General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Bout attitudes......

Message started by raydawg on 02/21/19 at 08:25:03

Title: Bout attitudes......
Post by raydawg on 02/21/19 at 08:25:03

You see, our attitude is our mind.
In effect, it can translate much of what our senses relay.

Like me, "profound" hearing loss since infancy, without amplification, it lacks the capacity to feed me everything "normal" hearing affords others. I often react/reply, to another persons question that is not even close....
And I wonder why I get weird eyes are good, btw  :D

If they didn't stop the conversation right there, asking me what in the heck I meant.....then both of us lost out at the gift of expression, and exchange, and go forward based on ignorance.

I now left them with a impression, or attitude, about me, that wasn't based in truth, but misconceptions.....we both lose out with such a scenario

It’s not tangible—it's something we control, our attitude,
and have a choice over.

Surgeons can open you up and do brain surgery, but no surgeon can open you up to see your mind, let alone do surgery on it, only YOU CAN.

My part, for years, I had no idea I had a hearing problem, I had nothing to compare it to, as if  heard good, then noticed I couldn't....

I developed the technique of guessing what others were saying, meaning, instead of asking them to please repeat, etc......

I stopped that early on as some folks would get irritated, and as a kid, I knew better than to invite that...YIKES.
I am pretty certain I would have been labeled ADD, for just not paying attention...but this was way back before they started on medication, etc,.

So, my "attitude" toward lots of things were based on falsehood.

Factor that in with gathering input/information based elsewhere on summation, assumptions, opinions, etc, by others, I had then in effect forfeited my own senses and defaulted to those of others.....which then shaped my attitude, rightly, or wrongly......

That is why I am all screwed up  ;D

Anyway.....attitude is way more than the toxic expression so many appear to hide behind, its also a valuable link to investigate oneself at finding many riddles (WHAT DID THEY SAY?)  to the things that plague us with neediness, anger, resentments, etc, which block us off from our natural joy.......

DID YOU HEAR ME?   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Bout attitudes......
Post by Eegore on 02/21/19 at 16:13:49

"It’s not tangible—it's something we control, our attitude,
and have a choice over."

 I agree, however I notice that a number of people consider emotion and attitude to be different to a degree of not being able to control emotion.  As in I can have a good attitude, but someone else can do something that makes me angry, and that emotion is beyond my control, and as such my attitude will suffer.

 My personal thoughts are that emotion is a factor that contributes but does not have to influence attitude.  Both of which are within our control, we see this every day by professionals in public service industry.

Title: Re: Bout attitudes......
Post by raydawg on 02/21/19 at 16:32:26

My personal thoughts are that emotion is a factor that contributes but does not have to influence attitude.

Oh man, I love how you stated that...... I'm stealing it  ;D

Title: Re: Bout attitudes......
Post by LostArtist on 02/21/19 at 16:35:35

are people not allowed to express emotion?

or are we only allowed to be whatever attitude YOU see as the correct attitude?  

are we less human, less respectable, less true, if we show passion towards something in the form of anger or excitement or sadness or , or , or ......

are we only allowed to talk like robots and have a "positive" attitudes...

isn't that tyranny?

Title: Re: Bout attitudes......
Post by raydawg on 02/21/19 at 17:12:13

Not sure where you came to that conclusion......????

Our emotions serve a wide variety of purposes.
Emotions can be fleeting, persistent, powerful, complex, and even life-changing. They can motivate us to act in particular ways and give us the tools and resources we need to interact meaningfully in our social worlds.

Lets use a current topic to illustrate emotions gone astray....

Do you think Jussie Smollett's emotion served him well?

Do you think those who reacted quickly to the news story when first reported waited for facts, or acted out of emotions?

I try and use my emotions to raise my awareness of myself, in how and why I feel a certain way, in any given circumstance.
Is it clarifying it, or adding to it, my thoughts and actions, or muddying my thoughts with more uncertainties and confusion....if yes, then I try not and react, under those circumstances.

Does that help?

Title: Re: Bout attitudes......
Post by Eegore on 02/21/19 at 18:12:47

"Not sure where you came to that conclusion......????"

 I am wondering the same thing.

"They can motivate us to act in particular ways and give us the tools and resources we need to interact meaningfully in our social worlds."

 This is a pretty easy way to say it.  Not all emotion is bad, a joke that makes you laugh is good.  However a joke at someone's expense may not be, depending on your point of view.  So is the emotional response of laughter from a joke good?  Is the anger response from the person the joke is about bad?  There's a lot of variables there.

"are people not allowed to express emotion?"

 They are.  Nobody has said emotions are forbidden, restricted, not-allowed, excluded from public or private exhibition, or any other form of impairment.

"or are we only allowed to be whatever attitude YOU see as the correct attitude?"

 I've never stated that there is a "correct" attitude.  I have no opinion on what anyone's attitude is but mine, specifically in regards to this forum.  I have an assessment of how I feel emotion influences but does not dictate attitude.  That is in its entirety the scope of that assessment.

"are we only allowed to talk like robots and have a "positive" attitudes... "

 No.  I never said that, you did.  I have not encouraged, suggested, implied, dictated, or otherwise attempted to influence the communication type of anyone on this forum.  Any attitude is allowed by the forum rules and as such is my reference for what should or should not be placed on them.  

"isn't that tyranny?"
 Only if it is enforced.  To my knowledge I have not suggested any communication type here.  Ever.  If anyone here is aware of a situation where I have made a recommendation regarding what or how people should type on this forum I would be willing to look it over.


Title: Re: Bout attitudes......
Post by raydawg on 02/22/19 at 09:27:51

Thanks Eegore, appreciate your response.....  :)

Mike, I am thinking maybe this will help too.....????

You as a artist, your talent is expressed with emotions, and the finished product is the resulting.

Your feeling/emotions is the root from where ALL interpretations spring forth.....yes?

Now a "good" artist, one who can "market" his expressions, needs other tools as well to generate a lifestyle that will allow him to stay in that place where he/she can continue to create and express those emotions.

Now the "artist" must decide "for themselves" if "commercializing" their work enhances their abilities to create more, or subtract from it.....

I can't tell you which.....society might say something like this: WTF, you can make $$$$ doing that, and not having to work a 9 to 5'ver, thats a slam dunk....!!"

But just because their opinion is based more on money, than perhaps why the artist creates in the first place, makes neither "emotion/feeling" wrong, no, just different based on their needs and perspective.....

Does that make any sense....I'm not sure  :-/ » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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