's more to this story I'm sure.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 10:23:53

1734092A2833343D5A0 wrote:
[quote author=170906070A170C11630 link=1553466170/105#115 date=1554135969]  Tesla's battery farm supplies about 30,000 people in southern Australia

LOLOL, 'the big battery' ?
Yea, compared to a 1.5v AA, it's big.
Not much else.
And again, it, 'Just Happened' ?

I guess all the, 'carbon' things that are required, don't count.
Just like Ethanol Gas, is the same as walking into a bank,
giving them a $1.00 bill, and getting .73 change.

For the PIABP, (Panty In A Bunch People),
Yes, alternative energy is needed.
It needs to be researched/refined, and actually, BE, 'energy effective'.
Until, solar/wind/hydro/geothermal/hydrogen/fuel cells/etc are researched enough,
to be ACTUALLY energy effective'.

Stop putting huge gobs of money,
in the likes of gores pocket.

Not sure why you have such a terrible attitude towards wind and battery power.  Perhaps you have a large investment in oil?

Needless to say, this battery array is far and away a success.

Further, Al Gore gets no money from this.

The first chance I get, I'm investing in a fully electric car.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 10:33:18

**Thread hijack intervention**

I'm not going to debate battery technology on a thread that started with a trump/Mueller investigation base.

If anyone feels the need to debate that issue, please start another thread.

Part of being better in "this cafe" is respecting the OP thread subject.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 04/01/19 at 10:34:58

647A757479647F62100 wrote:
The first chance I get, I'm investing in a fully electric car.

That's Great !!!!!

Ya know what will go real good with that electric car,
(which of course used absolutely no carbon resources to make, and will use absolutely none, to up-keep, and absolutely none to use)
Is a Ocean front lot in Iowa.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 04/01/19 at 13:10:48

3E202F2E233E25384A0 wrote:
**Thread hijack intervention**

Don’t care what is posted.
Normal conversations change subjects all the time,
unless it is a closely regulated Debate.

So, Do NOT, get all  sanctimonious, and say:
“…I’m not going to debate battery technology…
Part of being better in “this cafe”…”

Had some time, waiting for something.
went through the thread,
and listed all the times, YOU,
changed the subject.
The other people, were responding to YOUR changes.

13,  you did just a Trump Bashing.
22, Lost turned to Abortion.
24, Lost bashing Conservatives.
30, you bashed Trump.
33, you quoted a, ‘what-about-ism’, and bashed Trump followers.
35, you bashed Trump, called Conservatives, Ignorant.
37, you bashed Trump, and WM.
39, you bashed Trump.
42, you bashed Trump, and me.
43, you bashed Trump, and WM
44, you posted another, what-about-ism.
47, you bashed Trump, and compared HRC to a Surgeon.
48, you bashed me.
50, you bashed me.
52, you bashed Trump, and defended HRC.
54, you bashed Trump, and WM.
59, you bashed Trump, and PG.
60, you bashed WM.
61, you bashed me, and,’you people’.
63, you bashed WM.
66, you bashed WM.
68, you bashed Trump, and WM.
71, you bashed me.
72, you bashed PG.
74, you defended AOC.
81, you bashed WM.
82, you bashed PG.
86, you bashed PG.
89, you bashed PG.
93, you bashed PG, and defended AOC.
96, you bashed Trump, and defend AOC.
100, you started, ‘carbon emissions’.
106, you bashed Trump, and PG.

And then the, ‘battery’ Conversation came about.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 13:24:41

62417C5F5D4641482F0 wrote:
[quote author=3E202F2E233E25384A0 link=1553466170/120#121 date=1554139998]**Thread hijack intervention**

Don’t care what is posted.
Normal conversations change subjects all the time,
unless it is a closely regulated Debate.

So, Do NOT, get all  sanctimonious, and say:
“…I’m not going to debate battery technology…
Part of being better in “this cafe”…”

Had some time, waiting for something.
went through the thread,
and listed all the times, YOU,
changed the subject.
The other people, were responding to YOUR changes.

13,  you did just a Trump Bashing.
22, Lost turned to Abortion.
24, Lost bashing Conservatives.
30, you bashed Trump.
33, you quoted a, ‘what-about-ism’, and bashed Trump followers.
35, you bashed Trump, called Conservatives, Ignorant.
37, you bashed Trump, and WM.
39, you bashed Trump.
42, you bashed Trump, and me.
43, you bashed Trump, and WM
44, you posted another, what-about-ism.
47, you bashed Trump, and compared HRC to a Surgeon.
48, you bashed me.
50, you bashed me.
52, you bashed Trump, and defended HRC.
54, you bashed Trump, and WM.
59, you bashed Trump, and PG.
60, you bashed WM.
61, you bashed me, and,’you people’.
63, you bashed WM.
66, you bashed WM.
68, you bashed Trump, and WM.
71, you bashed me.
72, you bashed PG.
74, you defended AOC.
81, you bashed WM.
82, you bashed PG.
86, you bashed PG.
89, you bashed PG.
93, you bashed PG, and defended AOC.
96, you bashed Trump, and defend AOC.
100, you started, ‘carbon emissions’.
106, you bashed Trump, and PG.

And then the, ‘battery’ Conversation came about.


FYI, "45" is trump - any and all bashing of that idiot is within the realm of fairness.

If you want to debate battery power, fine, just start a new thread.

Lastly, you seem to have way too much time on your hands....

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by MnSpring on 04/01/19 at 13:50:27

382629282538233E4C0 wrote:
any and all bashing of that idiot is within the realm of fairness.

Just don’t go ballistic when someone points out,
what DFI’s that AOC, B.S., A.F., K.E., Holder,
and many, many, many, others are.

And what UL, FDS, idiots they are.

Lastly, you seem to have way too much time on your hands….

LOLOL, I am retired. So sometimes I have a lot of time to post here.
Other times, not so much.

You on the other hand,
are posting far more than anybody on this Forum..
You say that you work someplace,
so it is clear, you are, Cheating, your employer,
out of the work you are paid to do.

Or does someone, pay you, to play ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/01/19 at 14:03:41

5C7F426163787F76110 wrote:
[quote author=382629282538233E4C0 link=1553466170/120#124 date=1554150281] any and all bashing of that idiot is within the realm of fairness.

Just don’t go ballistic when someone points out,
what DFI’s that AOC, B.S., A.F., K.E., Holder,
and many, many, many, others are.

Then don't be surprised when I call you out for whataboutisms.

And what UL, FDS, idiots they are.

Or what far right extremists you and the others are.

Lastly, you seem to have way too much time on your hands….

LOLOL, I am retired. So sometimes I have a lot of time to post here.
Other times, not so much.

You on the other hand,
are posting far more than anybody on this Forum..
You say that you work someplace,
so it is clear, you are, Cheating, your employer,
out of the work you are paid to do.

Or does someone, pay you, to play ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I have a great boss who I love to work for.

That's all you need to know.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 04/01/19 at 14:49:00

6E5C5B4A4D5C4B74584B52390 wrote:
I'm heading out but I'll look into the New Zealand thing later. I have my doubts there's battery technology with the power to supply 30,000 homes. That's an enormous amount of energy. There's more to this story I'm sure.

Okay, this battery complex powered 30,000 homes for one hour. That is orders of magnitude away from being a viable alternative to current power. Again, wasting time with this. Just build nuke plants.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/01/19 at 16:17:08

Just build nuke plants.

Just build more places that create waste products that are so TOXIC that humanity can't survive when exposed to them.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 04/02/19 at 05:10:54

We've managed just fine so far. New technology produces less waste. Store it in safe containers until we have a space elevator. Even if its 50 years, so what. Then take it up the elevator and send it into that ultimate incinerator 93 million miles away.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/02/19 at 06:08:43

Check out the marine life in the Pacific, a la Fukashima

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by verslagen1 on 04/02/19 at 07:09:24

657A7C7B6661506050687A763D0F0 wrote:
Check out the marine life in the Pacific, a la Fukashima

Check out bikini atoll, the salt water has detox'd the radioactivity.
It still remains on the island so don't go living there or you'll glow but you can eat the fish.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 04/02/19 at 07:24:05

Not buying it. There are plenty of people who overhype nuke risk just like the millions who overhype climate change. I've worked on and off in the food industry for 25+ years and have heard about GMO that whole time. yet as of today, there is no significant impact. When people are dying, when cost are sky rocketing, when lives are disrupted (as they are with the illegal immigration crisis) then I'll take warnings seriously. Until then, its just Chicken Little in action.
Risks to nukes? Sure, there's risk with everything. Is it worth the risk? yes.

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by pg on 04/02/19 at 16:23:35

Nuclear energy is the most feasible answer; however, it has some large obstacles to overcome.  The cost to build new plants is extraordinarily high, well into the billions.  The two biggest problems are the waste.  It is not feasible to properly store the heavy water even though facilities have been built.  The lawyers tie that up, not in my back  yard.  How are you going to transport it?  There are only two known permanent storage facilities in the country.  The $hit is sitting in tanks above ground.

Best regards,

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/04/19 at 06:38:29

Hmmm.... not so fast on the "Mission Accomplished" type announcement trumpettes.

Robert Mueller’s Team Says Report Had More Troubling Details About trump Than William Barr Revealed

Investigators on Robert Mueller’s team are vexed at Attorney General William Barr’s characterization of the special counsel’s report. They say Barr “failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry,” The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

Hours later, The Washington Post corroborated this account, reporting that some members of Mueller’s team had expressed frustration at the attorney general’s March 24 summary to Congress in which he absolved president donald trump of any obstruction of justice.

Well, more fuel to get that entire report released, huh?   :D

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by WebsterMark on 04/04/19 at 06:46:51

Interesting that nothing leaked before hand about Trump's innocence, but now 'team members' (many partisan Dems among them) are leaking tidbits.....

Title: Re: 45 FTW!!
Post by T And T Garage on 04/04/19 at 08:20:06

152720313627300F233029420 wrote:
Interesting that nothing leaked before hand about Trump's innocence, but now 'team members' (many partisan Dems among them) are leaking tidbits.....

"trump's innocence"?  Not sure those two words ever go together.  ;D

Suffice it to say, when (not if) the full, unredacted report comes out - we'll see all the details.  I believe firmly that he obstructed justice.  I also believe that his campaign colluded with russia (maybe not him directly, but his campaign staff - most definitely).

I guess we'll see... » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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