General Category >> The Cafe >> What a day !

Message started by Ruttly on 10/20/18 at 17:03:51

Title: What a day !
Post by Ruttly on 10/20/18 at 17:03:51

Busy day today , a day off. Brakes on my truck making a noise, so I do a pad slap and decide to rotate tires too. Then start cleaning the garage but then not feeling well had wife call 911, whee a ambulance ride. 2 heart attacks and a surgery. Up & walking. Guess my work here isn't done yet. One busy day , think I need so time off !

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by norm92de on 10/20/18 at 17:32:00

So sorry to hear about your problem. There is life after a heart issue.

Take care of yourself.

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by MMRanch on 10/20/18 at 17:33:05


Are you sure your old enough to have Heart Attacks ?

So I'm going to forget about cleaning the garage if that's how it ends.[ch128516]

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by verslagen1 on 10/20/18 at 17:35:52

back to work... you need the rest.   ;D

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by engineer on 10/20/18 at 18:04:20

Sorry to hear about your heart!  Glad you can get up move about, amazing what they do these days.  Have a good recovery and keep us informed.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by stewmills on 10/20/18 at 18:17:33

Dang! I cleaned the garage today and actually have the pads to change the brakes on my truck. So glad I skipped the brake job today and averted a heart attack too!

Get well! PBR stock can’t afford for you to be on the wagon too long.

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by GOF on 10/20/18 at 18:50:03

I am showing this to my wife. The life you saved may be mine.

Be careful and have a quick recovery.

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Ed L. on 10/20/18 at 18:55:42

Thanks for the warning about cleaning the garage, dodged that bullet this weekend also. Get better and live well :)

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by sandmanred on 10/21/18 at 04:46:52

Wishing you a speedy and full recovery.  

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Ruttly on 10/21/18 at 09:49:37

Thanks guys , I get moved out of ICU today and maybe go home Monday ! Then start my second chance at Life.

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Serowbot on 10/21/18 at 13:57:33

Take care, Ruttly...
We need you here... 8-)

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Dave on 10/21/18 at 17:11:39

WOW.....scary stuff!

I am often amazed by how fragile life is......we go like crazy and keep doing stuff day by day by day - then the next day your whole life can change (or end) instantly without any advance notice.

Glad you made it through and get a second chance!

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by MMRanch on 10/21/18 at 20:18:19

yea , what Dave said : *2

So many places to ride and so little time !    Just try to get at least one ride in a day !  ;)

Oh yea , let's see … how did that saying go … Oh-Yea , " A ride a day -keeps the Dr's away"  , or was that only true in Psychiatry ?  ;D

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Ruttly on 10/21/18 at 21:36:54

I may need to adopt that ride a day thing just to relieve some stress !
Out of ICU and hope to go home to the worried sick wife and my trusty Chihuahua on Monday. Some time off of work is badly needed. Overtime this year has been heavy 60 to 70 hrs a week. Time to take care of myself!

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by jcstokes on 10/21/18 at 22:56:37

Some medical "study???" claimed motorcycling was beneficial to general health, but not neccessarily accidents. If you hadn't been a motorcyclist, the heart attack may have killed you.

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by DieselBob on 10/22/18 at 05:46:09

Do take that time off Ruttly. The work will be there when you're back. Take good care of yourself.

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by MMRanch on 10/22/18 at 07:49:01


If your Dr. will recommend you don't go back to work , then how much SS do you draw ?   I understand that Medical Retirement pays more than Reg. retirement does , and you are allowed to make a little extra on the side without any loosing anything.  
You can find pamphlets at your SS office that explains all that.   Better yet call them and make an appointment to speak to one of their specialist.   Just say , "I'm recovering from a Double Heart Attack and I'd like to know if SS can help me financially" .    
Heck , they are giving our money to all kind of foreigners that never even put anything into the pot .    Your 65 years old and payed in a long time now.  

Just Saying !  :-?

Going ridding everyday is better for your Heart than going into  a work environment .     Especially if you have a ridding buddy .  ;)

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by springman on 10/22/18 at 09:00:25

That's it. I am not cleaning the garage!!!

Get well soon Ruttly!

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Ruttly on 10/23/18 at 23:28:04

Today I was out and about just very slowly and a bottle of nitro pills in my pocket. A totally strange/emotional experience just driving thru town to go pickup a old guitar I had repaired. A very near death experience will change your outlook on life. As well as all of those around you. I'm one very lucky guy , 2 of the doctors told my wife I had just minutes left. And then both of those doctors were totally shocked to see me walking around the ICU room with all those tubes and cords hanging all over me just 30 minutes later. Got a round of applause the following day from the ICU staff when I walked out of their department.
I kinda believe all my ducks were in a row or all the planets were aligned or a divine intervention got me to the hospital in time. So let me recap what happened so you know what to do ! Once I realized something wasn't right,I told my wife I was ill and I was going to drive myself to the hospital, she said she would call my daughter to take me(wife doesn't like to drive) onset symptoms getting worse by the minute then I said just call 911 now.
At this point my only symptom full body sweat and minor disorientation , then a rush to the toilet. EMS already beating on the front door( in under 3 minutes from 911 call) in the ambulance in 2 minutes. Told EMS to take me to hospital 2 miles away, once he verified I was having a heart attack he said no we are going to St Joes in Stockton 35 /40 miles away, light n sirens. In route had me chew up 4 baby aspirin and then a nitro pill. Cardiac team waiting for us at the door,evaluation in ER and then straight to surgery. From 911 call to surgery room an amazing 29 minutes, prep & surgery took between 1 to 1 1/2 hrs.
I did not have typical Hollywood John Wayne heart attack symptoms but every bit as deadly. So I'm no doctor and I don't know all the symptom of stroke or heart attack so take a few minutes and read up on it ! It will save your life. What saved my life was a chain of events where everything went perfect and a bunch super talented folks bent on keeping me alive. However that whole chain of events was set in motion by me saying " Call 911" . Dont even think your man enough to overcome the symptoms , you'll be dead ! Be smart enough to know something is wrong , don't hesitate not one minute , call 911 immediately , every minute counts !

And again thank you all for being stellar members and human beings !
Now go clean your garages without fear just keep a phone near. ;D
All mine needs is yellow tape to make it look like a crime seen !  ;D

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Ruttly on 10/23/18 at 23:50:47

Forgot to mention while in my ICU room I had a wonderful view out the window
Of a cemetery !!!
30 hours staring into a cemetery gives you plenty of time to reflect on what to do with your second chance.

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by GOF on 10/24/18 at 04:28:21

Glad it worked out for you. And amazed you are up and out already!

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by ohiomoto on 10/24/18 at 05:20:36

Holy batpoop!!   That's crazy.  Glad things worked out the way they did and wishing you a speedy and full recovery.  Hopefully, you can re-evaluate your work.  Califonia is intoxicating but the cost of living has to take its toll no???

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/24/18 at 07:38:31

614647475F4A330 wrote:
Forgot to mention while in my ICU room I had a wonderful view out the window
Of a cemetery !!!
30 hours staring into a cemetery gives you plenty of time to reflect on what to do with your second chance.

You Know they reserve that wing for stubborn old men, right?

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by MMRanch on 10/24/18 at 21:55:55

Wow ,

That make me REALLY think !   Me and you were born the same year !

I need to keep the stress in my life down and the good times flowing as much as possible.  :)

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Ruttly on 10/24/18 at 22:34:56

JOG I would like to believe they put me in that room to make me make positive changes in my life to make the best of my 2nd chance ! I know lots of people survive but a lot still don't. Truely a life changing event, guess you had to be there and survive. Can't say I'm glad it happened , but I hope this feeling never wears off ! Looking forward to learning your chicken rustlin skills one day !

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Dave on 10/25/18 at 03:15:05

011301131E0D020F044C0 wrote:
I need to keep the stress in my life down and the good times flowing as much as possible.  :)

JOG.....stay out of the Tall Table.

5F78797961740D0 wrote:
JOG I would like to believe they put me in that room to make me make positive changes in my life to make the best of my 2nd chance ! I know lots of people survive but a lot still don't. Truely a life changing event, guess you had to be there and survive.


I hope your life changing events don't include an Ultra Classic Soft Tail or Fat Bob ?

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by antmanbee on 10/25/18 at 04:26:23

Stress is a factor but not the main factor. Everybody has stress.
It's the food.

I recommend you read these two books.

I read these two books 11 years ago and have been following the advice given. I lost about 40lbs and my BP is now 110/70 and cholesterol of 149.
Been that way now for the last decade. I'm 64 and on no medication.
Both my parents had heart disease and this prompted me to do something about it.

Stents are really only a patch on a systemic problem.

Glad you made it through.

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/25/18 at 16:00:12

Dave, you know I'd stroke out if I couldn't come in here.

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Ruttly on 10/25/18 at 20:44:06

No worries Dave , no plans to get a big H/D , I had a heart attack not a brain reduction !  ;D

Antman you are so right, Stress 10% , Smoking 10% , Bad diet 80%
Backing off all that overtime for sure, Smoked my last cigarette an hour before the heart attacks and am losing the craving,easier everyday ! Next week attending some classes on diet , start walking when doc says its ok then start riding my bicycle,much funner than walking.
I'm getting the wife some heart healthy cookbooks too. She quitting smoking too!

One day at a time , and everyone that gets too close gets a big hug !
I can't seem to figure all this out but nothing has really changed but everything is different ! I really want to ride but that's gonna have to wait.
Maybe I can sneak in a neighborhood putt soon !

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by stewmills on 10/25/18 at 21:03:49

Ruttly, if I make it to Manteca before you’re cleared to ride, we’re going to Walmart in full gear and riding the electric shopping carts until the batteries give out  8-) 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Ruttly on 10/25/18 at 22:26:47

Sounds like big fun , possibly followed with some jail time ! ;D ;D ;D
The canned food isle wouldn't stand a chance , it would look like a 7.0 earthquake hit wallyworld !

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by stewmills on 10/26/18 at 09:57:49

We would have to stop in the bicycle section first and get one of those old microphone siren deals for the handlebars that we had growing up. Gotta be able to harass the other shoppers  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by LANCER on 10/26/18 at 17:03:42

"divine intervention got me to the hospital in time"

Yep, you are exactly right on this one, it was divine intervention.
Nothing happens without HIS approval.  Nothing.
HE put you in that room with the view of the cemetery.
HE set you on your new course.
Pay attention.

In 2011 while riding I left the road for no apparent reason and had what could have been my last ride.  The instant I hit the ground I KNEW it was HIM who had thrown me from my bike, broke my back in several places along with a mess of ribs and a lot of severely bruised internal organs.  I became aware shortly after the impact that I would not die but could very well be paralyzed from the waist down.  It took me over a year to recover to an 80% level and another 6 months before I was really back to normal.  There is still a spot on L-1 vertebrae (the most seriously damaged spot, a compression fracture that nearly broke off a portion of bone that would have likely paralyzed me if it had broken off and cut the spinal cord) that reminds me occasionally of what happened.  It doesn't actuallly HURT but it is very noticeable to me.
HE had warned me 3 times to change my behavior and I tried to ignore the warnings.  It does not pay to ignore HIS warnings.

Hebrews 10:31  
"It is fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living GOD."

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Ruttly on 10/26/18 at 21:01:42

Oh you can bet I'm paying attention ! I've been gifted with the rest of my life !
Met with my primary doctor today , she said quit smoking (done) , quit working every bit of overtime (boss ain't gonna like that) , change my diet to a heart healthy , this will be a challenge but I'll get it done. The picture in my brain of the cemetery is enough motivation to eat less crap. And then just walk or ride a bicycle at least 3 times a week.
NO cigarettes , reduce stress , eat better , exercise and any extra weight should go away! Already lost 6 lbs , hopefully loose another 10 to 15 lbs to lighten the load on my heart.


Title: Re: What a day !
Post by MMRanch on 10/26/18 at 21:02:02

There ya go Ruttly :

Another good thing to come out of your experience ;   Now I'm looking for and wondering what the Good Lord has been trying to point me toward so I don't need to experience an event like you and Lancer had !  ;)

I hope your out and ridding soon , and being more careful than some of those bikers I met last spring at the "Two Wheels of Suches" Ga. last spring !  ::)

Our ride with YouzGuyz in 2018 was a LOT-OF-FUN without the sliding sideways and speedway style running like most of our Dragon Runs turns into.    I'm thinking Slow-Down and enjoy the Company and the Ride might be a good thing to adopt .  :-?     That might be as hard to do as changing your diet ?  :-/

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Ruttly on 10/26/18 at 21:21:12

My butt in the seat and the wind in my face is coming real soon , no back roads blastin just out riding well below redline will be just fine with me.
If your over fifty it's time to have your you heart checked and make sure the pipes are clear , don't wait till your 58 and in an ambulance !

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by MMRanch on 10/26/18 at 21:33:51

I thought you were a 1953 baby ?    Sorry about putting more years on ya before you've got to enjoy them .  :-[

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Ruttly on 10/26/18 at 22:47:37

MM , Above ground and very happy ! Be even happier when I get to retire !

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by LANCER on 10/27/18 at 05:36:13

All your boss should be saying is “we are just happy you are still here & kicking.  Work as you are able.”

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and diabetes in 2000.  The cancer was taken care of with surgery but controlling blood sugar has proved to be difficult for me.   Over time the meds have changed and increased to control blood sugar levels.  I slowly changed my diet but it was not enough or quickly enough to keep the disease from progressing.  I’m not in bad physical condition, medically, since I am still on oral meds and not insulin.  I am thankful for that.  My wife has been on a mission since we married in 2013 and insures I have a very good healthy diet appropriate for a diabetic.  I still eat things occasionally I shouldn’t but am doing better than I did for years.

MM I changed most of my riding style after the accident.  I don’t ride nearly as close to the edge as I did in the past.  Something like that really clears up your vision about our ability to control our life.  The message, “tomorrow is not promised.”

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Ruttly on 10/27/18 at 10:29:27

As an old racer we feel riding the edge all the time is ok , kinda keeps us tuned up , in fact it does keep the skills sharp. But are you as sharp as you think you are ? Racing during you 20's & 30's your very sharp , but now it's about 50's & 60's , years & years of experience but now vision is much more affected by changing light(semi shaded back roads we all love) our eyes reacting slower. Our brains reacting slower , processing information slower than 30 years ago. Our muscles not what they used to be no matter how fit you think you are. So add it up reaction times reduced between eyes and brain , brain and muscles and that aging pea we call our brain struggles to process the information and then send it out. So riding the edge in fact is harder & harder as years go by,we are relying on our years of experience using a obsolete computer to go fast ! As long as you understand that and compensate for it you should be ok. I'm one that loves to ride as fast as the bike and the road let me with a loose flat track style. But even I have recognized degraded reaction times and have adjusted for it. And with recent events in my life I probably going to tone it down another notch. Cause some day I plan to ride your precious " Dragon " with you guys !

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Oldfeller on 10/27/18 at 21:02:33

For me, the pain was simply getting too much, enough that it over-rode the pleasure of riding.   But yes, not being physically able to handle a day long ride was matched by a realization that riding at full pace was simply getting too much for me to keep track of.  

The attention failures were still small, but were present often enough to be giving me a fair warning of what was gonna eventually happen.   So, I gave it up before it killed me.

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by MMRanch on 10/27/18 at 22:48:27

PUTT , PUTT , PUTT    is better than no PUTT , PUTT , PUTT !


Lancer , That Texas ride last May was REALLY GOOD  in my book !  :)

Fast enough to be fun , not , to Fast for Safety .

I might need to do it again next May !  ::)

Well , we did have one mis-hap , but that was a fluke more than a predictible thing .

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by Ruttly on 10/28/18 at 15:42:50

I couldn't stand it no sugar , low sodium , no fried foods , no red meat , low fat this & that , no gmo , low cholesterol , high fiber ! So I snuck out to the garage ( wife was in the shower ) fired up the sportster and was gone.  A almost two hour cruise around town , don't think I broke 4000 rpm once
( might be a first for me ). Rode right by every fast food grease pit & donut shop in town. Wasn't even tempted to stop to eat. Just out for a ride and leave the stress behind. But had to stay in town cause once out of town in farm,orchard,cattle country that 4000 rpm thing would have been done with.
My wife said "I wondered how long not riding was gonna last" with a grin.
I feel renewed and happy to be alive. Blood pressure & heart rate & blood oxygen all perfect. Ride in tomorrow for blood work and turn in my $3900 ambulance bill to insurance while I'm there and run a few errands round town. :)

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by LANCER on 10/28/18 at 15:56:25

;) ;D 8-) ;D

Title: Re: What a day !
Post by springman on 10/29/18 at 19:28:50

Glad you are doing so well Ruttly. And thanks for sharnig. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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