General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.

Message started by eau de sauvage on 11/14/18 at 23:07:28

Title: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/14/18 at 23:07:28

No, this is not a joke, he really said that while launching into another one of his crazypants conspiracies.

“When people get in line that have absolutely no right to vote and they go around in circles. Sometimes they go to their car, put on a different hat, put on a different shirt, come in and vote again. Nobody takes anything.

He also called for new national ID laws with a bizarre assertion: “If you buy a box of cereal – you have a voter ID.”

wtf does 'nobody takes anything' even mean.

I don't think it has dawned on him yet that the Democrats are in charge of the House and nobody give a fcuk anymore about his off the wall troll comments. It's not even January yet.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by Eegore on 11/15/18 at 06:45:01

 I find it interesting that someone that lives in a country that is minimally influenced by Trump by comparison is so vocal about his interactions.

 Do you do business in the US or something?  I'm not "trolling" or otherwise attempting to place value good or bad into the presentations you make here, I am genuinely curious as I do not have any associates overseas that are invested in Trump beyond how his policies directly impact their business.


Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by Serowbot on 11/15/18 at 08:45:39

I think American politics is like an unbelievable soap opera to the rest of the world,... with elements of a train wreck that you just can't look away from.
And, amongst the insanity, people know what happens here has influence in the rest of the world.

Why do we watch reality shows?... ;D

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by T And T Garage on 11/15/18 at 10:55:53

I was going to post something similar to Eau.  He beat me to the punch.

Eegore - good question.

Additionally, I think Sero has a point.  We've become a reality TV show to the rest of the world.

I guess it fits - we have a reality TV show host for a president...

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/15/18 at 12:43:47

Eegore, er you *are* trolling, because you know full well, that the US has dragged Australia into more than one war. That's just one point. Australia is very closely aligned with the US and decision they make directly affect they sycophants in this country. When Trump empowers some of the most dangerous authoritarian leaders in the world, he makes the world more dangerous for everyone.

We now live in a global village, which is ironic as the US is now pushing a nationalist agenda. To feign surprise that the world pays attention to nutty things the US does is disingenuous. Remember that it was the US who pushed for the invasion of Iraq, a decision that was not really theirs to call, but call it they did and the world is not a more dangerous place for everyone.

What is the point of this thread I started, why is cornflakes relevant to me. Well I hoped it would be obvious but I'm going to explain anyway. The quote is just another example that the leader of the currently most powerful nation on Earth, is as has been pointed out continuously, 'unhinged'.

But for me personally the most damaging aspect of Trump's chaotic and weird presidency is his misogyny, which is exactly the root cause of all the world's problems. Note how few women post on these boards. This is a microcosm of the larger world. The disenfranchisement of women. In politics and in life. So we now have the ludicrous situation where three people come into this thread who are not the usual suspects specifically to call me out on my 'interest' in 'your' country.

And I will note Eegore, that you also came in to a thread of mine some time ago to complain that I start too many threads for you to be able to put your valuable time into answering them. Which again was just you trolling while pretending that you were not trolling, as you have no qualm with endless bullsh!t threads started by you know who.

Also these are only reports from your own newspapers and these newspapers seek an international audience because once again I say the world is now a global village. As an example that comes to mind, the recent relocation of the US consulate to Jerusalem, has caused a bit of a kerfuffle between Indonesia and Australia.

Then there's the defence agreements, and the visa reciprocity where Australia enjoys special status with the US, that apparently the Irish are now trying to muscle their way into.

Far more curious to me is why this particular forum as opposed to any other forum that I would participate in allows, and has allowed and will continue to allow personal attacks as a normal part of the forum. I find that very strange especially considering this is a biking forum.

But if you three would like me to fcuk off the forum then I'm happy to do that.

One more thought on this,

The US has spend decades claiming to be the moral voice of the world, claiming to be the beacon of democracy, claiming to be the World's police. The leaders of free trade the antithesis of authoritarian regimes, the builder of alliances, and now you have elected a leader who abrogates all of this and you think it's no concern of the rest of the world? What are you going to do when Trump is gone, is the US going to say 'you can trust us again'. It will take decades to regain that trust, it won't all go back to normal when Trump is gone.

You voice concerns about a women's right to choose, but you allow a corrupt GOP to stack the courts for decades to come. In many ways the US is displaying the very traits of the country's that it has so long denigrated.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by T And T Garage on 11/15/18 at 12:54:05

I enjoy your posts Eau.  I'd recommend that you stay.

But I too was curious as to why an Australian would want or care to post here.

Thanks for the clarification.

(what's sad is that you have a better handle on the goings on here than many of my fellow countrymen...)

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/15/18 at 12:59:35

OK thanks TT,

I was just going to add as another example that when Trump empowers white nationalists and Nazis in the US he empowers those same people all over the world.

I am not angry at Trump I'm angry that an incompetent bumbling fool like him can be allowed to do so much damage. However I try to keep a perspective on this because as John Maynard Keynes said 'in the long run, we're all dead'. Therefore I'd prefer just to take a step back and observe the inherent humour in this madness. So I hope that answers sufficiently why I post the type of articles I do, which I might point out are generally from US sources

Trump is making lunacy, normal. Take the Jim Acosta incident, Huckerbee Sanders tried to claim he 'put his hands on an intern', using a doctored video obtained from the Infowars nut jobs. That is currently being argued in court and the WH is not claiming that any longer.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by T And T Garage on 11/15/18 at 13:05:57

7D6F7B786F696B0E0 wrote:
OK thanks TT,

I was just going to add as another example that when Trump empowers white nationalists and Nazis in the US he empowers those same people all over the world.

I am not angry at Trump I'm angry that an incompetent bumbling fool like him can be allowed to do so much damage. However I try to keep a perspective on this because as John Maynard Keynes said 'in the long run, we're all dead'. Therefore I'd prefer just to take a step back and observe the inherent humour in this madness.

You're lucky you're able to step back and observe.  Us folks living here in the US, have to hear this stuff every single day.  And every day I still find it tough to believe that anyone would be happy with trump as our president.  

But, complacency/apathy got us here - so we have to take our lumps.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by MnSpring on 11/15/18 at 13:23:35

11031714030507620 wrote:
OK thanks TT,
I was just going to add as another example that when Trump empowers white nationalists and Nazis in the US he empowers those same people all over the world. I am not angry at Trump I'm angry that an incompetent bumbling fool like him can be allowed to do so much damage. However I try to keep a perspective on this because as John Maynard Keynes said 'in the long run, we're all dead'. Therefore I'd prefer just to take a step back and observe the inherent humour in this madness. So I hope that answers sufficiently why I post the type of articles I do, which I might point out are generally from US sources  Trump is making lunacy, normal. Take the Jim Acosta incident, Huckerbee Sanders tried to claim he 'put his hands on an intern', using a doctored video obtained from the Infowars nut jobs. That is currently being argued in court and the WH is not claiming that any longer.

eds, that post was SO good,
It sounded just like tt was
talking to him/herself.

Great Job !

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/15/18 at 13:59:28


I'll be expecting you to weigh in on Mn's typical troll post, please explain why you don't comment on those endless types of post that only serve to troll the forum.

I tingle with anticipation at your considered reply.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/15/18 at 14:07:18

I tingle with anticipation at your considered reply.

I hear Harbor Freight has a sale on knee pads.      

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by Eegore on 11/15/18 at 14:23:45

"And I will note Eegore, that you also came in to a thread of mine some time ago to complain that I start too many threads for you to be able to put your valuable time into answering them. Which again was just you trolling while pretending that you were not trolling, as you have no qualm with endless bullsh!t threads started by you know who."

 Incorrect.  I was not complaining as I indicated when you started insulting me by asking you, respectfully, a question.  I was asking a question about if you wanted researched replies on all topics, that was it.  That was the totality of the reason for me asking you a question, I have not insulted, trolled, or otherwise attempted to emotionally invest myself into any forum member here, you are no exception.

 Also on more than one occasion I have confronted individuals who post on here, wait 45 minutes and start insulting people because they didn't get a reply.  Multiple occasions I have done this.  On more than one occasion I have referenced that people sleep, and as such may not be able to reply to some erratic post at 2am.  On multiple occasions I have done this.

 As for this topic it makes more sense as to why you bring these subject matters up here.  Thank you for your clarification as I did not consider that Australia had no choice regarding joining wars with the US among other influences.  

 As for Trump's statements, where I am from people just dismiss most of what he says anymore.  ID's for Cornflakes is just another stupid thing the President said that isn't going to happen is basically the attitude, but that's just the people I am around.  Policy in writing however is a different story.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/15/18 at 14:53:45


"Thank you for your clarification as I did not consider that Australia had no choice regarding joining wars with the US among other influences."  

You're not only trolling but you're a sly troll too, as the above quote shows. I could question the obvious sarcasm and the implicit stupidity inherent in that statement. But then I'd have to hear your unctuous explanations.

In my opinion you are the most absolutely boorish troll I've seen on any forum anywhere. And I mean that sincerely. The reason is that, while my feeling on JoG, Mn, Wm etc are so obvious that I need not state them, at least there is an honesty in their dishonesty if that makes sense. No one else on these boards except for you tries to troll without committing yourself. Then when called on it, you give one of your standard bullsh!t replies that tend to keep everyone happy.

You attempt to cultivate a veneer of equanimity. But really you're just a sly troll. I'm just calling you on it. You have most people fooled into thinking you are the voice of reason. But you're just a sly little troll. I'd much prefer to engage with WM, JoG and Mn, than yourself. When JoG doesn't abuse as he's now decided to do, then it's possible to engage with him, you on the other hand are as slippery as a greased eel.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/15/18 at 14:54:04

exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

Take him

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/15/18 at 14:59:04

213E383F22251424142C3E32794B0 wrote:
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

Take him

JoG, obviously he cannot do it, but equally obviously it's not really hyperbole, it's just a really really weird thing to say. And what Trump has succeeded in doing is making the exceedingly weird seem normal.

Like Trump or loathe him, his trashing of all norms of etiquette is not what we expect of a person in his position. Trump wants to normalise trashing the office of the DoJ and the FBI. It will take a decade to undo the damage he's done to American Institutions.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by T And T Garage on 11/15/18 at 14:59:39

657A7C7B6661506050687A763D0F0 wrote:
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

Take him

When.  Is there a guidebook?  How the hell are we to know when he's being serious???

Why is it OK for this president to ever not be taken seriously when speaking in public??

You let all his sh!t slide right off your back, but then feel the need to berate posters on here...

If this were a dem, you'd be all over him/her.  How f-ing convenient.

But since this is your boy, you defend him to the Nth degree with skin thinner than an onion...

Tell us jog - who's the snowflake here, huh?

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/15/18 at 15:09:19


I decided to FINALLY chime in on the ridiculous agitation over NOTHING.
You lefties are so entertaining.
Waah, Waah, Waah,, always looking for the tiniest thing to get your assup between your shoulder blades.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/15/18 at 15:14:26

@ JoG,

But the point is that Trump has made trash talking normal. He's not some random internet person on a forum he's the frikken leader of the most powerful nation on Earth, although that's not going to be able to be sustained as the latest report on the US military has noted... This makes for sobering reading.

The National Defense Strategy Commission was tasked by Congress to give an independent, non-partisan review of the Trump administration's defence strategy.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by T And T Garage on 11/15/18 at 15:25:17

524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 wrote:

I decided to FINALLY chime in on the ridiculous agitation over NOTHING.
You lefties are so entertaining.
Waah, Waah, Waah,, always looking for the tiniest thing to get your assup between your shoulder blades.

Wait... are we supposed to take you serious, or not?...

Tell you what, I'll avoid complications and never take you serious, m'kay?

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/15/18 at 16:09:23

No change

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by Serowbot on 11/15/18 at 16:24:40

405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 wrote:
Take him

Yes, we have to take what he says seriously,.. because he's the President, and what he says matters.
...and no,.. we can't take him literally because he's a lying, idiot, manbaby, that often spouts gibberish, and offensive things.

This is unfortunate, because while we Americans know he's a bizarre joke,... much of the rest of the world might think he's a real President.  
Like a real, grown-up, sensible, person.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/15/18 at 17:28:49

2D3B2C31293C312A5E0 wrote:
[quote author=405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 link=1542265648/0#13 date=1542322444]
Take him

Yes, we have to take what he says seriously,.. because he's the President, and what he says matters.
...and no,.. we can't take him literally because he's a lying, idiot, manbaby, that often spouts gibberish, and offensive things.

This is unfortunate, because while we Americans know he's a bizarre joke,... much of the rest of the world might think he's a real President.  
Like a real, grown-up, sensible, person.

That is an unfortunately dangerous position to take. This is what we were warned of right when he took office. Everyone hoped for the best, hoped that the office would civilise him a bit. That the career professionals would guide him. However when he instantly revealed himself as president to be none other than the Donald Trump he always was, it was understood that his egregiously over top stupidity was meant to numb us.

With that in mind the general opinion was that however much horror, lies and disrespect he shows for US institutions that at least in theory are non political, that this presidency is very much *not* normal. And his antics, misogyny, anger, racist dog whistles and white power enabling actions, would never be allowed to become 'normalised'.

However even the most pessimistic at the time could never have believed that he would praise lunatics like Kim and Dutuerte, and give them the respect they crave, not to mention his continual ability to find ever newer depths to sink to. So it has not been difficult to maintain the rage, as it were.

It's worth remembering that he has been enabled and empowered to do this by the gutless, spineless, lying, 'for the rich', GOP. For their own reasons. For McConnell it was simply part of his grand vision to stack the court with blatantly right wing Justices, whose lifetime appointments will live long after those in the GOP are long buried.

Sacha Baron Cohen, was a joke, Trump is a frikken nightmare. However I'm with David Lynch when he said ...

"Trump could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history..."

Trump, like the idiot he is, quoted Lynch in his twitter feed not realising, or more likely unable to comprehend the subtle point Lynch was making, which was that Trump holds up a mirror to the creeping ugliness infesting politics all over the world.

The proof that he was necessary is the effect his extreme brand of hateful misogyny has on the Mid Terms, with unprecedented numbers of women entering politics. There's talk of Texas turning blue.

EDIT: just saw this

Another good side effect of Trump. highest voter turnout for a mid term in over 100 years.

You can now see that apart from installing judges who'll back the religious right, the next most important GOP agenda is disenfranchising voters. Either by direct intervention or Gerrymandering. And in fact these two coalesce when you have Judges backing Gerrymandering which happened a few months ago.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by mpescatori on 11/16/18 at 00:41:42

293B2F2C3B3D3F5A0 wrote:
No, this is not a joke, he really said that while launching into another one of his crazypants conspiracies.

“When people get in line that have absolutely no right to vote and they go around in circles. Sometimes they go to their car, put on a different hat, put on a different shirt, come in and vote again. Nobody takes anything.

He also called for new national ID laws with a bizarre assertion: “If you buy a box of cereal – you have a voter ID.”

wtf does 'nobody takes anything' even mean.

I don't think it has dawned on him yet that the Democrats are in charge of the House and nobody give a fcuk anymore about his off the wall troll comments. It's not even January yet.

I would like to go back to the original post.

What Eau de Savage notes is the hard truth.

The US may claim to be one of the oldest Republics on Earth, but that does not make them one of the oldest democracies.

In Europe - where most nations were "enforced" to veer from Constitutional Monarchy to Republic after WW2 - the Citizen has a Town Hall to refer to, and the Municipality has services such as the Civic Registry, which records births, deaths, marriage, residence and enrols all adult citizens in the Draft Roll.
This means, among things that the Citizen can go and ask for an ID card which is valid throughout Europe, and is entitled to an "Electoral Certificate" which specifies name and address of the Bearer.
A Driver's Licenses is not a valid form of ID.

Hence, one cannot go and vote unless he/she will provide a valid form of identification (ID Card / Passport, not your Kelloggs Drivers License) and the Electoral Certificate, which will be stamped as proof of vote and can only be used once per voting event.

All the above means the individual can only vote once, in the Polling Station of his neighborhood, and no more.

We use paper voting slips and "Dye pencils" which are non-erasable and not available on the common market - just so one cannot produce a ready-made voting slip out of his pocket.

Counting ballots is the easiest thing in the world and there are no computers to rig or russians to distract from their vodka.

Regards,  8-)

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by WebsterMark on 11/16/18 at 06:37:52

But how would Democrats cheat if we did that?

Georgia and Florida Dems are making up rules as they go.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by verslagen1 on 11/16/18 at 08:57:43

64766261767072170 wrote:
@ JoG,

But the point is that Trump has made trash talking normal. He's not some random internet person on a forum he's the frikken leader of the most powerful nation on Earth, although that's not going to be able to be sustained as the latest report on the US military has noted... This makes for sobering reading.

The National Defense Strategy Commission was tasked by Congress to give an independent, non-partisan review of the Trump administration's defence strategy.

Enlarge US forces so they can fight two wars, as they are currently only capable of fighting one

Are you kidding?

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/16/18 at 09:59:52

Please read and remember.
I've been saying for years that we don't need to
Rebuild a military that is funded by more money than the next several nations militaries combined.
I don't know which military ventures we have been involved in that we Should have been.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by verslagen1 on 11/16/18 at 12:10:50

I guess we should spend twice as much money as long as we don't drag them into any wars.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/16/18 at 12:50:31

392A3D3C232E282A217E4F0 wrote:

Enlarge US forces so they can fight two wars, as they are currently only capable of fighting one

Are you kidding?

Hey I'm just the messenger.

However with China and Russia both going big on military and with the US seemingly in perpetual war somewhere or other, it does make sense that if the military cannot fight two conventional wars that they are going to get into some bother, or they might feel the need to use strategic nuclear weapons.

I'm not privy to top secret intelligence information as JoG apparently is but it's normal for an arms race to escalate, as each side tries to nullify the defence capabilities of the other side.

This is where the US's alienation of it's traditional allies has got everyone thinking about tooling up more.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/16/18 at 17:14:49

I'm not privy to top secret intelligence information as JoG apparently i


Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by Eegore on 11/17/18 at 07:02:24

 Nice, "boorish" and an "eel", those are new ones for me.  I have another post up on the office wall, I need to throw yours up there too.

 I think you will find offense if you are looking for it.  All I do is respectfully engage in conversation, obviously something you will refuse to do with me, but lack of respectful exchange is pretty normal here.

Title: Re: Trump wants ID to buy a box of cornflakes.
Post by MnSpring on 11/18/18 at 08:09:32

796471677775607B667D140 wrote:
A Driver's Licenses is not a valid form of ID.

Hence, one cannot go and vote unless he/she will provide a valid form of identification (ID Card / Passport, not your Kelloggs Drivers License) and the Electoral Certificate, which will be stamped as proof of vote and can only be used once per voting event.

All the above means the individual can only vote once, in the Polling Station of his neighborhood, and no more.

One major group in the US wants to do exactaly that.

Another major group, spends 5 times more money, on, 'get out the Vote' affairs.
Than it would, paying for a Birth Certificate for the indigent that cannot afford it. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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